This Fell From The Sky But No One Knows What it Is

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foreign we expect to see the sun clouds and maybe a few birds flying by but sometimes the sky has other plans and things that are not so ordinary come hurling down from above from mysterious objects to bizarre occurrences there have been numerous reports throughout history of terrifying things that fell from the sky leaving people baffled frightened and with more questions than answers so fasten your seat belts and get ready to explore 20 terrifying things that fell from the sky number 20 Frozen iguanas iguanas in Suburban Florida are crashing to the ground due to the extreme cold the National Weather Service in Miami reported that early Thursday morning temperatures in sections of South Florida dropped so bad the local green iguanas can't survive temperatures that low Frank cerebellino a columnist for the Palm Beach Post once tweeted a snap of an iguana floating face down in his pool Good Samaritans who come across stiff iguanas should leave them alone as the reptiles may become aggressive if they feel threatened don't assume they're dead said Kristen Summers who heads up the non-native fish and wildlife program for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit the Central and South American endemic cold-blooded animals become lethargic according to Summers iguanas can't survive in temps lower than that many iguanas along with Burmese pythons and other invasive species that flourish in South Florida's subtropical climate were killed by a two-week cold snap in 2010 with temperatures below 40 degrees C their numbers have increased since then the consequences of the winter storm that was moving along the east coast were less unusual elsewhere in Florida Tallahassee the state capitol experienced snow for the first time in 28 years this leads us to today's strange topic see as this fell from the sky and no one knows it people in Texas woke up very early in the morning to find a huge object in their street no one knew how it had gotten there or even who could have placed it there thinking and looking at it once more no one could have put it there it was round and twice the size of a small turtle car the only thankful thing was that there was no damage to anyone's house but it destroyed both the street and the walkway you can let us know what you think about this picture in the comments section we want to hear your opinion on hashtag strange topic number 19 space station an unmanned Chinese space station was predicted to crash into Earth experts at that time thought it was highly unlikely that components of the Tian gong 1 which is roughly the size of a school bus would survive re-entry through the atmosphere let alone land in a populated region however no one can say for certain senior member of the technical staff at the Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo California Andrew Abraham predicts that Chiang won will crash sometime between March 29th and April 4th this organization receives funding from the United States government since 2016 Abraham has monitored the 18 000 pound space station Chiang one's orbit has been declining for quite some time which means that with each orbit around Earth the spacecraft gets a little closer to our home planet the more it gets close the more air molecules it will collide with slowing the station and hastening the degradation of its orbit it's not easy to tell if tangong one is tumbling or not because its position affects the drag Force the upper atmosphere's density also changes from day to day this impacts how much resistance the space station encounters as it plummets to Earth relax number 18 earthworms many people have taken to social media to express their amazement curiosity and even disgust at the bizarre occurrence of worms dropping from the sky while it is not known whether this is the result of natural meteorological events or any other aspect worm-like objects or creatures reportedly dropped from the sky in the Chinese province of Liao ning due to a recent meteorological occurrence an online video that went viral purported to show earthworms crawling all over cars and the streets of Liao ning many people on the streets had umbrellas ready to protect them from the worm rain people on social media also questioned the authenticity of a video claiming to show worm-like objects falling from the sky near Beijing animal rain the phenomena wherein little things like fish or frogs descend from the sky after powerful storms or tornadoes was blamed by some on social media there hasn't been much rain in Beijing recently therefore some people have questioned whether or not the footage is real you don't know what other information you might need from us so make sure to give us a like subscribe to this Channel and share this video with your friends number 17 drones drones from a drone light show in henan China crashed to the ground in a breathtaking end of the world scene fearful pedestrians may be seen fleeing but they aren't being chased by Alien Invaders they are however fleeing falling drones the strange video was shot in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou and it depicts the robots which are illuminated in blue falling from the sky as the drones drop from the sky people start screaming and