This Game is the BIGGEST Upcoming Real-World RTS Zombie Base Builder | S2 E1 | Infection Free Zone

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ever made hello again there friends and fans Raptor here and if you haven't seen it before then welcome to infection free zone where today we're starting another new series in a new part of the world of a zombie game where it's not necessarily A post-apocalyptic Zombie Survival game but more of a post post-apocalyptic Survival game as you see all these awesome buildings in the background represent the homes and the destruction that would have occurred during a zombie outbreaker an apocalypse but now humanity is coming out of those basements and bunkers to reclaim cities and airfields and malls and international airports and supplies to then house by house block by block create an infection free zone well welcome aboard and good to see you all here as we're going to start a new series today in a whole new part of the world and this time well it's anytime we can go anywhere in the world yeah check it out we got the whole map of Earth to explore and discover and previously we've gone to many major cities including New York City I think Chicago Minneapolis London and also France into to Paris where we saw the Eiffel Tower and other medieval castles all around including more recently A Series in Italy where we saw kind of a medieval city that then was turned into a fortress like a star Fort some of the recommended maps from the developers now at this point this game is incomplete as the developers are still making it but there's still a lot of story out there the enemies Bandits who may have tanks who will try to use those against us and ferocious infected who will try to harass us day and night not only just humans but dogs and other creatures too and of course not only just organized groups of Bandits but also just desperate people who will try to kill just to find their next meal so welcome aboard as we take our first look at a new series in an area that I truly love from world and conflict a real-time strategy game from many years ago we're going to go to Seattle in honor of both I guess the last of us where of course uh well some shady things go down in The Last of Us series and also in World in Conflict where I love that Waterfront in the battle for Seattle for the space needle and a few other uh locations uh in Seattle as well but I want to know from you where should we build next previously we've built in uh Disney World and I think Disneyland we've also built at international airports at Area 51 Alcatraz in San Francisco and uh just many other places across the earth now we do know the infected in this game can swim too which is kind of cool cuz if you build on an island they can still get you and you have to kind of get back to them as well you know what I mean so uh yeah gaman other areas in Sweden in Norway would love to build anywhere but today we're going to build in Seattle and we're going to continue to build in many other locations as the game is still incomplete but now we can do new series now that we can actually save all right well thanks again for subscribing smashing the like button and let's take our first look at a new location as we build a new Fortress in infection free zone let's go all right so before we get started then I wanted to take a look at the Seattle area and just show how wonderfully detail this game does in importing maps from all over the world I'm not exactly sure what services they're using to generate these Maps but again they're taking uh you know areas with a large rail presence like uh train stations and Rail Yards and whatnot harbors and hospitals Police Department schools roads Bridges tunnels all are rendered here in this game although there's no actual elevation at the moment I hope to see that in the future the game does a pretty damn good job I'm honestly impressed with how well it is able to lay out cities there's a few maps that are recommended from the devs that are really well put together that I think they're uh brushing up and making look nicer and I think they'll continue to do that over the years maybe taking a lesson from for example Microsoft flight simulator that upon its launch in 2020 had a pretty damn goodlook map but there was some Shenanigans of weirdness to it and since then the developers of Microsoft Flight Sim have added a lot of great detail to American cities Japanese cities wherever it may be they've added a ton of detail to metropolitan areas well first and foremost I want to go to the Space Needle and see if we can make a base there so we'll try to go maybe someone somewhere up here a little bit and see if we can battle our way down uh to the harbor down here in the game world and conflict I mentioned earlier a lot of the final battles take place around the Space Needle then you got to swing down to the harbor and then secure a Soviet base that's somewhere near the uh Harbor as well and then eventually defend a Counterattack on one of the major highways that lead into the city I believe one of these here where you defend somewhere near the uh 8th Avenue area somewhere around there but anyway let's go ahead and get started again just beautiful that every single Hospital school every bridge every parking lot is pretty much brought into the game and I'm just thoroughly impressed all right well let's go ahead and uh yeah you know if we build up here there's a huge Lake if we build down here there's a huge amount of water so uh and I think the Space Needle somewhere around here so let's go right about there and see if we can secure the area okay now we're going to set up our uh game in the future we'll be able to name our settlement we'll be able to pick some stury months and some other stuff but you know what I'm going to do here is I'm going to go ahead and turn up the people the resources and to keep it a little bit more interesting we're also going to throw up the number of hordes to 1.4 rather than like6 or something like that which can definitely easily change things around but more settings will come in the future and again I'm using an alpha version of the game for those of you wondering hey uh you know how do I get this game or whatnot they are hosting the original 112 and 911 games from the same developers which kind of utilizes the same appap on their website so make sure you check that out still in development and the beta Andor uh prologue versions are still available on Steam but they're not like this version here so anyway keep that in mind as you want to get it for yourself let's begin what we called the Mad virus appeared out of nowhere it made people turn extremely violent aggressive and unrestrainable soon later the infected became bloodthirsty more like vampires than human there was chaos panic and War for survival desperate people were just as dangerous as the virus itself even our loved ones could become a threat the infection spread quickly through the entire Globe every region every country every city drastic measures were taken to get rid of the infected they all failed the last chance for those who seemed immune was to in underground shelters ones that we improvised in garages and basement loaded with food water and air filtration systems these were the places where we survived sealed from the outside for so long we waited for any signal any info that a cure had been found the situation stabilized instead we listened as the world grew quiet our resources were becoming depleted life support systems were failing and just as we were losing all hope we received a distant call to the infection is in deine seeks reild this was the impulse we needed there were others out there we could come back to the surface no more hiding from the ruins of the old world we will build our new home our infection free zone absolutely all right so something to note here too is that in some of the recommended maps from the developers we are able to start somewhere with that they've selected but here we get to select our own if it's not one of the