Dieses Ei mit Reis Rezept ist so lecker, dass ich es fast jeden Tag kochen kann! Top rezept!

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Hello everyone! Have a nice day and enjoy watching! 3 eggs. Salt. 1 cup of milk. 1 cup flour. 1 tsp sugar. Stir thoroughly. 30ml melted butter. 1/2 cup warm water. vegetable oil. Grease the pan just before serving. Fry until golden brown on both sides. What country are you watching my videos from? Share your answer in the comments, I'm very interested! 1 cup washed rice. Fill with boiling water. Salt. Boil 10 minutes. 3 eggs. Fill with boiling water. Salt. Boil 10 minutes. 1 onion. vegetable oil. 1 carrot. 2 peppers. 1 cup tomato passata. Salt pepper. 1 tsp sugar. If the sauce is too thick, add some water. Boil 7 minutes. Cooked rice. Boiled Eggs. Spring onions . Dill. 2-3 tbsp mayonnaise. Spread some sauce. Cover with sauce. 60 grams of pizza mozzarella. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180°C. Bon appetit! Mmm... very tasty! Thanks for watching, liking and subscribing!
Channel: Leckerer Kanal
Views: 8,655,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leckerer kanal, rezept, rezepte, es ist so lecker, dass ich es fast, jeden Tag koche, Rezept für Feiertagsessen, Sonntagsessen, einfache Lasagne, Lasagne mit Ei, wie man Pfannkuchenlasagne macht, abendessen rezept, abendessen, kreative rezepte, kochrezept, asmr, einfache rezepte, lieblingsrezepte, Ei, leckere Reis, leckeres Rezept mit ei, kochen lernen, wie man kocht, reisauflauf, Lazy Lasagne, einfaches abendessen rezept, Rezept für Weihnachtsessen, Pfannkuchenlasagne, Reis mit Eiern
Id: 5rWKO0ZpZjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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