shouting as the drones continue to slam into the Earth in the background people eventually start to run for safety some of the other drones begin a gradual descent still under the apparent command of their pilots the South China Morning Post writes that the drones crashed owing to human error and fortunately no one was hurt or anything was damaged initially the light shows organizers blamed a competing drone firm telling sup China opens in new tab that the Rival company had intentionally caused ill-intentioned signal interference to disrupt the spectacle later however the retail Center that hosted the light show suggest adjusted to local authorities that the malfunction could have been caused by operational errors quote-unquote number 16 bloody rain heavy downpours of red colored rain occasionally fell on the southern Indian state of Kerala from the 25th of July to the 23rd of September 2001 staining clothes pink the Kerala red rain phenomenon was a blood rain event that took place in the wayanad district region of Malabar on Monday the 15th of July 1957 and the color subsequently turned yellow some others even saw a green and black showers while the eastern and North Central provinces of Sri Lanka had colored rain from November 15th to December 27 2012. reports of colored rain in Kerala began in 1896 and have continued on multiple occasions since then most recently in June of this year on July 25th 2001 in the southern districts of katayam and idukki the first of kerala's infamously colorful monsoons began to fall some others even saw green and black showers red rain was reported often over the next 10 days before becoming less frequent through late September locals claimed that a huge Thunderclap and bright flash of light heralded the first colored rain which was followed by forests shedding gray burnt foliage there were also reports of shriveled leaves The Disappearance and sudden development of wells and other strange occurrences at about the same time red rain was often confined to locations no longer than a few square kilometers and it was often so localized that regular rain would be pouring only a few meters away this would have been so scary for the residents number 15 lamprey rather than a dramatic mutation or evolutionary leap permitting these huge leaking eels to fly a more benign explanation appears to exist the Department of Fish and Game apparently agrees as seen by their Facebook explanation gulls are the most likely explanation the gulls are using their bills to pluck them from the China River and then tossing the wriggling creatures out of the sky the Arctic Lamprey is a fish that lives in the mud for several years after hatching in the chenna river because of their unusual anatomy and picky eating habits many alaskans who have lived there all their lives have never seen one of these interesting fish up close Nancy sisanyak the sports fish information officer for the Department of Fish and Game corroborated that hypothesis and provided an explanation for why it isn't strange that they were abandoned birds frequently lose fish due to carelessness they can hold on to them most of the time but every once in a while they wriggle free and there you have it she explains to The Daily Beast it's a long and slender tube a seagull even won as large as 15 inches would struggle to carry such a weight and sometimes they do get loose when this creature is thrashing around number 14 golf ball now this is totally unbelievable Tuesday afternoon the 4th of April when Aurora residents went out to vote in the combined election golf ball-sized hail began to fall from the sky the National Weather Service issued a severe storm warning for Kane and the adjacent counties on Tuesday according the patch it had subsequently ended a threat for the destructive Hale of up to baseball size was issued by the weather service through Tuesday afternoon Hale can break Windows Dent cars and cause other catastrophic damage to buildings and vehicles the peak temperature on Tuesday was 71 degrees and Wednesday should see the continuation of the mild spring-like weather their prediction calls for another 77 chance of rain which could include showers and stronger thunderstorms many onlookers taken aback by the intensity of the storm pulled out their smartphones to record the torrential downpour of ice shards even though the area saw highs in the low to mid 70s the National Weather Office had warned of the possibility of strong gusts and hail Palatine Harvard Barrington Lake in the Hills Crystal Lake Algonquin and other suburbs all reported hail ranging in size from AP to a golf ball number 13 Blackstone Mount Aetna is a volcano in southern Italy off the coast of Sicily that is consistently one of the most active in Europe Sicily's adjacent town was covered in Ash after this volcano erupted jardini naxos then a dark rain of volcanic ash descended upon the city at the time of the eruption no one was evacuated from the area around Aetna volcano but as a precaution the main road was closed for 30 minutes and two of the four runways at the Catania airport which is quite close to Aetna volcano were shut down it was also reported that instructions were given to nearby households to where the stone stacked at the entrance hall and automobile clean them and leave an umbrella for protection when departing Stones