This Guy Thinks His Christian Song Debunks Evolution (A Response)

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before we start allow me to apologize in advance you're about to witness some seriously cringy stuff so if that bothers you I'm sorry recently I discovered David Rives ministries on Facebook he's made hundreds of videos very few of which have more than about a thousand views or so however his video titled the evolution song has gained more than 250,000 in the song he makes countless and accurate claims and by the end seems pretty confident that even without a degree in science he's out science the core principle to the field of biology so I thought we could give it a look together and see if his songwriting powers are great enough to debunk a theory so widely accepted that doing so would certainly win him a Nobel Prize one of the most popular theories taught to children far and near is just as ridiculous as what you're about to hear oh we both definitely think what you're about to hear is ridiculous just not in the same way [Music] protozoa is my name I'm just a single cell I'm sorry that I have no proof perhaps is just as well oh so you're starting this off strong by claiming there's no evidence for Priscilla oh oh man you make me laugh already David also do you think protozoa are proposed to be the absolute oldest common ancestor to life as we know it because that's what it sounds like and I've got to tell you that's a little bit off bacteria have been evidenced to have appeared way before protested and although protists were a significant step toward multicellular life they weren't the first life on Earth by any means my beginning back in time when from a glob of goo supposedly I started things the end of which is huge that's a nice little caricature you're painting for the audience there I'm not sure but are you implying that glob of goo intended to start things with an end goal of humanity in mind ok I'll not get ahead of myself and I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and say that your anthropomorphic goo is just a creative Liberty it's not a reflection on how you really interpret things right for untold centuries I thought that all was going well became dissatisfied as just a single cell my fortitude my guts and grit would stand me in good stead I made this as my final goal to be a quadruped in Jesus Christ I had to take it step by step and over centuries but that was nothing for I knew I'd turn out as I pleased and fish within myself my coffee bar [Music] a cave of Kali to the audience please tell me you're not just cringing at the song itself but also at the glaring scientific illiteracy all right here we go 0.1 the theory of evolution never insinuates nor requires that any organism upon which it operates has any intention of evolving that means no final goals ever exists in the process single-celled organisms never have the goal of coming together to make multicellular ones the ones that did just come together happen to have a survival advantage in certain situations so they reproduced more and died less you misunderstand that are misrepresenting the thing you're arguing against and then tearing that misrepresentation apart that's called a straw man fallacy point two you use the visual of ascending steps to represent the transition from protozoan to Polliwog that's not representative of the process of evolution at all any time an organism has a beneficial mutation that is naturally selected for by their environment they haven't become more evolved they've just become better suited for their specific environment they're not a higher being they're just really a different being there are no steps to becoming objectively superior or more evolved in all cases between tubeworms and human beings which is better suited for life on grasslands of northeastern Africa humans but which is better for life near hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean tubeworms so which has taken more steps to becoming more evolved neither we just suit our own individual environments your imaginary strong-willed protozoan didn't take steps to becoming more highly evolved as a Polliwog it incidentally changed over generations to suit its environment becoming whatever that took the form of eventually among many other things a Polliwog 0.3 really man centuries you know this kind of change was proposed to take eons but maybe you only said that for the sake of the rhyme so might I suggest rhyming the word eons with the word Klingons after all they're just as fictional as the picture you're painting here anyway [Music] science of confusion they don't know what to do [Music] they tell us that we started out is just let me address the missing links statement first you've insinuated that scientists have some kind of difficulty with supposed missing links in presumably the fossil record and I have to ask have you actually heard any evolutionary biologists speak about that concern from what I've read it seems that only creationists even use the term missing link hmm it's like the entire issue is fabricated by the opposition who resides entirely outside of the field the supposed issue of missing links doesn't trouble evolutionary scientists because there already exists enough evidence elsewhere in the fossil record as well as in DNA analysis to conclude that all living things share a common ancestor but that's just a broad way to address your claim is stated if we were to actually discuss this I'd be interested to ask you exactly what links are missing because to truly alleviate the misplaced concern about all missing links in the fossil record we'd have to uncover and analyze fossils from about every generation of whatever organism we're dealing with that's why scientists ensure that multiple methods of analyzing the data available or in concordance before concluding anything about the evolutionary history of a species imagine your DNA was analyzed the analysis showed that you were of German ancestry but you objected the scientists at work here asks you do you realize that certain genetic markers exist in those of German descent and that you have them of course you answer but we've never seen any of my family come from Germany so I can't really believe you because of all the missing links I assure you this is directly analogous to your actual objection now to address your statement about evolution ping a delusion first let's quickly acknowledge the definition of delusional characterized by holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument look I can say that those who accept evolution do so on an evidential basis and that if presented with any evidence of the contrary would change their minds but you probably wouldn't accept that so let's take a different approach let me ask you do you have faith in anything so if portions of the Bible are being consistently verified as real history then why couldn't the history found in Genesis 1 be just as accurate I have faith that it is so you admit to having faith in holding a belief that is without