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but whitbow's right behind him and he's already based has the iron spike we're pushing in wave with us here to respond there's the stun grip on his way but we'll just want to take one to dodging away with the blade surgeon wonder almost down has the flash wonder somehow still walking forward straight into the waiting arms of yankos one [Music] looks to try and get to the execute onto roswell but they don't actually kill them let's pause it right here so the the the smite comes down and now everyone from fnatic is all trying to kill razor well look at the baron it's a 55 hp and no one is focusing it down so let's now roll the clip once again i think his e comes through his e actually ends up securing the band keep your eyes on bripo here as you can see him flashing over the wall this is what we in the professional industry would call a little grief what his team needs him to do and now nisky's going to initiate this fight we're going to focus on the teleporters adam will jump into the fray we'll get back to this in just a moment it's fnatic have already found themselves a kill they're on to vanda but vto and they're back they're chasing out upset and adam is coming in from behind these team fights are never ending and they never go well for misfits the shock wave pulls out and backwards teleport available for vto he's on the bottom lane copy's making his way from base the channel is coming in quickness thrown out is jon is knocked he's locked that's a flash away from bto and upset face plants the wall okay immortals they have come to play here they once ordered as well they're going to get him no he crashes dodges the bomb the sacha won't kill through a shield and reyes has no escape ray's that was a mistake let's be clear get goop my friend it's actually oh he's just better than everyone else and mages he does it all flash empowered son there cersei playing bodyguard as best as he can trying to keep spika away revenge has missed the old that was i mean a little shameful uh it sucks for your last game of the year as easy as you believe it to be there was that one loss to them in game number three a powerful ziggs the jungler there to back him up what was your takeaway there well i mean i think kind of a coach to be honest i think you know it's fine to drop a game in best with three budge said on the desk that he thinks it's going to be another 3-0 for c9 what's that i don't know i think fudge is you know you see smoking some good stuff um i think uh it's just a better scenario for you but fnatic they're so good at fighting pigs well can they kill vanda he's able to flash away right now that uncle bought some time plus the exhaust we're both gonna try stand on no problem but he interrupted it doesn't manage to escape instant paws coming out there at 19 15 in the game fnatic reported a bug that potentially stopped viego from teleporting through the ryze alt but league officials have concluded concluded that this is an intended interaction the encore is available when does vander throw it has to be huge here it is not out the realm up is being channeled and jumping right on top of hearing the knock comes back the uncle catches five and we have another pause oh my word are you kidding me here we go nice little ad for pro there that's well played flicks out of it well he's definitely clicking out but that looked kind of strange so league officials have investigated and confirmed that since hillasang was passing out of the ultimate and close to the edge this is an intended interaction let's go guys for north america at worlds here we go though blabbers just walking up for the dive i love the gank the waves said so well fudge shut it up but who's gonna knock it down it's impact baby you cannot stop him oh not gonna be able to commit to it [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna have to flash out of there as finn once again whisks the old deep cloud9 go back they get the wave and they get sven that money yeah they're happy with what they have here but tp coming through from cloud9 contracts camping cobby in the middle lane 123 cs to the 109 of upset copy's been left alone they're not doing that just yet they're trying to make sure that the pit is clear there's no feast just yet for adam ida and vito he might try and kill lobster opposition looking for the auto attacks not gonna die and pgl with yamato and nisky as we go let's also get a preview of tomorrow's series to be honest i didn't watch the mad lanes against youtube okay so that i don't care but i was preferring playing solo queue i don't even know how who he did 76 damage total but jensen hitting the almost 3k is exactly what they need there relmorp's going to show up and avadah is immediately ready to go after tactical he sidesteps some of it but not all of it he's already down and now we're going to see if team liquid can find anything on the back end of the fight fbi does lose his immortal shield problem or jj four man engage on hundred thieves and they will be torn two shreds closer gets one of the very back end but they're gonna take him out to the hero of the day the hero of an a core j j and then this is the big moment core jj flash jumps in with the ultimate on gets all of them with the e snapback as jensen