This $13 RED WINE is BONKERS!!! 🤯

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so Spain is the country we're in today I have two of the most planted varieties in the country I'm going to try to tell the difference wine one really got this nice sweet black cherry flavor cast us a little bit of tobacco it's really balanced not funky it's all quite clean this to me screams I think I know what the variety is as always I cor of in these bad boys and had somebody mix them up for me black cherry Cassis Oak I think people that like Napa are really going to like this style of wine straightforward fruit mocha not too oy it's not too oy it's not too fruity everything is pretty in Balance here the tannas are round this is a smooth wine I think a lot of people are really going to enjoy Spain is one of the three major wine producing countries in Europe along with Italy and France Spain actually has the most plantings of Vineyards 1 million hectares so that's 2 and 1/2 million Acres The Vines generally tend to be low yielding cuz it's an arid country so it's not one of liters in Total Wine production this to me is kind of a typical fruity round Spanish red wine it's not the most complex in the world but I think it will age and unfurl a little bit more right now how this is showing a hard 91 points Spain brings a lot of value I think that this is tempero the most planted grape Variety in Spain wine number one let's see I think it's tempero cuz it's darker it is this is the aster rera Delo 2019 cran this comes in at 28 bucks the Appalachians in Spain are named Dio denomina de Oren I think I'm pronouncing that right in Spanish rera Del derero is one of those Appalachians that's well known for tempero along with Toro and Roha which we have here today glar Roha Ulta owns this producer this is very good this is just a friendly wine everybody's going to love this you're going to bring that to a dinner party everybody's going to be happy nice wine let's move on to two really trying to think about you the viewers so I'm moving from your left to right I get confused sometimes sometimes I move from my left to right sometimes I have to remind myself but I remember this time let's move on number two lighter in color so fresh notes it's this is more we're looking at overripe strawberry type flavors here a little bit of meat this has just got like a kiss of Oak just a hint of Oak it almost has like an Red Apple type flavor which I like the palette's what I really like here I think I know what this grape variety is it's not spiking and alcohol this this grape variety is known for its high alcohol it's quite elegant almost dare I say pan noires on the palette strawberry fruit flavors this is not spicy tannas are nice I prefer to drink this style of wine I think number one a lot of you are going to like more especially for the bigger Boulder this is a more delicate wine has this Savory Sage type note on the end it's fun on the nose I smelled a little bit of bruised fruit but on the palette I didn't it was more fresh fruit flavors I think they're similar in scores I'm going to give it I'm also going to give it 91 points but I prefer to drink this wine over the first wine that's just my personal preference I think that this is garnacha that's what I think it is and it is this is the elanna eloro 2018 this comes at 22 bucks this is from NADA 100% garnacha garnacha also known as ganach in France we call ganache a rone variety when really garnacha is from Spain mostly Aragon and Navara where this is from I think you can find unbelievable value in Spanish one if you're looking for this variety Navaro you'll find great values in Aragon like denominations like Camp deor k you go down to Catalonia you can have great appalachi like Tera Al monsant of course PR out but they're more expensive Alania this is their Old Vine garnacho brought in by Bon vant Imports I really like what they do 22 bucks this is exceptional value for money what's the 14% alcohol this really acts more like a pen andir I really like that wine a lot garnacha depending on the source is either the second or the third most planted Variety in Spain kind of flip-flops between Bob Bal and garnacha depending on the source that you're looking at I really like that garnacha doesn't need a lot of Oak I actually like Gara and cement a lot because it oxidizes easily producers have to be really careful with it but that was a heck of a start so now you know the two grape varieties tasting out of my Gabriel glass standard edition because the Universal Glass I love it I'll leave it in the link below it's a great glass okay bigger wine I'm thinking this is temprano dark cherry flavors black cherry more of a plum this has a little bit more chocolate not wood though this has almost got just not even a lot just a touch of Funk the first wine the the aster was quite clean don't let that scare you it's still really good I like this wine this wine is light on the palette tempero is known as a wine maker grape got great color great tannin great acidity I think it can really resemble Cabernet 7on when done well this has really popping acidity you have some tannin so you have some estring some drying sensation on your palette I usually much prefer garnacha