This Book Transformed My Entire Coding Career | Software Engineer Tips 🚀

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and this is the one difference that i have noticed in like great programmers versus average programmers what's up you guys i'm back with another video and in today's video we're going to talk about the number one tip that i want to give you guys as a software engineer that will change your life when it comes to programming so let's get started all right so many youtube coffees are videos they have programming no one has ever talked about this one tip it's not really a secret but etnas are the famous keys but i've seen the best programmers that i know like i've spoken to even after coming to facebook i spoke to some of the people that you know i really respect when it comes to their skill in programming and i speak to them and they tell me that they have done that book right and it's common i think uh kahibi absolutely solid programmers joby the top software engineers around the world they have either done this book completely or partially right it's a very powerful book and your book is basically called sicp structural interpretation of computer programs it's written by harold davison and gerald j sussman you don't know both of them were professors at mit if you don't know mit mit is one of the world's most premium institutions when it comes to engineering and computer science it's in boston so mitk professors they don't know and they wrote this book called sicp and originally it was written with the programming language called scheme which is a dialect of lisp it's a functional programming language very beautiful language even i did my sicp in scheme but these days it's also common to do sicp in python because other universities are the top universities like berkeley for example right even if you go to berkeley and study cs so freshers hotels college in mit berkeley and your top most colleges in computer science they teach sicp to their students in the first year so like it's like an introduction to programming course so it teaches you about programming about computation how does a programming language work right how does how do programs work in general how does a computer read and interpret your programs what is abstraction like it it deals with very very fundamental concepts about programming so it will not teach you something like web development for example but it will teach you the core idea behind programming right what is computer programming and i think it's very powerful in that book five chapters there are five chapters in the book so you're gonna be a supreme level programmer right like you can pick up any skill in any technology basically did you know that companies like google apple and starbucks are now hiring people without any degree or work experience why you ask because they believe that skills are more important than anything else now top companies in india have also started following this trend and are actively hiring through re-level by an academy if you are 18 plus years old with zero to three years of work experience actively looking for a job all you have to do is give the re-level test and based on your score this platform will send your candidate profile to 50 plus companies which includes cred upgrade vidantu razer pay crow etc and you will find your dream job in just 15 days you can reappear for the test after 30 days from your first attempt if you are not really happy with your score check out re-level achievers on twitter to see how many people have already started their dream careers through this platform click the link below and register for the test today itself so for me since i i did this book in fact i didn't do it during my engineering i did it after because my mentor suggested this book to me and it completely changed my mindset when it comes to programming right and the advantage with this book is it will teach you the core core fundamentals of computer programming so you will understand how any program works in any programming language so the suppose you want to pick up web development or mobile app development or crypto development or any sort of software development even including like the modern web 3 development you will fundamentally know how this computer works and how all these instructions and programming languages work so that's why i would suggest if you have time do the sicp and it will be worthwhile because it will change your life i mean it's not something that's like revolutionary in itself but it will change your mindset when it comes to programming right and it will make you a 10 times better programmer no matter if you're like a beginner or if you're even an experienced programmer who has been programming for 10 years this book will change your mind and it will make you 10 times better programmer than you were before it right and that's the premise so yeah i just wanted to tell you guys about this book and the book is available online you can just search for sicp you can either use the website so sicp bots are a website map conversions milling officially mit version mit also has the original lectures by the authors of those books swap mit it's a web-based book so like it has five chapters and it will have problems like to solve using the program you can do it in scheme or python i prefer scheme because i did it in scheme and it's a it's a very simple language it has no syntax it's just functions basically right and it teaches you the core fundamental programming concepts including like recursion and deal recursion is a both important concept so basically uh that's all about this book so i will leave the link in the description you can also just google sicp right it's a very popular book and this is the one difference that i have noticed in like great programmers versus average programmers so i mean even without this book you can become a programmer and software engineer but this book will sort of differentiate you from the rest of the programmers because you will be like one of those you know very sought after programmers that people and everyone wants in their team so yeah this was a quick video i wanted to tell you guys more about this book because i mentioned it in my live stream and some of you asked me about it so here you go and definitely check it out and let me know what you guys think leave a comment down below if you have any other questions smash the like button and yeah you can follow me on instagram if you have more questions too that's it for this video thank you for watching you
Channel: ABTube
Views: 8,559
Rating: 4.9503384 out of 5
Keywords: software engineer tips, software engineer tips and tricks, software developer tips, software engineer, software engineering, software developer, sicp, software engineering course
Id: VKmSPXe-ii0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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