This Episode tried to Kill me | How to Drink

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what you're about to see is me making an enormous mistake a huge miscalculation i'm gonna set up six vermouth and seven rise or maybe the other way whatever it was uh it works out to 42 cocktails which is neat it's an impressive spread it looks great in a thumbnail and all that jazz i thought well that's fine because i'm only having a taste of each right it never occurred to me to say well how many how large is a taste how big is my mouth what do i sip when i sip i think it's probably close to an ounce maybe a little under an ounce maybe it's a half an ounce even at a half an ounce that means if i only had one sip of each 42 drinks that's 20 something 21 and a half or 20 yeah 20 ounces right and there's only 22 ounces in a 750 milliliter bottle right every glass will be full come the end of this thing but i will be in very bad shape you're about to see me uh plumb the depths of madness um in the future uh i'm gonna be much more careful about this kind of thing what i'm gonna be doing when we do those kinds of like big long form tasting episodes is i'm gonna get a spit bucket like you see at the wine tastings and we all make fun of um i get it now oh [ __ ] that'll kill you holy crap that's a terrible thing to have happen yeah what i want you to know is that i'm being very careful about how i produce this show i am taking care of my health um and i don't want to represent anything to people that i consider to be inherently unhealthy either that's it don't try this at home uh this was a bad idea be very very careful because overconsumption can sneak up on you please drink responsibly on with the manhattan matrix that tried to murder me in a recent episode i had a drink i explored the idea of a cocktail matrix and a lot of people asked me to continue that idea with something for manhattan specifically so i feel like we should start with the manhattan and this is going to be our manhattan matrix i've got vermouth's on this side i've got ryze on this side um i'm trying to cover the gamut in terms of standard stuff that people like to use favorite brands etc we are gonna use a single ratio kind of the standard two one two ratio two ounces of rye one ounce of vermouth two dashes of angostura bitters how do i make 42 drinks and have them all be pretty fresh so they're all pretty cold and pretty much the same at the same time i mean i don't even have 42 mixing glasses if i had 42 fingers could i stir them i don't know a machine perhaps would be helpful perhaps but there's another way to do it i realized all we need is a scale and so the reason is that a mixed drink a stirred drink i mean if we think about it right all we're doing in there is adding cold water really you put ingredients together put some ice in there and you stir it the ice melts and adds water to the drink that makes it cold and it adds dilution so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make a single manhattan and weigh how much cold water goes into it then we will know how much cold water to add to a set of ingredients i'll set up 42 glasses i will add base ingredients to every single one and then we will go back and add the appropriate amount of cold water to each and we will have 42 fresh manhattans so that's weighing out at zero grams right now use my standard [ __ ] two ounces of rye ceiling camera making its premiere in this episode and as you'd expect it's a little bit lighter than water it comes up to 55 and a half grams one ounce of dela and two dashes of angus store bitters we come to 88 grams that way i will pour this entirely into my mixing glass two ice cubes i will crack both and i will stir this as i normally would and i basically just go till my finger starts to get pretty cold the real thing is as long as we have a constant a single constant that we measure against as long as all these drinks are made the same to each other then we're fine okay put the glass back up here on the scale when we pour this in we should know how much water is in there 25.7 grams of water we could just bump it up to an ounce we're just gonna make each drink with an ounce of ice cold water i gotta populate this thing with drinks that's the matrix all i got to do now is add the water and i'm using this parisian shaker basically because it's huge toss in some water and shake like crazy we'll do a row taste the row do a row taste the row that's what we'll do why didn't i just put my water in the fridge a couple of reasons one people are going to complain oh you're adding fridge taste because this is very clean ice nothing ever in here except for ice two isn't colder honestly i mean this is just you're gonna get colder this way one ounce of cold and dilution you'll come back in a minute okay so let's start mikters and martini and rossi strong nose vaporous tasty not bad at all not very pronounced honestly there's not very strong flavors there very um i mean butterish butter-ish kind of like the way a wine to be buttery but muted not spicy not a lot of evolution very little character it's just pretty new this one has a slightly more oaky or nutty finish but otherwise the same it has a little bit more evolution honestly you can taste the wood a little bit and i like that and that was um martini and rossi and the rittenhouse it's interesting