This Fake Jello Expands 100 Times in Water • This Could Be Awesome #2

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(upbeat music) - [Narrator] This is Vat19. We're known for using our curiously awesome gifts to make awesomely big videos. Each week our team has to figure out how to pull off a new idea, and try to create the next hit. This could be awesome. - We have a new product at Vat19 called Vat19 cubes. They're squishy like our spit balls but they have six sides. And this week I've challenged our team to make a giant slip and slide using just these cubes. - [Narrator] This may look like a tasty gelatin snack for your tongue, but it's actually a tactile treat for your fingers. (disappointed sound) (excited sound) Cubes are expanding giggly toys with six sides of squishiness. Like other popular water marbles, Cubes start small and dense, but soak them in water and they grow hundreds of times their size. You can observe the effects of different water quantities, water temperature, and liquids on the cubes, or just smash 'em for fun. Plus the three different colors in each pack can be combined to make new shades. - You can really feel the green in this one man. - [Narrator] Um, actually, all the colors have the same properties. - You gotta feel with more than just your hands man. - [Narrator] Regardless of what colors you choose, you'll find plenty of ways to enjoy the toy, so lets see what our crew can some up with. - A'right guys, Vat19 Cubes. - Oh yeah. - [Man In Blue] All right. - How are these not jello? They look just like jello! - [Man In Gray] They're jello, guys. - They feel just like jello. - They're not jello. - Don't eat 'em! This is really cool. Just give it a nice little squish like that. That's really satisfying. - Super satis-- - OOP! - They are incredibly slippery. - Which is probably perfect. Jamie has challenged us to make a really, really long slip and slide using no water. - Just these. - Just cubes. - I think it'll work, 'cause these are really slippery. - Yeah, it's definitely gonna work. It's gonna be fun too, What are we gonna need to make a slip and slide? We need the slide itself. Are we just gonna buy like a regular slip and slide? I feel like that's too short. - They sell rolls, 10 foot by 100 foot rolls of four mil. plastic sheeting. - That would work! 100 feet, that's perfect! - How many of these are we gonna need to make to cover an entire slip and slide? - However many we have, we have to get to our location. - Yeah, we gotta take these somewhere. - Yeah, no matter where we go, we gotta take 'em somewhere. - All right, so we got a few logistics to work out, but I think we need to spend some time "testing" these, if you know what I'm saying. (playful music) - It's a new spa treatment, right, for your feet. Toes-ees, ready to goes-ees. (satisfied sounds) - Oh, yes. - That feels nice. - I'm calling it right now, the Cubes are going to make the best, slipperiest substance on a slip and slide. - It's gotta be what it feels like to just walk on jello. (squishing) - Just three guys in a parking lot, stepping on Cubes. - It's only weird if you make it weird. - Yeah, don't make it weird Joey. (funky music) - All right, while we're working on this shot for the Cubes, let's go check in and see what Joey's doing. So these are Plus-Plus blocks. It's like a new kind of building block, and they snap together in a bunch of different ways. - You think outside the box because it's such a different shape. Sky's the limit with what you can come up with. - [Kara] We have a bunch of Cubes in bulk that we can make for our big slip and slide. - We really gotta figure out how many five gallon buckets all of our Cubes will fill. - We'll say about 40 Cubes fills four cups. - 40 Cubes-- - Per four cups. - Is four cups. And there's 16 cups in a gallon. So 40 times four, is 160 Cubes makes a gallon. - Okay. - Now the question is, how much does this many Cubes weigh dry? Okay. - 1.32. - So we got it all figured out now. All right, all right. - Okay, okay. - So 13 ounces of cubes, should fill up one, five gallon bucket. - [Kara] Okay. - [Man] We're talking about like 300 gallons worth of space. - [Kara] Ooh, they're already starting to absorb. - [Man] It's so cool. - [Kara] Oh yes! - 11 pounds of these are gonna turn into like 70 gallons of Cubes. - We'll let 'em soak over night, and when we come in we'll have a beautiful tank of blue Cubes. - Ooh! - Oh wow! - Oh! - We did the math pretty correctly. - We mathed correctly. - We did our maths right. - This one's wild. Oh, that's satisfying to just... - Don't start, you won't be able to stop! - Look at that, awwww. Something looks wrong with the yellow ones. It looks like they're all in the bottom and didn't go up. - Really? - [Man] Oh, they're just so clear! Look at that! - [Kara] It's weirding me out 'cause the water's warm, and it looks like some one peed in it. - [Man] Warm and yellow, yeah. - [Kara] What the heck. - [Man] We probably got close to 30,000 Cubes up in here. (wet thudding) - [Man] We're just putting polymer cubes in a trashbag, put it in a van, to put on a slip and slide. Vat19, your weird is our normal. (upbeat swing music) - Get like a nice little running start down the hill. - Who knew water was so heavy? - You're doing it wrong, gotta be like a weird Santa Claus. - Some of us can't get it up there, okay. (electronic music) (grunting) (electronic music) (grunting) - Got it. - The noises coming out of Adam. (light playful music) - They're slowly migrating down the slip and slide. I'll just be here holding 'em all on the whole time as people come down. - A little barrier at the end to keep 'em all from slidin' off. - I'm pretty excited, very nervous. I'm not sure how this first run's gonna go. I don't know, excited but nervous, let's do this! (suspenseful music) (heroic music) - That was pretty fantastic. Didn't get the whole way down, but I think once we start kinda breaking 'em all up and getting the whole thing a little bit more slick, I think we can make it the whole way down. All right, who's next? (sputtering) - Ow! (crash) - Oh dude! - We've been telling Adam all morning, watch our for the trees, watch out for the trees. I just see my drone barrel rolling after it's hit a tree. - [Man] Well, good news is, drone is okay. - Let's do this! The raft kind sucks guys. - I really wanna be able to slide like the whole way down, I think these guys do too, so we're trying to just, stomp on these to make it slicker, and it's a lot of fun. It's gonna take a while - [Cameraman] Kara, this doesn't look super effective. - But it's fun. - [Cameraman] So slippery! Oh my gosh. - Ready to try it? - Am I ready to try it? - You ready to try it? - [Both] I think Joey's ready to try it. (triumphant trumpet flare) (triumphant shouts) - Go! (funky music) - That was so slick! - Very Hydro (mumbles) - That's awesome! - This is bad! This is dangerous. Oh we cool, we cool. - It's like ice skating. - Tortoise and the hare, tortoise and the hare! - Short steps, short steps, short steps! - Trying out for Dude Perfect. Guys, I can't do it. My feet are too slippery, I can't get any speed! - Remember to check out Cubes and hundreds of other gifts at All right, see you next time. - [Camerman] This is the part that doesn't usually make it into the video, clean up. You guys aren't prima donnas. Here's your YouTube stars. - After the camera's cut, all the real fun stuff starts. Clean up. - [Cameraman] Clean up! - [Chorus]
Channel: Vat19
Views: 2,709,342
Rating: 4.8934412 out of 5
Keywords: vat19, vat 19, vat-19, orbeez, spitballs, qubes, water marbles, grow in water, jello, vat19 jello, don't eat this jello, looks like jello, square orbeez, square water marbles, vat19 slip n slide, vat19 slipe in slide, giant slip n slide, slip n slide without water, no water slip n slide, outdoor toys, diy, satisfying, jello recipe, walk on jello, slide made from jello, vat19 plus plus, slip n slide challenge, waterslide, vat19 waterslide, water slide
Id: uOkyyTA0A9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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