This Garden Hack doubled our SURVIVAL FOOD Production!!

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we're going to do it oh my AR they Fabulous As the storm's rolling all around us okay let's see what we got we get [Music] notifications oh at the same time look at it Go YouTube can be efficient all right guys we are going to get right into it oh my gosh it worked I cannot believe this stuff we are going to tell you guys what happened with this experiment we are increasing our survival food over here one Garden hack at a time we'll wait just a few minutes and let some people get in here in case you're new around here this is the Sunday Monday Night Live show where we get together with you guys and just answer questions and we kind of hip you on the latest things going on around the homestead tonight we are in the garden live as you can see there's all of our stuff behind us there's the high tunnel there's all the other stuff we got growing and going a lot of growing and going there tomatoes and potatoes and finel and sunflower seeds and watermelons beans green beans oregano borage Peppers Peppers Sage I got a lot of hi Sage so you know if you're new Around Here We Grow 90% of our own food we live off grid we built a log cabin it's right over here actually the first thing you see is our outdoor kitchen that we built so we can process our food the second bu building there is our Log Cabin that we built from wood from the forest with no experience we're not Builder people and so we left the city live 15 years ago we came out here and we've been growing our own we a builder person we're still living in hasn't coll learned about it years I never did it in my whole life until we came out here really so we can do it too yeah that's the whole point and so we teach people how to live this lifestyle we basically live like the Amish we have the wood cook stove and everything else and uh we just try to teach people how to live this lifestyle okay so tonight we're live in the garden because we have a revelation to talk to you guys about Revelation yeah I mean this Garden hack actually paid off and we told you guys we'd keep you posted and we have more we have a Revelations uh cuz we have more um we'll have more videos coming with some more things that are growing but we wanted to talk about this right off the bat okay so tell them what you found out Stacy about gardening yeah about our hack well it really isn't even a I wouldn't call it a hack even I think it's just a way to go how long we've been here well 15 years it's a hack you know you must not understand what that means so 15 years when we've been here when's the last time you heard of this uh hack that we're going to talk about this been the past few years it was the buzz the last few years so we thought we would give it a try before we talked about it because we want to make sure we know what we're talking about and basically it's called elect Electro so electroculture is when you take copper and you wrap it around a string and there's a stick there's a certain way you got to do it it's like clockwise going up the stick you know and then you put that in the ground where you're planting and it actually draws energy from the atmosphere pushes it into your soil and creates bumper crops we're going to tell you our testimony tonight cuz we've been putting it under the test actually can't believe it I was skeptical well I've been putting I put them in like a different some of them I put them in bed some of them I didn't put them in bed some things were the same things that I did with the copper wi or the copper you know thing um and some places I didn't and yesterday was really totally cool to see what happened because I harvested um potatoes and it was just crazy because you know we started digging out the potatoes at the end that did not have the we had I had like a a piece of Branch from one of the trees on the property and then had wire that went up it and so you want to go grab it take it outand out she'll go grab it for you guys real quick okay and you can keep talking and so we put that in the ground we put our potatoes in early on in the spring like you do and normally you know when you do your potatoes you're pulling them out and you you'll get some here and you'll get one over here and one over there you know how it is right normal and so you know we're just digging in there pulling out our little potatoes and stuff and then they worked over to where the stick was with the copper wire going on it and it opened it up and OMG uh let's see if I can got a picture for you guys oh well it's on the thumbnail but I'll try to uh put it on here for you let me see if I got it on here I don't have oh here it is that was just that one area just right underneath the stick with the copper on it was all those potatoes just like a like right around it and they were like stuck together she did it don't I'm not telling you nothing tell them yeah so here's this is my thing I just took it out of the ground so you need to put it in at least 6 inches that six inch in the ground with the copper yeah so here's my little and this is just a regular stick that we got and then we put the gauge wire you know the bigger the better but whatever you can you know afford I guess you could say and then you wrap it all the way up the stick and then that helps pull the electromagnetic field or electricity whatever it is into the ground it's a conductor right and so it's helping Crystal at the top charge the soil yeah so what you know I put it the one end we were harvesting potatoes and I will say that is it working yeah volume's low they said so speak up okay okay so I did I I we had the potatoes in there and um I'll have to say this year the potato this has been my best potato Harvest of all the years we've been here um but the one end I was getting lots of potatoes but then it was crazy when we started digging up around the where the electric colure wand thing was they were just like all around it it was like they were all gravitating toward it which was really cool to see because it was very obvious very very obvious which I thought was so cool and the other thing that I did notice with any place that I put the copper hes that I had tremendous growth right by there wherever it it it was just amazing how rich and green and beautiful it was so I could definitely tell the higher that you have it going up the better and it should affect like a 15t radius they say and uh if you don't want to use the stick we even stuck a couple of ground rods like you can go to your local hardware store and say let me get a ground rod and you can take the ground rod that's a copper rod and shove that in the ground where you want to try it as well there's also some tricks that you can do to the top of it to even enhance it even more you want to talk about that yeah I mean you could put you know you could even put like wires going out like that you know like wire wire wire or you can yeah you need to make like an antenna thing like this right with your wire you could just do that up at the very top to attract more energy or this is just a crystal here like a from an agot this is just a crystal you can