to see how much of a difference the rye will all make in one vermouth oh man that old four stern this is really cool i like that what is that what am i calling that it's got a little bit of bite it's got some more tannins it's oakier it brings a little bit more it's like kind of grips the sides of your mouth kind of flavor thing there it lets you know if they're unlike this entirely this i mean this combo tastes like water almost so i'm glad to find out it wasn't just me i was worried like oh cool i have covet i can't taste things or something you know this one's nice there's some cherry notes in there yeah i like that that's definitely the best of the three so far it's just got the most age and character um although it might be i mean for someone who's really kind of new to cocktails this may be the most acquired taste as well whereas this is extremely approachable although from my perspective this one i'm like this combo the mikters and martini and rossi almost is like am i getting a cocktail here what is this so far the old forester kentucky straight rye hunter proof with martini and rossi man that's pretty great this is also very great um both these are excellent this one has a little bit more character a little bit more evolution a little bit more um more instruments in the orchestra if i will this is whistle pig and martini and rossi whoa that's got some weird notes in it man that's familiar though it's like got some dirt in it it tastes like dirt it's like irony earthy dirty yeah i mean that tastes like the smell of digging in the garden man that tastes like dirt otherwise i mean i like it it's got character it's definitely neat it says hello it's got its own thing going on um neat stuff whistle pig 10 year 50 all right this is the alberta premium and martini and rossi smells sweet to the nose that's right man you can taste the spice there that is spicy you can really taste that i like that a lot i mean these are all different proofs too alberta premium 66 strength i think this is still my most favorite because it has the most subtle uh character full evolution but this has the strongest rye spice notes i've gotten so i don't know if it's i don't know the mash bills of these off the top my head i don't know if this is like 100 rye or something like that but somehow this one has the most volume turned up on that um the rye if i will okay we're going to the mgp it's identical this is identical to the mikters it really is i'm so i don't know if they're both mgp but i would not be surprised if this was mgp what does this say bottled baba in louisville doesn't say where it comes from distilled in small batches blah blah blah blah garbage none of that means anything they put a barrel number number on it okay that might mean something but i mean we know they're not distilling it because they would say distilled buy it says bottled by i think this is the same [ __ ] whiskey this is stronger this is more watered if it's the same they added more water to this one this is 45 this is 42 and a half i don't know i would say if you're buying one of these two guys and they're probably both available in your liquor store because they're very common uh go for who's cheaper because they're [ __ ] the same um okay this is high west rendezvous i've never even had this it's nice stuff people love high west here we go high west and martini and rossi this tastes a lot like the whistle pig they both have that dirt flavor i mean very similar these two guys i like it oh my god they're freaking identical i mean i can't tell the difference i really can't i think there might be even the same juice it's possible so these guys too these two guys taste very similar with the martini and rossi these two guys taste very similar with the martini and rossi these three all bring something really unique um this one i love it's great it's very it's unoffensive it is right down the middle it's like 25 bucks a bottle very good brings some spice character evolution all of that this brings a little more spice a little louder volume on the flavor notes right it's just got a little bit more subtle differences subtle differences uh between the two i think i like this one better but i know that i paid a lot less for this um and then this one has its own thing going on which is if i'm just a refresher that's right that's the spice spicy yeah that's got some spice to it what's the hell it's also 66 percent so it's 120 something proof so it might just be fire okay let's do the next row um still a little ice in here throwing a little bit more ice a little bit more water shaky daiki and away we go we're gonna get i think by time we get over here we're gonna be in trouble but that's the hazards of my profession all right here we go an ounce of water in each of these glasses here we go mikters by noelie pratt i dislike this smart this one this one is still kind of very low on category character but there's like an off note now i don't like that yeah there's something there it's like a little like foot flavored it's amazing what a difference these things make this is the um written house via nelly pratt it's a little better as it runs down my beer with some cherry in there that's interesting i like that that one has a longer evolution there's just more going on there really is i it's night and day i hate to throw someone under the bus but better