The Nio ET5 Is The Fast Electric Estate Polestar Should Have Made!

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foreign it takes a brave automaker to challenge the status quo and do things a bit differently especially in a market that they're not really selling very many in but is this beauty just Skin Deep or can this ultimate activity vehicle really convince European buyers that this is the right wagon for them only one way to find out welcome to the Neo 85 touring and welcome to the fully charged show the fully charred show is generating positive energy with its Live Events all around the world next up it's fully charged live Canada click the top right of the screen to get your tickets today let me start with a question why are we so bloody obsessed with SUVs is it safety practicality space combination of all of the above whatever it is we've lost the way our cities are cluttered with oversized cars that we don't really need now Neo have been playing it safe for the past few years they brought our SUVs and then sedans but they now want to tap into the 1.6 million wagons that are sold every year and let's be honest there isn't much competition is there we have the Fantastic mg5 which everyone loves at a very affordable price point then we have the Porsche take hand cross Turismo which is slightly Beyond most people's price points now this sits somewhere in the middle and I think is a very tempting proposition for people who currently Drive ice wagons to drive an EV wagon and it's not just a wagon in terms of space but the practicality will blow your mind as it blew mine so let's find out about some of those practical aspects foreign experience in this is very similar to the et5 sedan it comes with the same dual motor zero to 60 is in something like 3.7 seconds in sports mode which is really good for something like a performance wagon like this makes it fun driving up and down those Mountain Roads also makes it fun driving in the city like we are now now of course this being a Neo it comes with NOP these self-driving system which makes driving actually really easy it's quite a chilled system it really easily gobbles up Motorway miles now the chassis of course still feels quite solid it feels secure there's not much difference between this and the sedan the only real difference is that the range has been slightly affected so with these 75 kilowatt hour battery the range is dropped from 450 ish to about 435 on the bigger 100 kilowatt hour battery it's much the same story I think that's because of the added weight from the rear you know you've got extra bits of glass there's extra complicated Parts So that obviously does Dent the range but it's still a pretty decent cltc range of over 500 kilometers in the 100 kilowatt battery version and of course this comes with the battery swapping which is a good thing and a bad thing because it does make the car a little bit heavy because you only have that choice between the 75 kilowatt hour or the 100 kilowatt hour battery soon to have 150 kilowatt hour battery it means that the chassis is kind of set to one width because the battery which swaps in this one has to swap into the big SUVs as well so such as the es8 which is on a much larger kind of footprint this has to have the same battery swapping capabilities as that in real life it looks perfect it's everything there's no bad angle on this car from the quite aggressive front end which kind of flares out on the sides to the lights this is a combination of all of Neo's designs over the past few years now whereas before I thought maybe Neo's designs maybe maybe a seven out of ten this is a full 10 out of 10 and I would swipe right in car Tinder on this car now most of the cars come in lots of different colors I think there's about 10 different colors this is in a very subtle pinky gray color which I think looks beautiful I actually would pick this color myself looks even better at night now the cars come in two wheel sizes just 19 or 20 inch and for once we don't have the top of the range one we have the one with 19 inch wheels and these perfectly fill the Arches here and look Fab of course sticks with the lidar unicorn horns at the top but what is most exciting is that practical element now every single car every et5 touring comes with roof rack bars as standard which means you can put your canoe your bike your roof rack on this car they've really thought about how this can be used in every situation good one of my criticisms of the et5 sedan and with this one as well the steering field does feel a little bit disconnected from the road there's not much in terms of feedback and that's kind of a bit of a disappointment if you want this to be a smart performance sedan it can do the SMART bit very well but the performance bit yes it's got the acceleration but then the steering feel is somewhat lacking it's a very minor point in what is overall a very lovely car to drive absolutely no complaints and you know City driving which is realistically what this is going to do this fits into the city so much better than an oversized SUV and I just love accelerating in the NEOS because it's super quiet in the cabin there's very little drama but it just feels really nice now we are in Eco plus mode but it's still exceptionally brisk and can out accelerate most other cars including its ice Brethren the ice wagons so beloved by lots and lots of people so whilst I'm back here I also want to talk about two of potentially its floors now of course it looks fantastic from the outside but the practicality Falls just a little bit short so I'm going to get the F oh see what I mean that's what I'm just about to talk about this is the official oh that really hurt official fully charged tape measure now if I put it up to here 174. now I'm just a little bit taller than that and as you just saw I did just bang my head so if you're a tall Dutch person you might also Bang Your Head on this as well I don't know if they can improve that maybe lift it up higher I don't know but one small minus point for the Neo I also don't really like how they've written Blue Sky coming across here this is very build your dreams and kind of a little bit unnecessary but at least it's hidden in here where you don't have to look at it [Music] let's say you've had enough Rave but thanks to those 23 speakers in here it sounds really good it's got the Dolby Atmos system as well now I've finished my Rave I'm a little bit tired I want to come and enjoy the camping mode of this car so the screen will go off the temperature will be kept at an ambient level but let's say oh no I've got a bit of mud on my trousers I've got a bit of a dirty bum I've just sat on this wonderfully white colored kind of leatherette material in here luckily it's called something called Clean Plus which means it really easy to clean with a wet cloth that means you won't have any problems later on now what Neo have really done is thought about every eventuality for camping Expeditions Adventures families at home in the city in rural areas everything because let's say for example I'm very tired from my Rave or canoeing or whatever I've been doing I can sit in this seat and it's got a massage function as standard that is a lovely little touch not only that I can let the seat go back and I can dim the roof 1.32 meter roof and I can dim it like that special glass you sometimes see on airplanes so really they're thinking about every type of user in here and every type of eventuality although it's not perfect they've done a really good effort to get somewhere towards that direction in the rear there's even more space for activities which is good because with the wagon body it means you get extra things like more Headroom 17 millimeters more Headroom back here which actually makes quite a big difference the et5 sedan I was getting a bit closer to the roof again this actually has an extra 55 millimeters of leg room over the Tesla Model y it also has the ubiquitous cup holders very nice motion there and you can also fold down the middle seat to put skis in or bits of wood or whatever you need to put which is long in here so it does beg the question why on Earth would anyone buy an SUV over this it's just so much better thought out in terms of space design practicality efficiency wagons for the win at time of filming I don't actually know the price of this car however let me just tell you this just a couple of days ago Neo reduced the price across all of its models by over four thousand dollars each that now brings the et5 sedan to below the Tesla Model 3 in terms of price this I think will just be a few thousand dollars more so this then becomes a very very very very compelling argument to switch to an EV wagon what I think Neo have done here apart from creating a drop dead gorgeous perfectly proportioned everyday super adventure wagon is bring wagons out of the darkness and into the light is
Channel: Fully Charged Show
Views: 156,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric car youtube channel, renewable energy youtube, renewable energy electric vehicles, latest news on renewable energy, crowd funded youtube, kryten, fully charged show live, ev show, fully charged show, robert llewellyn, electric cars, fully charged
Id: TdcawbBTM5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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