This 600 IQ impostor strategy deceived them all... | xQcOW

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ah they're going to try to vote me out here I think so good all right black is dead where uh it's in admin Pro I don't I was I was uploading in the what okay now I think it's you now I think it's you you're the only you at the table that's why there class's 100% hard cleared okay harder than thank you upload across are hard cleared they both did guess yep I'm saying that now thank you permanently cleared getting that out now I did guess and someone else did but there was there was four wait who who is near admin I think it's fry not listen the the body was an admin correct yeah it's on the right side of admin that's why I think it's you has to be has to be can I explain my cat can I explain my passing listen uh I was doing a temporary pink uh Pink Ward okay you passed me right you were sus you were top left also by lights you were trying to bait to see who's going to go to lights I was trying to ba who was going I was trying to see if no was actually going to be doing his upload that I only saw his little right side of right side admin like literally in admin on the right side of the table Yeah right of it right d if you did pink water what do you seeing he G anyo for us listen it was a temporary pink word all right it was not a full-fledged uh pink pink word all right it was a t pink word sayra up I didn't want to say anything about it Jeb I think you faked O2 but I could be wrong all right we'll Skip it's fine we don't have to vote right now I'm just saying FR not you sus we can skip but I have after after I was watching NOCO I went down to cafeteria you wishy-washy mother watch nobody I know I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing relax it it's it's fake Tech okay it's fake Tech okay this is in like admin again in reactor the two people that were standing there was red and blue they were standing in the middle of is I saw that I saw that I saw that so McConnell you have to say something here cuz you were sitting pink boarding right yeah so who on top a lot of people okay I want to say one thing too is can anybody clear X yes him anday hard cleared this entire we did gas we did gas also so also um I was doing rocks there but I was hiding behind the umbrella so I wouldn't die I'm pretty sure some people some people saw me I think uh white and teal saw me do it and and then I went upwards and reactor get my entire pathing wait this round you were what red red and saw I saw suck me off classy and uh Viper like it just dead first round in the very I get confused between red and okay so red and blue were sitting in the middle of Y I didn't move up it looks like they were gatekeeping admin room to see if somebody was going to go up I didn't go up I went straight down to reactor who was the first group together that came up to who was the first group that went up to reactor I know it wasy yeah I was I was in the second group I was with Kayla and me and Je first group yeah but you guys were being weird when we uh did the long pading you guys were like both in Middle standing in the middle I don't know I don't understand how McConnell doesn't know who was up yeah I agree with that that doesn't make any sense at all it just because because there's like four people in reactor so how do you not know who was up there they could have vented I skipped I skipped but I don't know I I skipped I think I think red and blue are [Music] sket it's looking good so far but I I need to clean up though I need to wait for the bar to go up bar please it's okay I I guess I'm going to make it my Ally that's all they just vented and I missed it like I saw I was heading over down to launch pad and I saw the vent open up and then close and I just went past that too and I think I saw on the complete left of my monitor they just killed a decontam but they didn't have time to vent out like they vented in to decam I think and then they vented like uh once they I was going to kill in spawn I don't think anyone was able in Deon like the tunnel fry was anybody left IND when we left there in right um ever I'm I'm doing the rock top top right I'm not no no you weren't I were alone I was just I just had your I was just I didn't know you were next to me I was doing wait where are youy and were together for wait a minute wait minute where did classy go class where were you she just ask I'm literally doing the rock like the putting the crystal on the top wait no way what do you mean no way no I passed you going up Deon what do you mean xqc there was like a group of three that went up to reactor when we left he he still I'm pretty sure he still did I don't think he faked it I there was a group of three when I when me and XC left decontamination there was a group of three it was NOCO Jeb and somebody else I think it was Kayla yes oh top near lights to reactor to reactor I was just run yes said this body happened like right there with vents I can assure you if this kid was not FR um m not him cuz I I failed uh Simon Says after two dots and I did s say took me an hour and a half and he was with me the entire time I was literally on top of his body groping his dick the [ __ ] imposter wait M where's McConnell yeah where's McConnell because he's just standing holy [ __ ] where am I I don't know but do like you're really sus right now just away from everything I should have vot I should have sniped him I'm [ __ ] me like if you're in a pink W have something right do missions pink wood REM I have to wait for saage to come up is he is he going to go to the button is he going to go to the button or what wait wait wait wait wait did someone just die in front of us as well why while we were running who was just running with me it was me you McConnell and classy I think he was killed before uh the body got reported I'm pretty what I was there was a brown body right in front as soon as we turned the corner I reported but somebody else died someone just camping the bodies in someone must have been camping the bodies in I'm pry the lights were still the lights were still off but like saw it still standing I was I was way behind it so I couldn't have done it all right listen listen