falling from the sky is a phenomenon as well documented as the Deluge of animals Conrad lycosteen's Chronicles of prodigies published back in 1557 describes a stone shower that kills people and animals in the Middle Ages people believe that the devil or other supernatural beings were to blame when Stones began raining from the sky according to the secret common wealth a book written by folklorist Robert Kirk in 1690 stones that fall from the sky are thrown around by invisible whites which are comparable to goblins or brownies and never intend any harm records of stone rain in New Hampshire in 1698 can be found in a pamphlet named lithobolia or the stone throwing devil number 12 meteorite like object sometimes bits of natural space junk make it through Earth's atmosphere unscathed we are being hit by space rocks more often than anyone realizes the wide empty areas they strike mean they often go unnoticed it's always mysterious why some of them wind up in populated areas on the morning of June 19th something that looked like a meteorite crashed to the ground in sanchore a town in the jalora region of Rajasthan according to Hindustan times it dug a hole about a meter deep reports state that residents within a two kilometer radius of its collapse heard an enormous boom residents hurried to the police station and City Hall to report the explosion when subdivisional magistrate buphendra yadav arrived he was shocked to notice that the piece was quite hot it was decided to let the thing cool before placing it in a jar and transporting it to the police station due to its high temperature emissions the concerned authorities also had the jewelry item examined by a private laboratory at the central jewelry store where the results confirmed the presence of geranium plaid nickel and iron number 11 three metal spheres people all over the world have been perplexed by reports of huge metal balls descending from the sky the British the Russians and now the peruvians have all reported seeing Fireballs crashing down on their respective cities within a matter of weeks three mysterious metal items were discovered in the fields by locals in the Southeastern Andean town of Peru striking fear into the hearts of the populace huge rocks were discovered just a few hours after scores of reports of a flaming object were posted online from the Peruvian Villages of Tingo Maria and pukalkupa located about 185 kilometers apart fire chief romulo Barros of Brazil's crucero dosul municipality claimed the object was almost certainly a meteorite the fireball was later identified as a Russian space rocket re-entering Earth's atmosphere which was confirmed by the Peruvian Air Force he also speculated that the flame was actually the re-entry of an sl23 rocket and that the three metal spheres were satellite fuel tanks no meteorites were expected to fall in the vicinity according to meteorologist Alejandro Fonseca of the Brazil's Federal University of akker number 10 black gunk in one Michigan Community a mysterious black material that looks like Blackbird droppings have become an unwelcome ornament concerned locals in Harrison Township have called the police to report a mysterious splattering that has appeared around the community they can tell it came from the sky by looking at the splash patterns and the fire brigade says the weird oily ashy substance is not combustible there are a few potential explanations for the goop's meteorological origin objects as diverse as golf balls and mud have been carried great distances by bad weather and then dumped on the heads of The Unlucky it was a clear day when a wind gust of up to 18 miles per hour on Sunday when Harrison locals first saw the splatters they might be animals this would be the first time birds have left unwelcome gifts for humans as one local resident pointed out last year seagulls in Alaska dropped lampreys on an unwary community in addition to their regular droppings it was also proposed that an airplane could be another possibility though Selfridge Air National Guard Base is located nearby the basis Personnel have looked into the situation and concluded that the chemical could not have been dropped from an aircraft number nine locusts large swaths of Southern Russia are being overrun by Locust plagues which threatened thousands of Acres of crops and in some regions have even darkened the skies the Swarms of insects each measuring roughly eight centimeters in length destroyed fields of corn and other crops over an area of at least 800 000 hectares according to government officials it has been more than 30 years since the severe Locus infestation hit this section of Southern Russia officials estimate that at least 10 percent of crops have been damaged by the locusts and their Feeding Frenzy shows no signs of slowing down which might have a catastrophic impact on the economy of the region the agricultural department for the stavropol region Deputy agricultural Minister vasili yegorov told ABC news that locusts show up every year but are usually eradicated before they hatch however jagorov warned that this year's swarm of locusts had migrated from other parts of Russia making it difficult for officials to stop them from endangering one of the country's most important agricultural districts many other Southern locations from chechnya to the Astra Khan Province