Third world countries - THE REALITY

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I keep seeing these phrases and whenever I see them I feel disappointed I think that people often using this for instance probably don't mean anything unkind when they say them you might use these words yourself and if you do you don't mean any harm at all this isn't around I just want to share with you something that you might never have encountered before I think you'll find that interesting and maybe you'll see things different in the future [Music] thank you [Music] so what are the words that I'm talking about there are first world country and third world country are these words that you commonly use don't worry I don't want to make you feel bad you might want to keep watching to find out why these words are so outdated and problematic before we go any further I want to say that despite the title of this video I don't think it's my place to tell people what they can and can't say we all have the freedom to say whatever we want and if after watching this video you want to keep using these phrases that's up to you however these voices are generally considered as outdated and unhelpful whenever I hear them I kind of think that they come from a place of ignorance and the person using them may mean well but they probably don't really have a good understanding of the situation where do these words come from we all know what these words mean a first world country is a rich country and the third world country is a poor country but what about the second world countries do you know where this terminology comes from I'll give you a moment to make a guess in the comments below I'm sure a lot of you already know this but this terminology comes from the Cold War the first world used to refer to capitalist countries which are allies of the United States and the second world included the USSR and its communist allies as you know the ion content pretty much separated the world into for several decades so it really was as if there were two Distant Worlds which didn't interact with each other another countries were involved in the Cold War though these non-aligned countries were referred to as a third world a lot of these countries which stayed out of their big capitalism communism debate tended to be less developed and Wealthy than the first and second world countries so the original meaning of the phrase doesn't actually happen to have anything to do with being rich or poor at all a curious fact that may interest you is that is that the country that I am in now Colombia officially became a NATO partner in 2017. making it a first world country by its original definition Cuba where the average monthly wage is 159 dollars is a second world country hey do you want to move to Spanish-speaking country but you can't speak Spanish check out my website and start learning Spanish with me if you already know some Spanish but you want to prove your speaking book a course as well with me or check out my Instagram where I give useful tips of the Spanish language I have a YouTube channel as well correct in Spanish now I know what you're saying that's very interesting and everything but nobody uses those phrases like this anymore that is true words change their meanings just because a word used to mean something doesn't mean that they can't be used for something different now for example the word meat used to mean any kind of solid food but if I say that a carrot was meat people would think that it was very weird so why are so many people saying that first and third world are so outdated and just not great terms I think we can all agree that in the modern sense of the word first world is something positive and third world is associated with all sorts of negative things we can think of the economic situation violence desperation something backwards and even been uncivilized it seems a little bit unfair to describe a country with Millions tons of people in this kind of way don't get me wrong I'm not saying we should all ignore the inequalities and differences that exist between countries if our country is poor call it poor by all means say in a country's poor is a state in a fact without inferring the other negative connotations maybe it's just me but when I hear somebody from a more developed country referring to my country Mexico as a third world country in comparison to their first world country I couldn't help but think that it sounds a little condescending but maybe that is because at least in my country people refer to themselves as being their sermon distance which means like a third welcome in Latin America people refer to themselves as being third worlders and I think that that is also very problematic we can find all sorts of memes online from many countries in Latin America which make a reference to this whenever people describe something as their sermonista it's always describing Society or institutions in a negative way if people describe something in terms of mundista they mean that something is backwards or stupid or inferior I want to thank all my patrons all the patrons who are supporting this channel thank you very much guys for your support and I'm so glad that you are enjoying my channel if you are in a patron but you are enjoying this video please leave a comment give it a like subscribe that would help me a lot but the implication of this is that everything in the Pokemon Mundo works very well all of the time people are more civilized and we could only hope to be more like them you see it's not just foreigners who use these for instance all of the time we also use them to criticize ourselves and to make ourselves feel inferior what's the problem then whether it's someone from the U.S or a Mexican who describes things as first and third world they were falling into a simple trap of dividing the world into two over simplistic groups one group of First World countries which have got everything figured out and another group of four backwards countries I know from having spoken to a lot of people from the United States and Canada that in this First World countries they are disagreeing about anything and everything and that they are far from having everything figured out please don't misunderstand me I'm not saying that you can't say anything bad about my country if you want to say that Mexico has very serious problems with violence and uh terrifyingly height homicide rate you would be totally correct if you want to say that the country is criminally on equal and it has a large population that doesn't have access to opportunities to improve their situation I couldn't disagree if you suggested that systemic corruption makes life frustrating and unfair that would be spotted it's not about stopping people from being able to say what needs to be said it's just that there are better ways of making ourselves understood terms like first and third world also blur the distinction between different countries in these groups if you want to compare levels of development or average incomes in countries first world and third world just aren't helpful at all Mexico has the 15th largest economy in the world so it's far from a poor country it's an incredible unequal country which means that there are a lot of very rich people but there is also an enormous amount of people who live in extreme poverty I feel like if I hear somebody using a blanket term like third world they haven't really understood the whole picture on a more personal note I'd like to share some anecdotal evidence about this topic I'm from one of the less developed states in Mexico and I don't come from a privileged background at all some of my family have traveled to the United States to find a better life and opportunities that weren't available in Mexico this is extremely common throughout Mexico at the same time I was able to study at a public university for 800 pesos per semester that would be about 42 dollars getting a higher education has allowed me to work in professional jobs getting a middle class lifestyle and increase my standard of living considerably you may have noticed that I have scar on my neck several years ago I had a lump that could have been cancerous a public Hospital removed it for me and I paid about two hundred dollars and now I'm fine I know that both of these things can be very difficult to obtain for families with very few resources in the United States at the same time I've met countless people who've moved to Mexico Colombia and Vietnam to get a better standard of living which they didn't have in their home countries what I'm trying to say is that the world is so complicated that simplistic terms like first world and third world are not just unhelpful and outdated they kind of show a childish view of the world which just doesn't reflect reality at all I think that this topic can be a quite controversial topic and the last thing that I want to do is to offend anybody so thank you very much for watching this video and see you in the next video adios
Channel: La Karencita
Views: 3,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first world country, is colombia a third world country, first world, third world countries, third world, third world country, second world, living in colombia, living in mexico, poor country in the world 2022, developing countries, third world country living, first world problems, third world country vs first world country, third world countries list, developing countries vs developed countries, living in colombia 2022
Id: fHQsgYs6mug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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