This Fish is a MONSTER!

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[Music] [Music] good morning Beach bulbs today I'm looking for big black drama I've come to the end of Fort Morgan they've been hanging around here I'm gonna see if I can hang into a few of them I'm only using fish bites and I've got a few different flavors we've got crab I've got the flea aged shrimp so I'm gonna see which one works the best I'm gonna get all three of them out that's all we're using no shrimp no crab nothing just fish bites I've got this set up on poppin the rigs just single drops let's get a fishing get something going on here honestly can't tell if that's a fish I think it is a fish what is this is this a drunk oh we might have one oh there you go there you guys oh gosh Manny hit real slow and of course he's going to oh gosh wow that was fast oh man then he's going with the current that didn't take much time at all this one that was which flavor was this can you remember this was the sampling give him that drag alright I'm letting them run I'm gonna see if I can get over these lawns cuz he's going this direction that's the way the currents flowing see over I think we're over this these guys love to get your lines he's still pulling man he's strong I see he's not over this one yet oh okay okay okay easy does it buddy easy does it Wow oh my gosh man this fish is strong he's just realizing he's hooked or something I think he's using that current to ah no I think you you know why I think he was pal hooked I think he was foul hooked I think that's why he was fighting so weird the hook just came off dang it first hook up of the day definitely was a black drum the way he was the way he felt but I think I think he was hooked somewhere not in the mouth it just was fighting really weird really weird pulling a lot more than than usual so I think I don't think it was in the mouth that's thanks try again I don't know if this is a drum or not I don't know if this is a draw this is a lazy one I think we got a lazy one all come on oh oh there he goes again same thing real slow bite I honestly thought that this was a catfish but we got a drum I'm pretty pretty confident we got another drum I wonder if it smells foul hook - this is so weird they are hitting weird today doing some weird something something's got him weird you know I know oh there there he goes there you go he finally decided to take off that was a long period of time I'm just dilly-dallying that was what the last one did what the heck we yeah we're over that other one loosen up that drag we're gonna move over or under well this makes me nervous again I can't budge this fish hardly this fish got me nervous I'm trying not to put a lot of pressure on I'm just I haven't I haven't had a black drum that I couldn't turn like this I'm getting excited guys this this might be a real one it's being nice and gentle I got the drag what I'm doing right now because because I'm just nervous in this situation right here with them using this current to their advantage and losing that other fish I've got the drag set pretty loose and just as he gives up I'm just I'm just kind of palming the spool a little bit just to pull him in I just I really want to lay in this fish so I'm I'm giving him some drag and but he he is he's not wearing out he's taking me down the beach fellas this is uncalled for buddy this is a heavy fish my goodness oh gosh this could be my PB black drum not even kidding like this thing I've never I've never felt outgunned on a black drum we're fighting back now buddy oh there he is he's actually closed in look at that guy man he took me down the beach look at that beast I'm about 75 yards from my stuff now come here that hook looks pretty exposed oh what a beast what a beast oh man dang look at this guy freakin toad man I want to get a quick measure I've never caught personally black drop over 39 so we're gonna get a measure hey this was 38 38 almost matched my PB heavy girl big black drop 38 inches almost my Phoebe almost tied it let's get her back wow you're strong whoa did you hear that drum man is like a bass drum oh I'm so tired whoo let's get you getting arrived yeah a lot good water flow those gills let's get you back bigger let's get you back thank you thank you for the fight I'm war I'm whipped okay there you go thank you let's make sure you get you're good you're good I did make one change to my to a couple of the rigs that I think has made a little bit of a difference today when I'm pumping to fishing I've used in pumping the rigs and usually I'm targeting pompano with these setups I tie that drop like 24 inches from the bottom or so but this one I've got tied like 12 inches so it's hanging a lot closer to the bottom of the rig if you can see that and I did that with a couple of these rigs because obviously drum feeding on the bottom and this is the this is the same rig that we've had both of our hookups on with the same flea fish bites and tie closer to the bottom pompano of course they feed on the bottom but again I've talked about this before they hang a little higher in the water column so they come down to feed so I like those rigs being up a little bit so just keep that in mind