Dieser Brokkoli ist so lecker, dass ich ihn jeden Tag koche! Einfaches Abendessenrezept.

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1 kg broccoli. Hi! Today I'm making a delicious recipe! 1.5 liters of water. 1 teaspoon of salt. Cook for 3-5 minutes. 3 eggs. Mix with a blender. Dear viewer, subscribe to the channel to receive new delicious recipes! 3 tablespoons flour. Mix. 100g of mushrooms. Be sure to watch this video to the end to take into account all the nuances of preparation! 1 sweet red pepper. How do you like this recipe? Write in the comments! 1 sweet yellow pepper. I love to cook for my viewers! 1 carrot. What city are you watching my channel from? Text me! 1 onion. 2 tomatoes. Write a comment under this video or leave a smiley. This will help the channel grow! Thanks! vegetable fat. Add onion and fry until browned. Add carrots and mushrooms. Mix and cook for 7-8 minutes. Stir from time to time. Add tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes. Add peppers. 1 teaspoon of salt. 1 teaspoon of black pepper. 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes. 1 teaspoon dry mint. Cook this for 1 more minute. Olive oil. Place in a broccoli bowl. Share this video with your friends! This will help the channel grow! Lay out the vegetables. 150 grams of cheese. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. That's all! Thats very delicious! Good luck cooking! Aroma for the whole house! Thanks for watching, liking and commenting! Enjoy your meal!
Channel: Essen Kochen
Views: 3,931,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: essen kochen, rezepte, Dieser Brokkoli ist so lecker, brokkoli im ofen, brokkoli mit mozzarella, vegetarische rezepte, auflauf, gemüse im ofen, brokkoli rezept, brokkoli kochen, brokkoli rezepte, Einfaches Abendessenrezept, abendessenrezept, brokkoli rezepte pfanne, gemüse auflauf, einfaches brokkoli rezept, auflauf brokkoli, Brokkoli mit Pilzen, brokkoli mit champignons, Brokkoli mit Käse, yt:cc=on, brokkoli rezepte schnell, champignons mit brokkoli, leckerer gemüse auflauf
Id: x7yl-WKZPhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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