This Brawlhalla TRUE Combo is ACTUALLY Broken...

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guys I know the video hasn't even started yet but how about we look at this guy's twins this marker guy my friend no he has 1.6 kill once he's crazy this guy is crazy honestly but anyways today I'm gonna be playing rank 2v2 with marker and we're gonna be going for a lot of offstage games and interactions so I hope you guys enjoy the video guys you see how this plushies in the background right you see the subscription button is on him right right here right you see it on his face right you better click on that click on that subscription you know why because it helps fill Scout a lot so you better subscribe hello can you hear me marker hello hello yeah I can hear you hello hello okay Marco let's destroy everyone in the queue we've got a master already who do we get who's this oh are these good are these feelings okay that's destroy him wait they come away I think I know that no no you know don't worry easy I don't think I know no no you know you got this you got this go yeah I'm going all right go upstairs just go off stage on oh wait okay yeah I recover him and I'm grown Grandpa bro oh I'm waiting here oh go um what what Lego uh I'm not going I'm kidding oh thank you again go away We're not gonna lose the first game we're professionals okay keep going okay got your cover I'm gonna cover it okay wait I mean I'm covering oh easy easy oh the story is gonna die yeah wait you lost okay yes that's why I'm counting upstairs no no no no I'm gonna destroy okay Victoria is dead wait he's not dead no dead yeah combo combo this guy oh no no no no okay cute doctors oh wait I'm gonna kill the room down [Applause] do not touch it [ __ ] it I'm oh wait look I'm stupid I'm bathing I'm still waiting all right the bait is bad on me I didn't like the bait what was that oh my God what the [ __ ] you go easy not even close what is this what is happening what is this okram doing what is this oh why is the old game [ __ ] no no don't die don't die no no no okay save them don't worry we're good we have to have to shoot over him and then combo is probably so confused to why I saved him I actually save them in my head but oh snap this is wait no no wait we have to not kill this guy right look yeah I'm not hitting him yeah yeah look the Tori is so confused he doesn't know what's going on I'm dead [ __ ] oh that's our first thing that's the first time he's easy watch recovery GP [ __ ] oh the organized oh boom please get him please okay I'm gonna start because I've had ice cream if it's because of my recovery oh oh I'm fine okay I'm waiting for it that I'm not kidding that I hope you know that no okay that was surely not sure but you delayed that so bad no he didn't have a Dodge that's why he gravity Council oh it's princesses what is this what is the script that you're sending me like let's destroy go I'm going I missed it I'm missing so much oh it's from six pump six like this wait another thing I got it got over there no no no no no no no no go over there foreign oh you missed me yesterday yeah I don't want to get GP horsey okay there we go nice he's jumping she's not jumping anymore catch nice hello wait no no no no that's D6 trust me okay let's go oh Jesus again again again again again reverse this thing oh my damage what the heck I'm gonna be dead in one second okay I'm still fine it's too okay I'm still okay he's dead bye bye wait say third yeah I'm playing sport right now what was that wait go oh no no no no everything's like get him out that was a recovery moment we go down no no no no no no no no no no no but someone here bro what are you doing wait no oh he's hit me what's happening okay okay GP isn't coming what's happening no cut oh my God what's going on oh no wait oh my God what's going on let me generally recovery can you recover wait okay wait wait can this guy just that that's okay unfortunate wait let me try it again wait it's so fast let's get them both oh wait no it's okay well I'm just going off stage I don't care oh okay I don't know what's going on anymore what I passed someone to me [Applause] um do it again oh my God [Applause] okay okay thank you thank you keep killing me yes who's exciting yeah I got literally no clue what's right now yeah I don't know so another chance you have to kill him first all right now another chance I got this nice nice good mix-up good mix-up what's happening to me no no no no no no no don't worry always okay okay it's not okay what the [ __ ] it's over oh wait he's scared no no no I'm not something I kill him okay okay wait he's not dead or got scared that you're gonna die oh my God okay keep it up give it a five minutes like 20 years later who got this let's go platform no wait oh sure it's over the game is over here wait okay [Applause] no I'm scared no no you're not scared you got this one item across okay white thumb for for me um cross double cross type all right let's just oh yeah yeah um that was so hard bro oh he's alive wait what Patrol and then experiment on the Hattori I'm going for it oh my God go they can catch us they don't know where we are literally I'm alive all right go over here someone someone no security okay I keep sending me up oh my God I'm dead bye biogram there's no savings wait what do we do now I'm just gonna I'm Gonna Keep enlightening okay wait okay wait wait the combo is and light to end light and then I stare and then you Delight sir to the opposite way no not electric I mean Delight Delight side light to the opposite way and then you're there and then I and then I do the recovery and then I recovery too okay yeah yeah understood everything I don't understand anything by the way but let's just again again and like to end light okay no no no no no no no no I can't my bread my bread go wait no what that was not the combo no no no no no don't kill him oh don't kill him we're what sometimes why are you kidding him let him survive okay trust me wait yeah no no I can't you can't catch that no one okay I can't catch that bro I can't kill this guy you just help me help me help me oh one more one more come on oh one where a night there we go all right this is last game the rooting last game but we have to we have to six okay we have to six okay these guys are decent these guys we're one four what okay now the last one let's run this one this one let's go come on come on come on Mark appropriate nothing what are you doing to this guy holy [ __ ] oh my God am I dead no I'm fine I don't know but you didn't look at the side to see it look at this side what okay okay oh my God they had enough what the heck okay bye-bye oh my God oh my God this poor guys where am I where am I where am I okay I'm fine I'm tanking for you good luck with figuring out each other okay he's just crazy at the game no no no no no I almost died no no no no no no no nice nice oh you're kidding okay oh what is going on it did 47 damage I think this is a very good game to end the video on because they got absolutely destroyed so if you enjoyed the video make sure to subscribe to the channel and I'll see in the next one bye bye everyone
Channel: PavelskiBH
Views: 78,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pavelski, pavelskibh, pavel, brawlhalla, pavelski gameplay, pavelski brawlhalla, brawlhalla pavelski, Pavelski, in brawlhalla, brawlhalla gameplay, Brawlhalla, brawlhalla pro player, brawlhalla ranked, brawl, brawlhalla pro, pro player, pro brawlhalla, brawlhalla combos, pro player brawlhalla, combo, combos, brawlhalla combo, combo brawlhalla, pavelski combo, combos brawlhalla, true, true combo, brawlhalla true combo, brawlhalla true combos, true combos, broken, broken combo
Id: igiTvzAv3XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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