This Box Builds Circuit Boards

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[Music] hello my goblins and ghouls my name is Steven long time to see huh if you're new here a few years ago I started a project around an open source pick and place machine and then shortly after that I started a company around selling them if you want to start the whole Saga from the beginning you can click here to catch up so the current version of alumen is spicy it's fast it's pretty easy for us to put together here at opo but in the effort of constantly improving we're working on a new version this isn't going to be a huge update but it is going to fix a couple very specific things that makes it more easy for us to build it here and a little bit easier for people to use first off I want to make mounting stuff to the staging plate easier right now the staging plate that big panel that goes across the machine and holds the camera and the bottom light it's doing double duty it's not only mounting your strip feeders and your pcvs but it also holds all the pneumatics and the motherboard for the machine on the bottom side and when you're trying to mount stuff on the top and bottom you can always figure it out there's always a way to get it to work but it could be a lot easier so in this new version we want to take all that stuff on the bottom and move it into a control box that goes on the side of the machine and clearing up that staging plate it's going to be big the other change I want to make is that the current version of the motherboard is riddled with through hole components there are so many pins that we have to solder here we literally make a pick and place machine we make a machine that does surface mount I want to switch as much as we possibly can to surface mount on the new motherboard and if we're moving the motherboard out from underneath the staging plate we can grow the size of the board a little bit cuz we have a little bit more real estate and we can get away with using a little bit more surface mount stuff and lastly there is something new that we are working on and I want to add some extra special support for that new thing on this new board and don't worry this new thing that we're working on is compatible with every Lumen that we've ever sold so don't worry you're not going to miss out I'm so excited for it and I'll tell you as soon as I am able I can't quite yet but as soon as I can I will let you know all of this stuff leads to a new motherboard so I have already designed it at least the first beta pass of it and this board is almost electrically identical to the previous version it's doing effectively the same thing I changed a little thing with USB power to make it a little bit easier to use and you'll also notice that there are fully integrated steeper motor drivers now no more of those modules now they're fully baked into the board which means we can do a little bit more cheeky stuff with them and of course no through hole I think there's like literally like 10 pins that need to be manually soldered on this the rest is all machine assemblable Soup To Nuts so the very first thing we have to do is make sure that it works let's spin it [Music] up [Music] a [Music] okay nothing seems hot I think we're good okay there's our 24 there's our 5.1 there's our 3.3 so cool let's see if it takes firmware we got dfu baby it's programming do we enumerate we do oh this is so exciting it's so beautiful look at that so because we're switching most of our connectors to smt as well I switch to the jst pH standard a family line of connectors we used to use the xh but xh doesn't come in the surface mount connector count and style that I wanted so we switched to pH now my biggest concern about switch switching was surface mount connectors you're putting a lot of force on that and I was pretty anxious about the idea of having it be surface mount well all of the problems that I have had with surface mount connectors in the past have been because the PCB itself like the adhesive between the copper and the fr4 was not good and it didn't fail because the connector was bad it failed because it just ripped the copper off well these things exist for a reason they exist because they work so this board is from PCB way and it is on there they use a really good adhesive these things are not going anywhere so I think it was a skill issue of my own of using a PCB VAB service that didn't use really a very strong or good adhesive and also not using a good connector these things I like can't rip them off the board I did also change a couple things with adding ESD protection or electrostatic discharge so this is like you're walking in fuzzy slippers on a shag carpet and you zap your PCB what's going to happen all the parts in there you need to be able to protect against that I have heard all of y'all's request about making a video about certification I have heard you I'm working on that video right now because it's such a unknown thorny thing about making electronics and I have learned so much about it so so much about it I'm certainly not an expert but I know a lot more than I did before so I'm working on getting all that together in a nice format that I can share with y'all so you can benefit from my mistakes so all I know right now is that it takes firmware I Don't Know Jack crap about the rest of it so I have made a whole bunch of connectors that I have manually terminated I've crimped myself with uh pH interfaces so I can plug these into all the different ports and make sure that they're doing what they should be doing I really hope it works I really hope everything does what it's supposed to do let's find out okay so I've got a stepper motor and a valve hooked up to my little jumpers here I'm actually going to use a tool that I wrote to test this I wanted folks in the field with alumen to have a quick way to run test on their machine and send commands to it and and scan for feeders and all that kind of stuff so I made a website which you can go to right now if you have alumen and use it with your machine it's at debug. op. and this Chrome tab it only works in C C browsers I think Firefox doesn't do it but the tab of your browser actually connects to your Lumen and will send G-Code commands and like it's really cool I'm really stoked about it so I'm going to bring it up here I'm going to give my mobo power and connect USB and now I should be able to connect to it from debug to opula yes allow connect yep and there it is sure enough let's try and turn on the left pump which is what the valve is connected to right now I just felt it click you can barely hear it maybe my mic will pick it up you hear that cool okay H let's read vacuum sensors left back beautiful love to see it love to see it beautiful that's great now the trickier thing the thing I'm more worried about which is whether or not the stepper motor works okay this should be X motor let's try TRX 100 all right here we go okay that didn't do anything