put some crystals in there to help I know I know but trust me this is all this is all this is all designed to work this way and if you don't understand that that's because of your programming so I encourage you to do your homework so we're very happy I mean I can definitely it's very interesting to see how everything happened the one thing that I wish I would have done I'll tell you guys is put it in my bed where I have my carrots um and I would have liked to seen the difference now I still have time I I'm going to switch some things around I took a lot out of the beds I took all my beets out like you see behind me I had a great beet crop a great beet Harvest you have it wrong because the um stuff comes from the top to the bottom because you can put it in bad soil and grow something get that thing out of here it's just plain and grow and grow something right so the soil is not the magic say hi to the kitten and we use raised beds too so it's not even in the on the Earth get out of here we're just playing we're in here all right so I will I mean I I definitely no I can't attract lightning yeah see that is a misnomer they used to say they used them for lightning rods but generally they were using them in these buildings to just to harness the energy for like electricity or whatever you want to call it what they were using so I think it's kind of cool so I will definitely be adding these to all of my I'm going to put them everywhere everywhere yeah I going to put them everywhere and just and the thing is is you can just keep reusing them you know just take them out and put them back in and so it's just like you know you get your tomato cages and all that I'm just going to start collecting these and making them and making them better and better like on some of what are those grounding those those pole things that I got that are made out of copper yeah see she put them in her garden her kale is ginormous yeah it's kale yeah kale no so it was it it's just absolutely crazy how much the stuff has grown you want tell on the kale yeah we're going to tell you about the kale well there's one thing on a lot of stuff that I've been you know learning and reading about and um kale can definitely you know it does have oxalates in it and can form crystals over time are we eating any I totally stopped eating kale I used to eat it all the time however I I'm doing other greens but I've kind of cut out my kale I'll have it once in a while if you're not growing you're dying don't get stuck in your ways and think oh you found this idea and it's a great idea because if you keep studying sometimes you'll study your way off of that so like we had the kale thing going for a little bit but the more we looked at it and learned more and more and more you start just kind of moving on that's what we encourage you guys to do and thanks everybody who showed up and hit the thumbs up it helps get the analytics charged up especially since the social media has their boot on our neck and they're trying to unsubscribe you and hide our videos and hopefully we'll pull this off before the weather get gets bad on us yeah and then I was saying with the with the the what are they called grounding rods what are those things called that I have those metal so um I really like those because they're already pre-done and then I can just add what I want I might just they're already copper and then at the top I'm going to do kind of like a little antenna thing with a few things and then maybe on some of them I'll even put some Stones crystal stones on top you can put it in any raised bed it's not going to touch your steel don't let it touch the steel okay just put it right in the middle or right off to the side and don't all the way down to the bottom of your metal you want it right in that dirt okay that's the best way it's going to be and you can this is something you can do inside with your house plants so you can use little bitty ones little bittes you get you can get the little bitty wires and make something flowers or you can just put a stick them in there wrap them around a p well I don't know a pencil you can wrap them around a stick um you can put them in your hanging plants put them every yeah yeah I just thought about that too so definitely you know you can use them pretty much anywhere where you want something to grow oh if ground rods are copper plated you know that's not really the best you want the best is to get the copper uh so wire is good too the thicker wire gauge you can get the better you know so it just it takes a little work to wrap these poles and do all this stuff but we're encouraging you guys even for your fall Garden just give it a whirl we know you're already going in the summertime Garden it's already rocking and you're doing your thing we're pulling some stuff out now uh but uh try it for the fall Garden so someone just said incases what greens are we growing y so I'm growing all kinds of Roma I really love the red roma I have the green Roma lettuce the like Boston head lettuce the deer tongue lettuce I love um I'm doing I am doing some collards um and then I have tons of arugula and my and also the thing that I I really do love to grow is I grow micro greens yes you know our friends at Barefoot micro micro greens if you're pregnant it's just food I would say yes that's for sure it's food INE I mean unless you have a dietary restriction that your doctor says you can't eat fresh food yeah it's just like they're just yeah they're just like uh the food you're having like baby broccoli Sprouts or baby cantaloupe or baby bean sprouts or anything like that so the thicker the copper wire the better so whatever you can afford you know stuff gets kind of pricey you guys so just remember that stuff too they they try to price it expensive so you don't mess with the copper copper into your home they took away from you but it's actually so so good for you actually I'm going to read a few things uh that copper is good for right and uh you guys are going to freak out and so I actually had someone email me because our copper mugs are in I'm going to tell you about those in a second we're going to give three of them away don't go anywhere but I had someone email me and they said yeah it was the darnest thing the city got a hold of them and said yeah we think you have the copper pipes com into your house and we'd be glad to come and take those out and replace them with the PVC pipes and we won't even charger and she told him to beat it so I'm going to tell you guys a lot of the things uh if you drink from copper too so the first part about this well first talk about the pipes just about how they they don't allow harmful chemicals to be Leed that's what I'm getting to slow down Skippy but the whole thing about the garden thing is I was skeptical about it honestly it actually works like they peeled open that thing all those potatoes were right underneath that stick that's not a coincidence right uh so we got other things growing that we're going to share with you guys uh you know in coming up videos and we'll take you around here and show you that we'll show you from a one side of the bed to that thing okay so stay tuned make sure you're