recommended maps from them we having issues with the map no but they're still developing things so they want a little bit of feedback look at that we can make the Space Needle our our base of operations not just our home but what's interesting here is that the Space Needle kind of looks right but clearly is not like perfect I think there's going to have to be some special care to put in iconic U landmarks such as that and the Eiffel Tower and maybe uh the White House and other buildings like that so uh oh and it looks like we got a large area of water here too some sort of a maybe like park or something a Botanical guard I'm not sure you can actually compare these pretty damn uh equally to uh like Google Maps or what in fact I have one open over here uh right now so I think this is some sort of a science center or something like that or it's it's all part of a complex of different buildings like that that might be a part of different museums and things like that but regardless very cool now just so everyone knows uh I think I was inspired to come here because of some of the areas in Last of Us two where there's massive walls and huge concrete uh bunkers and and like security towers and what not and that's kind of what I want to build here if you played The Last of Us two or seen images they do a really good job of kind of creating the whole thing around the wolf faction and so that's kind of what we're going to try to mimic here today additionally since the game doesn't really necessarily have an end yet because it's early access we could in our previous Maps continuously and endlessly go to buildings and eventually get grab all the supplies and then be self-sufficient but there's no telling where it would go from there so for now as the game still in development I think we'll kind of go until we get bored of a certain area and then go start over again honestly I do that in city builders all the time I don't know about you but honestly once I got my city up and running I've got a pretty good population of a couple hundred thousand and things are going really well I want to go back to that initial uh struggle and design and build again I think somewhere over here is the uh uh the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Building somewhere around here I don't know if it looks exactly right but um yeah there's a lot of iconic buildings around here in fact it actually might be this one here uh perhaps uh or at least a part of it these two buildings so anyway let's go ahead and get started with our space needle base this is going to be awesome only one person can actually live there that's going to be hilarious so let's use it all right here we go let's beginer first we made our way out the neighborhoods deserted we'll have build for resources all right let's go look for food then canned food is first okay find something to eat as fast as possible and speaking of fast as possible we're going to try to make multiple squads as fast as possible too we need to find things like um well food and we need to start cutting down trees and whatnot too another great thing in this G game is to immediately pause and try to cut down all the trees in the area cuz we will be building uh buildings within buildings in other words we'll be taking buildings and kind of renovating them to be things like uh shelters warehouses ammunition factories and whatnot probably not the best area to secure because we got massive buildings here which are going to take forever to search but that's what happens I mean you know you kind of you pick the area so obviously I would recommend more of a medium density area something that's more like no this is actually kind of a little bigger this is medium density but really you want almost like two or three story buildings that are a lot smaller um but uh this is certainly a heavy Urban environment and that's what we're getting started with looks like there's also a quote unquote wall here too this is a building according to the game but would serve as a perfect area to shoot all the enemies that might come towards us all right good we're going to start again by grabbing food and we can also get vehicles rather quickly in this game if we go far enough away at the start we could build walls and uh we can also build farms and guard towers and Gates previous we didn't build a lot of gates because we were um in medieval towns that already had walls constructed so we just had to basically build towers at the gaps in those walls and that essentially would serve as a gate and not much came through but here we've turned up the number of hordes based on the fact that there is a lot of uh enemies out there so um yeah obviously there's going to be a ton of uh people uh in a city like this but eventually we're going to go out and find survivors Bandits will attack us and there is mention of like tanks and things around too and um yeah so hopefully we uh don't have to start over too many times in this game by getting bored but honestly once we've kind of cleared out most of a map we could throw a wall around the camp and then put up some Towers but uh there's really nothing to defend anymore cuz there's nothing to go and explore if that makes sense like we could build a huge Fortress but you know it's kind of pointless once you can easily defend in real life that'd be what you exactly want but in a game that kind of peace and security isn't necessarily so exciting all right let's go ahead and go from building to building uh we could use shift for this but I always kind of I don't do that because I well when I'm a YouTuber so we never listen to you guys but second of all the real reason is because if a zombie pops out of nowhere I kind of want to make sure our people don't leave that building far too often I've had people uh leave a building after they've been done searching it and then they get chased by zombies and it's much easier to be you know in a building shooting back than it is to be caught out in the open running looks like we got another message Chief I'm I will speak on behalf of the other citizens let us go and adapt the buildings to suitable shelters so we won't spend a single more night underground uh all right we can do that let's build shelters yes that sounds like a good idea now another thing we have to consider here is the layout of all of these buildings this one's going to give living quarters for 55 and take 74 wood or so so uh we're going to need to cut down more trees Chief the building is way too big for us to adapt as a whole so they want us to basically reduce that but I don't agree with that at all we want housing for as many people as possible we're going to have way more than 55 here for sure and uh of course the Space Needle just started with what one oh actually it updated to uh 27 so that's good kind of cool that we got the Space Needle what would be nice too is since that's our HQ it should give us a massive line of sight but then again it only would let you kind of see more down streets and whatnot but maybe not necessarily uh closer to the ground but yeah this would be an asset that you definitely wanted to defend so in the future I would like to build maybe a wall all the way down here and we can also deconstruct buildings so we could almost use this to have almost an infinite amount amount of Supply look at that we can almost get 1,000 wood almost 1,000 metal and over 1,000 Bricks by just taking this building down and that all can be used to build towers upgrade Towers build walls upgrade walls and build all sorts of other buildings too now we're going to get some people building and uh we're going to go ahead and maybe go down to uh let's put 18 there and the rest over on Scavenging uh let's go ahead and remove there we go all right so we want 18 people now to convert that building our people will only work during the daytime the uh civilians went out will cut down trees renovate and Destroy uh buildings during the day but at night time it's all down to these squads which are infinitely important sir the sun is getting low we don't