this fish tank glow up will SHOCK YOU | Fish Tank Review 249

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[Music] top of the Monday morning fish Keepers all over the world it's your boy Chris welcome back to fish for thought and you're watching fish tank so this 500gal tank and there's 45 discus in that box that is a lot of water the light is off all we can see is this massive piece of wood right now it's not looking too hot judging by the sheer size and volume of water we're working with I think we got a sleeper build that's right it's night time all lights are off except for the tank and it is pretty much a mindblowing piece of Modern Art I would take this over any painting any day from this to this it's incredible and honestly kind of refreshing I'm imagining myself as the owner of this tank and I just feel so safe so secure my mind is not bogged down all I have to do is focus my attention on raising the discus which is a huge task they do need their parameters to be really nice their temperatures cannot fluctuate too much their water parameters have to be pristine so the owner went in a very intelligent way about it all they did for Hardscape is this one massive super interesting piece of wood and maybe a rock they even left it bare bottom there is nothing else to worry about no plants that you got to take care of so you don't have to dose CO2 or other liquid FS that can mess with the parameters nothing just discus and it's peace of mind to the max you don't even have to take care of the substrate here's the disc is up close now you might be wondering yo no substrate isn't substrate to supposed to be really important like it houses the majority of the beneficial bacteria alongside the filter system yes but but at this point I mean look at that storage down there it's not shown but for a tank of this caliber it's going to be running a huge sump that sump is going to have bacteria Colony overload you don't need anything else with a large sump they might even have some canister filters down there as well this is an Overkill of biomedia and biofiltration no need to buy $22,000 worth of Amazonia no need to buy all the plants just a stunning piece of wood what you going to do forget about it I dream for the day I can afford a tank like that it's gorgeous one word for you payday loans if that isn't the finest Financial advice of all the seven C's I don't know what is this is effing sexy thank you jizz collector 5000 hey this comment section is full of cultured people Hitler is very bad this is Peak Reddit now this is a true stunner well done how long did it take your tank to cycle likely very quickly because I was using media from an established tank and did a fish Inyo because there wouldn't be an ammonia Spike and bro is fish in cycling with discus this just proves first of all that op knows exactly what they're doing because what they're saying makes 100% logical sense and secondly yeah you don't need to cycle a tank when the gut of another tank is being transferred to it the gut which is what I like to call the filter filter media where all the bacteria colonies are established if you transfer that to a brand new tank that's an automatic cycle given that there's no excess chlorine in the tank killing off the bacteria colonies that the water is not boiling hot or frozen solid cold boom instantaneous IUS start and finish cycle tank and the proof is in the pudding in this case the proof is in the discus The discus came from Myrtle Beach discus very reliable sorts with great customer service I bought a sorted packs and b-grade to greatly reduce the cost came out to be about $35 per fish which is very competitive that does seem like a very competitive price for discus some corydoras which are like this small they're costing upwards of 40 plus great hell the zero Dead on Arrival they even sent me a fake receipt so I could show my girlfriend I only spend 200 the last part is a joke no one else going to say anything about the singular goldfish hold up wait a second let's go back let's run it back Goldfish oh shoot we got an impostor hey that's got to be the luckiest goldfish that's the dream to sneak into a discus tank you are so well taken care of although the water might be a little warm for that goldfish goldfish like them a little colder did you reinforce the floor yes I give it positive reinforcement every day quite the comedian quick pause guys to talk about the sponsor of this video my patrons on patreon fish tank review could not be possible without you guys so thank you so much if you also want to support this channel in a very real way as little as $2 a month through the power of crowdfunding goes a long way for this channel you also get perks in return like submitting your fish tanks for a fish tank review talking to thousands of fish Keepers around the world thank you so much for your consideration masticated musing sent in their tank it's got a dwarf garami six Pym Cory and it started one year ago rescaped many times but this time they're going for it for the long term and it's pretty nice you got floaters to one side where there's really no plants so you're not going to out shade The Hardscape is pretty interesting you could probably even get away with stuffing a few an nubias here and there in The Hardscape the anubias do not mind a good shade the other plans are healthy vibrant DF gam looks healthy shrimp don't see the cories oh they might be over there very nicely stocked four out of five keep it up the aquatics director and my local Petco is incredible betas deserve better than a bowl ask a partner how to set up a proper beta tank yes let's go wow Aquatics director damn that is a cooler job title than most so cool that I feel like it's Overkill imagine saying you're an Aquatics director you know what I