it still tastes like cherry wood and not that it is cherry wood because it's oak i'm sure but maybe it could be on cherry i don't know um but like there's a lot more evolution and character going on here i have a funny feeling i just don't like the natalie pratt rouge but we'll figure that out because there is still a little foot flavor action going on that's the weirdest tasting [ __ ] that is what this old forester has got some tricks up its sleeve that i like that that's different that doesn't taste like any manhattan i've ever had but i like it tastes winey you can really taste the wine there that's what that is and it really works with the spicy rye oakiness of this um old forester which is less spicy than this uh about a premium but definitely has some real character to it um i like that i'm a fan whistle pig and noelie pratt a little less garden taste than it did with the martini and rossi but still tastes like dirt out of your garden tastes like you're tilling the soil that's what it tastes like okay alberta premium by nearly impressed that has a kind of um a sweet cherry flavor it's crazy because it this one was so spicy before and now it makes that much of a difference that's crazy it tastes like those wow wow wow the alberta premium with the martini harassi versus alberta premium with nolian pratt these are totally different cocktails that's crazy what wow one more just to be sure i'm not out of my mind okay there's that spice yeah [Music] nice spice very full bodied cocktail lots of evolution mmm i like that oh and it has this like um vanilla tobacco kind of finish actually that comes at the end there that i i'm enjoying that a lot it's actually quite good huh the rye has a huge effect on how these drinks turn out i'll tell you i mean i know that's kind of self-explanatory but i would not imagine to see this much swing one way or the other in different flavor profiles by swapping the rye while maintaining a vermouth if that makes any sense you know i mean these are huge differences they're wildly different cocktails and so it's like it's so funny because people always ask oh what can i substitute i'll do a substitution can i substitute i always tell people you can you can substitute anything you want you are making a different drink might be in the same family of drinks but i can't promise you it's gonna be the same drink that's not possible they're fundamentally different things although this one and this one are not fundamentally different things and this one and this one at least on the first round were not fundamentally different things so in those two cases they are interchangeable as far as i can tell okay here we go i'm so tired already i kind of like that it's nice sweet i'm gonna just check against this though because they were so similar last time they're different definitely um the little bit of extra water that's in this one because it's a lower proof i think that they're the same juice but that that changes things a lot which is surprising or the aging process maybe they were aged a little differently or they're different barrels or something they're very similar but between the two i think that this is better just slightly better wow that's interesting it has a sweetness to it it's not very spicy it's definitely no one would turn that manhattan down i mean nobody would turn any of these down right you'd order manhattan you're gonna this is a manhattan um but that manhattan right there really accentuates the sweet parts of a manhattan the remove the sweet parts of the aging process not so much the spice whereas like for instance this guy is spicy this guy's medium spicy this guy's dirty dirty dirty man that dirt cocktail you guys as you can tell i am a lightweight but also this is a lot of booze okay here we go hi west by noeli pratt dirt just tastes like dirt and um moldy cherries i don't hate it not my favorite though i don't hate it but it's not my not what i would go for that dirt and old cherry kind of thing yeah okay very uh hygienic pour here because i happened to forget a strainer because i'm dumb okay row three here we go [Music] this one is carpano antica formula everybody loves this vermouth david wonders will tell you and i am inclined to agree this winter mouth is a very specific style of vermouth that does not really reflect what is traditionally considered to be the torino style of vermouth the vermouth that cocktails call for when they call for sweet vermouth this is um and he has a name for it it's like vermouth or something like that it's vermouth a lot of vanilla added to it i mean like actual vanilla is added to the flavoring of this it might be delicious we'll see but that is something to keep in mind when comparing it to these other vermouths you know there's a certain question of is this what's intended by a manhattan i don't know it tastes like a vanilla candy of course the mikters brings very little although here i do get a little bit of um oakiness from it and that might be coming from the vermouth that brings yeah that's true there is a late arriving turn towards aging bitter tannins that i think comes from the antiqua i don't think it's this guy bringing it pretty moot uh certainly the antiqua uh walks all over this fella not bad for the record by the way this is so far the best manhattan i've gotten from the mikters okay here we go this is