THIS Home Battery is the Key To Cheaper, Cleaner Energy!

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[Music] foreign [Music] thank you guess where I am right now no I'm not in some Cutting Edge hipster reconstructed x-industrial building coffee shop in East London no I'm in an Eco techno company at the very Cutting Edge of what they're doing in Grimsby in North Lincolnshire and I've come here to see an alternative or possibly a competitor to the Tesla powerwall I've come here to see the Libby welcome to the free chart show foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ergy was started six years ago and now has a range of EcoSmart products that allow you to maximize the use of renewable energy to power your stuff so there's the original product zappy which we featured on the fully charged show many times and that allows you to choose where the energy comes from to put in your car you can just put solar power in your car then there's the uh the Eddy that controls where the renewable energy goes in your house and then there's the Harvey which lets all these different things communicate and finally and this is what's really exciting there is the Libby now the Libby that lets you store the renewable energy in your house for use later what happens when the sun doesn't shine you turn on your Libby [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you imagine just adding a battery this is our Libby product to our home ecosystem offer to our customers because in terms of energy Independence and making sure people can get better energy Independence in their own home being able to store energy is incredibly important so that could be someone for example benefiting from charging a battery off off peak electricity storing cheap electricity to use it when prices are higher during the day or more likely it's someone who is storing renewable generation typically solar during during the day when it's sunshiny and so on and then to use for example in the evenings charge up the next day so the Libby battery will basically become part of a minority ecosystem for a customer so if they have their money app for example they'll be able to prioritize between the different loads really importantly for us this means that it will integrate seamlessly with things like EV charging some customers in the past have had issues where say a third-party battery that doesn't talk to other systems very well will for example start draining as soon as you plug your EV in now you might want that energy to stay in the battery and Charge Off the Grid so what we can do is allow that we have functionality to allow that in our ecosystem so you would prioritize one over the other by simply sort of swiping around in the app so our customers do but yeah we're really excited about Libby it's great to be able to kind of complete the ecosystem for our customers people have been asking for a battery product from energy for a long time and we you know we'll obviously be supplying it as quickly as we can with sort of volumes expected to ramp up throughout to sort of start 2023 so the bid on the top is the inverter right okay the bit on the bottom is the battery and you these are modular so you can expand the system with more batteries so I see you could have more of those exactly but you don't you only need one of those that's exactly one inverter and there's hybrids so it will um that will look after the the battery connecting it to your AC system because the battery is a DC okay but also if you've got PV panels or installing PV panels they can be connected into this as well rather than having a separate uh invert of your PV panels what is the the storage capacity of that that unit there uh so that batteries the capacity is very slightly over five uh kilowatt hours 5.12 kilowatt hours I believe and you can have up to four in total so we're talking maximum cost about 20 kilowatts 20 kilowatts that's very chunky yeah so that's a lot and that and I mean it's it's if people have never thought about this stuff before five kilowatt hours it is probably enough it's enough to get you over the evening Peak Running everything in your houses now I mean it's quite a it's quite a lot of power it's a reasonable amount yes and you're looking if you've got PV panels you're looking at how much you're spilling to the grid really if you think at the moment that's how we should think because it was sizing batteries so if you've got a monitoring on your PV panels or a nice minority system giving you all that data data then you'll be able to see how much you are effectively spilling to the grid and not using yourself and then you can size the battery to that and then what about charging it because that's something I do in the winter is I'm I charge off peak in the night so can you charge that battery from the grid absolutely right yes so if you have got a a low rate tariff an overnight tariff or a flexible tariff you can either set a schedule in the Libby controller or use our scheduling engine to to make sure that it charges when the energy is the cheapest and that's one thing we're trying to we're offering as a sort of optimization solution if you like for people to buy Libby to make sure that you get the the most effective use of your generation but also avoid paying more for your energy than you need to by optimizing the charge in the living [Music] we want to make NG easy to people energy is quite a complex subject for many people to understand I think the current energy crisis has made people suddenly care about their energy more suddenly look at it more engages it more which is great from the perspective of things like solar sales increasing for example so that's brilliant to see um but we're very much about making it easy clear to