Dieses Karamellrezept ist ein wahrer Schatz! Nur ein paar einfache Zutaten.

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Hello everyone! Friends, write in the comments which country and city you come from? It's very nice to know that we can communicate all over the world! 250g sugar. Add 1/3 of the sugar. Melt sugar over medium heat. Add another 1/3 sugar. Add the remaining sugar. 250 ml cream 33% fat. Add in portions. Be careful! The mixture boils vigorously! 200 g butter at room temperature. Let cool down. Store the finished caramel in the refrigerator. Your favorite bread. 4 egg whites. A pinch of salt. 120g sugar. 4 egg yolks. 120g flour. 4g baking powder. 1 teaspoon lemon peel. 30 ml water. 40 ml lemon juice. Place on a 40*29 cm baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake at 160 degrees Celsius (320 degrees Fahrenheit) for 25 minutes. 300 g soft cream cheese. 75g powdered sugar. Refrigerate. 3 eggs. 190g sugar. 1 teaspoon lemon peel. 10g corn starch. Bring to a boil. 130 ml lemon juice. Refrigerate. 0:17:50.480,0:17:53.201 600 g cookies. 350g dark chocolate. 150g butter. 100g sugar. Refrigerate. 100g dark chocolate. 100 ml cream 20-30%. Melt in the microwave. Some chocolate chips. Refrigerate.
Channel: Gesund und schnell
Views: 746,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karamell dessert im glas, dessert, karamell dessert, karamell dessert in 5 minuten, karamell dessertrezept, rezepte, dessert im glas, karamell, caramel, glas dessert, nachtisch im glas, dessert ohne backen, dessert in 5 minuten, rezept, rezept in 5 minuten, kuchen ohne backen, dessert rezepte, nachtisch rezepte, creme caramel, einfaches rezept, lecker, glas dessert rezepte, karamell-dessert im glas, gesund und schnell, yt:cc=on
Id: RtbAXrOxCzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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