written house crossed by antiqua oh night and day though i mean already that's so much better the extra rye spice really stands up in the face of the antiqua i mean the two oh they work together so nicely i mean it's nice and mellow and vanilla and just the right amount of like biting spice and baking spice and the whole thing is that's not bad at all man that's real good and it makes me super excited about getting the alberta premium and also this old forester because i have a funny feeling that that's going to be extra special here we go old forester by way of antiqua formula old forester kind of overpowers the antiqua oh oh what a lovely twist there though that evolution takes a nice turn it's very um old forester up front very rye spice and then all of a sudden after about a one two three four five six count it goes whoop and it morphs into this vanilla cherry mellow sweet nice it's a nice the question is do i like this one or that one better because we are trying to find the best one i don't have a score card or anything but i do have a system in mind i go with the forester the forester tops it out just a bit how you sip you will get different qualities if you sip with a lot of air with no air if you just coat your mouth with just like a kiss of the the the drink or if you really take a slug you're gonna get different notes on all of those so as i like i'm not wobbling around like a weeble wobble over here whistle pig crossed with antica formula in this very offensive a weird thing to drink it might happen out of but we'll make do whistle pig owns it man that dirt just loud dirt flavors dirt dirt dirt bitey bittery dirt the antique doesn't even show up which is crazy because it's a powerful flavor powerful i say i say that antica brings a lot of flavor to the table it's a joke boy that's a joke okay alberta rye crossed by antigua of omaha we just got down on the kentucky here hold up we may have a winner here that's [ __ ] cool that brings the most character i've seen yet oh man that's good that's so good that has like all the things you want in manhattan to have it is spicy yet sweet it is balanced it's got that vanilla but not it's tempered here because the alberta premium is loud in the glass so and that tracks that's what my thought was with this is that you want to put this guy with a a ride that doesn't get pushed around if that makes any sense the alberta premium i think i would be shocked if anybody else tops this out with what's left in the list of what's here i have a funny feeling if you like antiqua alberta premium is gonna be the way to go it's not a cheap way to go i apologize i mean old forester was excellent as was the written house but that right there man some kind of magic is happening in this class it's just balanced super well balanced oh yeah with like a very nice evolution like baking bread is in there and the cherries and the vanilla and the tannins of the oaks and the spicy rye i mean the whole thing is happening that's very good that is an excellent cocktail top-notch um tough to beat to be honest it's also uh probably the most expensive cocktail it's probably the most expensive combination on the table to be honest so you know you get what you pay for there's some truth to that right here we go with the antiqua uh crossed by our rye from bullet bourbon bullet bourbon is it bullet it's just bullet 95 rye there's a nose this i haven't been paying attention the nose of these cocktails very much i like that it's an intoxicating combination of um baking spices and cherries it's okay i mean it can't hold a candle to the alberta premium it's okay it's very flat by comparison it's tough to say like oh how is that by comparison i mean by comparison i would say that's like a flavored glass of water by comparison to the alberta premium but to be perfectly honest it's a pretty good manhattan and on the merits it doesn't get pushed around by the antiqua the antique has got a lot of flavor in it and the um the bullet stands up to it so it's not a bad ride a pair with antiqua which is good to know preference wise oh yeah definitely the alberta premium um or the old forester or this um but if you have this and that they'll make a nice manhattan together now here we go high west and antiqua where we go dirt tastes like dirt i don't know just tastes like dirt like this whistle pig tastes like dirt but it does have i think a i think it doesn't exist here it does have a late arriving flavor pro swept swap it does have an evolution to it that the whistle pig does not give and that's good i like that so there's something to be said for that okay okay how you doing how you doing i'm doing great three rows down three rows to go we're at the halfway point of this marathon oh my god i'm losing my mind all right here we go i still have ice in there finger strainer now we're in the punta mes an ounce of ice water for you punta mezz by crossed with the i don't victors that i don't like that it just tastes kind of cloyingly sweet to be honest um i don't like that at all there's flavor profile notes in there that tastes almost artificial like just like flavorings or something i don't know i just like that victor's in me are on bad terms um let's try it with the rittenhouse that is like candy i mean it's funny i always think of punta mesa being kind of more sweet but that's very nice it's very very