This HUGE RV Life Cost Came Too Soon

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today you're coming along as we explore one of the most historic places in the entire country but don't worry it's not all fun in games because we blow a couple Grand on a really pricey RV life expense we noticed something that honestly had us not wanting to tow the RV until we got it fixed come with me guys it's not good and that set us back a hold $2,267 plus Craig tries his hand and making our fenders look new again after they got a little messed up at that truck wash we went [Music] to big day today when I say big I mean expensive it is going to be an expensive day today because we noticed something that honestly had us not wanting to tow the RV until we got it fixed it is pretty bad and we're going to show you that in just a minute but first we got to catch you guys up on what where we're at what we're doing because we've driven a lot of miles since the last time we talked so we have made it all the way to the Colonial area of Virginia like near as Williamsburg and Jamestown and we came over here to visit Craig's brother cuz he lives kind of near here but all of the RB parks in this area that I could find with availability of course last minute availability we charging like $60 a night plus when we found this spot that's only like $44 a for full hookup so I'm pretty happy with the spot we found it so there are some nicer areas or spots camping spots in this Campground we just got a grass area it doesn't have a patio have a picnic table though but there are some with like actual like whole patios fire pits and stuff like that and a lot nicer kind of wish we have got one of them so they just squeeze in between two trees but there's uh volleyball it's right on the river there's a bunch of amenities laundry there's a basketball court there's all kinds of stuff to do here so super nice it's called a rockah hawk Campground we are blinded by the sun right now we've been having fun saying that all week rockah Hawk it's just rock rockah Hawk it's it's just west of Williamsburg about 30 minutes so it's really good for an affordable stay if you're wanting to see all the colonial stuff but don't want to pay like $100 a night to stay right like in Williamsburg another thing we want to do today while we're out getting what we have to get done the expensive part of our day today but we want to go get something to shine these fenders up I don't know I think when we went through the truck wash like I don't know what they used it was supposed to just be soap and water but they're like so dull it's it's I don't know it's weird the whole thing needs to be washed but these just are not shiny anymore so I'm going to try and get like a wax maybe or um something that removes oxidation something something to maybe try and bring the shine back out in them cuz they are noticeably different okay now the thing that had us scared to even tow the RV much further until we got it fixed you going to show them I guess come with me guys it's not good it's a little depressing last time we moved I noticed our tires were bog we've had them for almost 2 years or a year and a half something like that I think we got about 40 to 45,000 miles out of them but they're bald and towing the camper on them with the extra weight it's made me nervous and it's been we've been like this for probably about a month now so I'm getting them replac now that we're close to some tire stores before we get the tires done though I'm getting my hair done because we just figured we would make the day as EXP sensive as possible and I don't know if you guys can tell but Craig and I clearly don't get our hair cut enough so we're very very excited when we finally do get it cut it's going to be looking looking good hang on big good is the Green Room day Craig's going to have to go all the way back to Ontario just to get his haircut the next time go all the way back to Canada it's a pretty far drive ibe we should fly maybe one of the bad things about the tire issue is that if that tire blew we don't really have a spare we do have a spare do not the same size anymore so when we got these tires put on like shortly after we got the truck we got new tires and we went up a size because the stock ones looked kind of like small well it went up two sizes yeah the stock ones are like I don't know they're really tiny looking on this truck it's like a big truck and which you probably know you probably have a big truck as well but we had to go up two sizes and they like look normal now like they they match and uh but the spare I didn't change the spare I don't think uh the same size tire will fit where the spare tire is so I don't really know what to do but we might try to keep one of our old ones there's not all of them wore so bad when we showed you was kind of like the worst looking one so we might be able to keep one of those as a spare are we going to see if they'll do that well I was just looking it up also what you said the other day was that 35s which these tires are 2 95s which is equivalent to a 35 in tire but you said when you looked it up was a 35 barely fit and only certain brands did well a 295 is a couple millimet bigger than a 35 so I don't even know if it's worth trying so we might be in the same situation where if a tire ever blows we don't really have a spare that will work so it's also to even try it out I have to get them to take the spare down take the spare tire off put a take one of these tires off put it on the spare then try and if it doesn't fit then reverse everything and put the spare back that's true well we're at least decreasing the chances of having a blowout but not having tires that are completely almost wore down through the tread because they're looking kind of bald yeah all right when I come back I'm going to be a new woman I don't know if you're even going to recognize me I don't know what that means okay this is my before this my hair looks like before front back let's see how it turns out getting your haircut as an RV is extremely stressful cuz you never get to use the same people so you just you just never know what you're going to get so we'll see how it goes so I just dropped Victoria off to get her haircut I'm going to go get the truck washed while she's doing that turns out there's not very many good car washes in this area hopefully the one I'm going to will do a good job we'll [Music] see so normally I try to not go through car washes that have the brush typically I try to do the ones that are self serve where you do it yourself