me Kayla classy and I think fry or I don't know who else were running I see a brown body I click report and as we go into the into the [ __ ] uh meeting blue is dead yes can we just like vote McConnell just for the lack of like visibility he had I have a feeling he's here's what I did I actually uh I I think you guys were running to where are you guys running to admin button okay so here's what I did I I vented over and then killed really some actually vented by the way in lights but I I couldn't see who it was they vented somewhere no idea no idea where such a stupid some all right there's there okay I'll St straight up there's no there's left there's no way Kayla killed right there impossible Kayla is hard cleared the entire time same with I think I think it's because fry both voy I was yeah I voted for me instantly why why do you why did you vote for me xqc because I won the game already it doesn't matter who I V yeah uh I I already had another you should have not [Music] who ask the Imp down the weap I thought I did you take the V [ __ ] I I I didn't I just I just you didn't C pred right if you didn't there we would have just got a double kill and won there we won here's the thing I'll be completely honest here I saw his body teleport like slightly so just assume that was [ __ ] deing oh [ __ ] I just saw him yeah he was walking also saw him suck me off suck me off this better be a good story it better be a good story it better be a good story cuz me and G just some in the hallway you are you going to start blaming me no I'm tring be okay okay explain where the [ __ ] body is first don't get caught up in excc [ __ ] cafeteria all right it's in the entrance to uh [ __ ] admin all right okay that this just happened then because like I said I was in the I cafeteria to to to okay GE where were you XC where were you I am cafeteria cafeteria to weapons and I walked past him I did color check I did wires I see on the right side of the map I see G and some somebody else and I go up who else who else was an admin I was an ad I saw your pet cuz cuz you have a pet I think it's a small blue dog yeah yes I was an admin true I was also an admin could be me it could be jelly as where you at right now I'm on L I'm on as I don't believe you as I think that you're living in a [ __ ] vent right now this is a honestly as as is honestly a safe vote here just because if he's dead it's fine I will one definitely get out the third impos here if we vote as exact no stop bullying as skip vote no bully no bu I'm not bullying Asic I love him but I voted him anyways I replied liked and retweeted oh my God people voted people actually voted and come on uh we could probably just lock them all in [ __ ] electrical after that probably just get a dble right right where is this uh the body is in admin out wig don't report did wigwig don't [ __ ] report those dude we need wait why the lights were turned on yeah we have to run and go find somebody wait wait wait wait H was in [ __ ] reactor no I maybe I was just with me at the end he was it you're why did you say that I got I swear to God I saw someone who was black with a hat on I thought it was a on I guess I'm getting me he's red that little hat on here's the thing so can can I expl admin and I was around you really [ __ ] up either you either you just third imposter dummy or listen listen listen well I haven't voted H I just thought I saw you I don't okay well listen lwi L I'm actually going to soft defend you here you went up to do the center fuge top left I don't it's an imposter move especially when you have me isolated up there so I kind of want to S clear a little way here I don't think he did this kill definitely didn't two killers he did also leave me alone electric who's at lights who's at lights then I'm at lights with h I turned on the lights and Hassan was there with me so I can [ __ ] I wish you guys didn't defend me I wanted to see if anyone else would immediately jump on it oh oh sorry I'm I'm on camps I only there does anyone else think it's me well admitted that he a weird move from McConnell but like I don't know too late now dude okay okay two kills by the way SK good it was one kill I think right yeah one when I was passing by the the reactor hallway so I think G is probably telling the truth there jelly jelly left get by the way [ __ ] uh we need to get a bunch of kill how about a four kill around here kind of PG sh a what uh as cams in cams yo oh that's bad oh [ __ ] it's two where where is everyone right now CU I'm with on the very very right side of the ship we're completely die as well uh I think so or do wey where did you go after you you were with thean for an hour I went up towards weapons you did what no yeah I didn't see you there I went up I no that's a lie by the way I think it'ss weapons I I am outside weapons okay quick question quick question I'm also super sus about McConnell too but do we do we think we got one of the killers out no we I think it's vot someone we have to V it's not me it's not me I think it's not me I think that based off of the LIE he just made there I think jell is probably before we vote we should probably ask think okay because of Yeti is trying to hop on an easy kill here it's probably Yeti beginning he could killed me like 8 to 11 times that sucks cuz it's not me I H the top i h the top top engine cuz I got scared Do's locked in my face top engine is top engine is closest to the dead body oh yeah it's me oh yeah oh yeah I it's me I hate and jelly V jelly J's by far the most sus here oh he throws he tries to thr me under the bus that's [ __ ] yikes dude no you guys it's not me it's really not me it's sqc and McConnell button bun bun it we can't do the button G is over is it can't do it ah well that kind of sucks doesn't that damn nice wow wow wow damn okay oh my God that was my fault it was it was like one I [ __ ] cleared Yeti like a [ __ ] dude I sucks wait why the [ __ ] did jelly lie jelly I didn't I didn't your so bad because I literally was there nearly the entire game it's only I'm sorry okay this was my last game guys I'm dying like I'm so TI that's what I said pink orange green red I think there's a body here I could be now all right this is entrance to electrical