THIS is a MUSEUM in Malang, Indonesia.

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good morning guys for another beautiful day here in east java we have just woken up in the city of malang which is where we stayed last night yesterday we went to go visit the rainbow village which is pretty much the main reason i came to malang and today we're going to be checking out a transport museum which is actually in the nearby city of batu and then we are going to be making our way to bromo and bromo national park area but this morning we've just come to eight ounce coffee studio a friend of mine in shanghai who actually recommended this coffee place um it's super cute and we're just so happy to get a real coffee proper coffee uh so just starting the day with some what did you get a turmeric latte turmeric latte and i just got a flat white and then we are going to be heading off on a day of adventure floating market apparently we have to walk through the floating markets get the entry [Applause] so we've just arrived here at museum and couch this is southeast asia's largest transport museum which doesn't sound that exciting but actually it looks freaking cool there's so many photo spots so many vintage cars and vintage motorbikes and just like a lot of stuff to see what is this bubble [Music] so they actually have these orange and green pilots outfits that you can rent for 20k which is like one euro and then you can like actually get into these airplanes and like pose at them and take okay photos has gotten into this plane in her little pilot outfit show me stand up yeah girl whew [Music] foreign oh yeah this is my type of airplane even on a plane she gets asked for selfies this is an entire fake streak guys [Music] yeah we're in chinatown so now we've come to america mad ma mad mag garage texaco we've got a bar called texas bar look at all these cars that i guarantee doesn't have any gangster town so this is the theater and there's an actual movie plane in here [Music] back out onto the street if you're interested they even have a costume rental shop gangster costume rental [Music] hello and then they have lots of different like hats and different things that you can wear for your photographs gangster hats included ah that's okay [Music] great right now we are in italy you got me when there's a costume store legit a replica buckingham palace here in the museum this is so crazy okay so i have to say guys this place is way bigger and better and more fun than we even thought it would be like right now there is a fake buckingham palace behind us we are in england we were just in germany before that we were in france we're in europe or in america and you can just walk around kind of going through all the different countries seeing different types of transport different types of houses you could easily spend two or three hours here and there are endless photo opportunities right now we are inside of buckingham palace apparently [Music] a replica london sightseeing bus so funny [Music] so guys we're about halfway to bromo right now we left milan about an hour ago and we only have one hour less than an hour left to go we've just stopped off with this amazing viewpoint it looks like i don't really know if it's just vegetables or different crops and stuff but it has a really cool pattern on this hill and there's a lot of people seem to have stopped off here for a rest stop there's lots of little rungs and restaurants and stuff but very beautiful view the drive is amazing so far we've been passing by volcanoes and mountains and rice fields and palm trees it's really really beautiful [Music] [Music] so so [Music] how insane are these so guys we've just made another stop at a viewpoint we cannot get over these views they're absolutely insane there's just endless like vegetable patches like they're growing vegetables all over this mountain and the light is beautiful and looks like a patchwork quilt it's just it's insane [Music] so oh my god oh my god this is our current view this is so crazy we're just here on our bikes driving along hi hello oh my god it's so epic so cool oh i'm gonna lose my monetization for swearing this is our guest house this is the view sick we have made it here to go bromo which is the village we are staying in tonight it was a totally crazy drive through sand for like the last 30 minutes around the base of a volcano um so we've come here to lava view hotel i think it's called for dinner um it's this cute little mountain lodge restaurant i've just ordered some hot chocolate and we've got a bin tang as well it's excited for that um we're gonna have to get up at about 3 45 tomorrow morning as our hike to go to the viewpoint on king kong hill starts at 4am so we're super excited for this adventure even the journey here thus far has been just incredible and i'm already like totally overwhelmed by bromo
Channel: Janet Newenham
Views: 214,727
Rating: 4.9646459 out of 5
Keywords: museum angkut, transport museum malang, malang, batu, batu city, east java, java, java travel, java trip, east java travel, janet newenham, bali, indonesia, travel vlog, mount bromo, driving to bromo, indonesia bike trip, indonesia scooter trip
Id: 6rVj47tX9Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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