This 3x3x7 GHOST CUBOID Will Make Your Brain Melt! | Puzzle Trader

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hey guys what's up it's jrcuber in this video i have an unboxing all the way from russia in here is a really really cool 3d printed puzzle that i bought recently and i'm super excited to show it to you guys so let's go ahead and get into it [Music] so what actually is this uh it's not totally obvious uh by first looking at it but this is a three by three by seven ghost cube and wow this looks awesome so let's go ahead and see how this moves oh wow look at that that is so crazy so it's like super off axis that is that is so insane if you guys know anything about ghost cubes you know that they always misalign the axes that you turn on so you have to align the puzzle specific way in order to turn on the other axes so in order to turn this we're gonna have to line up all seven layers here so let's see i think it's going to be something like that and then we can turn the side yep there we go uh whoops not everything oh there we go wow it's a little bit rough the turning is a bit rough but uh it seems to be kind of getting better the more i'm turning it a lot of times 3d printed puzzles need a little bit of break in time so the shape shifting on this is going to be really crazy just doing normal uh two right through by seven turns but of course this also shape shifts like a three by three oh my gosh look at that if i get up close on this you can see the 3d print lines a little bit better yeah it's a really really high quality print definitely i think this came out super super good it looks like the stickers have been cut on a plotter too i don't think these are cut by hand but they fit really really well they're also uh really well done the guy that i bought this from alexander uh sells a lot of crazy 3d printed puzzles like this on puzzle trader that's where i got this one and i actually requested uh this color and sticker combination just because this is like the classic ghost cube look uh the white plastic with the black stickers and this is basically a combination of two of my favorite puzzles the three by three ghost cube and the three by three by seven which is one of my favorite cuboids so i don't think i have really any three by three by seven shape mods in my collection and as far as cuboid shape mods go most of them are very basic nothing as complicated as this so i already know this is gonna be probably a really really hard solve but i'm going to attempt it of course uh so i think it's about time to give this a scramble i i can't wait to see what this looks like all scrambled up so first once again we're gonna have to align everything um and the crazy thing about ghost cubes is that this is really the solved state like you have to solve it like this and what makes ghost cube shape mod so difficult is this exact thing right you can't use information from the layers you've already solved to help you solve the other layers you have to solve them independently one thing that i'm thinking is that since at least once i get it back to its cuboid form the pieces for each layer can only be in a select few locations right so it's not like pieces from this layer are going to be anywhere other than this layer or this layer so i think the process of elimination isn't going to be too terrible to figure out which piece is the right one it's just going to be a lot of trial and error to see which pieces fit next to the ones that i've managed to solve but anyway now that it's all aligned we can start doing turns like this and already we're gonna get some really really crazy shapes like it already looks scrambled without me barely turning anything i think alignment's gonna be really really important on this puzzle because as you can see turning the top layer when it's scrambled is going to get kind of dicey because there is a little bit of looseness and i can see through that these corner stocks are really thin so i want to be super careful definitely don't want to break anything all right i think that's a pretty good scramble it already looks like such a huge mess let's go ahead and take this to a whole other level and start adding in some shape shifting all right i think that's a pretty good scramble um this is super intimidating like i you could easily pass this off as a piece of abstract art um without it even being a puzzle like some of these peace shapes are just so interesting like look at this huge long corner uh stuck above this super small little other corner there like that's just so cool or or this corner here that's super narrow like look at that if i turn it off angle a little bit you can see that look how thin that corner is so where do we even start with solving a puzzle like this uh well we have to find the two tallest centers so this is going to be our reference point this is going to be our top and bottom although i pointed to the wrong things there top and bottom there's already one edge that's in place although matching edges doesn't really matter when we're bringing back a cuboid but still i'll start here so we have one edge done this is another tall edge that we can put over here and then this is another tall edge here's another or actually no this one's already in right there so although that doesn't look like much of a cross this is gonna be our cross pretty much now let's go ahead and put in some corners so there's a corner there's another corner