This Family will never be the same again

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Jehovah sh yes Lord I see you every Blessed Redeemer Your Glory FS the Earth Everlasting father the one who watches me I put my confidence in hold on my daughter seated there please come your time has come Hallelujah love [Music] Jesus glory to Jesus you Everlasting in Father the one who watch me I put my confidence the reason why I'm praying for you already I'm seeing your health the enemy is attacking your health you're feeling weak see you sitting I see you losing weight is that correct yes Pastor can I say something Jesus we we're stopping here so we go home all right yes sir I see you working and you have favor at work I see a shop but I see your colleagues very angry with you I see one of them who called another and say I know how to stop her I see them at night they gathered one coming from this side another from from the other side they get that to cook against you and that during the day during time of work they threw it on the path they knew you will pass you know that something is wrong and that has nothing to do with your family that has nothing to do with your family your family your family your family your family your family has its own problem do you come to church here yes do you come alone yeah I come along but I have a sister as well who comes here you have a sister who comes here yes where where is she did she come today you say yeah my [Applause] daughter okay my daughter wait there Jesus serving in the house of God right all right let me deal with her so the problem is on the family the family has his own problem but you have a different problem your problem is that they're attacking you at work witchcraft I spoke about divorce I spoke about relationship falling and you two you had experienced the same is that correct yes Pastor it's correct this means it's correct right yes is he gone you not together yeah we no long together why was he abusive was it not well he was abusive but he passed away Along last I a year before was you passed away yes do you have a child together yes we have a child together one child one child it could have been two isn't it yes you know what I mean I know it could have been two I know but but you decided mm let keep one you dealt with the other one did you tell me that no I did not okay I keep it there way but God is removing what the enemy has brought oh Jesus you shall be well in the name of Jesus my daughter today is a good day for you thank you Lord because that battle today I'm taking it from you thank you [Music] Jesus somebody stand up and pray the Holy Ghost ghost pray in the Holy Ghost pray in the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost something good is about to happen your as well there is a seed you can clearly see that there is a seed there my daughter you happy that God is doing that I see you touching the altar thank you Jesus you love Jesus Christ thank you Jesus thank you Dad who brought who to church I brought my whole family to church you brought your whole family my mom is here all the way from quaa she's here your mommy is here yes Mommy is here mommy is here who else is here my daughters and my my grandson okay okay okay okay okay mommy is here yes now hear this mommy is here yes than you say all the way from from I need to pray for the legs of Mommy because leg have problems ask Mommy to come Jesus [Applause] M oh god oh God thank you J bring your all family bring your all family bring your all family glorify [Music] Jesus I had promised that I would not go long to the the service [Music] today I called one this I didn't call they call themselves or the spirit of God Jehovah sh I see you everywhere Blessed Redeemer Your Glory feels the air Everlasting father the one who worship me I put my confidence [Applause] feel you I see you everywhere blessed redeem blessed Your Glory Your Glory FS the Earth Everlasting father Everlasting father the one who wor I put my [Applause] [Music] confidence mommy [Music] [Applause] daddy God loves your family and today God will do something good when she your daughter say that her entire family is here God say to me that I should pray for your legs do you need to translate the momy understands yes Mommy Hallelujah [Applause] Jesus he's a faithful God he's a good god he's doing something Jesus hear me oh I'm seeing somebody hanged someone killed it's like they hang somebody and they say is that your dad is that dad hanged himself yes in the yard you found him in the yard yes hanged yes papa there's a lot of pain in this family can I can I get you into the prophetic with me and we pray together join join me stretch your hands to momy went through pain all of you went through pain hello [Music] whose Child is This is your child yes Pastor oh say it [Music] again say say say it again he's my son it's your son yes I just love your voice thank you is that your voice for you creating it no it's my voice you speak like this yes sir every day all the time I I I just love that say it again he's my son is your son [Applause] yes your kind cannot be stolen the name of Jesus no no I'm seeing you in Adidas that's true Pastor that's true yes what is Adidas for you I'm Waking in food care you working there yes ah glory to Jesus have you ever been in hpro before I'm staying in HBU you are staying in HBU yes even in Hebrew you speak so nice all the time hey I stay in E bro from today may your voice be nice Hallelujah right no more shocking troubling [Applause] voices thou sh speak nice all right God bless you okay God has been protecting you even against Crime amen God has been protecting you keep on protecting you amen thank you Jesus now are you the the the sister yes the youngest now look this you you you have you are bright you are beautiful favor is all over [Music] you did you get a gap here can I call it a gap here yes Pastor should I call it a gap here yes Pastor do you see that I'm in your life now did you see me there even if you don't see me I'm there already keep yourself some are after your star they'll come as friends they like you say no no keep your star they Cal well dressed CU they're after it get your finishes go back to school amen glory to Jesus try to be as focused and as connected to your altar stretch your hand let pray for the family oh Jesus let pray for the family yes Lord thank you for your word save this family oh God thank you [Music] Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you mighty savior in the name of Jesus receive it in Jesus [Music] name I put my confidence in Jes Jesus in the name of Jesus I see [Music] blessed I put my confidence in Jes thank you Jesus if you were blessed by this video please share and spread the message on social media using the share links in this video be sure to like and share our videos with your friends and family tune in to catch's next sermon on the public channel on Ami TV or on our live stream on keep up with all his latest updates by following him on social media platforms at ukar
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 65,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: osBFslpUUcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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