subscribed so according to areda medicine right drinking water stored in Copper vessels such as uh copper mugs right or uh water bottles on an empty stomach detoxifies and cleanses your digestive system first thing in the morning copper helps stimulate the stomach muscles to move waste products through the intestines and out of the body okay now hang tight too I'm going to give you guys a link where you guys can get your copper mugs that we got now you want to show them yeah show them what's up we'll just show them yours you can just show them yours oh and they will oxidate a little bit like see it it won't stay super duper shiny we'll show you one of the shiny ones here in a second but you can polish them yeah if you want to with a little baking soda and lemon juice they'll get shiny just like like they're brand new again but just know that when you get it somebody was already saying like she got some spots inside of it cuz she had some water in there it's going to change colors on it these are 100% copper there's no nothing they're 100% copper and they're made in India I sourced them from a really good place and they're the bomb so that's what they look like new this is what it looks like when you're drinking on them I mean it's about the same but if you want them really shiny what did you say use baking soda and lemon juice you can there's lots of different things you can do to do it that's what I use to clean them when I'm going to clean them all right right so that's what first copper kills bacteria too the two common bacteria that cause serious illness copper also helps prevent bacteria that causes diarrhea from drinking bad water so if you're going to be in a sketchy place or if you like to go camping you could actually use your copper cup and it's light so you put in your backpack if you're doing like surv with a carabiner you know what I mean that'll give you a little cling cling cling too so you keep the bears away from you drinking the copper cups bottles also AIDS in the production of new cells that help replenish the top most layers of your skin cuz copper is the main component in the production of melanon melanin hey I'm working over here the guine agre yeah and I'll tell you for me like it mitigates the color of your hair eyes and skin yeah it helps it helps with that and then also it helps your hair grow yeah it's got like antioxidants antio properties antiinflammatory too so it's just something like I will say say I don't drink everything out of this you know I'm drinking nothing hot yeah you don't no microwaves no dishwashers no I do like to drink my water out of this in the morning Doug and I first thing in the morning I like to do my solle I'll do the salt water you know put our little salt in there with our water and we have a glass of water first thing so um I do I I I do enjoy the mugs so and you can drink anything out of it if you guys are a mixed Drinker drinkers this really enhances the flavor of your mixed Drinker drinks cuz I'm not a mixed Drinker Drinker or if you like beer um a lot of people drink their beer out of this cuz the copper enhances the flavor of the beer um so you can get it for that too get one for your friends get one for your families 100% India Source no China 100% copper no fillers no additives and they're available now man and they Jam you got some more information about what else they're good for um well I mean it's also you know it's been noted that they say it's it's good for your brain health drink lemon water out of it you could drink your solle out of it what they do say is if you have an acidic drink in here you're like maybe you have a a vodka orange juice or something just something acidic right like you don't want to let it set in here for like half an hour or something so most people you know they're going to drink their stuff and it's going to be no problem if you have water sitting in there don't leave it setting in there for you know like all day or something just drink your water and you'll be moving on does the salt and the so lighter no I made it's all fine you can drink the sole out of it I have my sole every day uh lemon water every day all out of my copper mug I like to drink my mug first thing in the morning like it says it helps you with your digestive system so drink that on a very empty stomach your first cup of water filtered water never drink tap water yeah really if you guys pick one thing to do is definitely check into the health of your water you don't want to drink the city water that comes out of the pipes and that's the thing you know if you're building a house or you need to change your piping or something a lot of people are repiping and going back to copper pipes because that's how they used to be a long time ago our shower is a copper pipes instinctively when I was building it cuz I have to build our own faucets and stuff around here because nothing is off- grid friendly and we don't have the pressure like the city folks so I had to Fashion my own stuff I'm going to do this kitchen sink here in a second with copper but I made our shower out of copper pipes and it's been working fantastic and it feels great when you take a shower um oh Angela says which micro greens do you buy so um I was talking about the micro greens so here's my I'm going to talk to you guys about my little Epiphany Barefoot microG Barefoot microG you can get a grow kit got lots of really good information seeds all the stuff that you need to grow so I was thinking I was talking to my friend yesterday and I was saying because we had such a bumper crop you know you think about survival food you think about um people who live in uh an apartment or someone who just lives in a subdivision doesn't have a lot of space or maybe it's a little too hard to have a garden it's too much for them maybe you're old or maybe you're um disabled or who knows what or just maybe you're just tired you know want to do so much we had such a we had a great potato crop and I'm trying to do three Harvest this year I mean we live in Missouri which is 6 fet so what I did was I 6B 6B not 6 feet I put just in case quite a few like five gallon buckets and like lick tubs yes that I put potatoes in that means anybody could do it anybody can do this so you could put this on your back porch or just stick it anywhere you have a little dinky house or an apartment you can anybody can do this I watered it and they grew in those pots they do come to maturity a little sooner the potatoes might be a little smaller but I don't care they they'll fill up the pot you just got to make sure you water them because they are in that pot and they will get um dry so just make sure you're watering them so then they grew I harvested those I had a lot I had three raised beds full of potatoes I had uh three varieties I had Yukon Gold I had the Norland red they're similar to the red Pontiac potatoes and then I had the kabx which are like your baked potatoes so I went ahead and I planted all those I harvest the ones from my um raised bed yesterday and then I've already harvest the ones in my lick tub and I've already replanted them and if you want to show can you get that one or some of these have already already