comes through scatter of the week there's not a control mage like a syndrome they are the new standard let's see who locks their spot in the lcs lec summer final next sunday i always think that they stole the trophy that i that i deserve that's true we stole their trophy when i'm playing my best i think that i'm the best editor in your boyfriend there getting ready after having such a stellar performance in game one on that jace of course aided a lot by the fact that elliott humanoid decided to set up a tent in his lane just keeps rolling around to help out these solar laners which are the wing conditions for mad lion's arm it's going to turn out to hold walnut here and push he's a tank dps mage wizard assassin it's on poke coming out shouldn't be lower they're gonna run down mid they're bringing in the minions and they're sprinting at the olympics ended as well we're here with our name and what the song should keep yourself alive and some are doing so much work i summer doing so much work down towards the bottom yeah yeah locked up inspire he's gonna get the kill off towards the top side as well and uh he has to do so much here cars he's trying to damage it as well almond gets the kill inspired and lost and still chasing it on yoyo what can you do can you get a stun down around rogue win the fight but the ga saved his life he sold it now and he still what and just after praising him on someone makes such a big mistake that he may have cost his team the game he and i still alive here and summer's dead trippy's gonna go down as well as fire jumps across the wall but trippy's down we're all tied up here going into our uh we'll call it second half of the series i know it's not quite there but you know what i'm rounding up so we can wait does did that shopkeeper just bonked that yak on the head do you ever notice that i did not catch it i didn't see a thing my head was turned somebody called peter the stop the keeper's beating up the yak what do you think team liquid needs to do just to be able to break the confidence that hundred thieves is building kill the enemy nexus everything in the solo lanes par for the course with teleports ready to go as oh we already got the engage here in the bottom lane tactical getting engaged on as everybody's got the focus fbi's got a lot of spears in him though and he's got to be careful tactical with the flash over the wall or fbi auto attack for auto attack i'll see you in hell [Music] i don't think arm's worth much either he is 0-3-0 right now okay your two is falling as well wow roker gonna get oh hang on tp flying coming in humanoid looking forward to warming up oh it's gonna hit him we got a veritable william tell on the rift here as hans summer as mccarthy sorry hits it from downtown el yoyo will get the shut down onto odor what a shot as we go to a break let's have a preview of that series g2 versus fnatic i caught it you ruined everything and i was telling my team if you guys want to win this game you should kill jace at least once okay and i think karzi did he's like best gameplay he old he hit adult like instagrams it never happened before so this win does mean that the mad lions lock at least top two we're not playing you officially cannot get stuck in the plane ozzy on his lonesome killed off by hansel but don't get cocky now because by the way remember we have cars in our team okay [Music] it was an upset for them to win or rather to be beaten by tl oh oh that sucks for blabber the early smite oh yeah blabber is gonna get flanked he has a varus nearby he wears summoners in an ultimate and hey now blabbers on a control one so he feels safe he doesn't feel safe spika is in there shockwave misses and just barely the man lives has looking good and tsm though looking for a bit more perks uh that minion yeah you are uh i think that was an intentional execute because there's a tv behind him yeah no pee wee holding the wave minions are in though hitting the turret turrets getting low and perks gets his revenge [Music] i know that you can call him back yeah i'm gonna have to agree with valley on this one uh g232 [Laughter] [Applause] three one instead of the three two the copium the coffiam wow jakkus is happy with that oh hilasana playing so aggressive going for every single q hits another one to mickey no heal reckless cleanses thinking he had heal fanatic still have heal attacks looking for more mickey oh they both flash meaning that he couldn't then get out of the fight six kills to five on the scoreline it's still a thousand gold lead here just hitting each they wanted to fight or get a baron at the very least because tick tock was on the clock and g2 put the party on stop oh they're gonna find a slow isn't it enough fudge as he builds the fury can go to level six make it all perks just lifts the ulti man really perks just over extending and trying to get out one of the few ways potentially back in for cloud9 we know oh he sidesteps it depending on how quickly they kill those dragons but c9 looking like they might want to take a fight look for the queue lost gonna flash that one again finds the stun there's gonna be a lot of cc it's not ulti across but they will still knock down the nautilus a third comes in for zven it's 12 to four and tsm they can buy a ross but they can't buy a win i