on the Caspian Sea have also recorded swarms according to local media three areas close to stavropol have declared an emergency due to the locus infestation officials claim that the pest control operation in stavropol alone has covered more than 350 kilometers number eight fish this is a very shocking and surprising thing to happen residents in Texarkana a community on the northeastern border of Texas and if you guessed it arkhan saw is asking what the fish after an unusual phenomenon occurred there animal rain happens when aquatic creatures such as frogs crabs and small fish are carried Aloft by water spouts or drafts on Earth's surface and then it rains on them at the same time several people in Texarkana posted videos and photos to social media showing little fish they said they found after a storm according to experts the occurrence can take place when water spouts carry little Marine creatures such as fish or frogs into the sky before dropping them below National Weather Service meteorologists have found no physical evidence of water spouts or major floods in Texarkana which could explain the events fish falling from the sky is nothing new Elementary School staff and students in Oroville California told KTVU in 2017 that they had seen a school of 100 fish land on the playground and roof of the building while it's uncommon it happens as evidenced in several places in Texarkana today the city said in a Facebook post to quote one author and please for the sake of everyone let's tiptoe into 2022 as quietly as possible yes everyone should also tiptoe into their homes when this ever happens again number seven dead birds it was either the end of the world or a unique natural phenomenon when hundreds of dead birds were seen falling from the sky on a Welsh Island those passing along on the road at Lin luannon bodajern were understandably perplexed as they saw the starlings fluttering overhead daffod Edward's partner Hannah spotted the birds on her way home from a doctor's visit and he was able to record the unique event on the video a scene from a horror film with howling wind in the background and a wide shot of a road covered in dead birds for miles on end is conjured up in your mind as you take in this site PC the North Wales live reporter Dewey Evans said many of you have seen on social media a video going around of an event on Anglesey where countless starlings have been murdered what caused this is a mystery to us this is so scary honestly imagine you are driving and think it wants to rain only for you to see birds instead of raindrops number six strange purple substance when Lynn Page and Mike pupiao awoke they discovered a strange purple substance all over their house deck and driveway and car on Chester Avenue the couple from chitawaga called Seven Eyewitness News for help concerned that it was an airplane's toilet overflowing as airplanes frequently fly over their house on their route to Buffalo Niagara International Airport located about a mile away cool piau speculated that perhaps some kind of valve was left open and they didn't know about it the couple was worried about their health because of the purple splotches and residue that were all over the place Helen tateras a representative for the NFTA has stated that the airport frequently receives reports of discharges from aircraft being spotted on Residential Properties Tedder has stated that it is illegal for aircraft to discharge sewage while in Flight terrorists explained that flocks of birds are typically to blame because they consume berries with a particularly High quantity of color the Erie County Department of Health agreed saying it was safe to wipe up the purple poop in the usual way number five boiled bats more than 200 bats have already perished due to the continuing heat wave in Southern Australia a colony of flying fox bats near Campbelltown in the Australian state of New South Wales suffered as temperatures reached 44.2 degrees Celsius the Campbelltown MacArthur Advertiser reports that despite the best efforts of the volunteers at least 204 bats most of them infants perished as a result of the extreme heat they basically boil Kate Ryan the campbelltown's bats Colony manager told the newspaper those working to save animals in campbelltown's bushlands and Wildlife wrote on their Facebook page as the dead bodies were recovered and placed in a pile for a headcount the numbers had reached 200 not including the many hundreds that were still left in trees being unreachable sadly a few adults were also included in the body count meteorologists predict that the worst of the heat will dissipate in the following days but that a less severe heat wave will continue across parts of Queensland Northern New South Wales and Southern Central Australia number four airplane parts authorities in the Broomfield region reported that aircraft debris likely metal had fallen from the sky Commons park the Red Leaf area and northmore Estates were hit according to the Broomfield Police Department BPD that was in the Box surrounding the intersections of East 13th Avenue and Elmwood Street and West 136th Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard photos revealed one massive piece being installed in the Elmwood front yard Greg Faith an aviation expert identified the silver rings surrounding the engine in the backyard