know what's going to happen during the night we can continue our Scavenging operations in the dark but that will be way more dangerous than waiting until sunrise all right let's go ahead and uh continue stand and fight carry on we need those resources sir it is too dangerous for unarmed civilians to work after Nightfall everyone will return home that's just fine okay let's be safe so remember our Scouts will basically stay where they're at and at the end of our previous Series in Italy we kind of found out that having like three or four squads working together with just like assault rifles and cars to zip around almost made it so that way we could start other outposts away from our main base but there's not necessarily a way to do that because everyone essentially kind of just stays at the HQ and the buildings in which they Spawn from so there's no real way to move your labor force away from your base to go build another base and build like multiple outposts on different blocks and then eventually connect them all together you're kind of more encouraged and almost in some ways forced to build one large major settlement which honestly that's probably not a bad idea at the start to have security and numbers by having everybody kind of stick with each other but uh yeah as IID mentioned too oh here we go more lore sir just saw a group of infected oh here they come might not be aware of our presence stand and fight baby get ready to fight all right hold the line now another thing we need to find out here is where the enemies are going to primarily attack from we don't really have an island or whatnot here so we can be attacked from Northeast South and West and uh eventually I think we should try to secure this whole block here between uh Second Avenue uh Broad Street and then maybe this area up here where we kind of there's a dotted line there but there doesn't seem to be maybe just a sidewalk so this would be a perfect uh little area to secure with tons of supplies and lots of Farmland too this open area here is perfect for farming which we'll definitely need to get to in a moment uh the game kind of has a seasonal cycle although I don't know if it simulates the northern and southern hemispheres where of course winter will come during the months of like you know December January Etc and uh we won't be able to farm then we could still build farms and they'll kind of till the soil but obviously we won't be able to uh gather any resources that way so uh let's go ahead and continue and keep an eye on those forces as they come in our people in these buildings should be able to knock out these hordes and I do want to knock these buildings down some of these are too big as we want to try to renovate so we kind of put ourselves in a little bit of a pickle here I could already tell you that some of these smaller buildings which could be I don't know gift shops or um I don't I'm not actually sure but what whatever these are going to be perfect for like little warehouses additional housing maybe small workshops for making our own weapons and tools so that's going to be infinitely important uh let's go aad and hit V2 one of the things they want us to do to be able to see where things are sir the crates are in the HQ we have to think what to scavenge first it will be best to check some okay we can do that okay I'll point you where to go all right we can do that for sure so yeah as I mentioned uh now that we've pressed V now we can see where the important buildings will be like hospitals that will have medicine grocery stores and department stores that'll have supplies and also uh automobiles where we can find uh maybe like a gas station or an auto part store we can find parts for Cars oil other things like that that we can refine and then eventually uh use to fuel our vehicles like right here maybe something like a parking garage for example and then all these random buildings with question marks could have anything more than likely going to find just like food and uh maybe some ammunition but also a chance to find guns which we're about to uh start using right now hell yeah brother rip and dip let's go where they at spotted there we go they're trying to get into our building another one incoming oh awesome we got tools there as well so that'll be perfect for starting our own Farm we definitely want that uh the board is kind of freaking out they don't know where exactly to attack yet and it looks like we we are pretty well defended here on this west side cuz there's a big area to shoot as well as here at the South so this is going to be a really nice area to defend here nice and open perfect for farming too not a bad location and we're asserting dominance over um you know other tribes or guilds or whatever you'd like to call them going to keep our troops where they are though at the moment I don't want anybody moving until these hordes are kind of done I've noticed in this game for the first maybe year or so going back to what I mentioned earlier about the seasons there is a uh you know whole weather system in the game there's a whole uh mood system too which I think eventually will not be so simple I think it'll be a lot more complicated oh no they why they oh they cleared that building and then left that's exactly why I don't use that shift button go back into that building please quickly H all right cool finish him off now weird pathing I think H inbound there we go let's go ahead and occupy that building that's going to be our shelter and that's essentially just as important as the HQ right now so uh these guys will heal up over time though and they were really ill equipped with just a few machetes and handguns but again we can actually make sniper rifles in the future although I don't know if it's available in this current version we can also make shotguns but the most important thing is those assault rifles they've got a much larger range and of course are fully or maybe semi-auto but regardless they're uh obviously better than a pistol in many ways okay uh let's go ahead and try to lure people back to the Space Needle and these guys are still searching look at how long that takes that building and all of the like the size of it you can almost tell each of the buildings have a name so it does take a real life location like it being a hotel or a motel or a library or whatnot so it'll tell you what it is here it's the Hiatt house so I think it's actually a um a hotel then you can see what how tall it is and like what the area of it is so you know how big the building is and how long it's going to take to actually take that apart I mean imagine taking apart a whole office building with just like sledgehammers hell even if you had power tools imagine no like construction equipment at all but Humanity could do we built the damn pyramids so all right people are getting back to work good to see let's go ahead and keep our people uh grabbing supplies and whatnot um a big threat here is that the infected will eventually during the day uh just like an I Am Legend with Will Smith we'll kind of take cover I think there was also a movie that that was based on called Omega Man I think were they based on each other I I don't know but anyway um they'll take cover during the day and those numbers are going to get closer so you want to get rid of thems of smoke for sure it's coming out of a building I think there might be some people there I recom we go and investigate ah some survivors at the smoke signal all right let's investigate let's investigate and not too far from us either but yeah incredibly important to clear them out e the next Nightfall agree let's build a wooden tower all right so first we're building that uh shelter for additional people I think we should do that first since we're about to get more people just now and it looks like wow look at that guns in it okay we're in a good we're in a good situation here see if there's any uh any gun nearby I don't necessarily see that at the moment but a car will really help us out here and uh traveling in groups is really going to be