to tempero but this is really good really really good to me I think it's temperal I think it's good I think this is a popping wine 92 plus points I think it's very good again Spain offering ridiculous value for money as you could see in the first two wines $28 $22 and this is this is rioa one of my first loves when it comes to Fine Wine my first love when it comes to Spanish wine this is the rioa Vega 2019 this is the ca adisan limitada limited edition mostly temper Neo this comes in at 35 bucks little more expensive but I really liked it I love rioa I should have picked that out rioa flavors can sometimes be what people think a little bit predictable but this it just didn't have the burden of like American oak or it wasn't too Oaky like sometimes you get in rias I like that producer a lot make really affordable wines even their basic cran I think is like 16 bucks really nice wine let's move on to number four darker all right this one has a little bit more Oak it doesn't bother me although I think a lot of people that are drinking more affordable wines just getting into wines wanting more big California calves they are going to like this style of wine better cuz the vanilla does pop a little bit not too much for me though black cherry still vanilla it has black raspberry strawberry type flavor to it with a bit a little bit of black licorice some even Twizzlers even round spicy complex you get some wood on this I think most people are going to like this wine with some of the Woody flavors even for a wine geek like me that does not love a lot of Oak and red wines a lot of Oki flavors which comes from Barrel maturation I do like this one I'm 92 points on it you have the spike of intensity tempero to me has the spike of intensity on the mid palette just like kernet 7 yon does 92 points you know I always say I like garnacha more and the top two wines so far I think are I think this is temperal I think this is outstanding wow wow this is the borsa barola from Campo de Bor this is a Cooperative I I love the work that they do this is 70% garnacha 20% sarra 10% Cabernet savan here's the kicker this comes in at 18 bucks borsa is known for their standard garnacha it's in an amazing Place campod Bor is Aid it kind of looks like Wyoming there's a big mountain in the background I am really impressed with that wine I thought it was temperal the serata Cabernet at a little bit more oomph although it was mostly garnacha even just a small percentage of different grapes in the blend can change the wine completely when I'm in the cellar and wine makers are giving me samples to blend to taste I'm astonished by even adding three four 5% of a grape variety how much the wine changes this is widely available I'm really impressed I think that's a very good wine 2019 very good let's move on to one number five five beautiful red cherry red tart cherry flavors it's got a lot of pepper spice this I might have a hard time determining you know what if it's tempero or garnacha maybe since it's more red cherry than spice like garnacha usually is a pretty spicy variety although tempero can be too because tempero usually has a heavy dolloping of Oak maturation which gives it some of the spicy notes this is just I prefer this style of wine uh I know some people like the bigger and the Bolder this smells delicate clean crystallin on the palette much more finesse there is some Tan in here which confuses me it's not all the way red fruited and it has tannin so I'm a little bit confused I'm going to say it's garnacha it's got some significant tanin so you get some you get some bitter beer face going on I like this one a lot now here's the thing maybe objectively if I Tred you know wine is wine tasting is never 100% objective there's always subjectiv to it I think that in a competition maybe it wouldn't score as high as some of the tempero based wines but I prefer this wine the most I'm going to give it 91 plus points I think it's garnacha let's take a look here it is this is the Las moras Ino Gara from Sierra de Gros 2017 this comes in at 26 bucks 15% alcohol did not feel the alcohol Sierra de Gros mountain range that's near Madrid Old Vine garnacha it's an amazing Place High elevation it's only about an hour and a half drive from Madrid although there's not its own appalation a lot of the wines fall under the Madrid Dio or mrea mria is also a source of excellent garnachas I think this is outstanding not as Peno esque as the elanna but I like that a lot I like that producer I like that wine a lot that's good let's move on to six this is an awesome tasting so far I think Spanish red wines just offer ridiculous value for SP just the Iberian Peninsula in general Portugal Spain the food the wine traveling there ridiculous value for money I actually have a video that was doing quite well on Instagram it was a chop up of a long video I did talked about how the Spanish the food the wine the culture is so amazing but yet it's not like on the same pedestal as France or Italy and it's a shame for for them but I think they're just too busy enjoying the good life it's good for us because it's a really affordable place still I was with my friend there a couple months ago she's an American but she lives there and she's