I've replanted them and right now this is my going to be my second harvest in these pots so we're already knocking down two Harvest of potatoes in just pots they're just getting ready to just like that so there'll be potatoes in there in a second so I thought you know you can use lemon in Copper cups no problem just don't let it sit in there if you want to drink your lemon water out of your copper cup it's no problem solay no problem you can drink any liquids do not put it in the microwave do not use hot liquids that's all and don't no microwaves no dishwashers go ahead okay so I thought stop arguing I I I thought you know with the meat that we have here we have lamb we have cow we have chickens we have eggs we have all that it's very mean if I just grew you know you only need to grow some potatoes and then the micro greens okay let's say you don't have access to going outside even or maybe the air is going to get so bad from the trails you can't but you know you could you could grow your micro greens inside with your Barefoot micr greens kit um have your potatoes have some meat you know what I mean you're going to get a lot of nutrition out of those you know few things you know I grow beets I love the the actual Beet Root I like to ferment beets and you know certain things like that so I can have fermented foods for my beets and I have my cabbage so like over the years I've kind of decided things that I really really truly love that give me a lot of nutrition like my sauerkraut when I do my cabbages I just I have gallons of sauerkraut that I've been working on over the past week or so and it's going to really give me lots of vitamin C and wonderful nutrition as well as the beets helping to purify my blood you're getting the fermented food if I do the micro greens I do the potatoes we have our meat we have our eggs you know it's it's a pretty balanced diet and I didn't really have to do quite so much so a lot of you guys you know you if you want to even add fermented food you can ferment micro greens or you could um you know ferment a lot of the stuff that you have but you don't need a lot of space so you know for a lot of people you could go ahead and um you know just go ahead and make potatoes what's wrong with your eyes Stacy I don't know what's wrong with my eyes nothing it's just the shadow of your hat makes it messed up and then the blur of the thing we eat our potatoes Sandra we talking about I've been eaten we've been eating potato in the root cell man that's how a lot of people survived the Depression was eating potatoes so basically we always have a lot of potatoes yeah and I think maybe that we had so many potatoes this year because we're going you get the Copper at the Home Depot the Lowe's the Ace Hardware your electrical supply store in your town you know just any kind of a place that sells wire or stuff like that go ahead yeah so and it's going to work on any kind of plants yeah yeah any kind of plants and uh and you want to wind it up clockwise from the bottom to the top clockwise to the right that's what they say but all I'm telling you guys you you get the biggest size you can afford you know what I'm telling you biggest size you can afford lion is acidic that's okay though let you can have acidic drinks in here all right I I know I if you bought one earlier or saw the post or something I thought it was no acidic drinks but all the drinks are acidic and they say it's no problem I did double I did double super checking on it and yeah it'll just help tarnish the inside a little bit but it's not going to like eat a hole in your cup or anything but you don't want to leave it in there longer than 20 minutes 29 minutes 30 minutes you know what I mean don't leave it in there a long time that was the only thing so generally first thing in the morning we just drink our stuff out of it yep and you can put your hot you know your um your tea in there you know your chocolate tea your rest and digest tea but just don't and you don't make your tea this way anyway you don't take I had somebody email me they melted the top of the te- ball cuz they put the tea so hot and then they dropped the te- ball in there and the te- ball hid and the the top of it melted off that's the only part that's not stainless steel is that little push button top and I was like dang so after you heat your tea water you're supposed to push it off to the side a little bit and let it calm down right yeah you need your the tea once you don't ever put boiling boiling water make your tea because a lot of times it can make it bitter it doesn't taste right you just need to let it rest and mellow for a little bit just for a few minutes and then pour it over your your tea bag or your tea ball or however like that Pamela the probably the only thing I wouldn't drink from there would be straight tomato juice but you probably could because they drink Bloody Marys and stuff too right so like I said just don't let it set in there that's the main [Music] key oh my God gosh we we cooked potatoes at the Sun Oven at the conference uh I mean just potatoes are yeah somebody was at the conference we had the giant world's largest son ofen there and we were cooking potatoes and bread and did we do chicken even no we didn't do the chicki No No Yeah it works out it just works out great actually I'm going to be making I want I need to make a bunch of ghee so I'm going to make some ghee where we it's been kind of Cloudy so I just thought for me to make one day I'm just going to do a ton of it because it'll takes about an hour and a half to two hours for you know every time I do a couple batches so I'm going to go ahead and just do that and then um thanks David I use oh corn sweet corns coming in you can put the whole corn yeah we do I like a few every year we don't grow it no but I just get a yeah I just get a few so I look forward to have it a few times in the summer but you can just put the whole thing the whole outside part the green part everything can go in the sun oven and you just let it cook you know I do hard-boiled eggs I could put a whole chicken in there I could put a roast in there I put vegetables in there you can make rice you can do everything oh Dave Hendrickson says make sure you guys are subscribed you just had to resubscribe again and thanks for all we're doing and sharing you appreciates us you guys we're serious make sure you subscribe to our Channel they're purging our subscribers right from our very eyes and what happens is out of sight out of mind and that's what happens we don't forget about you guys but a lot of you forget about us especially if YouTube doesn't put you on that feed you cycle it's up to you to find us and see what's going on a lot of people think we only do live shows now they're missing all the videos during the week all right oh yeah some you can put smoothies in the in there yeah in the mug yeah yeah ex so what about the smoothies you can put a smoothie in here I know what we were just talking about smoothies the other day what did we learn huh oh wait what is this there's a troll person in here where is it Emory Emory is the troll Randall Randall's a troll I'm Coming For You Rand good times homestead's in