important wow look at all those guys grabbing supplies is this building full no no we should have plenty all right let's have everybody go over uh to this section here let's go rescue these folks a little further away first search that building re let's do it and we'll try to get those folks home it is now uh 9 a.m. so we want to try to get them home before Sundown another great thing about this game is that the daylight affects how long people can work so obviously shorter day during the winter more dangerous to be out because it'll be nighter night earlier oh and we found a vehicle Wow Let's try to make it run again let's go okay try it so it'll be uh what what was I saying ner earlier or whatever so yeah you definitely want to make sure you uh try to get everybody home before like uh maybe 5:00 what's the time here yeah 6:52 so it might be good around 5:00 to try to get everybody home a good idea let's say all right let's go ahead and grab that car that's awesome so we found ourselves a car right away I think the devs have upped the spawn rate of cars a bit which is cool I love finding um like pickup trucks which really matters too we can actually get pickup trucks and haul more stuff that way some survivors they've been living in terrible conditions over the last few years we could bring them in what will we be able to feed them well we definitely can put them to work so let's definitely accept them bring them in all right cool so that yellow group will make their way towards our camp and once we set up a radio antenna we can radio to other survivors and be like uh you know to all Aman Brothers in the vicinity bring your trucks your trailers your guns let's go brother another car on the on the and we can run over the infected if they close true now a car is a huge find we're going to see essentially this car can be used as almost like a wheelbarrow or uh just like a a system to easily Ferry uh materials back and forth faster or can use be used as like a central location for all of our people to dump off their stuff so if we have like a group of three survivors even though one group can be in the car uh they can chalk that thing so full of materials and food that you know you could have three squads quickly loaded up and then two of them had back while the third Squad drives everything back and maybe those two other squads will have to hunker down for the night but the whole uh Community will get those food items and weapons and oil and other things faster the medicine faster all the stuff they need will be much faster all right looks like we need to um oh good the shelter is done let's go ahead and also build a warehouse if we can this would be a good building for a warehouse I think has a roundabout here so we can pull up the cars dump off stuff and pull out uh let's go ahead and convert that to a warehouse which you can hold o only 168 but it's probably better than the 6,000 which we'll never get done so we can have multiple warehouses around we'll use that as one of them oh there's our car can you guys fairy stuff there oh there they go there they go oh yeah all right let's bring that back to the main HQ for now uh the HQ could be used as a warehouse too storing 309 the second building should be able to store you know more than that so we certainly want to have multiple outposts and everybody got home before night time good like at 4: clock oh well except for that group they'll make their way back though shortly if I don't forget I keep grabbing those tools they want us to build a wooden Tower I'm holding off on that until this other Warehouse is done then we'll build the Tower cuz we need more places to put stuff we need things to put stuff oh wait did you guys drop everything okay we're good all right let's go rip and dip in the car for a little bit let's go to um actually you know what's going to be really important here is some sort of intelligence we're on uh oh wait actually books no more to some research stuff and books are perfect for that so we'll go over here to what seems to be a giant mall or something it's a blue water Taco Grill holy hell how seriously did they take tacos in Seattle if they have this thing is the size of a modern-day Mall looks like five stories damn that is one hell of a a taco place damn I might have to get out there all right well let's go ahead and uh scavenge for anything else let's send that second group over also in order to make sure uh that nobody gets wounded inside this building we want to make sure we have our Scouts AR act as armed guards now unfortunately we can only have up to six squads no matter what we do so uh I think as big as big as we make the settlement we'll have to um have more uh no more than six squads but we can give them better weapons and that'll be important we can research a lot of stuff first things first will be the basic antenna once we build the science center but there is options to build better weapons like the sniper rifile and assault rifle don't see the shotgun here but I do see it listed under guns and also constructions we can build things like uh a sawmill and we can build a tool shop and you know communicate for more people and improve our farming and whatnot so yeah if we look here under our guns you see handgun sniper rifle Assault Rifle and shotgun so it must be something we have to find although if we can make sniper rifles you'd think a shotgun would be I don't know if we can make anything we should be able to make anything you know what I mean all right let's go ahead and uh get back to the Space Needle here with all of our our supplies not bad now again at this point I want to know from you guys where else we should build because if uh I don't know if we happen to run into a game error or if the save corrupts or if it just gets Bor any reason at all to start a new map I'm totally down for uh before we could only do like kind of a first look at each and every section can already oh they sure as hell are holy hell get ready to defend the Zone y defend the damn Zone whoa but yeah as I mentioned uh you know like we can do a few episode series on each of them until the game is fully complete but more importantly I want to see more of this game as possible so certainly something I want to do is to be able to see these scenarios like the Space Needle you know maybe the uh Congress Hall or something in Berlin kind of cool to do different uh things like that all right let's try to get this ready for all good here rer spotted nice oh look at that they're trying to climb the damn space needle look at that they're G it's cool as hell oh here comes another wave operator oh you can actually see us shooting out of like the top of the space needle look at that imagine sniping from up there that'd be cool as hell they gone and if we were actually able to get sniper rifles we could have a whole like this would be our ultimate guard Tower like why build some wooden Towers when we have like the best tower ever there are some INF like damn that's pretty cool awesome very very cool oh and they're coming again here they come we've got them okay any more all right well luckily at the beginning of the game we're so close to um buildings and whatnot that we can keep Scavenging one thing I've discovered too is that the previous map we played in Italy was so spread out that cars became critical and the Scavenging became a lot slower but in maps like gamastan the old city in Stockholm Sweden one of the things that's easier there is that there's tons of buildings in very close proximity so you can go from a hospital to a restaurant to a clinic to a comic book shop to a library to another restaurant and then two more restaurants all within like the same block and the block is very small so a much more uh useful use of space I think to be able to make so many buildings in a short area but you know you you pick the scenario like right now I chose to pick this uh you know huge area inside Seattle and boy I'm attracting all the attention elimin good job boys hopefully we don't run out of ammo how much how much ammo we