sweet but boy there's a lot of evolution there you get oak you get rye spice you get cherries again different orders all mixed up whenever i say those notes i'm not giving you necessarily in this particular arrangement the order that they show up just saying that they're there they're there they're all there so i like that that's quite good i should have thought about these glasses before i put them in the drunk zone this is gonna be tricky i'm like drinking from a [ __ ] bowl that brings out some weirdness i actually think i don't like that puntamez and this has a nice evolution though lots of flavors i don't know that it's a good flavor it could be something that you like what is it i should probably tell you in that case i should definitely tell you what it is right butter cherries such strong cherry notes there i mean it tastes like red the flavor of red and spice with the rye spicing and now finally we get some little bits of wood and leather not leather not leather wood oaky woods vanilla woods tannin woods you taste it with your nose it's not bad i like it um i like that now now that i've thought about it i like that uh puntamez so far these two guys quite good this one not good and the problem is honestly that this rye brings so little to the table that it's just basically drinking a glass of water down punta mes i guess we won't be working together um all right whistle pig crossed by punt emes as a question for my italian fans is it punta bes mess or mezz mezz i don't know i would assume punta mez but it could be punt mess is it punt is it punt pant pan who knows italians know [Music] pass i don't like it it's very dirty the dirt flavors all over this you get a little something extra at the very end here just a very quiet little piece of cherry but mostly this just tastes like you stuck your face in the ground and started eating alberta premium cross with punta mess i like that that's lovely alberta premium comes into the ring against punta mez and doesn't take no [ __ ] that's a wonderful combination god damn man it's crazy how much the rye is affecting these you expect rye to be pretty much right but it did not rye rye is not just rye rye is mini splendid thing buttery spicy sweet cherry vanilla oh man that's good that's a great combo i'm going to tell you what it's alberta premium right down the line seems to be the winner it is also the strongest alcohol content by volume but you know when you're making cocktails that's not without merits you are losing a lot of loudness in your flavors by adding water and other ingredients it's not just that this is the highest proof it also has um the most flavor as a result it's least watered you know because that's how that works stuff comes out of a barrel at 120 proof 140 proof whatever they add water to it when they add it to the bottles and how much water you add is going to change how much flavor is in that juice that spirit this one's got a lot of flavor it really comes to dance okay so now we're moving on to our bullet rye versus puntamis very meh but at the very least i can say it's a manhattan for sure it's a cocktail you can taste the the spots you can taste the variances you can taste a little bit of rye spice a little bit of vermouth bitterness a little bit of you can taste those cherries the cherries are quite loud not the worst in the table but of the ones you know i would say second from the bottom of these on the as far as punta mesa goes um yeah second from the bottom but that's a big difference there's a big leap between the nectars and the bullet high west versus punta mess now hang on the high west up until now has tasted exactly the same as the whistle pig the dirt flavors here are very muted by comparison let me try the whistle pig again i'm not curious now so here the putamez pairs with the high west sufficiently to convince me that these are different spirits because they do yield a very different result i mean maybe my poor was a little off on the two but as far as i can tell the high west and punta mess not a bad combo at all it is um not overpoweringly dirt flavored rye spice actually finally we're out of that dirt round that dirt world finally it does taste a bit wet to be perfectly honest it's a little over muted but at the moment i'm getting rye spice and cherry which is not wrong that's kind of what you want however i would also say that this is really not any better than this in this case the main magic that's happening here for reasons i can't explain between the high west and the punta mess is that most of that dirt flavor that earth garden tiller flavor is turned down which is maybe not what you actually want if you wanted a cocktail that really featured high west i don't know that this is what you would want because high west tastes like that dirt thing it's got that dirt thing and here we're not getting that so i don't know what the right answer is it's tough this is a tricky spot for me is this better because here we have a cocktail that takes what i would kind of consider to be somewhat of an undesirable quality in a rye and moderates it or is that undesirable quality that i subjectively dislike is that actually objectively the feature the thing that people want out of this and then you put it with punta mez and you don't get it anymore i don't know i am at an impasse with myself this is is this kafka ask is