understand and engage with and when it comes to things like self-consumptions we call it so maximizing the amount of the generation you're actually using that's key so if you have solar panels in the UK fantastic but you'll probably only be using maybe 40 45 percent of the energy they are generating and all the rest goes we call it going to waste potentially but it's it's being exported value so going into the grid you're not benefiting from it despite the fact that you're generating and you're not you're being paid Pistons so you know we really want to help people maximize that amount of energy they're generating and to do that obviously having electric vehicle is great because that allows you to take up loads of energy but also having a battery domestic batteries is is another win so we are seeing those self-consumption figures as they're called rising in our modeling to you know closer to 100 now 100 is a bit of a Holy Grail you might never get there but certainly we're seeing you know well over 90 maybe 98 self-consumption of potential um for having this ecosystem stitched together um in terms of making it easy and the sort of the friction you come up against when you're trying to build an ecosystem at home because there aren't sort of global standards yet agreed standards for how these Technologies should talk to each other um you do sometimes get that friction when you're trying to build a system you buy a battery you buy an EV charge point you buy soda and you try and Stitch it all together yourself and unless you're an electrical engineer you probably can't do it very well um so what we're trying to do is just bring all of those Technologies together make it really simple to engage with make it really easy for customers to effectively create their own sort of Net Zero home in adopt sort of energy that will help their transition so that's that's what we're all about trying to do and obviously when it comes to the future we see a really strong demand for things like what we call demand side response that's where we aggregate or can aggregate all of the potential demand from customers and offer that up to the Grid at some point in the future so we're really excited about the idea of connecting all these products together to provide grid services or flexibility or demand response virtual power plant there's all these buzzwords but what it basically means is as we're trying to move to renewable generation which is you know potentially less controllable a little bit more intermittent but still plenty of it how do we help the grid go through some of those ups and downs in generation or if everybody plugs the car at the same time how do we stop the grid being overloaded and because these devices are all controllable and they're all interconnected and connected to the internet we can send them a signal that says well don't charge your car quite so fast at the moment or discharge your battery a bit to help support the grid and that will help the penetration Renewables it will mean we don't have to put more cables more Transformers avoid all that Capital cost and help for you know help keep electricity affordable and green so so we did some analysis thinking about just customers with zappy and Eddie right and if you had a million customers with controllable loads like this that's seven gigawatts of controllable load wow now that is much bigger than say uh Drax which is uh four four gigawatts biggest power station yeah we can do that just rather than turning on that power station or you know another coal fired or gas fire station you just dial down the load or take a little bit of power out of the Libby then you can avoid all that invest in that big Power station's running it's that's why Flex beats are so exciting for us as a project and we're trying to recruit several thousand customers to get that first cohort running and deliver some of these services [Music] but this isn't just about like gadgets and really cool things in your house even though all those linked together are really going to make a big difference to the whole Community it's not just about that I've come to the town of Grimsby in North Lincolnshire in the UK now for those people living outside the UK I've never heard of Grimsby it's there was a long period of its history where it kind of lived down to its name Grimsby but it's really changed though back in the day when I was a kid this was the biggest fishing port in the world not just in the UK or Europe in the world it was massive it employed tens of thousands of people it sent fish probably all over the world it's certainly it was the main source of of fish in the UK for many many years and that that gradual decline of that industry meant that this the town really went down a lot and it was a very a lot of unemployment a lot of poverty here in the last 10 years that has really turned around due to the arrival and the installation of renewable energy manufacturing so there's lots of wind turbine plants here that are building the blades that are building the nasals that are building the ships that service them out at Sea there are no fewer than eight wind farms just off the coast here the biggest being horns eat two which is the biggest wind farm in the world and that is what's going on here now it's completely transformed the town it's very high employment and my energy are very much part of that they are now employing hundreds of people in this local area in well-paid highly skilled jobs that are really making a difference to the world [Music] so is it is it possible to do like a practical example of this because at the moment I can see you know from the app that is your system here the car's not it's clearly not plugged in there's some energy coming from the solar