got left they're really going for that HQ damn we got 12 boxes of ammo left and they are pissed that we are here they're they're like I've not seen them attack this hardcore at other stages in the game for sure uh but it becomes more about you becoming more powerful and the enemy trying to at a certain point try to outnumber you but they definitely can't because you kind outnumber them you know what I mean like we might see double the hordes eventually but we'll become so powerful that those hordes won't me too much all right let's get back to the base we got to keep looking for uh scientific material here a teaching facility so uh I guess inside the the way of the taco the Blue Water Taco Grill has everything our people need in order to discover uh the power of radio or perhaps we just get we already have a radio perhaps at the uh Space Needle like you know it's it's probably a huge broadcasting antenna for uh television and radio and whatnot an emergency broadcast system so we could just use the um we could just use the tower to play play a taco ad and people be like oh damn the blue Taco Grill still open holy hell or blue blue water Taco Grill that's no something else off your and get to work all right how we doing everybody everybody's working again so let's get everybody on uh uh let's try to do more building actually um actually let's build those Towers after all let's build those Towers [Music] um we got the warehouse shelter there's a bunch of walls there and then the wooden Towers so let's build the wooden Towers I think what we could do is try to build them in three areas here to match the kind of the three platforms on the Space Needle many of our workers don't have any jobs send them to gather resources to construct or to work at some of the buildings as you can see it can almost cover the entire Tower we're going to see yeah we are let's get everybody out here first see yeah I'm I'm hoping that I can try to cover each of the individual Towers but it probably won't because how the uh the main tower Towers designed but let's try oh we actually can cover each of the towers and the main tower as well damn this looks like an Ace Combat weapon here like Excalibur from Ace Combat Zero hell of a good game hell of a good game all right let's build that one there and then we'll build one over on this side so now each of these should employ two people but we can shut these down during the day times oh and the even kind of help to cover some of the other buildings what's cool here is that the tower is taller than this building so it can shoot over it we took we have some important info that we could use they speak of various kinds of infected animals that they encountered and other groups of survivors too but they've lost people recently it'll take some time for them to integrate let me find some jobs and shelter for them oh Ma'am let them rest go ahead that's fine okay let them rest all right cool so these towers seemingly can cover each other which is in incredibly important uh they can at least give some coverage and the tower here can fire over and this one to fire over that building so pretty cool that that matters and so if you choose a giant Tower like we did here this means the Space Needle can if we have this building occupied we might be able to if we get a sniper rifle shoot over this building down onto the enemies so that's incredibly important running out of out of pistol oh right let's go ahead and switch back to arrows hello boring let's see what else is on TV gief this is the same transmission we received before but the signal is even weaker our walkie-talkies are not powerful enough for long range communication we have to build a large antenna a local library or university would be a good place to search for information on how to make it work or a taco restaurant that probably has so much tin foil that we could just wrap the Space Needle in that and communicate with Jupiter let's go there oh hello what's that building we need a workspace where we can experiment and re-engineer all the prepandemic technology we could store all the books there too let's build a research center and assign the most technical Minds there okay we can do that okay let's do this we're on the okay do we get any knowledge from that uh noing some buildings are like a guarantee so we'll go in there oh boy The Horde is getting a little close for comfort see yeah these hours we can tell them to select uh pistols or bow and arrow which is really cool that means they're effective no matter what time of uh day or night it is of course I can always like turn these towers off but I'm honestly not in the mood to like micromanage every Tower every single time that it's day or night so let's go ahead and continue though to cut down trees and another cool thing about this game is that cars street lights anything made of metal can be broken down to that's out on the streets like a mailbox or maybe even like a I don't know fire hydrant or something it could be brought in to be used as um material for building so pretty cool that we can salvage everything off the streets I'm still going to get more wood though because we'll need that for conversions of buildings but eventually to build that um Tower we're going to need a little bit more metal so let's do that too but we'll stick a little closer to the base for that let's see if there's street lights somewhere nearby now there we go looks like there's about 21 metal there 26 okay so that's cool like I like that they tell us how much is there so that way you know if you need to go much bigger and if so then you know you better kind of like maybe have uh like your squads nearby to protect them I think eventually it is kind of hinted that the um infected will get smart enough to go out during the day or something like that I I don't know if they're maybe hurt by the sun where it will kill them or maybe they're just really afraid to it like phobo photophobic where they just are like very uncomfortable in the light that kind of thing on the let's keep sending squads back and forth reporting there's one of the books there I I don't know how many we need to start that research let's check real quick communication does require one so let's rtb real quick just to get this project done or at least started oh and let's get to the car which oddly they parked between an Alleyway let's do it what the hell oh boy on my way uh are they going to be able to get through there oh they can okay I thought the car was going to be stuck I was like no way going there I didn't think they'd be able to leave between that narrow Alleyway like that that was crazy very cool all let's get our stuff back to base all right let's get him back in cool and let's get everybody rtb we'll park the car nearby too so in some of the videos that I've seen in the game eventually it looks like you can do trading with other factions Andor do things you can find giant pois maybe off the map like miles away where a way where you can send out truck convoys to like a oil refinery gas stations or whatever and have people going way far away to bring back fuel which eventually you're going to need for electricity like when you make that yourself you're going to have to have tons of fuel I mean obviously there's going to only be so much fuel in the city that's going to be useful and then eventually you got to go out other places to either make it find it Salvage it uh do things like that or trade and not just fuel but other things too uh food perhaps will be a really cool thing to do also I made sure our Towers didn't have guns because I want our Scouts to have it remember they can fight here and we will eventually see winter too and I can already hear shooting there we go big old horde coming in already they're trying to get inside G beautiful those Towers can just protect each other very nicely pretty rain too grab some viddles while we're at it all next thing is to uh we need to build a uh Research Center a little science building so uh oh looks like we can only demolish these buildings so