this a kafkaesque moment i don't know i mean i haven't turned into a cockroach so two rows to go we've got uh dolan and what the hell is this [ __ ] called starlino torino vermouth hotel okay whatever all we gotta do now is shake up some more ice and water ice and water is the order of the day uh poor let's shake that up it's a good thing i can't feel my hands anymore do the same thing i took a break and i still forgot to go get myself a strainer or whatever we'll just do this finger strain move an ounce all right mrs cross with delon vermouth here we go that is not taste untasty that's good i like that so if you have a bottle of mixtures and you want to make manhattans get yourself a bottle of dollar vermouth they pair very well it is pretty much just the vermouth that's coming through it's very sweet and tasty not a bad manhattan maybe not a very complicated manhattan it's really one note it's just sort of this sweet cherry thing but it's not offensive i like it so on the balance that's by far the best mikters manhattan we've had yet here comes rittenhouse crossed with dollar now this one's starting to taste like dirt very mildly but really what that is is honestly i think that's just a lot of rye spice coming through so the dolan is a delicate vermouth even though it has the ability to fill the void left by the mikters um in the presence of something with a little bit more oomph to it it does get a little bit lost not a bad manhattan though okay here we go old forester crossed by dolan vermouth that's bizarre tastes like cherry candy cherry sweet spice ironically i think this is the worst of the old forester manhattans i mean it does have a very long flavor profile in evolution i just think it's the worst example of an old forest through manhattan extreme cherry very cherry by comparison to any other manhattan and the in the grid here very cherry i mean like it is still just cherry for miles that's kind of that's unprecedented would never have expected that things are often particularly in mixology more than the sum of their parts you put this with that and what you get it doesn't add up it you know two plus two equals six in a lot of cases okay here we go whistle pig crossed with the law again i am surprised the dirt profile is mostly gone how could that be hold on a second let's go back to that after we have a big old swiggery dude of water lagua fresh really kind of scrubbing out the old apparatus here all right here we go whistle pig crossed by dylan the dolan kills the dirt there's no dirt left which is crazy because this is so dirt forward um again if you're trying to make a whistle pig manhattan the delon is the way to go all you get is cherry sweet wine but i will say this the stuff that makes rye rye that baking spice that rye it's gone it is totally lost it's all wrapped up in whatever that dirt flavor is that this dolan is killing maybe that's something to consider if you like whistle pig 10-year rise dirt flavor you would hate a dolan vermouth manhattan made with it okay alberta premium so far my favorite rye of the list against dalon we like that oh yes what an evolution that tastes good earthy but not overpowering wry but not overpowering cherry i mean it's just so well balanced you get cherry earth and rye boom boom boom in order i mean it's just each note is individuated and uh contextual and then you get this oak that comes out oh that is actually very good oh and then like peanut butter what yes you get peanut butter that's crazy that's really neat because that is not a flavor profile that we saw in any of these other manhattans made with the alberta premium it only came out with the delon oh i like that man that's tough to say isn't my favorite right now what a surprise who could have predicted uh bullet rye versus dolan vermouth just cherry and very muted i would actually say that that is the worst of the bullet ah manhattans this is such an informative experience i mean it i am surprised at every turn excuse you stay in line there martini irasi hi west versus dolan oh i don't like that at all it's just bitter there's no evolution there are no other notes it is strictly just dirty dirty dirt but not even like in a way where you could say it's dirt profile forward it's kind of washed out and muted across the board but what flavor is it that's coming through that's not gone dirt and not even in a way that's like dirt forward honestly if you wanted a dirt forward cocktail try anything other than the delon with the high west or with the whistle pig because they'll all be more dirty but the delon with the high west it just kills any character it really has it's just very flat a whole nother row finger strainer pour into the lid two two or two half ounces [Music] [Music] all right so here we go mrs crossed with starlino hotel vermouth kind of a wild card whoa cells smells like the boardwalk smells like going down to the point pleasant boardwalk when i was a young man cotton candy and popcorn pizza candy apples here we go and artificially flavored manhattan not a good manhattan honestly the worst manhattan on the table honestly it's just the worst it does have a kind of interesting evolution towards a plastic flavor if i'm honest um that and i know this sounds terrible but i don't hate it i actually think it's an interesting turn but on the table right now with these 42 manhattans