okay so as you can see these layers can turn now which means we are on the right track i want to actually solve the middle layer which is going to be kind of like solving the middle layer of a ghost cube so let's see how this goes we got to find an edge so here's an edge and then we gotta figure out which um center that it belongs with so not this one at least from this angle there it is there we go okay now oh wait does that actually match oh whoops nope not quite look at that it's a little bit off oh how deceiving okay well now that it's just in the middle layer let's see if it'll work with this center or not basically i'm just rotating the center around testing every angle oh that's close i'm pretty sure so what that means is that this center needs to be rotated 90 degrees so we can turn it up turn this turn this 90 degrees turn this back and then turn this back down so let's see it was this edge that we were solving this should match yep there okay it looks like our corner got messed up so we can actually f2l this one we can just do a little bit of this if this side wants to turn alignment's definitely tricky with so many crazy shapes everywhere it's hard to see what's aligned and what's not aligned so uh for sure we know that this belongs with this center here let's just rotate up an edge so that we can just do a 180. yeah there we go so now we can just 180 that around and uh yeah let's actually kind of save the corners for later because once we get the edges solved getting the corners below them isn't really that difficult um so i i think what i'm going to do is just not worry about corners right now just worry about these edges keep turning up is that a match ah there we go we got a match okay so this edge is done all right let's go ahead and move on it looks like this edge here matches with this center but since we already know this center is also oriented right that means that this one belongs over here so let's do a quick 180. all right you know what this is going to take way too much time if i try to preserve stuff i'm just going to solve the middle layer and not worry about the bottom at all because that part we can solve after the middle layer is done it looks like this edge also matches it kind of it's a little bit like loose so it's seeming like it's not really matching but i think it's close enough so if we flip this oh this one's not solving so i guess this one's not the right one but i know this one is so let's see if this one matches this center uh come on [Music] yep there we go okay so where's the last edge uh here it is come on there we go sometimes you just have to turn the other direction due to process of elimination this edge has to belong here and it doesn't go there uh what i am confusion so is this just flipped then maybe this isn't the right spot but it's just flipped here let's try flipping it nope that's that's not it at all and this oh this fits here oh wait a second turn this around maybe aha there we go okay this matches this matches this matches all around okay so now it's just this center that we need to fix [Music] that's right okay figured it out i think these two centers are pretty much identical which is why it was throwing me off let's go ahead and solve this last edge by just moving this out of the way we can bring this down and bing bada boom all right there's our middle layer done so we've already got two cross edges on the bottom to get a third one if i rotate this up and flip an edge down that'll misalign our center but we can just turn the bottom to bring in that other spot and then when we flip in a new edge it'll flip it back and just turn up the middle layer u2 turn that back down okay so we have a cross we've got it looks like uh four corners also already in which is great so now to flip this in we can kind of just treat this like an f2l pair where this corner is not rotated right so bring it out move the edge over there and then r u r prime and boom there we go so we've got the first two layers uh effectively done now so now for the top uh it looks like we have a dot so we can do that and then we can do f prime all right it looks like we need to rotate these two corners so i'm actually just gonna see if i can kind of do the oll for this because it's pretty simple all right so we are back uh we can turn every single layer now basically what i'm gonna do is just pick an edge and kind of turn it until it matches and it looks like i got lucky there it looks like this one uh does match on this side which means we need to find the one that goes here that also matches on this side when we uh align it misalign it so it's this is basically just going to be a lot of trial and error i think this piece might be it um just kind of guess in here so let's try it we'll bring it in and then if we miss a line oh would you look at that it totally works and we got super lucky we solved these two corners uh unfortunately this corner is going to get kicked out when we solve this piece this piece has got to be it's got to be like this one i believe so let's see how that how that fits uh yep that matches so now for this one what kind of angle is that it's not gonna have two colors so it's either this one or this one uh i think it actually is this one um yes all right this is actually going a lot better than i expected like this is going pretty pretty smoothly like i said there's not that many pieces to choose from so process of elimination isn't