let's demolish those looks like we can adapt that to we make that a science center we can but we can only put a p one person in it so that's worthless let's get rid of that building too this does act as protection but it also does act for protection for the enemy as well that we might not with some of these smaller buildings be able to shoot through there another one incom going there all right I think we'll put our Science Center over here perhaps if we can spotted now let's go ahead and convert that to a science center ah we're only one person can work that's a shame but I do want to at least use these smaller buildings for like science and then the Cook House in which I think we can eventually do when we find seeds we'll have to look for grain which we'll just luckily find and those hordes are kind of getting a little they're tempted they're tempted to come in but they try to lure us out that was the last of them okay Spott more shooting are our building is under attack wow now remember I also turned up the hordes too it was a little uh uneventful not uneventful but it became too just winnable in our previous scenario we were doing too good and I wanted to start taking on what I perceive to be the more dangerous threat to humanity later on which is Humanity right people with tanks people doing some shady business like what happens at the end in uh Last of Us two in Santa Monica I think it I think it's Santa Monica yeah or san ber I I can't remember I think it's Santa Monica but anyway um let's see oh that's a big oh hord wo okay that's uh boy I should not have oh boy uh well good luck everybody hopefully those Towers hold oh boy that is a whole horde we need an assault rifle or something or to drive their asses over with the car but I don't want to damage that that's going to be our only Lifeline to get ammo from further away or find guns oh my God they're coming in they're climbing the Space Needle again elimin that's much more exciting here we go that's what I want to see I like them being able to reach the base and attack like crazy during a thunderstorm that's much more interesting it is now 4:00 a.m. I don't think we're going to see any more attacks let's definitely put people on building again okay I think we're good on the attacks Let's uh let's just walk there going there get to that big building and see if there's any more Tech in there for us nice thing about these big buildings though is especially if they specialize in something like a hospital like it says here medical facility there could be a potential to find a lot more loot repetitively so we can return to the same building multiple times sir the people have reported hearing a lot of noises coming from underground they're afraid that it could be infected moving through the sewers and tunnels there could be we need to bolster our defenses and be ready to attack from within too oh they're inside enemies hid inside that building good job oh sorry uh let's prepare we'll be ready okay cool yep so the hordes can come through the sewers and pop up and surprise us which again is why I'm micr manage all of our troops and do not often use shift control to go from building to building I want to make sure the area is clear and I see it before I trust the AI to do it far too many times I've seen them pop out of a building and just start running and not go back I if I popped out of a building and I saw zombies out there I go right back in and try to use the Fatal funnel AKA doorways and hallways to narrow them down to uh you know you know thin them out rather than just fighting out in the open and run I mean I don't know it just seems like the better option you know if there's four of you camping a doorway probably going to be a little better than if you were out in the middle of a street or a parking lot all right we're still searching hopefully we find some more good stuff to research research facility is about a quarter of the way done and I want to build a cook house there too actually I think we got two people working on that yeah six guards 35 people Scavenging what do we got for supply 101 wood 12 metal we'll need a little bit more than that but we got some tools that's good having some tools is quite handy hand tools oh yeah and we'll be able to use those tools for farming I believe it's a requirement so yeah all right I love hearing all the like tools and the the pitter PW of them like cutting down trees and breaking down metal and stuff like that very good sounds too if you just listen closely it's neat that way now I'm thinking about where we're going to put our farm fields and I think we could probably do something down here and I wish there still was an option in this game to not just retrofit buildings but to build maybe kind of pitiful Shacks or whatnot like something to be able to at least use tons of the building materials you can get to build something else now there was nothing here really wow going there're on the and maybe these large buildings are worthless but I always feel like I have a bigger chance of getting something good if we kind of pillage a whole massive structure like a Walmart oh here we go Chief we found oh there we go buildings looks like grain there are some Farming tools as well maybe we could use this cating the land again all right that's awesome let's do it okay bring that in there's nothing left we should have a place where we can cook meals for our citizens this will make our people much happier too okay let's build a cook house oh we found an AK as well nice let's go Chief we just found an assault rifle this will come in handy against large hordes let's just not waste too much ammo on there all right perfect that's a much better way to defend the Space Needle use it with caution it'd be kind of cool to create lore based on this too like we call ourselves The Space Cadets or something like that or the astronauts and have some you know in like a hundred years create some sort of a weird like Mad Max Level lore to our society and just worship trucks and guns and stuff brother that would be cool as hell I would really like that going to grab some more uh seeds here more grain and then we can build build more Farms so good now we can start building a farm they want us to build three in a cook house uh let's finish that Science Center first and keep Scavenging or uh I guess reclaim and go ahead and rtb there actually let's go ahead and bring those to the warehouse oh actually we we uh have our warehouse here perfect yeah you can see that's going to fill up pretty quick 168 is our maximum I want there to be more ways to um upgrade buildings like I don't know investing a bunch of materials into shelving which would allow us to store a lot more stuff in a small area or you know instead of just upgrading Towers also do more to upgrading our workshops like adding electricity and then adding Machinery that kind of thing I think that's an upgrade we can do electricity but it'd be cool if there was a way to the game does mentioned solar panels and that there are certain buildings that will use that uh that are still out in the world uh so it'd be kind of cool if there was just a way to power a few pieces of equipment via solar panels I mean it's a free way that we don't need Supply chains to continuously Run Okay grab that ready for action and let's head back to base let's do it all right we got attacks coming in again uh this time I think we'll spread out a little bit on my way operator get those guys into the warehouse and then we'll uh yeah okay so another thing we're going to do is we could I'm trying to think of how we're going to more effectively defend ourselves we could use vehicles to run them over but I don't want to do that and damage the vehicle rep going operat and we'll keep our AK Squad right there in the middle at the top there the longer our squads are also doing that same job the the more that they'll become veterans so doing the same thing over and over again is going to be quite good for them but I don't know if that actually affects our people like you know you'd