the house with Jen and Steve thanks for being a moderator all right you guys so seriously this copper in the garden stuff we're telling you guys it works we showed you our bumper potato Harvest we didn't show them the PO potato Harvest they don't Haven seen the PO I saw them the picture the ones that oh well that was just like a few but I got huge I got more pictures hold on did you take take all the pictures of my tubs I have the pictures they in the outside kit but they're too heavy to carry yeah we don't want to carry them all the way in here all right so that's one of the lick tubs right there cuz I posted it on X if you guys follow us on X but the that's one tub right there it's a Big Lick tub too it's a real big one and it's full all the way to the brim right behind it is all of our onions we pulled a lot of onions out right there you can see a beet we have a whole pile of beets right mon we have several of these containers with white uh Yukon Golds and stuff kcks and we have these red potatoes here so we ain't playing we always come legit 100 with receipts how do you keep your lettuce from what bolting from being bitter well it if it gets too hot it won are you H that thumbs up over there so the thing is with lettuce you need to get it in soon when early in the season because most lettuce do not like the heat of the sun when it's really really bad there are certain types of lettuce that are better I did find that the red roma and I I'm probably thinking because you know it it has it's a darker pigmentation I think that might help with it it does help but as it starts to bolt you know with the heat it's going to get the leaves will get better so generally you're going to find when you're in the heat of you're not able to you know um get as much lettuce because it's just too hot depending where depending where you are you know so I plant as much le as I can and then during these times when you know when it's the heat of Summer then what I'll do is I'll try and honestly I'll I'll even plant some seeds I'll do some arugula arugula will do it I'll get it when it's young I just plant a whole bunch of seeds or even the other one that I'll even try to do I'll plant it in the Shady area maybe there's some peppers or some tomatoes and then I'll get like the mesculin mix or you know a variety of seeds and I'll plant them very densely and then let them come up and then I'll just kind of cut them kind of like micro Greens on a bigger scale and get them that way too or what I'll do is my go-to like I say go visit Barefoot microG you guys can get a a micr green kit but I'll do the micro Greens in the heat part of the summertime when I can't grow because pretty soon I'm going to start doing my fall garden and then that way I'll have that and it'll be in the cooler times so there might be you know a month month and a half sometimes two months it just depends where I may not get the best lettuce Angie our AA it's uh these go about 15 ft so if you just stick one in one of your bed or your area there they say the radius is about 15 ft so you should get plenty of coverage it's not one per plant or anything uh you want to put them in your house plants in the house or just one in every bed uh just something like that and skip a couple too right so that way you can gauge it and see if yeah cuz see that's fun you put them in one and then you put them in another one and then just see kind of what happens it's just fun to notice what happens so we store our potatoes just in our root seller guys nothing's big secret thing about it remember you need to cure like your onions yes you know they need to cure for a couple weeks sit outside in the regular temperature then um and then that way the potatoes will do the same thing too you'll do it for sweet potatoes regular potatoes they cure and then you can store them down in the root seller if it looks counterclockwise that's cuz it's always revers when you're looking through the camera lens didn't you ever know that so if we showed you some riding it would all be backwards like this right here see backwards the illusion is Choice my my friends you know what I'm talking about you stick the copper on the stick and you stick that into your garden and you're going to double your bounty we have we're getting more production out of our food with that one simple garden hack y'all and so we thought we'd share you I was very skeptical I trust but verify I was very skeptical make sure you guys are hitting that thumbs up cow girl in Arizona says a AIC Indian friend says that she clean her copper water jugs with turmeric powder there you go turmeric powders are very good for cleaning that all right I said hang the boat oh James say I have one for you when I'm looking at it it says it backwards like I'm I'm looking at it and it says it backwards hold on let me see I'll watch it on the screen but no it's going the right way you might have it upside down no yeah that might have been your first one too you might have messed it up that might have been a messed up one all right so but it's it's clockwise you want to turn it clockwise James says I have one for you what what's going on in France a big two Cita yeah man Obama was even on X talking about it he was even on there basically saying hey I put the fix in over in France here we come that's what he basically said I was like whoa all right Bon CL I'm listen what James says I have one for you what about friends that have a garden under high tension high voltage line move tell them to move ASAP there's no help man that's Bad News Bears you probably hear those things humming up there can you James can you hear them humming that's not him as his friends I know but he goes over there that's what I'm just saying he can hear hear them humming can you suggest a brand of stainless steel water bottle that does not have plastic straw on top some of them I've seen have a glass straw you can what you do is take the plastic straw out and then just get a a glassw get a glass straw or just take a c off and drink it right from it I do that I I have a few glass draws that I got and then I just use those I can't believe we're actually pulling this off we're out here while with the storm swirling around us it kind of the wind stopped so that's good a little bit man y'all we are oh my gosh we got to fix our rain catchment our we're getting uh last night we got almost an inch over/ inch yesterday we got 2 in it's like every other day I told you guys they're trying to flood out the Midwest flood flood flood Farmers around here like soon as they try to do something in the fields boom it's raining on them the guys are trying to put up hay boom it's raining on them so it's been pretty challenging that way uh let's see rats in the barn what's your concoction you think they'll eat that I do for sure oh the rats um rats like chocolate yeah it did look normal I've seen it what look normal the Hannibal sign oh so sometimes it's backwards though was all I was saying so um you might want to try you can get that Jiffy cornbread mix or you can just do a cake mix or you can just do flour I would if you're going to do that you can mix some um cocoa powder in there or just use a