my labels for the axis aren't the same as how they used to be the Marlin config is still [Music] early I was hoping this would just work classic huus though huh oh of course St why wouldn't it just work the first Time Unreal you clown I'm trying a different port now oh no [Music] way let's go let's go look at that chef's kiss chef's kiss we have enough to be dangerous here and I definitely have some tweaks to do to my Marlin config to get the other stepper Motors to work I just took a roughly modified version of The Rev 4 motherboard the last version and slapped it onto this one but it works it freaking works all right so the motherboard is in good shape let's go check in with Lucian and see how progress on the enclosure is going tion he I managed to get everything besides the bottom camera assembly out from underneath the staging plate and moved into a side mounted Electronics enclosure and so if you look underneath the motherboard you can see that we'll have the the pumps and the valves and our fancy new water Splitters we got a t-shaped one it's all enclosed it gets so much out from underneath the staging plate we felt this was important because we wanted to be able to attach these strip feers wherever we felt like which is really important for usability of the machine yeah and you're bored like you don't want to have to deal with rearranging stuff a bunch for you know trying to find a place to mount your board yeah like all these different Wing nuts need to be able to land wherever you'd want sure the staging plates take us around an hour to make right now but by consuling so much of the mounting into the electronics enclosure like there's no more valve Mount there's no more pump mounts it's just all in one we're probably going to save like half hour building it's just going to be like one big spicy print that has everything exactly but yeah that's the enclosure so far I'm going to print it out and we'll see what it's like [Music] sweet yo that's so cool [Music] dude that looks so good a major Improvement and all of the controls are I mean it doesn't even need the staging plate like the pumps and valves here let's get this sucker open there we go yo dude that's so cool looking thank these two lines go out to the head and then on the other side we have them go to the vacuum sensors on the motherboard and then on the back side it goes back to the pumps are actually mounted behind the motherboard and then the valves are right here so all the pneumatics is just one layer behind and then the electronics and a little bit of the pneumatics runs out front and then that front port on the box goes out to the whole head and everything else we need to control that's so cool and you put cable chains on this too yeah we're trying it out it hopefully it'll make the final cut and look at that H yeah that's great cuz right now we have a uh just one that goes from the front left leg who loops around to the Head yeah I call it the XY drag chain cuz it just moves like like this yeah but to separate it out is cleaner a lot of people in the community even made the mod to do this already so like we're just kind of you know taking influence from them on how they went about doing it and putting it in yeah dude that looks so I love how clean and isolated this box is like it's just it is an object that has pick and place control brain and and air all in just like one container you know oh yeah well we are well on our way to the next release things went suspiciously smoothly with all this stuff like the board spun up first try new Buck converter just worked right voltage no problems fully smt all integrated stepper motor drivers I had a lot of really good reference designs that I used when I was doing all the layout and of course all of the wonderful people in the Lum pm Discord server who helped me a ton with a whole bunch of different decisions about how to route things correctly and the Emi and EMC things the fact that this board worked first try is mostly a culmination of all of the knowledge that the project has collected about how to make these boards work really well but still it's really fun when it just kind of works the first try that being said there's still a lot of stuff to do I got to get the Marlin configuration all fully flushed out and working for this version of the board and there's a ton of little tweaks I want to make to the PCB like adding more test points and and little tweaks for Emi EMC stuff and I'm currently in the process of Designing all the cable harnesses that are going to connect from the motherboard to all of the peripherals we need to control but yeah we are well on our way to a fully abstracted off of the staging plate fully surface mount way easier to assemble Lumen PMP also if you have a lumen and or Feeders we recently released a bunch of firmware updates including Marlin for actually controlling the Lumen and Photon which runs on your feeders if you've got some Hardware I highly recommend using the new firmware links in the description so you can go and try it out a lot of my content efforts lately have been going into the own podcast that Lucian and I have been spending a ton of time on it's where we've been talking about a lot of stuff about kind of like the company and running an open hardware company all the weird Nuance of what goes into making this kind of thing happen that's kind of the stuff we go into there that I maybe wouldn't necessarily talk about in a YouTube video here so if you're interested about any of that stuff definitely check it out there's a link in the description as well and yeah that's it for this one thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time but before I go I want to thank this video sponsored PC PB way we've been using PCB way for all of our prototype boards at opo and they are fantastic from the time that I submit the design online someone has reviewed it they actually make the board and they ship it in like under a week which is really really nice for us because we don't really have to stick to a long design cycle like a lot of other manufacturing places do because you onun our own smt line we can change things really quick so having a board shop that will get us a large quantity of boards really really quickly of good quality absolutely imperative for being able to make a lot of quick revisions and get new design out the door quickly thank you so much to PCB way for sponsoring this [Music] video time for work
Channel: Stephen Hawes
Views: 49,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephen hawes, steven hawes, stephen hawes pick and place, pick and place machine, stephen the robot, hardware startup, open source startup, opulo, lumenpnp, lumen pick and place, lumen pnp, mid scale manufacturing, opulo lumenpnp, opulo lumen pnp, lumenpnp feeder, electronics, lumenpnp review, lumenpnp setup, lumenpnp v3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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