think if you were Scavenging all the time you'd know what to look for how to do certain things if you were a farmer for a long time you'd know how to work the land better by hand etc etc mhm got to say though this is more exciting than anything we've done previously and I think I like the whole Landmark taking although even in Italy that was interesting too to see what happens if you have a huge area that was terraformed to be a fortified not necessarily structure but like literally creating a moat and like a castle now these buildings we can easily repair so all this damage that they're doing it's not a big deal it's Seattle too so it's great that the trees are not just necessarily present in this park but like Nature has tried to reclaim some of the areas so huge trees are growing like in parking lots and stuff so that's pretty cool seems like we're also low on ammo do we not have we do 8.1 okay we're going to be burning through a lot more ammo this time as well so we need to be careful about that yep out of ammo spot no ammo no ammo hold on hold on before we freak out about Ammo let's fall back to the Space Needle real quick going Towers who cover them now there are ways to move supplies from one building to another it just it's a little tedious and takes a little longer than I would expect then I'd hope really all right let's hold till day and then we'll start on those Towers another one incoming actually we can go ahead and lay those out now uh we won't be able to build them of course till day H and we can't build them on the road there there's a small Road let's try to lay them out like this another one incom that's a weird way to do that I have to drag to the left to go to the right that's very strange TR to make it parallel to the road where we'll build more towers and walls we'll start with five like that another one incoming and maybe we can build another five next to that 10 seems like a good idea very weird they're going to have to work on that system but okay and then we can try to build some walls maybe on the road or next to it and of course we can deconstruct those buildings all right cool we got our assault rifle kicking off on the now as for the buildings in the game too uh enemies can eventually we got them I think pretty easily quickly pass through those although most buildings only have one point if entry and bandits can also take cover in buildings too and Ambush US during the day so there is a chance where in the future we could be walking down a street and a group of uh you know enemies will shoot at us not just the infected so it's going to be important to kind of remember what buildings where and you know what what buildings are important in our previous map we were also kind of making safe houses where we'd find something like I don't know a massive Hotel like this and then we would store like uh ammo inside and uh then we would use that as a place for our Scouts to fall back to if they ran out of ammo or something during the night so no reason to come home each and every time in the future but for now it's a good idea cuz they're hitting the Space Needle hard baby they want to go to space we can't let those zombie sobs get to space we can't let them eat the moon we got them that's our cheese baby all right cool so the research Center's almost done the Farms will get done too that's going to take a long time that's just a f future like TBD no time really get it done whenever type project the place is adapted nice all right so now we have our Science Center so how do we do this we go to communication under basic uh antenna and then we should be done here so 12 hours to research that I'm going to need to build more science centers though we don't have to just build one I did one just cuz it's close to the Space Needle And I want to defend it but if eventually we're going to have to take some other buildings too we might actually have to start fortifying up here and we can break buildings down now one thing I haven't been able to do yet maybe some of you who've played this or have seen others play it is if we can make a building multi-purposed for example here we have like a four story structure where maybe a couple of rooms or a couple floors could be turned into let's say a cook housee where um some food was being stored in one room and then they prep in in another room or something like that but we should also be able to turn this into like a warehouse and another shelter so I'm not sure if we can turn a building into multi-purpose structure but I don't think there's any reason we shouldn't be able to do that we should be able to have like a a warehouse a research building and a um I don't know like a like another Workshop or something like that inside that's interesting that looks like a little sandbag wall there like a military um I like a machine gun post or something how weird okay so now we need to research the basic antenna and then we're going to start calling out for anybody in the area and seeing if they uh need help or are still alive let's go ahead and clean out some of these local buildings do it it's amazing how little ground we've covered so far really uh yet also we've covered a lot of ground like it's day five and we're already building like communication towers and stuff pretty damn cool for oh these guys are low on ammo they were in the Space Needle hold on before you go in there on my well let I I love this too by the way by the end of the Italian series we were kind of uh just basically breaching and clearing buildings we were having like huge amounts of hordes and buildings and then we were going in with like three or four squads and just doing CQB on them all right breach breach breach oh look at all the stuff in there whoa holy hell chief we found a ton of supplies some prepper must have lived here and they piled up enough stuff to for the apocalypse God bless Preppers wow dude nicely done hell yeah brother we got assault rifles handguns that is an absolute Treasure Trove let's go wow hell bring the car dude BR bring the truck over we got to go one block with all look at this stuff oh my God that W okay forget what I said about not having enough on the farm if you thought we were were never going to get that done you were right until we found this is that 19 or 1.9 oh my God that is amazing wow that is crazy I've never seen that before we're still discovering new things in this game that's great ready on the I still want to see if there's a tank to do combat with or if we can get armored vehicles like a humy or hell even just mounting like a a machine gun on the back of a truck would be amazing like a I don't know 50 cal or an LM like some like M249 or something like that would just be awesome be really cool all right boys let's go ahead and load that up we're on the we're on the're on the I don't know yeah the car it's still too much for the car let's do it holy hell wow that's awesome Yep this this group is going to have to take multiple trips wow all right did we get the research done no we're about halfway oh over halfway that is great I'm so happy that's so cool waiting and then we've got a couple more trips I think we'll be all right and yeah another assault rifle actually wait before you guys drop that take that for yourselves I want multiple squads with assault rifles not just one we're on the move going yeah grab that for yourself rep oh look at all that Oro brother hell yeah well that guy just did most of the job for us on my way so there must be more surprises out there the scripted or the developer recommended maps are kind of a little bit more polished they're they've been touched up a little bit to look better and operate better and honestly I praise that because I think what should happen is the community takes a 100 cities or points of interest and try to make them into uh something that the players really want to play on but um yeah in this case it's kind of cool throwing a random kind of events that the players can just use to do all sorts of different things also uh for anybody who knows Seattle is