think game one they didn't do any anything actually i just like through the game completely by ultimate so for example after that i was like wow okay it might be a long series because i'm just running it down it's funny because we didn't plan on playing that really in this game really this kind of happened when they picked ryze first pick we're like whoa this guy picked rice he doesn't play rice right so we thought there's no way this is allowed you can pick rice into dinner really so perks and byron were like breaking down earlier then amity goes like what guys uh no we're not and then they're like yeah we are and then fudge picks bars because he's confused and then we're like um now we're here so it was more a spur at the moment under thieves i think has shown a couple things in the postseason that we're lacking in those final weeks of regular season play uh just one more time give me a couple of your thoughts ahead of that matchup i mean they're just a merge company right so i think buy the ultimate from the uh the the pipe this is like freeze frame before disaster strikes because the problem for fnatic is they're now splitting themselves up right down the middle this bottom half is going to be separated from these three right here and on first glance this looks really good for the side of fnatic and the ward on his own red will spot that weapon when he goes towards it and again like you said top lane so much trading wondering [Music] adam just kills him g2 just trying to make a pick here trying to catch out hillary will he fall for it pleasure as he often does if you lose you're out yeah you know how it works mcdonald's playoffs to make wells exactly don't make playoffs for you i mean reckless said earlier today he said this is all that matters to me well wunder is alone in top he has flash so he should be okay i think whipple's just covering this wave for crash adam building up that passive as well we'll pull one to back with wonder waiting on his all right adam goes in item underneath the tower he's gonna die wonder he's gonna tp back here at the force wonder off another wave maybe he can get the kill wonders being really greedy here wonder going in with hexagonal domain what was that adam both these teams paying respect mostly in this top side is where we've seen the kills and adam going on to wonder once again just a bit short on the decimate there can still trade in of course the pastor gives you a lot he's going to pull him back to the upper hand there we go guillotine is looking for a pick here yeah he might be in trouble available he has got flash the rest of g2 have to collapse quickly but yankos is down before g2 can get in there and now the flank is on we'll come back stops g2's retrieve right in its tracks shutdown comes out for reckless speakers he's gonna get killed off the side hillary kills off reckless and now fnatic have found it caps trying to step in from the side but hillary has rejoined his team after dying earlier we'll distract caps can they chase him down flash red card card it's like watching reggie all over again but it's enough to slow down caps fanatic will join mad and rogue our world for europe and g2 are going home fanatic make it through towards um i think gt wasn't playing that good either they were a bit trolling especially wonder i would say i hear that there's a story connected to that in that you scrim g2 actually in k-core and picked olaf what's up with that oh yeah so i was in k-corp so we indeed screamed g2 and iblen picked uh olaf right and i think it was uh playoffs for g2 playoffs time it because it was eu masters for me yeah so i blamed picked olaf and um wonder considered that it would be useless practice for him to pick a correct jump against olaf so he actually picked you me just to tell his teammates so i mean not to troll but like he apparently don't want to play the game and uh maybe uh he should have picked a good champ so he would have practiced more against my life today and i heard that you put in chat when you played olaf yeah i was where are you i wrote okay i see um how do you enjoy the mental warfare of everything and kind of the pressure and playing around with it which kind of pressure he didn't pause a single time nisky true it's true i mean i mean they were blaming us for the pauses and i was like okay i would beat them without pausing today i bet you were like this is a book but i'm not gonna pause okay fun fact we're actually thinking because upset was like lagging in game one yeah and it was like i should have paused and i was like no no please just like just play you know [Music] you
Channel: Loleventvods - LoL Esports: VODs & Montages
Views: 81,091
Rating: 4.9574862 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, LCS Funny Moments, LCS, Fun fail compilation, Best moments, Best Plays, LCS Fails, LCS Funny, League of Legends, Riot Games, Loleventvods, Eventvods, Loleventvods - lol esports vods, Lol esports, lol, lol esports funny, LoL Funny moments, LCS fun fail compilation, lec 2021, LCS LEC funny moments, LEC, LEC Fails, LEC Funny, LCS 2021, LCS summer split 2021, LEC summer split 2021, LCS playoffs, LEC playoffs, FNC VS G2, C9 VS TSM
Id: 0bQ_MKd_nhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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