brownie mix if you want to and then you want to do half of that with a half of baking soda so let's say you had a brownie mix if you want to buy a cheap one of those if you don't want to worry about mixing anything up um and then half baking soda mix it all together set it out and then have some water by it and then they're going to they'll eat the powdery stuff and then um and then but W behold they won't be able to burp and they hopefully they'll die man you guys want to talk about this Barrel thing for a little bit did you guys even look up this word Barrel I know you didn't but have you guys even look into this hurricane you ever looked it what did I say you just said this Barrel thing and people are like Barrel they know what it is yeah no it's hurricane Barrel b e r y l did you know that's scriptural did you know that's in the scriptures do you know that's on the breastplate of the priests check that out right go check that out it's on the breastplate of the priest it's it's in your scripture several different times uh Barrel b e r y l these cats are invading our garden right now because we're in here and uh you can go look this stuff up and it's kind of interesting that Barrel is coming into Corpus Christie you know what Corpus Christie means Christos oh my gosh and then right after that I was supposed to hit Victoria okay we got some biblical stuff going on with this fight between good and evil happening right before our eyes and everyone's so tuned out no one picks it up that's just some stuff I ran across I run across the craziest stuff right go look it up Barrel b e r y l the it's in the it's in your Bible the breast plate on the priest has it and then there's several references to it in your scriptures and the thing comes into Corpus Christy they first they said it was not going to even hit Texas I don't know I just found that interesting let me know if you found that interesting ah dog food in your lap no what my dog doesn't eat that stuff what stuff our kitty cats they're all pretty good and friendly which is really weird because aides are notorious for not liking cats and Molly she get with but she likes to chase them sometimes sure but I will tell you she's discovered uh I planted strawberries in a bed for the first year over here I had a little bed I decided to put some strawberries in there that's right and they're growing really good now and we have lots of red strawberri so um Molly loves strawberries now she's in there picking strawberries out she' find them and eat them it was really cute listen you're exactly right Pam it is a high frequency Stone to IAL Diamonds the barrel b e r y l go look this stuff up this is some stuff going on right here wealth of information for us do not have the time I do try and uh between Stacy and myself I think we got you covered we do try we try to keep you up to date with all this crazy going on and we're trying to keep you guys in the garden and telling you the tricks to produce more food encouraging you guys that you can do it because we did we are fast Learners though that's one thing that Stacy and I are and we do Jump Right In we don't have no we have no fear basically and we have grit so you have to have all these elements uh to really kind of make it and Teresa says she did the copper and her strawberries and they never had such big and sweet strawberries not to mention the M she hard we have no benefit here except we're selling copper mugs we have no benefit here to to tell you any business right we're I am I was totally skeptical wasn't I he you're always skeptical I'm trust verify I come from the show me I want to see it I did I was [Music] like there's no denying it you can't deny it hit that thumbs up we're talking electroculture I'm doing it it's fun stuff yes it is it's actually fun it makes your garden look pretty too you know have a a what is it a copper w a copper a copper winding party get some sticks on your property or if you don't have trees or sticks around you can get dowels Dow rods like at Home Depot or Lowe's or something and you can start doing it just start even in the winter months get ready for this you know for next season or for the fall if you're going to have a fall Garden you can use your copper pipe but it's not going to be probably as effective cuz it's Hollow and you got a thin wall so if I was you if you're going to do the electric colure stuff maybe try that as a test area you know it should work some but then you want to just get the wire and wrap it do like a little at the top of it do an antenna yeah and then let us know like how that works out but in my first thought is there's just no Mass so that's what it likes the mass that's why the copper wires got mass and then you wrap it or the actual uh grounding rod if it's copper yeah you put them in your growing areas and you will get more food we we've just tested it it's working fabulously and I didn't believe it but it is true what's up Carol how are you doing this evening how close do you need to wrap it yeah it has to be like within about an inch you want to have your spirals about 1 inch apart little less little more all right they want us to break out the pictures one night maybe we look at all of our old city pictures pictures yeah you know like have a a look back for Doug and Stacy that'd be fun maybe we'll do that one weekend see if anybody actually cares so y'all if case you just got here the cups are here okay according to areda drinking water stored in Copper vessels such as copper water bottles or cups this is our copper mug we're selling now on an empty stomach detoxifies and cleanses your digestive system first thing in the morning copper helps stimulate the stomach muscles to move waste products through the intestines and out of the body okay this is a 100% copper mug that are no additives or fitiv or any kind of nothings on it it's 100% copper I've sourced these from India okay a very good source that I found and uh we're bringing them to you guys from the Missouri Tea Company copper kills bacteria the two common bacterias that cause silver serious illness copper also helps prevent bacteria that causes diarrhea from drinking bad water so if you're going to a place with compromised water bring your copper mug and it's going to help you out okay drinking from copper Cups have been shown to boost the immune system and improve digestion and also in case you didn't know the copper is the main and component for melanin a pigment that might mitigates the color of your skin eyes and hair so it replenishes the topmost layer of your skin man whoever knew this and that's all according to aric you know a lot of people over in India they do they they use copper different why in my opinion they snatched it all out of your house and put PVC piping everywhere oh my gosh have we've been bamboozled I know I I was thinking like if we ever would like have to coip copper pipes that's what I'm to everything copper pipes all right you guys so there's the link if you want to get yours we're going to give away three cups but here's the problem one two three two three the problem is on YouTube is there's so many scammers okay so what'll happen is now the scammers are