this supposed to be an elev is this a mon rail that's elevated this isn't like a uh oh it must be cuz I see it going over a building I know I remember this from playing World in Conflict I think it was there from the 80s so I think there was an Olympics many years ago I don't know which one but hell my knowledge of uh Seattle is basically based on a video game that then was based on the 80s so uh there you go but I'm sure some things are on change some things never change right all right let's grab one more thing of food uh the only other thing we're going to need to make all these is tools yeah but with these fields eventually we can start making our own Fields so you know that's pretty cool wow so oh yeah all right that research thing is almost done we got to wait till tomorrow and build our Tower reporting let's do I like how we have have to like build a tower next to the biggest tower in the city operator oh nothing's going to stop us now we're on the I laugh in the face of the zombies let's actually speed up time something that I very rarely do based on all their constant attacks like that I think we're just going to hold here and see where they may come from and i' imagine most of them are coming from a waffle house based on how crazy they are no attacks uh let's try to lure some out I was expecting like just a huge wave of hordes once we hit the uh needle but I guess not keep an eye on it from a distance they'll say hord Spott and then we can start booking it back to the needle what a an interesting turn of events this one has been what a delight hostiles inbound ah there we go for where are they at though another one incoming okay so they're making their way on that street let's head back to base going there ready for actioner let's just head back now don't want to get our base overrun don't want to lose any buildings or have to rebuild anything all right oh three tools great 24 metal not bad and we'll get that research done today this morning report anybody head out please check that building all right so we should have the research on the tower done shortly oh yeah there goes the chop chop again research complete now we're ready once it's operational we'll be ready to receive distant Transmissions again and Broad some invitations ourselves from space for the aliens yes all right cool thank you ma'am okay let's do this a little radio antenna over me looking all nice and everything okay so now uh we just need to build the antenna and a couple of um Little Farms there and then we'll also build our cook house which will be enough for the current number of people uh worker has no is it really blocked we can build there hold on let's try adding a bunch of Builders oh there he goes yeah he's he's fine he's building and look at him build that Tower cool and we're Scavenging the US Health Works building that is that a hospital could be an insurance company I I don't know it could be anything I do like how though how it's not just useless each building is pretty sir usually helpful the days will be shorter the Farms won't produce any more food we should rce ourselves this might be the hardest days of the year nice well we're preparing let's prepare for winter yeah let's do it Tower's almost done what are we at no by 11:00 a.m. here almost done clear nice bunch of um oil and medkits and stuff going ready foring receiving cool oh four more medkits nice I love how close the cars and we just don't need it I think everything within a few blocks here which're probably not going to use unless we find another prepper house or a huge Treasure Trove all right you head on back you go there all right cook house is done they said construction complete didn't they oh maybe they meant to field yeah we'll need a lot of farmers for that that Tower's almost done though and the tower hopefully will be done shortly put more builders on there I wish a lot of this were automatic I mean if there was an opening I wouldn't want anybody to be unemployed I would like there to be initiative taken towards certain jobs like Scavenging let's have them gather more wood back here another 40 wood good that could convert a whole building for us let's go to that building as well on the oh actually they have a well actually they can help scaven another cool thing about a group having all the inventory taken up is they can still help look they can speed up these do stack the scouts that go into buildings will actually scavenge faster so the more people we put into a building the faster they can get it done even if they're full of stuff so you know checking another building off the list and then moving to the next block is incredibly important 27 out of 27 Builders I don't think we can build faster than that 6:09 p.m. is when we're wrapping things up give me that Tower do we have enough material building done sure did Chief the antenna is now operational let's broadcast an invitation as a test or just call the squads back to HQ all right okay let's start broadcasting let's start inviting people and see if they can come to our infection free zone survivors this is an infection fre Zone we provide food and shelter Safety and Security join us now this could also attract bad people too I'm guessing but uh let's invite some people come to us we'll take you in where are you have to come on your own and be careful we're waiting for you all right so that may take them a few days to get here but they're essentially coming from the large I'm just going to call this the lake even though I think it actually opens up to uh saltwater as well maybe I'm wrong is this part of the pugin sound I don't know the area but um we'll just call this the lake Lake when I refer to that that's what I mean so uh but yeah they're going to have to come all the way down so uh yeah we'll get some more people here to help us pretty cool though so a couple times a day we got to try to remember to call in um people to to join us like we want to make a call and say hey join The Space Cadets or whatever let's go up there we're on the and then hopefully we can get another Squad out there and try to get up to six squads we have three guns so that's really good and some of the other guns that we had from the uh prepper and whatnot can all be used there too so we could make a whole another Squad so let's get uh maybe two more people ready to go create a new Squad from that perfect we got three guns there excellent um and the machete will still work too but um all right let's go ahead and spread some people arounders Roger we'll try to to protect everything very nice oh and the zombies are on their way here they come now just wait until we've got a gun production up where we can have at least handguns for all the towers at the very least and then rifles for all of our squads because that actually gives XP I don't think the towers get any sort of XP I don't think they can fire faster or be more accurate or anything like that or gain range based on whatever weapon they're using even if they're veteran but anyway folks that is it for today's episode of Seattle pretty damn cool actually one of my favorites so far I know I say it every time and I'm going to keep saying it but hell that prepper thing made it like whoa that can happen so I hope we can find like a freaking tank somewhere or like a crashed helicopter or something with military equipment or like a light machine anything's possible with that popping up there could be a lot more cool events and scenarios in this game that I'd love to see in like zomboid and many others all right well thank you very much for subscribing let me know where we should build next I'd love to hear from you where we could build and I'll see you all next time thanks for liking and subscribing becoming members and I'll see you all soon thanks again for watching bye
Channel: Raptor
Views: 28,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nnlj1DOO3hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 5sec (4085 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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