in the bay but they don't have any of them that were close enough for me to go to so I'm doing one with the brushes on my way back to the salon where Victoria is and then we can inspect the truck there the car wash did not go very well so as you can see the truck's still kind of dirty it didn't get off like the main stuff I wanted it to get off like there's I don't know this something on the side of the truck I hoped it would got that off um but it did not and it also left like a lot of water spots so not so great I mean it is a little better than it was but at least it's done got that done the truck will be a little cleaner for them when they're putting the uh tires on one of the reasons I like to do that though before I take something in to get it done that way I can really look at the wheels if they scratch them all up and everything doing the tires I'll be able to see it right away and then uh say something to them while I'm there before driving away a lot of like car repair places if you drive off out of the parking lot a lot of times they just won't do any like that that's it there's nothing you can do about it after that point for the most part it's nice to have it clean I'll be able to see if there's anything going on with it as soon as I pick it up from the now this is the after what do you think Craig's not very good at giving opinion so what do you guys think I know it's it's good I usually get it a little bit shorter than what I actually want it so it can grow out since clearly we never get haircuts so I think it's good gets it off my shoulders little bit of Bounce there you go as long as you like it now what now I think we go find that stuff we want to get to try and do the fender things on the RV and we only have an hour before we have to be at the tire place sounds good to me got hybrid ceramic wax which is um it's got like a ceramic coating but it's mostly going to probably just be like a wax um the front of Brinkley is painted in an automotive paint so ideally I should be able to use Automotive Products on the front of it but also when we uh do the oxidation remover stuff on the little siding things I'm assuming that it's basically going to strip all like any waxs or seiling compounds that are on that plastic off I would think and um so you'd want to have something to put back on it to kind of seal it um back up so I'm going to use this on that as well but they did not have the oxidation remover here at this place so we're going to go to a boat store like a West Marine and just get a uh oxidation remover from them should all be the same for the most part um if it's for a boat or fiberglass RV a lot of times they can be interchanged so we're going to go there and check that out after we get done at the tire place yes after the tire place cuz there's not enough time it's almost time to get these tires done so we're getting the tires done at Discount Tire we always use Discount Tire since I don't know many years now since before our be life it's what we used for the tires on our last RV we used them on the truck because they have a really good warranty like certificate from Discount Tire they have a good warranty if you get like a nail puncher or anything like that I think and you go and need your tire replaced it ends up being like 20 bucks I think to replace a 400 like it's I I imagine it's going be like $2,000 to get all our tires done so we have used this certificate multiple times we used it on the truck once when we first got the truck right then we've used it on the old RV twice because little piece fell from our old RV no surprise there and basically while we were driving gouged a hole into the tire and completely ruined the tire that happened twice and so we got them both replaced so highly recommend the certificate on your tires from Discount Tire it's for sure worth it their prices are like uh competitive to any other tire place that you're going to pay tires are just expensive now so we came to get lunch because we never ever wait anywhere for anything we always just go exploring yeah not sitting there which is another good thing about discount tires they're usually around something yeah so we're trying to find food here all right I'm going to say it I'm going to say it I'm going to let everybody know Five Guys is better than in- and out I said it said it just got to test the truck's ready it didn't take too long what take like 30 minutes yeah that's nice so we just got the truck back and they're way more a aggessive looking than I anticipated I did look at the pictures of them and everything these were recommended by the guy just because of the amount of use on the road I did not expect them to be this aggressive looking I don't know if I like how it looks so I mean it's fine but it is it's surprising I guess we went with altering this time I went with just strictly street tires last time but we went with altering this time because of boondocking we've gotten in some places where like I had to use four-wheel drive when I shouldn't have had to and uh just cuz it had street tires on there and couldn't get any traction like it would struggle in wet grass because of the weight of the truck so that should these should fit set and that set us back a hold $2,267 for four tires with the warranty thing goodness yeah expensive day Craig thinks we scrub a little bit less than we did before somehow I don't know if we talked about it before but when we got this truck it had a different size we did they had tiny tires had tiny tires truck tires we had tiny truck tires and then when we put the bigger ones on it it ended up scrubbing a little bit when Craig turns too sharp so we were also concerned about going to all trains if it was going to scrub even more but it doesn't seem to seems to be a little better all right and this is one step I don't even think you you don't even need the other thing well if I do I have it the other one has a ceramic coating in it that I can do on the front though okay not totally cheap but that's okay we've already established that today is the money spending day so I'll spend more money like one of these little HMS that I need oh my gosh they they keep disappearing somewhere we're not entirely sure where headed back to the RV and I hope we're done spending money for today although probably not cuz I don't know what we're doing for dinner with Nelson so we might not be done spending money yet but you guys guess where we are going in just a couple of days Craig is probably so excited Bush Gardens well we are going to Bush Gardens but that's not what