sufficient evidence for its confirmation you know it's pretty irrational to believe something even though you acknowledge it has been evidence to be true that's holding a belief regardless of whether or not it's based in reality given that I was so easily able to find a clip of you contradicting logic evidential truths and yourself are you sure you want to throw around the word delusion like that lucky for you guys he doesn't make many specific claims until a bit later so we'll fast forward a bit [Music] of long years went past in than a million more and suddenly I noticed that my tail was feeling sore well it dropped up and my hair fell out darwin strikes again i was a jolly ape but now i turned into a man and apes don't have tails monkeys have tails but that's just nitpicky right details aren't important in science regardless i genuinely hope that this is just hyperbole for the sake of a song but based on your apparent understanding of evolutionary theory so far i'm not so sure that's it to be clear no scientist asserts that any ancient primates ancestors hair and tail fell off at any point it's simply reduced in size and function over several millennia as it became less necessary to survival also regardless of what you might think you actually do have a bit of a tail it's called your coccyx and it's a vestigial structure which evidence is a time when your ancestors did have full external tails [Music] bird whoa no one is claiming that any organisms ancestral lineage went from fish to bird to mammal and you know I'm becoming less convinced that you're intentionally setting up strummin and more convinced that you just have no idea what you're arguing against your understanding of evolutionary theory as evidence so far is less than that which is required learning in public high school but you've probably got a real education from a religious private school that wasn't controlled by evil secularists didn't you rather odd and weird are we fearing complexity now are simpler explanations somehow truer because they're less frightening and easier to digest if that's the case I'll go ahead and just let go of my notion of object permanence and think that whenever I'm not watching your video it doesn't actually exist oh my god that sounds amazing I understand the appeal now if you my friends will listen all you'll find the whole true story in which there's somewhat less of goo and rather more and now we get to the real issue behind all of this why does it matter whether or not there's glory in the event of your origin that doesn't affect the plausibility or evidential basis of the processes proposed on either side your feelings your desire to feel significant or divine can't serve as evidence for your position but they can cloud your reasoning and compel you to conclude that whatever makes you feel good is true and I have to say when you state your feelings so obviously in this song that's exactly what it appears is happening do you just not want to accept the theory of evolution [Music] just kidding I'm not going to make you listen to that again that's the end of the song so I'll just skip right to the closing statement if you enjoyed this little song and want to be a part of my facebook family just click the link above that says David Rives and ministries and like our page we'll be bringing you more fun and inspirational posts and videos oh and why don't you hit that share button and let someone know today that they aren't an animal not goo that they actually have a purpose and that purpose is found through Jesus Christ and there we go suspicions affirmed you've revealed that your motivation here has not been to counter bad ideas for the sake of discerning truth it's been to make you and your listeners feel good about themselves I'm sorry but again your feelings really have no bearing on the truth of your claims or the claims you're arguing against if you prioritize your feelings over truth that's one thing but don't act like that's not what you're doing especially don't promote pseudoscience as a valid alternative view to that of reality when you admit that you're just trying to believe whatever makes you feel better those of us who have realized one can find sufficient beauty and purpose and reality would appreciate if you didn't present your ideas as evidence base that's misleading those who are impressionable but who do actually value reality present them honestly as based on faith alone and you will at the very least preserve a shred of your integrity it doesn't take much to debunk the claims made here like David I don't have a degree in biology but unlike him I've taken the time to study and understand the basics of evolution it's not really that hard everything a layman needs to know can be found from credible sources online so I've left some decidedly accessible resources in the description and on that note I thought I'd provide my final thoughts in song form set to the tune of the chorus of your own masterpiece your song theological masturbation first believe your holy book think lame science says it's true yo archaic theologies bumped by the biology that you should have learned in freshman year some please move back to school thanks for watching everyone I'd like to announce a few new ways to support my channel I'm now on patreon so if you'd like to help me make new improve content you can go over there to pledge your regular support or you can now make a one-time donation via PayPal you can also check out my Amazon wishlist which contains some items that if bought would seriously help me improve the production quality of my channel all those links are in the description as always I've been drew from genetically modified skeptic go ahead and subscribe to my channel and I will greatly appreciate that you can also follow me on twitter at GM skeptic until next time everyone stay skeptical you
Channel: Genetically Modified Skeptic
Views: 829,207
Rating: 4.8241644 out of 5
Keywords: atheism, atheist, agnostic, skeptic, skepticism, freethinker, evolution vs creation, evolution, creationist, creationism, creationist debunk, pseudoscience, freethought, genetically modified skeptic, david rives, debunk, young earth, bible, genesis as history, viced rhino, observational science, historical science, proof of evolution, proof of creationism, Christian, Christianity debunked, the evolution song, alternative medicine, evolution explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
Reddit Comments


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Retrikaethan 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Of course he would call it "the science of confusion". Most things that one doesn't understand are pretty confusing.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/cr4m62 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

But man, that song has a such a generic, almost ear-worming feel.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RemnantArcadia 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
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