too bad uh corners probably going to be a bit rougher although we can kind of test yep see look at that this one i can just test with this edge here by rotating it over and turning it down and look at that it matches which means if i actually insert it properly it'll fit we do have to be mindful of parity though so this one's done this one's done let's rotate the bottom let's see what will fit here of these four probably this one yep i am right once again all right that one's done uh let's see about this one this one's gonna have two colors so it's gotta be this one yup would you look at that we got a layer done that was not so bad at all um i really hope we don't have parody though cause that's gonna be annoying we still have parody here and i'm actually just going to take it out just because i don't want to deal with that let's see let's align this layer and look at that alright so now for this top layer we have to do corners first it looks like this corner is done and this corner is done when it's misaligned like this which means we need to do an adjacent swap with these two corners so let's go ahead and do that making sure we don't mess anything up here uh yep all four of our corners are done it looks like this edge is solved so we have a u-perm so uh we can do an opposite swap with these two pieces i think that'll do it let's go ahead and see what happens here um yep yep all right so now we just have an adjacent swap between these two and luckily uh we have parity now but when we do it it will take it out which means i don't think we're going to get parity for this entire solve which is a really really good sign so let's go ahead and do this all right there we go this layer is also solved as you can see if i align it yep so we can also line this one and look at that we have our middle 3x3 solved so now we're going to be kind of matching everything to these layers so let's pick a random edge and see if it fits anywhere along this bottom side oh this is the stiff one um yep it looks like it fits right there and the quarter next to it solved okay so any other edges no so these three are all out all right so let's check the top here uh it looks like it may be this one it could also be another one that's already in the bottom layer just in the wrong spot but uh we're gonna go ahead and try this one since it's the only other flat one up there and if it's not that then we'll have to try something from that bottom layer but let's go ahead and put this in come on there we go turn this over come on turn it down all right how does that fit oh that fits perfect great all right so this one it looks like will also be a flat one and there is a flat one right here so let's go ahead and test that out in this spot back down oh yeah i can already tell that's not it which means it's got to be this one so let's turn this up to the top [Music] move it over back down turn this over again this up ah come on there we go turn back down um oh whoops i don't think that matches either does it oh yeah it does okay yep so that matches this matches this match is great uh this one it looks like it will have uh two colors on it but just not that one these two have two colors on them i'm thinking it's going to be this one so let's see if my prediction is correct turn back down yeah alignment really is the biggest issue with the with this puzzle the turning quality is is not terrible there's just a lot of things to keep track of and sometimes it's just hard to see all right so we have our cross um this corner is done and then these three are out so let's see i think we'll start with this one this is going to be a smaller flat piece which i guess could be either one of these two so these two are both really really close i guess we can test one that's not that one so is it the other one uh yep that's it all right so let's put it in for real this time and down okay that one's done we got to be mindful of this parody so let's just turn the bottom layer all right what's gonna go here it's gonna have two colors not this huge one or this one oh yeah this one does have two colors i couldn't quite see it so we'll turn it over and back all right that one's done for the last one this one's definitely gonna be a big piece um definitely this one and there we go okay another layer is done look at that that's great so now for the top let's start with our corners here so this is solved and um this is solved okay so it looks like another adjacent swap between these two so let's turn this over here and then we will swap these two [Music] so let's check yep all right all four corners done this edge is done so once again another u-perm this is good this definitely goes here so let's do an opposite swap between these two edges all right and now another um adjacent swap prime all right okay and another layer solved wow we are really powering through this all okay now just for the top and bottom layers all right so it is the next day and we are back with the 3x3x7 ghost cube the reason that i cut after i finished uh these two layers here is because a few different things went wrong with the rest of the recording uh for one thing i actually ended up accidentally bumping my mic cable which ruined the rest of the audio also after i finished uh these two layers in the original recording i finally realized something about this puzzle that i hadn't noticed before which is that this puzzle has layer symmetry which basically means that