you're excited about so we're going to a campground it's probably my favorite Campground that we went to I don't know I just like the size of it I like how nice it was and to top it off this is for my full-timers out there okay free laundry there was when we went it was kind of newer though so I don't know if it's still going to have it so you're going to have to wait and see also it's full hookups the CGR was nice was I'm saying what past tense now I don't know what it is now it's been like almost 2 years since we've been there and just don't look up the crime rate for the town it's in okay well we're going to tell you where it's at we're going to be taking you along on our way there but you get full hookups and for the and it has a Passport America so it's super cheap if you use that honestly you might be wondering why the heck it's Craig's favorite Campground of all the campgrounds we've been to in the past 2 years but you can be the judge of it for yourself in just a little while so we only have a couple more days here in the Williamsburg area so far we've had a really good time we did the Colonial Williamsburg pass I do recommend getting like the 3-day pass versus just a single day pass because there is a lot to see so there is this like massive area basically they have reconstructed an entire town in the colonial way it's a Living Museum so you get to do things like see the blacksmiths working you get live Di demonstrations of the Firearms present fire um different Tradesmen doing their trades in the different houses you can tour the governor's Palace which was really cool we got to learn a lot of the history of Williamsburg and then we came back on the next day to see the art museum and walk around some more it's really just too much stuff to do in only one day and we've even gone up to Yorktown and looked at the battlefield did a little driving tour there's so much history in this area so if you're a history buff definitely make your way to the Williamsburg and James we haven't even made it to Jamestown yet we still have to do that and we're going to hit up Bush Gardens this weekend which is going to be lots of fun so we're going to get a little dab here I'm going to just do a little a little bit and see if it makes any difference we'll come back tomorrow and really check it we're just going to buff it in right here looks like a good old oad spot you didn't read the instructions it don't look like it's on do oh it did Shine it up looky there oh yeah you can wait I can't there we go oh did but you can see it is a difference well now I want to do more cuz it worked out so good do you want to read the instructions read them yeah you rub it in and let it dry to a haze and then we wipe it off with a different one well I can just use the other in or the other yeah well whatever okay wiping it off there is definitely a difference between like here and here oh yeah yeah I think that's more normal yeah I think that's how it's supposed to be yeah you see that you guys can see that line kind of this is working nice really bad yeah that's bad too let's try it real quick on that I bet you'll really be able to see it on that one you can see here where it's shiny here and then it gets to that haziness right here okay I WIP this one off let's see oh much shinier wa that's way better actually looks like a new RV again nice there's a lot to do huh I should have got one of them things that I can put on my drill and it just I didn't want to do too much cuz it's not wash there's dirt on it you I want to rub all that dirt in so I go spray it all off and clean it tomorrow then yeah ain't doing it right [Music] now [Music] we're going to Bush Gardens never been yeah first time going to Bush Gardens it's apparently homecoming weekend here at some University that's local so it's probably about to be packed to the GM but it's also the what is it called their hallow scream so we're doing daytime for the roller coasters and stuff Craig's not riding any roller coasters but luckily we have Nelson with us H and now I have a roller coaster partner Nelson is Craig's brother for those of you who don't know yeah should be a fun day and then we'll do the Hallow scream haunted houses tonight about to destroy Craig and bumper car she don't even know what words she's saying right now that's impossible in your party watch your head St [Music] yes that was such a long day Craig is I'm tired hurting but y'all are not going to believe this we're walking along in this crowded oh my gosh it was so so so packed we're just walking along and some guy was like oh you guys have two in your party we're like no we have three and he's like oh here you go hands this three Fastpass unlimited Fastpass Q things and we got to skip all the lines we got to do all the haunted houses we got to do multiple roller coasters well me and Nelson who's back there got to do roller coasters skipped everybody in line and the lines were like hour hour and a half 2 hours long it was insane I don't even know why he gave them to us he just gave him to us I don't know any was wearing a hard hat I we don't know who it was where it came from but it was awesome we had a fun time at Bush Gardens and now we're sitting here in the parking lot probably about for another hour waiting to get out we don't have a fast pass for the parking lot unfortunately I got four-wheel job Craig's thinking about hop in a curve well we finally made it home I think it only took us like a whole hour sitting in the parking lot forever but that's it for us we took you guys on Too Many Adventures this week I hope you enjoyed it it was a lot and I know we promised that we were going to get C Craig's favorite RV park ever but uh that's too much you got to come back next week hit the Subscribe button and we'll take you there you got to come back next you have to you have to we'll see you guys next week bye [Music] bye
Channel: Wild RV Life
Views: 42,858
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Keywords: rv living full time, rv living, rv life, rv couple, full time rv life, rv life full time, rv lifestyle, Brinkley RV, rv travel vlog, full time travel couple, rv living cheap, rv life vlog, rv lifestyle full time, rv camping vlog, boondocking, rv travel day, full time rv, Brinkley RV Model Z, fulltime travel, RV tips, living in an rv, rv travel, full time rv living, fifth wheel, discount tires, rv living cost, full time rving, full time travel, rv travel videos
Id: L_yLq-hZ7TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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