panels some of it's going in the battery some of it's going in the house even though there's not actually a house here but you know that's what's happening so what happens if you plug the car in now okay well so we we've got this set up in our engineering lab so we're simulating what you'd have in your home and at the moment what you have is some PV generation there's some house load but there's still some spare PV generation so that's going into the the battery right at the moment okay so we can see that now if we roll forward to in the evening so the it's dark the sun is no longer shining um and we can turn off the uh the PV generation Okay so we've turned off the PV now right and what we'll see is the app now shows how the battery is supporting the house yeah and we've still got no power coming from the grid yep that's right that's what it's showing now now you've come home from work you've got the the car you want to plug it in because you want to go out later you want to charge the car quickly right but you want to hold on to that power in your battery to support the house later when it's going to be expensive you know sometime tomorrow maybe so if I plug the car in right I just have to opt to um that the smart charging delay and I don't know what I'll do is I'll put a boost on this because as I was charging the car as soon as I trusted you can okay yeah so zap is now starting you can hear it doing its checks it's gone green and as the the car starts to ramp up the power what we'll see in the app is the Liberty the battery the output doesn't change right that's still matched to the Hat yes okay then we're taking grid power to feed the car right so we're actually choosing very making a conscious decision how we're going to use that energy and where it's going to to go to right so that's one of the first use cases now you can't do that with third-party batteries you can't make those decisions you can with this system yeah that is so good and then is it possible to adjust that then on the with the app can you then say oh well I will take the power from the battery I mean absolutely so you you can you can do whatever you like so you can make it so that you can charge the car as fast as you want and take everything out the battery as quickly as you can right and still take something the grid if you need right I'll just stop this a second because we can uh to show the other option which is a lot of our customers say well I've caught all that Sunshine during the day in my battery at home and now I'd like to put it into my car because I want to drive on green Miles and again that's very difficult to match the output from the battery to support the house and the car and not import from the grid um and what you should see now is that it's it's doing exactly that so the the you should see nothing coming from the Grid at the moment right but it's just supporting the battery is now putting into the car and into the house right it's really it's exciting to be able to play these games I'm not exactly right and then you can each customer will be different and they'll want to do different things with their stored energy and and with the connected system you can make that decision all of your devices exactly where your energy comes from green or grid and where it goes to [Music] in terms of what's next to the company we've obviously got our new 65 000 square foot factory building next door that you've seen a phenomenal growth of the business but really I think it's more about how can we help customers not just through products but also services to you know increase that amount of energy they're using in an efficient way and basically benefit from the future of the only transition benefit from what's Happening to the grid as well so as the grid gets more flexible as you get more Renewables have customers integrate without benefit from it in their own homes so it's all about for us not just thinking of ourselves as a company supplies product but also one that provides services to our customers as well and ones that they can really benefit from so I think what my energy are doing is incredible really it they're not only making products that help individuals and and households use the renewable energy they may be producing and manage their energy more efficiently and really make that without all the fact of that really simple app that really works that is brilliant but beyond that it's the way all this equipment can be integrated across the whole country and actually work in a way to save peaks in demand on the grid which means that we save an enormous amount of money burning imported fossil fuels to produce energy we won't need to do that in future and that is a brilliant step in the right direction so you know this is this green stuff that they're working on I think is it's kind of important I kind of like green stuff and that is what the fully charged show is all about anyway that's what we've got time for please do subscribe please have a look at the patreon link all links to managers new products are in the the show notes of this episode and as always if you have been thanks for watching
Channel: Fully Charged Show
Views: 476,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric car youtube channel, why should i buy an electric car, green energy comment, grid storage technology, renewable energy youtube, new transport ideas, green technology review, renewable energy comment, renewable energy electric vehicles, electric vs ice cars, latest news on renewable energy, crowd funded youtube, kryten, fully charged show live, ev show, fully charged show, robert llewellyn, electric cars, fully charged
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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