should have said when I worked as an ecologist for a company I should have been like ecosystem doctor cuz that's essentially who we are what we do we go in check out the ecosystem Health write down some symptoms figure out the causes and prescribe a cure but no one out here calling ecologists doctors amarok sent in their saltwater oh and okay so I think a collage of Tanks salt water freshwater included and they all look pretty stun and well stocked and well scaped they're all kind of the same Dimension so it looks extra neat I'm not sure about the salt waterer it looks beautiful but I'm not sure if it's like overstocked or not I'm not a huge like expert on that I do see some carpeting action your middle tank with the oo there's quite a bunch of fish in there but I think it is pretty well filtered there's some algae growing which could mean kind of overstocking or overfeeding so watch out for that but my favorite's got to be the third tank it's got like a Blackwater esque sort of deal going on the Driftwood work if is phenomenal so first tank is a question mark out of five I would rate it five out of five it looks stunning but I'm again I can't cuz I'm not an expert the second tank the carpet still growing out a 4.4 out of five and the third tank that's where it Takes the Cake 4.79 keep it up uh F no sassy her kid kicked the bag in the video and the mother got insanely defensive when told she was wrong about cold water fish being easy pets and she said she does have a small tank fish are the best starter pets for toddlers first of all what's going on in this picture why is the fish still in the bag where's the small tank why not put the fish in the tank and apparently her kid kicked the bag why would you post that I would try to hide that from the world man some people have no shame maybe she's trying to prove that fish are easy because they can get kicked and it's fine which is not the case you know fish are the best starter pet for toddlers should not be a sentence in fact toddlers should not have a starter pet a lot of adults fail to take care of their pets properly and just because a pet is smaller doesn't mean it's easier to take care of should just get rid of this whole notion of a starter pet and if label it a starter pet you're going to think oh it's less work Zoro send in their 20 gallon tank it is a 20 long Hallelujah honey garami and x-ray Tetris interesting stocking and really interesting skate I love the centerpiece wood just one big mopani wood plantings all throughout there's swords there's jav aern pathos coming out the tank floaters solid tank that's really underst stocked from what I can see you can up those numbers you know what I mean if you really wanted to add another type of dither fish in there if you want 20 gallons long is no joke of a size and really conducive to dither fish the Deep substrate I am loving it 4.48 out of 5 keep it up this video is sent him by shark hop this is my Finding Nemo fish tank that we're slowly collecting every fish from the movie Nemo so since when has that gone right remember that guy from a long time ago that tried to introduce from Europe every species of Shakespeare Birds to the Americas well they tried to do it with a starling and now we have a huge Starling problem in all of the American continent they just destroy every other native bird habitat and today we actually had to get rid of one of the main characters this is Deb and the reason we are actually going to return her to the pet store today is because she is actually super aggressive as you can see we had to get her in a bag and burn so I don't know salt water but I do understand someone extremely unknowledgeable about fish you wouldn't put a snake head with some Guppies even if you saw it in a show we're back to the pet shop as quick as we could I really didn't want to get rid of Deb she was such a cool fish to have in the tank but look at her to straight up attack all of our other fish this was Marlin and Nemo getting attacked the first day they were in the tank and I waited a day or two to see if she would stop but she just didn't she kept on attacking them and they didn't have a place to hide since Deb was taking over all of the Rocks Marlin was pretty big so he didn't really get that much damage to him but Nemo was hiding in the corner with a lot of bite marks in his fins all from Deb and Deb is actually taking out a few of our fish before these two fish we got for our tank and they were getting so beat up by Deb they actually ended up passing away and while it is sad that we had to get rid of Deb since she was the first fish in this tank it's what had to be done and now all the fish can live a happy life away from dead but now that Deb's gone I think it's bad time pause Nemo beat up some other fish were beat up two fish dead just roll it back really quickly I just need to hear something I must have heard wrong as you can see we had to get her in a bag and bring her back to the pet shop as quick as we as quick as we could is that really as quick as you could wow as quick could you rephrase that wasn't it really more like we didn't notice her for the first day and a half and she killed two fish and we thought M if she kills the third one maybe we'll bring her back I don't know if that's really the same as as quick as we could bro must be like pretty slow then this is why parents shouldn't use [Music] VR oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my gamer that's what I call a Pro Gamer move right there head shot pentac kill legendary kill fatalities all across the board let this be a PSA don't swing a bat when you have VR and can't see the real life decided to order shrimp online for the first time it's safe to say I will not do that again I am still in complete shock chalk hey maybe they live in