This Guy Is Living In Extreme Poverty But The Reason Why Isn’t Why You Think
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Did You Know ?
Views: 4,078,317
Rating: 4.5593834 out of 5
Keywords: underground house, subterranean house, underground home, earth shelter, earth sheltered home, bioclimatic house, hobbit house, tiny home, small space, small home, tiny house, home size, simple living, salvaged materials, found materials, recycled materials, passive solar house, earth homes, natural building, earth building, thermal mass, owner built home, DIY home, dan price, moonlight chronicles, Underground Living, real life hobbit, did you know
Id: yv7qJe7KUe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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