This fool is actually the son-in-law of the richest family, but who knows fool is just a appearance!
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Channel: Wonderful drama
Views: 511,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 短劇, 灰姑娘, 霸道總裁, 甜寵, 愛情, 虐戀, 都市, 總裁, drama, chinesedrama, 都市情感, 男频, 女频, 爽文, 短剧, 华语, 2022新剧, 娇妻, 嫩模, 模特, 老婆, 女朋友, 男宠, 女宠, 甜宠, 霸道, 总裁, 逆袭, 赘婿, 女神, 屌丝, 废材, 创业, 小视频, 财团, 霸道总裁, 家族, 龙族, 神族, Male frequency, female frequency, cool text, short drama, Chinese, urban, sweet wife, tender model, model, wife, girlfriend, male pet, female pet, sweet pet, domineering, president, counterattack, superfluous son-in-law, goddess, diaosi, waste material, entrepreneurship, small video, consortium, overbearing president, family, dragon
Id: crYswHRbo2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 42sec (9042 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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