going to show up and they're going to start leaving comments down below saying hey this is Doug hit me up over on Telegraph you're a winner and then you guys go over there and then they tell you this and that and they sucker you out of shipping money or something and it breaks my heart so the only way you can actually do this is if you're on our mailing list our email list okay our email list is 100% free all you have to do is go to offgrid withd and just sign up for it it's right there so easy nothing special about it okay and then what happens is you'll be on our email list and then I will pick people off of the email list and I'll send you an email that's going to be the only way because otherwise our communication is going to get hijacked okay so I'm leaving the link make sure you're on our email list you just fill out the box it's totally free you'll get an email from us confirming that you're asking to be on our email list it's kind of a security measure you got to click the blue box and then that'll secure it for you and then you'll be on the list okay if you're already on our email list if you got an email today cuz I sent one out and if you are on our email list and you didn't get it check your spam or something because it's probably there I sent an email list out a couple hours before the live show tonight but we're going to give away three of these Missouri te company see the logo there it's very beautiful uh mugs 100% copper that's what it looks like when it's brand new and that's what it looks like after you put water in it the first time no that's not the first time it's he leaves water in his all the time just don't get sour about it as all I'm saying no you just can clean it I haven't cleaned it it's a natural process okay oh and if you're in our store and you grab an emergency candle or any of our candles we appreciate it we hand pour those for you guys we're making them here 100% beeswax unrefined and we have emergency candles and stuff some some nice person emailed me today because they live in Texas and their electricity went out and they went right for their emergency candle okay but they're kind of upset because she says the emergency candles are not bright my phone flashlight is Brighter Than This of candle like are you kidding me right now I wait for a reply but look these candles are not LED lights okay they're not going to put out that much light that you're probably used to in your on grid world they're emergency candles and they're very subtle candles are very subtle light that your eyes enjoy and light but you will be able to see around your dwelling you know so I just wanted to bring that to you I you know it's full disclosure that's what I like full disclosure all right Carol says she was able to brute kombucha for her first time I got a mini scobby every single bottle during the second fermentation can I eat the mini scobby we're giving away three three you can eat the scobby and I'm going to wait 24 hours so that gives everybody a chance to watch the video and to make sure that they're on our email list and and then I will contact you via email and say hey I I picked you off the email list and then you'll send me your name and address and then we'll send it right out show everybody their baby turkeys and mommies right there oh my gosh we have babies and turkeys you want to see the mommy turkey and her babies she hatched them in nature and they now she's they're walking around they right here yeah let's see if you guys can see them they're getting kind of big y'all that's one thing about the homestead life you know seriously like from the city life cuz we were so disconnected you know what I'm saying like we were living with all the concrete and the clocks and the schedules and the deadlines and the commitments and the bills and there's the babies right there man they just grew like pretty good in the last two days you guys see them right there where's Mama at she's over there are those the three that were in the house four baby no those are the three that were in the house these are the on you let out of the big house the A-frame oh yeah and she's hanging out with the mama see that one right there the gray one she wants to be a mama oh oh I'm sorry but her eggs never hatched these are bigger than the baby so they hatched by themselves you know we got them in a um A-frame but they're coming out now so just so you know but we got guine out there with babies white ones pearls they call them we got the no the pearls are the black and white ones oh yeah the pearls are the black and white ones the white ones we got to we got baby seven of the baby pearls oh there they are way over there oh I don't know if they're going to see them get her way over there wasn't that mommy found babies look at her she's adopting them yeah she might adopt them I hope so she's hanging out look at her she's hanging out with them like their she didn't hatch any this year so maybe she'll adopt them that would be great hopefully our connection's still good y'all we appreciate you guys so much oh come here Molly people want to see Molly too we love hanging out with you guys Molly say hi we just want to help you try to improve your life there's Molly hi Molly Molly say hi they're right here okay show and this is how you improve impr your life you improve your life by growing more of your own food you know having more skin in the game so they say cuz I figured out the big trick they they took our lives away from us and they monetized them you know what I mean like everything you do has been monetized and now that they've taken everything away from us and monetized it now they're weaponizing it okay that's what I've noticed they took your kids from you because they raised they took away the gold standard which created a job where two people had to go to work because they were inflating everything the prices were going up so two people had to go to work to afford the same things that just a few years before that one person was able to do and then they took your kids they take the kids and they go to Rome and they learn all the Roman things and now here we are we're a big hot mess right now so we got some we got some Growing Pains to go through but we can do it and the first step is you and you're like 25 feed around your persons so really start focusing in on what you can do to secure your food Water Shelter away from the system if you will like not having a mortgage or you know having a good food store down in the basement or growing food out here making sure you're at the farmers market and then fermenting your food so you have good food to eat during the winter and you know all these little things like this are very very empowering and they can really help you out and and when times get rough you'll be able to manage it you know what I mean you won't be freaking out and you won't be running around crazy J says will electric colure work in grow bags yes it'll work all anything you know if you have something growing it should be great it should work so we only put a little bit of stuff in the high tunnel because it gets really hot in the summertime and we I wasn't finished fast enough for the spring we