when you're targeting particular fish if you're not getting bites those little changes those little differences of where you put stuff can mean the world world of difference [Music] gasps mattress oh here we go here we go take it take it take it take it all right I just loosened up that drag a lot they're being really weird and how they're how they're biting initially if this is a black girl all right I think I think we got one all right we're still real loose trying to levitate this bait come on baby here we go here we go thanks we got them they're hitting they're not they're not hitting than just running there we go there we go today I don't I don't get it and this one is on the crab flavor fish bites first two again we're on the sand plea whoa he's fast I'm still playing the drag a lot here and the reason I'm extra loose on the drag is because these are big fish and we've got this current and I'm not using super heavy gear I've got 17 pound fluorocarbon which can handle this but if you try to put too much pressure especially in a situation like this one you've got that current and that big broad bodied fish that's just a lot of pressure on that and I just don't want to pop it I'll really want to land these fish so I'm just playing them real nice and easy big ole girl we're still guessing some head shakes that's the cool thing about these black drones they just don't quit that boy drum with some black drum it looks like he's got a spot on its tail and on its head or if that's just some kind of trash or something on it but we're gonna have to investigate that all right check this out this fish has got a black spot right here like a redfish black spot up here on its head let me see it all right there I think there's some more on the other side too it's crazy black drum number two for the day this one's really cool it's got spots on them right here and on that side of his tail you can see that right there very cool fish what are the cooler black drum I've ever caught a little bit smaller than the last one we'll get it back alright very cool though a black drum with spots I've never never seen that before there it is again you see it like a daggone redfish see buddy we got something on the last drop oh there you go look at that he's going check that out that's gonna be another drum look at that so angry what if it's red I just released that way oh gosh they came through I'd be surprised if it was red my hands are sloppy and my arm is tired here we go this is the risk you rub when you have multiple multiple baits in the water one of these schools come through Oh my hand is so slimy hey we just doubled up pretty much as I was releasing that last fish this rod goes off hammered down that's the first fish today that this is a the fourth fish and this was the first one that hammered down like that Oh [Music] so and this is the shrimp flavor so we've got we've called a hook the fish we haven't call this with yet but we've hooked a fish on all the flavours another heavy one another heavy fish this is going to dolphin island man he is he is not stopping and I can't turn it this might be another brute like that first one this is on the ninja tackle dagger ride love this thing feels so great I've got a link in the description on this ride you can save 10% with my code is in the bottom as bama in JT it is definitely my favorite surf rod I can't turn this this oh my gosh I've not gained any ground on this fish yet zero I have all that he's just using his weight using the current taking me down the beach and I cannot turn this fish it's like I'm hooked to a dadgum barge I mean I can't move it what are you that fish looks extremely long that is gotta break my PV oh my gosh Wow what a beastly fish this one's got spots too what the heck man holy cow what a brute moment of truth is this the new PB it's gonna stretch out ah he's like 39 and a half look at this feel like 39 and a half with that tail pinch right there I'm calling it my PB 39 and a half still can't break 40 oh I can barely lift this fish because my arms are so tired what a day I'm worn out let's get her back and this one I would show you but I'm so worn out this one's got spots on it too here's what that say that same drum it's like that whole school of them Oh probably had spots for something man what a strong fish so much respect thank you well that's gonna be it for me today I'm worn out that was unbelievable two of those fish took me way down the beach and I had to like run back with him to get a good release on them and I'm worn out that was that was intense there for a minute got my new PB black drum thirty nine and a half still haven't broken 40 on a black drum yet hopefully that'll happen soon soon let's go for that let's go for Pb black drum guys I hope you enjoy the video thank you so much for watching as always you stay [Music]
Channel: Bama Beach Bum
Views: 901,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surf fishing, beach fishing, land based fishing, monster fish, black drum, bull red, redfish, land based shark fishing, fishing, saltwater fishing, big fish
Id: 5y5PfSSvk4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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