like man the Spanish don't realize the high quality of food wine and alcohol they get they get so much bang for their Buck for them it's expected all right let's move this is a darker wine has a little more Oak so it smells a little bit younger I definitely right away going to think it's tempero got a little bit more Oak it's got black cherry but it's also got a strawberry rhubarb component which I like uh like a lot of mud type flavors I grew up on a farm so when it rained I was out in the mud playing a lot you have the specific smell I know it doesn't sound attractive but you get it there's not too much Oak there but you can detect that there is some Oak I don't know how to describe that to people that's just after you're tasting a lot of wines you can start to pick up on that although you I've been fooled before too this is the most full in body I think a lot of people are going to like it to me you get a lot of wood Tann in a lot of Oak so this is a wine and it smells young too this is a wine that definitely should be laid down for me 91 points I think it's very good it's not showing its best I think you give it another five seven years for the oak to Mellow down you could even score higher what happens is all that big time fruit starts to fade down in red wines and then some other subtle nuances come out I think it's tempero 91 points I think it's young this is the Matsu elzio this is 2021 like I said I thought it was the youngest wine comes in at 26 bucks Matsu is a cool producer because has people on the label younger person means younger wine younger Vines as you step up their portfolio like this is before they get to the old man Toro wines aren't as well regarded as those from rera Deo or Roha but they're big powerful wines one of the oldest denominations in Spain I think a lot of people that drinking California cab you go for Toro you're I mean 26 bucks ridiculous value for money let's move on again darker color here I mean temer Neo there is no shortage of color this has a lot of pine not dark black cherry Black Plum cinnamon even like red apple peel some of these temperos I think especially the Matsu this are really like stereotypical bold red Spanish wines for me fruity spicy have a bit of complexity 90 Plus for me I actually prefer the Matsu a little bit more I do think it's temperal I do think it's a good wine 90 plus points this wine definitely needs some time in the bottle too I think it's temperal it is this is the bardos rero Delo Reserva for 25 bucks 2018 here's the thing now if I wasn't tast oh this has got 10% Cabernet 90% tempero 10% Cabernet 7 yon that's kind of a formula that one of the most famous producers in Spain Vega Cecilia blends tempero with Cabernet 7 yon resera 2018 okay so here's the thing if I wasn't tasting this blind I saw it's 2018 I might even scored a little bit higher because it tastes a lot younger than it actually is I mean already we're getting close to 6 years old and that wine still has a lot of life left let's move on to the last one okay wine number eight fresher fresher fruit here's the thing I like doing these bigger blind tastings because when you have a lot of wines I get so focused on each and every one and yes we're down to the last wine but I forgot all the wines that I had in initially so this has got baked strawberry jam Pie flavors plenty of pepper red licorice almost like a Twizzler that strawberry jam thing it's just really really getting me a little bit of earth oh I think it's garnacha garnacha has that rounder mouth feel the temperal are bigger bowler they have so much fruit temperal are almost like heavy cream mixed with some grittiness from the tannins from the oak this is more silky garnachas are more silky than on the the palette you have a beautiful Spike of intensity because of the length here I think this is my favorite wine of the tasting I'm 93 plus on it again you got to know your flavor your style I think a lot of people actually might think the matu and the bardos are the best wines the for temper Neo based wines I like the Rio Jaa I like the AAR a little bit more but I love garnacha I just it's great it's great and they go against the St stereotype that Spain is not is no longer just big bold fruity Oaky red wines this is delicate length [Laughter] texture this is the cheapest wine this is from kud this is the asento garnacha kud has some of the oldest garnacha Vines I think in Spain this comes in at 13 bucks that's incredible I gave it the highest score again man Spain I bought a few of these wines to kind of complete the set some of them were samples I went out and bought this from Total Wine and More that's exceptional so tell me do you like Spanish red wines do you prefer temperal or garnacha let me know in the comments below wow
Channel: Dr. Matthew Horkey
Views: 13,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wine, red wine, wine reviews, wine tourism, wine course, wine travel, wine tasting, wine education, learn about wine, winemaking, how to taste wine, exotic wine travel, spain, spanish wine, garnacha, grenache, tempranillo, toro, rioja, ribera del duero
Id: dQVhGcKnRBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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