i will tell you that would not be the manhattan i would go for let's leave it at that this is rittenhouse frye crossed with the starlino hotel torreno vermouth and this i like it is what is that flavor uh cherry sweet vermouth candy apple wine this i like it actually accentuates the rittenhouse in a way that i find appealing old forester crossed oh that almost went off the edge of the bar there crossed with torino starlino bitter sharp tart cherries very cherry sharp tart bitter cherry and diesel fuel not bad actually very good that's an excellent manhattan loving that manhattan in fact in fact i really like that manhattan of all the ones that were cherry forward so far and there's only four or more after this this is the most pleasantly cherry forward manhattan so if you wanted a cherry forward manhattan go with old forester crossed by the um starlino hotel torrino vermouth i like that a lot okay whistle pig vs starlino vermouth oh my god dry un uncharacteristically dry and bitter but i mean i suppose that makes sense because the whistle pig has tasted like dirt all the way through by far the driest of the starlino manhattans i've had so far but of the whistlepig manhattans it is perhaps the most devoid of whistle pig character so in that regard i would have to say this is sort of a failure and then of course of the manhattans would i say it's a good manhattan earth cherry bitter no i would actually say that it's a terrible manhattan i think that a number of the other manhattans are better moving on this is alberta premium crossed with the hotel starring vermouth i think it's the worst of the alberta premium cocktails although it has a lot of character it does have a strong evolution a strong presence and you get the earth and the rye and the baking spice and all the flavor profiles that you would want from manhattan but of the alberta premiums it's the most muted it's the most toned down it's the least loud and by that regard i gotta say it's the worst of the alberta premium manhattans it really nukes the alberta premium this is bullet rye crossed with starin or hotel torino style vermouth that ain't bad cherry sweet oak vanilla bitter that is the best of the um the bullet rye manhattans by far i think so i think so if you're using bullet get yourself some starin or hotel uh torino style of vermouth i don't know you gotta say it that way but i do ah but i just do i just do uh that ain't bad okay here we go hi west oh my god hi west versus starring no hotel torino i don't think i like that yeah that's overly bitter of everything at the table that is overly earthy and bitter in a way that i find kind of unappealing no good no bueno no bueno where where is the best manhattan the best manhattan is probably right here and this is antiqua formula crossed with alberta premium oh that's good that is something special it's buttery it is rai-e vermouth vanilla cherry oak it's got it all put together what do i love i love the um alberta premium crossed with antiqua formula i like almost the disaster i like alberta premium cross with um dolan or punta mess i think those are both chef's kiss delicious i like old forrester with martini and rossi nolipret i think all of that is good i think your best manhattans are going to be made with old forester or alberta premium your next best bet is going to be rittenhouse rye which is consistently quite good across its entire line um your worst bet is going to be mikter's ride don't don't use this it's bad um high west uh dirty different if you want that it's good across the line but maybe not with the dollar which sort of mitigates its dirt um and the same can be said for whistle pig between whistle pig and high west who do i prefer honestly even though it's lower in proof i prefer high west i thought the whistle pig was very very dirt flavored um the high west brought some other flavor components with it so uh guys i made 42 [ __ ] minutes i tasted them and uh whatever my answer was earlier in this episode i stand by it i stand by it you understand i got no better answer than uh now than i did then hey guys i'm greg this is how to drink the show about making cocktails on how to drink them if you like this show you should know i do this kind of thing live all the time on twitch twitch dot tv slash greg from htd i'm on instagram at how to drink i'm on twitter at how to drink i'm on patreon at how to drink uh this is me doing the show for you greg from how to drink um the cocktail show if you liked this episode there are so many other episodes of how to drink because i've been making the show for five years and here they are there are many there i can only put up four there are four other episodes that you can choose from wisely intrepid explorer
Channel: How To Drink
Views: 372,114
Rating: 4.9715652 out of 5
Keywords: htd, how to drink, mixology, tape brothers territory, alcohol, liquor, bartending, mixed drinks, how to, how to make, spirits, bitters, drink, cocktails, cocktail, classic, recipes, Rye whisky, vermouth, Drink Matrix, greg’s drink matrix, best manhattan cocktail recipe, rye whiskey drinks, basic cocktails for bartenders, vermouth cocktails, what is sweet vermouth, cocktail taste test, taste test matrix, how to make a manhattan cocktail
Id: _QsCrcLG6Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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