photo as a cowling ring the investigators had the cowling ring removed by morning A dia representative said that United flight 328 from Honolulu had to return because of an engine problem according to United there were 231 customers and 10 employees on board no passengers or crew members were hurt during the flight the FAA confirmed that it had received reports of debris close to the flight path of the aircraft the Federal Aviation Administration and the NTSB were conducting their own separate probes there were multiple reports to the Broomfield Police Department of persons hearing a loud bang followed by what seemed to be a jet crashing number three Russian gold Russian media and Airport officials report that a plane carrying 368 million invaluable cargo lost part of itself during takeoff spilling over three tons of gold and silver bars all over the runway and surrounding region an airport official in Yakutsk told ABC news that the plane lost nearly a third of its 10 ton load as it took off from the airport and onto a neighboring car market Nikolai meznikov the airport's director informed ABC news that the shipment was 44 pound bars of Dore a gold silver alloy stated that locals searched the area into the airport for the bars after seeing images of the bars strewn on the runway the pilots made the executive decision to land at a local airport no injuries were recorded the shipment originated from a mine that is majority owned by Canadian Mining Company Kinross Gold according to the Siberian times local media stated that kinrosgold said that it had recovered all of the bars but the business did not comment when asked by ABC News according to a statement released by the airport an inquiry is under way to determine what caused a flap of the cargo hatch to tear off during takeoff number two spiders according to the New York daily news in the Australian town of goulburn thousands of young spiders obscured the light many people thought it was snowing in Australia but the actual temperature was Far lower spiderwebs not snow covered the sky and the ground around the region what you just heard is true continue reading and share your opinions in the section below people in goulburn Australia were alarmed to wake up to discover their town and properties covered in creepy silken webs and a deluge of millions of tiny spiders such deluges of spiders it turns out aren't as unusual as you might imagine say the experts good news for individuals who are afraid of spiders as an example of what is known as Spider rain or angel hair because of the silky hair-like threads the spiders leave behind consider the rainstorm we experienced a month ago colonies of spiders will often balloon which is when they climb to the top of a tree and then jump off using their web as a parachute they flapped their wings like this to fly rapidly from one location to another and powerful winds can transport them over several kilometers flying spiders just in case any of you are afraid of spiders I'll say it again parachuting spiders number one slimy substance strange green slime evocative of the monster from the classic horror film The Blob has been discovered all over a wildlife park and Somerset it's unclear what the substance is but the rspb needs your assistance figuring it out Wildlife Specialists have suggested that it may be bacteria fungus or even toad poop it is a period at the same time as a meteorite hitting Russia and an asteroid flying by Earth at a record distance last week both of which were completely harmless star jelly it is widely believed is unfertilized frog spawn that was pulled out of the abdomen of a frog by a predator most commonly a bird in other words they are the animal equivalent of a gelatinous poop according to bayless's analysis of star jelly specimens which he obtained from Dartmoor in 1926 at least some of the sightings are the internal organs of amphibians this phenomenon explains the appearance of star jelly in the fall the female frog stores eggs during this time of year to be laid the following spring the oviduct wall secretes jelly to protect each egg as it travels down the tube a drop of water causes this jelly to swell to several times its original size if a predator kills a frog and rips apart the ovaries the jelly inside will be released and combined with moisture from the ground and the sky to form huge heaps so this is probably what this slime is this is what we have for you on 20 terrifying things that fell from the sky if you enjoyed this video make sure to drop a thumbs up for us and subscribe to this channel we will also love it if you share this video with your friends you can also check out our other video the next video it will definitely blow your mind
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 332,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: list, scary things, fell from the sky, the sky, bizarre things, falling from sky, strangest things, fallen from sky, things fall sky, flying objects, strange things, terrifying videos, scary videos, mysterious things, in the world, on earth, caught on camera, incredible things, unbelievable things, caught on tape, strange sky, weird sky, No One Knows What it Is, This Fell From The Sky
Id: AlFh32gq1Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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