Dieser tolle Nusskuchen wird Ihre Gäste begeistern! Ein hinreißendes, einfaches Rezept

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Hello everyone! 250 ml warm milk. 25g fresh yeast. 2 tablespoons sugar. Let's mix this up. 30g butter. Which city are you watching my film from? 🤗. Sift 400 g of flour through a sieve. 5-6g salt. Mix well with a wooden spoon. Add 50-100g of flour. Continue kneading the dough with your hands. Help me develop my channel! Leave a comment or put a smiley! Knead the dough until it is smooth. Grease a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in a warm place for 50-60 minutes. Chopped roasted nuts. 🍚 The dough rose well. 😊😊😊 Please leave a comment or like on this video, it would help me a lot. Thanks! Form into a ball. Divide dough into 1 large and 1 smaller portion. Roll them into balls. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes. Roll out the larger portion of the dough as shown in the video. Make an incision with a blade or sharp knife. 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Place chopped nuts on the dough. Form into a roll. Thanks for your time! 😊😊😊 Secure the edges. Grease a baking pan with oil. Place the dough in the baking pan. Roll out the dough. Make an incision with a blade or sharp knife. 1 tablespoon brown sugar. Repeat after me - this is very simple. Do you have any questions about this recipe? If you haven't subscribed to my channel yet, you can do so by clicking the subscribe button. Let's put this all together. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes. 1 egg yolk + 1 teaspoon sour cream. Brush the surface well with the egg mixture. Decorate with chopped almonds. Bake at 180°C/356°F for about 35-40 minutes. Everything is ready. Thanks for watching, see you next time 😘! Bon appetit!
Channel: Bäckergeheimnisse
Views: 29,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bäckergeheimnisse, Brot, yt:cc=on, brot selber backen, brot backen, einfaches brotrezept, Brotrezept, Brot und Butter, bread recipe, rezepte, Backen, einfache Rezepte, Schnelle Rezepte, Rezept, lecker, Essen, Milchbrot, Weizenbrot, Leichtes Rezept, Schnelles und leckeres Kochen, Selbstgemachtes Brot, Backen Sie Ihr eigenes Brot, Wie man Käsebrot macht, bread with water and flour, homemade bread recipe, Dieser tolle Nusskuchen wird Ihre Gäste begeistern, Ein hinreißendes, einfaches Rezept
Id: 8vTza7X9P-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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