the doors were both closed yet he did not do this kill I can V for him okay the only person I saw coming from that area were throughout through the boxes when I saw him at comms is one Gob AKA EXC I saw one guys listen to where did you go guys we have to make an effort to ignore son until he going to until he's good at the game Saw the blood splatter I saw the blood splatter from the other side of the door I was running to security no vents were moving and then I got on the cameras to see was who was in medbay and I didn't get to see anything because five up called the [ __ ] body so five up did you self-report this cuz I could not I could not report the body through the door no I'm like 90% certain the door because the body maybe the door opened maybe the door open the door's open and if you say you saw the blood splatter why I saw the blood splatter while the doors were closed can I ask questions I immediately ran to security to see I need to ask train where did you go much time to rent to security the the reason I asked Connor where he went a good question that's a good point actually where Conor Conor it couldn't be a self-report if that if that's your logic where did you go the reason I asked Connor where he went is because I literally was in reactor I came out for a sec and I saw him dip you you know you know guys I I I friendly believe that it's trainer he was right side of the map and now he did no task went all the way left side and there's a body in the area I saw him I saw him in navigation on right saw the map I literally passed Dean from the cafeteria he went up I went down to admin reor so you're your ad your reactor your upper you're everywhere dude were you right side at I'm not everywhere yes I was right side for 5 seconds and then I went to reactor and I saw you pe that's I have no idea also admin don't forget that he's also admin God I can't red [ __ ] five up we were really close to getting yellow also if you saw me at right side and I'm done there's no point [ __ ] talking to this [ __ ] hey guys I don't want to be little I love aan dude but listen if he sees me upper right and I meet him bottom right I looped around what do you think that I did a kill in [ __ ] medical bait and and R across it's literally impossible with the timeline like it is it is physiologically impossible it's all right listen to me who is the person that fix the BN button tell me what it is Conor easier our okay okay we got two extra kills there there's a double kill in electrical then why do we call who called button I button it because I thought is was going to be a killer here okay it's it's easy to say it's so that means uh God was on the right I was on the right was on the right I went below to go to the other AD I just I just watch TR tocking put that card through the reader and the only person that was there was actually the Ks are stacked on you what I mean it's actually I thought was going to fake the [ __ ] task if you say you have the credit card you're on the excy 100% now you're being I think five Up is on to something I think five Up is on I think I'm not 100% certain but I think I saw someone seconds ago 20 literally throwing right now as the killer you should have never [ __ ] said it was my it was me and I was is confirmed who on the right side who on the right side now I'm backing up your theory here hello I'm speaking I just want to know who the people are canti talk please can Yeti can Yeti talk please thank you um Hassan was definitely doing the download I timed him doing it I think he's guaranteed not bad here I watch on the right side called and by the way last round when people were blaming he literally was train out train is wait over what you are not left button you are not right button and last game we did it no [ __ ] tasks no you were not five up oh my god I've been trying to Y I didn't see him yep there you go it is very rare that both Killers lead the discussion but I think it that could be a new meta for Killers to both hardcore lead the discussion cuz right there if both Killers led the discussion they could win the game if they did I don't know if they did or not cuz I I don't know if if I'm going to win or not but if both kills there led the discussion I would have follow what the they said and we would be losing because of it not a lot of people alive still my God I think we actually lose this game wait [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] D just vented 100% I'm also dead stupid [ __ ] okay jelly just hop out of a vent five up you have to believe me believe you 100% thank you my God okay also I thought de was going to be it because uh I I got so scared there dude I ient I I don't you see killed Assan right in front of me oh I did I I did I couldn't I couldn't say anything cuz the the thing went off yeah you're right I got I got I am with five up and I killed and still reported it instantly because the only issue jelly is I know there was a double kill in electrical and XTC was on the no no no no no no no no no that's what I was trying to okay well you're dumb that's what I was trying to say when the uh when the double kill happened I saw someone vent to medbay and I that's what I was trying to tell you but you whatever you you already lost the game did I I already [Music] voted J you got three kills in one round you're damn right I did freak good stuff J you're damn right I did his secondos was ding yeah was like a [ __ ] yeah good doors what the [ __ ] dude what you are you need to pay attention to possible timelines you were being crazy you see me upper right then I meet you bottom right which means that I looped around well you claim I did you claim I went upper right medical kill cafeteria bottom right side it's impossible cons it's [Laughter] [Music] impossible give me the Love [Music] Tonight give me the love tonight [Music]
Channel: xQc
Views: 616,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xQc, among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us tips and tricks, xqc, xqcow, imposter, speed run, overwatch, twitch, highlight, variety gaming, gamer, streamer
Id: yox1MiV31Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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