Antarctica I have personally never ordered shrimp online in fear of this exact thing this is what I imagine before I click the check out button so I never click it new nano fish just dropped boys let's welcome the gunshot slj noise fish start setting your tanks now Nella cerebrum heck of a name it's ainted fish lives in turbit low altitude streams actually I have seen this type of fish it is from 2021 so they've been out they've dropped a while ago but yeah they are pretty cool they're pretty neat I've heard personally what they sound like uh especially with a school of them and me personally I would not be keeping any of these that will annoy the out of me imagine trying to sleep and listening to that let me play it for y'all yeah no thanks my life does not need that it's cool though it's cool but a little freaky too they're like crickets underwater does that Not freak anyone else out a little bit grapes anyone it's their first attempt at a planted tank I think I've done this one but this is showcased in video format and I found it interesting there's so much activity going on down there it's a pretty messy Escape but I like it it's got Hardscape woodscape all the inhabitants look super happy healthy and my favorite part is that the pathos just seemingly pokes the lid straight up and out of the way grapes anyone youve wrapped some of the pathos I think the pathos is helping the lid stay there super interesting what you might want to do for an alternative is get one of those clipon lids with the light that'll make for a more clean look but this it's actually pretty interesting look it's like the pathos burst out of the tank I can't remember what I rated it last time if I did indeed do this one but a 4.37 this time keep it my hands look like this so theirs can look like this not sure what kind of fish this is but I feel like fish Keepers can just understand what this is referring to that might be a Nemo like you get your hands wet and dirty all the time just to maintain their living quarters just so they can show off their brilliant colors very true great me I saw someone post something similar check out this awesome thing at Petco your carnival fish will get this big pulling no punches man Petco y'all really stepping up your game these days huh we got signage everywhere more than some of the local fish stores I've seen well that's also because Petco and petmart attracted certain different kind of clientele they're a bit more Big Brand so you know more generalist people go there people who might not be as knowledgeable in the hobby so this makes sense and it's great to see them doing something about do you personally know a Petco or petmart that still does not have signage based on a true event happened today yes it's my 22 galon long the clerk refused to sell me five dwarf suckermouth plecos because I already had 12 neon tetras wait what's a dwarf sucker mouth pleco let me search that up real quick though I am not entirely sure what a dwarf sucker mouth pleco is but the Odo snist can sometimes be known as the dwarf sucker mouth and I'm inclined to believe somewhere like Petco might label an Odo sinkless catfish a dwarf sucker mouth so if that's the case yeah Petco's fault 12 neon tetras has nothing to do with it a 22 galon long they can take way more than five odos and 12 Neons come on worst nightmare friend watching my aquariums while I'm on vacation I love all the white polka dotts all over your fish me the what that is a nightmare and a half that is the worst case scenario about to happen cuttlefish have three hearts because they love you so much he loves you I don't know why but this post is super cute and funny it's just the way that it's phrased when you finally find the person who has been spending all your your money on fish it was you yourself all along what you going to do about it guys I found Nemo dried up dead fish NSFW I saw it and I probably wouldn't want you guys to see it it's it's pretty much just the dried dead clown fish and that is the reality of what Nemo would have turned into if he tried to escape the tank in real life kids not everything is a Disney princess movie wait Nemo is Nemo Pixar guys welcome back to the end of the video sheesh It Feels Like For some reason today feels like the video never even started or just started and we're already wrapping up it's kind of sad wow I didn't want this video to end before I let you guys go here's this week's catwood what is your favorite Pixar SL Disney animated film go mine is Frozen let me know in the comments below I'll see you guys there if you enjoyed this video please smash that like button and subscribe there'll be more videos to come and don't forget to get your hands wet Tetra Tetra Tetra we in a spot coming in h vual fin die acclimate that with my show act care my fin ride from Cara for me super R hold on hold on there's not another fish that you can wish for Li fam say I fa won I fa gone three days without F I'm an addict like fanatic I'm a badest no TS only dirt my Cy gang so loyal black tetrao skirt we came to play came to Silence game
Channel: Fish For Thought
Views: 36,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish, fish tank, aquarium, planted tank, aquascape, betta, betta tank, betta fish, beginner guide, 10 gallon, stocking, guppy, livebearer, breeding, shrimp, neon tetra, tetra, goldfish, pleco, catfish, step by step, diy, coralfish12g, tiktok, reddit, fish tank review, ftr, rasbora, anubias, java fern, plants, ecosphere, aquarium coop, greenaqua, serpadesign, gecko, reptile, pet, pets, petco, petsmart, fishkeeping, hobby, easy, no co2, low tech, bioactive, terrarium, vivarium, life in jars, jartopia, fluval
Id: YqSM9g9WEqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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