This £2K Medium Format Leica is a Bargain...With One Major Issue

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well hello there it's me obviously just keeping you up to date with what i've been doing recently i've been to the local candy store use the mask we are very sensible or scared of death now it's not real candy store that would be bad for motif right this is far sweeter and much less destructive on your teeth but perhaps more destructive on your wallet i just wanted to share a little surprising find that we found at apture this set up here also before we start want to share a little message about the sponsors skillshare an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people whoo look at that what camera could you get for approximately two g's well you could get the sony a74 or the nikon z6 2 again pretty much the same as the z6 but with mark 2 on the end or you could get this fantastic beast oh yes you read that on the front it says like in fact it says like it twice yes that's right for around 2gs this is amazing bang for your buck or euros or pounds or whatever currents you use i mean arguably this is not the leica that you want to be seen to be using it does however fly kind of under the radar i mean it is quite a big beast and it does say leica twice on the body which is approximately two times more than a typical leica aficionado with one written on the front of their camera but i guess with a bit of sneaky finger placement you can kind of cover one of them up or maybe both of them if you don't mind holding your camera like this honestly it doesn't really matter about the leica branding the essie is all about being medium ish format i think the e is probably a posh way of saying economy i don't think it stands for excellent exuberant extravagant but it's all relative in the bonkers world of leica of course because in 2014 this thing cost brand new sixteen thousand dollars yes that's definitely cheap in fact i'll take two of them to take 3d photos medium format style essentially it was an economy version for rich people so back seven years ago it would have burnt a hole in your pocket and your bum hole and your bank manager's bomb hall well the point is in 2021 this is available for a little over 2k just imagine if you bought this thing in 2014 unless you actually did buy this in 2014 in which case you probably don't need to imagine because all of your dreams in life have probably been fulfilled already and then now it's just 2k you bought this thing and then suddenly somebody's just taken 14 000 out of your bank account and then shut it in the river i mean that's essentially what it's like to own a like a medium format camera but today this thing offers a whole load of camera for not very much at all you do get a lot of it in terms of size but don't expect much else even though it looks a little bit like paint primer i kind of like the gray color scheme of this camera more cameras should come painted in this color i mean if you like camouflage it perfectly blends in with the sky here but even though the grey paintwork makes it look like a toy that hasn't been completely painted there's nothing toy like about the build quality this thing is robust there is a paperweight solidness to it and in terms of body features it goes for the typical leica strategy of the more you pay the less buttons you get because there aren't really many buttons on the back at all check that out you've got four multilingual buttons dotted around the screen right there multilingual because those buttons don't have any labels beside them so probably take about two weeks before you actually remember what those buttons do so yes you've got four buttons to navigate the menu system and set everything up and three of those buttons essentially take you to different parts of that one long menu system which you can either use the dial to scroll all the way through or you can just click those buttons instead to take you to different parts of that long menu system but what else has it got it's got a three inch screen with approximately one million dots on it which is fine in 2021 i mean sony thinks it's fine so it must be all right right and another boring you've got a card flap that hides a cf and an sd card and you know that's pretty much it this this sounds good though that's definitely where the money went maybe it took the facetiousness a turd too far but look it has a burst rate of 1.5 fps no res video recording and cross type phase detect af point literally just one point and the speed well my cat was bored of waiting so yeah the best features are nice clicky dials white balance is cool to set and a big fat sensor so you will get shallow depth fulfilled nice a 37 megapixel larger than the full frame sensor obviously gives a little edge over 24 megapixel full frame sensor in terms of detail and noise performance is quite good for a 2014 camera which carries the same tech as the 2012 leica s up to iso 1600 looks good and free from nasty noisy artifacts keeping nice sharp detail which is good because it doesn't go any higher than iso 1600 sounds too good to be true right well yeah in a way because there is one slight problem about the sc massive problem actually this one is the older brother of w7 bond you know number six type 006 it has a ccd sensor so in theory give more film like pictures but the downside is there's a risk you might get corrosion on the filter you know the um filter which protect the sensor m9 said that from the night yeah yeah so did they replace it do they because they replaced the m9 sensors no not anymore yeah i don't feel like uh replace that but haven't said that we haven't seen that many corroded mm-hmm you know that'll be an artistic look in the future like the corroded look around the outside artistic filter yeah on instagram 3000 they're good with photoshop there's no too much a problem but i have a feeling we can we can try to tackle that because we might replace sensors for m9 in the future really yes same similar technique yeah but need to learn how to open this thing so there was never a known problem with the the ccd sensors there was is that because more people owned m9s i don't think so in proportion i think this creates less problem okay than m9 yeah so i mean well but then in terms of value for money oh yeah yes nothing can beat this yeah because it's the same yeah if you can handle the size it's not too heavy no it's just big yeah so it's a digital camera with a slightly uncertain shelf life but then again most digital cameras have a shelf life anyway sensor corrosion is not the main concern for me i just don't feel like i'm ever gonna bother using it as patrick said it really is the size that would prevent anyone from going for this se the modest af system the slow burst rate are somewhat understandable for a medium format camera the images will look great with lush leica ccd colors but as cheap as this is you're going to have to really want it to use it otherwise it might just end up collecting dust waiting for the day that the sensor filter does corrode just bear that in mind if you see this in patrick shop sometime soon and think about buying it and just before we get to the end of this video i want to talk a little bit about skillshare if you want to fill your head with useful stuff and learn some new skills then you might want to check them out they've got some superb classes now including ones such as mkbhd's fantastic guide on how to get going with youtube now the first 1 000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description box below will get a one month free trial of skillshare premium so you can explore your creativity and enjoy unlimited learning and creative exploration link is down below in the description box thanks for watching see ya bye
Channel: Kai W
Views: 69,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leica S-E, Medium Format, Digital Camera
Id: QunQYd-wDJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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