This Guitar is Made 100% of GLASS and Sounds BEAUTIFUL

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oh well three things that could be going on here i haven't been lifting enough weights obviously that's not true number two this isn't actually a guitar and this person just sent me a bunch of cinder blocks that's probably also not true third thing is probably the truth this is the heaviest guitar that i now own and it's made completely out of glass let's open it so this guitar was sent to me by the builder himself alex morningstar you can check out if you want to buy your own glass guitar that he hand makes these aren't mass produced pieces of crap these are beautiful works of art and i've seen one picture but i don't really know what to expect so this will be a new guitar for me and you at the same time make sure to subscribe to alex's youtube channel the link is down in the description visit his website if you want a glass guitar glass guitar neck glass picks whoa look at this case dude i guess if you're shipping a glass guitar you really don't want it to break there's definitely an easier way to get this case out but this is probably more entertaining for you guys yo this man cares about his product dude a tactical rifle case this guitar may be climbing up the badass ladder in my collection [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i know what you're thinking tyler oh it broke and shipping no no this is alex's design the shattered look maybe this is like the relic version of a glass guitar i don't know it looks unbelievable i don't even know if the uh camera does it justice but it's wonderful this is the most beautiful guitar i've seen maybe held ever it's definitely got some girth to it it feels like a satin finish meets a roasted neck but it's cool to the touch gotta see more duncan pickup in here this isn't just some run-of-the-mill guitar there's some really high quality parts in this guitar so rather than go deeper on the tones of this guitar i'm gonna do that in later videos just by playing it there was another idea i had about puns wow this has such a glassy tone you see that's bad wow with a guitar like this you'd probably want to use a transparent overdrive see that's also bad and then i thought well maybe maybe i can do a cover for example glass by incubus that would be a cool way to tie in a glass guitar doing a cover of the song glass by one of my favorite bands so i grabbed a ring mod effect and popped that bad boy on but that's just a good idea i want a great idea and then it kind of hit me the answer was right beside me almost looking straight at me and yet i couldn't see it until i thought what separates this guitar from all my other guitars well it's made out of glass glass glass that's it the answer was sitting here all this time a glass slide for a glass guitar let's jam shall we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Music is Win
Views: 867,874
Rating: 4.9014683 out of 5
Id: ozRldQY1PtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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