all of the pieces from these two layers could be switched with each other and the cube would still realign itself and still sit flat same with these two layers here however what happens when you say switch all of the pieces on these two layers is that you get one of the layers that perfectly aligns with the top layer which is not how ghost cubes are supposed to work you're supposed to have to turn them off center a little bit for everything to line up flat so i thought that the cube was solved when i solved it originally and then realized that wait a second that's not how it was originally and that's when i realized and it took me a really long time to figure out how to switch the two layers i ended up basically just having to resolve the entire thing so that is not something i thought i was going to have to worry about with this puzzle but it is definitely an added challenge but anyway i've basically rescrambled the cube just to solve these last two layers so that i can actually finish the solve on video for you let's go ahead and do these top and bottom layers so let's go ahead and see if we can find an edge that belongs on the bottom here um i'm pretty sure this narrow one does although it looks like we got one already that's definitely nice so this one does not go here though so this one definitely goes on the other side um i think there is another long edge on this face so i think it must be this one let's go ahead and see um if that fits here uh yes there we go okay so now we're going to need a pretty small edge here i'm going to test the narrow one um let's see no i think this one actually might go here so let's turn this up and then turn this over and back down yeah no okay this one definitely doesn't belong on this side maybe uh this one let's test it yup there we go that matches with that sticker there and also on the top okay so we need one more which i think maybe is gonna be this one let's see here yep awesome okay so we have our cross built on this side uh i know that the really small corner goes here and that's this one so let's go ahead and bring that down all right so that one's in so this one's going to be a kind of a small triangular one which i think would be this one here we can actually test it by turning it over just like we've done with all the other layers okay so it's not that one so it's probably this one uh nope which okay so if it's not that one it's gotta be this one here so i'm gonna move on and solve another corner there actually let's see if we can just solve this one i'm thinking it's going to be this corner yep that's it okay so we'll put it in the normal way all right so that's it and that kicks out the one that goes here which is this one let's go ahead and bring that in as well okay so that one's in now for the last one we just need that really big piece which is gonna be this one so let's bring that over here getting some uh layer separation here that's all right this definitely is uh turning better the more that i use it it's still a little bit a little finicky though but there we go that's that layer and as you can see now when we align it it's still technically misaligned right so before i was having a problem where this piece was matching up perfectly with this piece but in reality it was actually this piece up here because this entire layer was on this side or more specifically these five layers were basically flipped around so let's go ahead and do this layer now let's go ahead and look at our corners it looks like these two are good so we need to do an adjacent swap with these two corners so let's go ahead and do that there we go okay so now let's take a look at our edges it looks like we have a u-perm here so we can swap these two edges and r2 so those two are done now we just have a adjacent swap right here so hopefully this goes all right r u r u r u 2 r u2 r u r u prime r two okay so the last thing we need to do is just now flip this center 180 degrees which is really easy we just do r u r prime u five times so that's two [Music] come on [Music] the last two isn't really important because we're going to now just align every all of the layers up like this there we go there is the solve so a nice quick little two-part solve there this was a great challenge i'm really glad i was able to figure it out it was kind of an interesting like wave of difficulty at first it looked really daunting when i was looking at it fully scrambled and i was like man this is going to be a huge pain but once i got that middle layer done which was kind of tricky actually but once i got that done and got it back to a cuboid state the rest of it went really really smoothly up until that last part if you guys do want to get one of these i can't really like leave a link in the description uh your best bet of getting one is to join puzzle trader and see if alexander has any listed currently so if you join i'm sure you'll be able to get a chance to get one of these at some point anyways though that's about it for this three by three by seven ghost cube if you guys want to support the channel you can like this video subscribe if you haven't already turn on notifications and use code jrcuber at for a five percent discount thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: JRCuber
Views: 47,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ogaMVni06_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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