do have some tomatoes in there now they're rocking I mean they're huge my I love Mr stripy Tomatoes did you you put where is it no go get oh go get No I gave it away huge I gave it to the Murphy's you did dang we love the Murphy's it it it was this you have a picture we love Ste y'all too yeah no it's beautiful all right I'm going to find the picture of our stripy and then um how deep do you plant the stick at least six inches or so is good when you're doing the when you oh I think this was on our community post if you guys go to our community tab well your hand hug look at my hand yeah you got a big hand yeah so if you guys go to the community tab on YouTube you can see a better picture of it okay but seriously man we just want you guys to win we want to win we're tired of the no winning and a lot of it has to do with Breaking Free from the system beard was long as Dougs just cut bear instant regret oh my gosh man that must have hurt what' he do he said he cut her beard totally off and then he had instant regret oh it'll grow it's summertime it grows quicker I've been here since the First videos yep stay with us Daisy we appreciate you you guys got to stay vigilant that's what I mean too like co-opting out our Channel like you guys are literally letting YouTube whenever you show up letting them pick who you go watch and stuff because of who they recommend a lot of people don't even check their subscription feed or just manually type in off good with Doug and Stacy just to see what's new and exciting they just let YouTube push them around and tell them what to watch because they're constantly suggesting material to you that's what they do and if they don't like us or whatever their thing is that's what they do they stop showing us to you and then you forget and then it's like eight months from now man I caught a live show you guys are still putting up videos I can't believe it oh my gosh I haven't seen any of your videos oh Jessica says that her green cabbage closes to the electro Rod is healthy and the others around it are getting the cabbage worms yeah see that yeah we're not making stuff up oh I have to tell you I made it was so good and like I used to do it and you totally forget about stuff yesterday I did um I have a bunch of cabbage so I had um I saw melted a bunch of butter crushed a bunch of fresh garlic in there cut up a big um onion and then I cut up a c couple heads of cabbage and I put them in the pan covered it so it would kind of you know know cook in there and then I got some grated some Parmesan cheese fresh parmesan cheese over the top of it and it was so good it was sort of like macaroni and cheese it was delicious stack silver gold and copper yeah I love my minerals doesn't matter what diameter the stick is that you wrap no it does not but the the best is if the higher you go the better like she's talking about how fat the stick is no just as long as it's sturdy you know that thing might get some wind pushing around or you know something like that so you want to be careful with that dang man well that was it we wanted to share our excitement we just had we just worked the garden yesterday real good yeah it was really cool to see it yep thanks Tia for helping out and Sage you guys are awesome Yep a mini hands make light work yes thanks Sage for teaching Molly that she loves strawberri and blackberry she she's she's a good eater so when we pulled that thing open and it was actually like right in your face like 10 times more potatoes right there in that area right underneath the stick if you just got here rewind the video we showed a picture of it and uh the proof was right there and all of the stuff that we have like there's a Vine grown on this here see it there's a Vine grown right there on that pole which see it right there there's a grounding rod right there right there with a Vine growing up it it's the highest grown Vine I've never had I've never had my sweet potatoes go up anything before and so that's doing really good there we got a couple more stuck in over there and we're going to share with you guys later on some videos about those bounties and how that goes okay we're also talking about the benefits of drinking from copper cups or water containers make sure you get 100% copper though there are imposters out there and Doug and Stacy have sourced the 100% copper most if you do look at them a lot of them are plated inside some of them have a coating inside you have to be really careful no Coatings no platings you guys we try really hard to hunt down products that are good for you and your family if if you go to the Missouri Tea Company or actually just offgrid with Doug and hit the shop tab I'm working on the Missouri Tea Company to be a better site a better experience but if you go there it has the tea ball of stainless steel our rest and digest tea is good for you it's our proprietary blend that we put together we have the chocolate tea which is rich in Theo bromines and has a very good and mood enhancing uh feel it's actually very good for you too right like tell them some of the advantages of that of chocolate yeah chocolate tea well a lot of us are low in magnesium and it has um magnesium y uh it does give you that little kick without like the Jitters um and you don't get a headache if you stop drinking it it just adds flavor there's a lot of nutrition in chocolate I mean it's it's totally unrefined it's just from the roasted cacao and um yeah we love it a lot of people will say if you just go ahead and drink it plain I mean it tastes okay but if you do add a sweetener maple syrup is incredible it gives it a whole different flavor like actually like aert yeah yeah and if you drink your tea and stuff just let it cool down you can drink them out of here it's actually good for you just don't drink anything hot don't put this thing in the microwave the links right there these this is actually builds your cells in your body this actually helps with your digestive system we actually have a little thing you can read if you want to check out the benefits on the on the link so you can check that out we have candles for you guys that we make ourselves 100% oh we're going to lose them all right guys that's the link thanks for hanging out with us our battery's dying on our phone cuz we did it from the Garden today and I wasn't 100% charged up we appreciate you guys like always share the video with your friends so they can see the Bounty and beauty of um electroc and if you want to plant something it's not too late be you could do like your cruciferous vegetables radishes I mean you can do so much squashes so all right make sure you guys hit that thumbs up share the video we'll see you guys on the next one go to offgrade withd make sure you're on the email list we're giving away three mugs in 24 hours you'll get an email if you want all right and we do appreciate you guys see you guys
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 66,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, cooking from scrtch, self sufficient, growing food, how to grow food
Id: BdqhWksQczA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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