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you must depart the streets immediately look oblivious i live on the streets where do you want me to go it is past curfew you must depart the streets immediately just run i have nowhere else it doesn't understand it's a robot just past curfew you must depart [Music] hey everyone it's your friend noodles and welcome back to think reacts have not done these in one of these in a long long time you guys have been begging me and begging me and begging me to react to the new movie by oblivious hd you guys probably remember the last guest little little little tiny uh innovative movie within roblox that maybe a few people watched anyway matt or oblivious hd has been working on this for a long long time i'm excited to watch it uh so let's just jump right into it because i know it's pretty long i think it was like 20 it was over 20 minutes and you know how my reaction videos go they're at least twice as long as the i'll try not to pause it we'll try and make it not too much longer than the actual video but um all right here we [Music] wait what the bacon here wait huh wait a minute let's see the wait what oh oh oh the sick guys i'm reacting the first part this sequel is going to be out before my video even comes out oh my goodness well okay i'll just say hi guys let's see let's see if anyone notice hey there we go there we go yeah there's the orange hi guys you're in the video anyway let's let's go to um let's go to uh i guess we'll just go to his ah it's right weird so wait where's the premiere then it's that's weird that it's not here right i don't know whatever here we go the bacon here a roblox action movie it's 28 minutes oh my goodness we gotta go we gotta go let's go bacon city all right [Music] oh there's a bunch of homeless people here this is like a poor part of the city or poor city bacon city what's that noise it is past curfew you must depart this is that a guest it looks like oh no oh it's like a guest by like it is past curfew you must depart the streets immediately look oblivious i live on the streets where do you want me to go it is past curfew you must depart the streets immediately just run i have nowhere else it doesn't understand it's a robot [Music] you must depart the streets immediately wait did you just kill thank you for your cooperation cooperation we oh dude okay okay he's not dead i guess boy his face is gonna be scratched up [Music] what's this [Applause] the bacon well they're all bacon here as well minus that bot [Music] as you can see behind me there are many more homeless people on the streets of bacon city poverty rates are increasing at an alarming number moreover the terrorist organization known as the resistance have been causing havoc on the streets at night we urge you to remain vigilant and not to go outside after curfew ah that's why there's a oh it's raining now with the resistance immediately so dad do we have any more food i'm sorry this is all i could afford today here son have the rest of my food but don't you want anymore it's fine dad you're a girl i'm gonna have it no i'm not actually that hungry i can tell when you're lying here take it you need it more than i do now zayden always remember to appreciate everything you have there are some bacon hairs living outside on the dangerous streets while we're in a safe house with a roof over our head don't ever forget how fortunate we are son yeah that's what's gonna say they're not homeless they're poor but they're not homeless so they're better off than the others what's up oh oh no no no no it's a security bot isn't it dude it is it is it is it doesn't have red eyes though what was it doing in your house though dude uh how did i forget to lock this zaden you know this is my private study you can't go you don't want to miss your one day of school tomorrow hang on why does he have one of those like in the house it was off but he had one oh what are you doing out after curfew without an umbrella i might add wait what'd she even do she wasn't even looking at you yo they just kill it why are the bacon hairs killing bacon hairs i could i thought they were coming after those guest spots the terrorists is that what happened to his mom was that his mom hey satan are you even listening to me sorry have you heard the rumors of people going missing at night missing how can someone just disappear i don't know but lots of homeless people have been disappearing after curfew i bet it was the bacon resistance zayden can you tell me what you know about that's great this city wall was built a very long time ago okay to protect us from the dangers of the outside precisely this is why no one is allowed to go over the wall it's for our own protection but how do you know it's dangerous outside it's just wastelands kinsey there's nothing good out there but where do all the curfew come from i don't know but i do know they're here to protect and keep us safe from the bacon resistance i've rid of all that matters look like this was it by the way it wasn't hungry i'll meet you hold on man oh man what was it oh oh dude what was the book what was the book and they like yeah they lived inside these walls like this they thought it was like bad on the outside but it actually wasn't they were just being controlled it's a yo she's so strong do you know how heavy those are those things hundreds of pounds whatever you say come on hurry up and get down here i don't understand [Music] what would you say i told you i've been on the other side of the wall but that's impossible no it's not i found this crack here last week it goes all the way through to the other side come on follow me i'll show you wait but isn't it dangerous on the outside she seems well i mean she came back so it can't be all bad and she's going back so can't be oh wow whoa this doesn't look like wastelands i know the outside is beautiful better than inspiration i don't get it why would they lie to us exactly there's nothing dangerous out here yeah i bet you won't find me if we play hide and seek oh you're on wow that wall is super hot but i guess it makes sense because like if they saw these trees over the wall from inside they would want out [Music] did you kill like 10 what wait what was that yeah that was something close dude what the what what uh hi that's a guess hi i'm primrose nice to meet you i'm zayden what are you doing here i'm playing hide and seek with my friend okay i have a great hiding place follow me just like that make friends what i wish i could climb but who are you seeing someone care before that's because i'm a guest silly pink and blue hair duh i've never heard of a guest before where do you come from that's a secret guest world watch your step oh how are you gonna get down now you're welcome friend you know you can call me zayden instead wait what about your other friend she's gonna be mad so jealous why are you here i ran away from home why i can't tell you much if the other guests find me i'm going to be in big trouble but this forest is massive so they'll never catch me yeah but we're gonna so what about you baby you're gonna live in the forest forever are you from i'm not called bacon hair [Music] now wait this is what i was saying before wait if you can see they're looking down on the wall people would be able to see these these trees from inside right dude that is dangerous like they're out on a limb like that she's on his shoulders you know y'all monkeys that's my friend i should really let her know where i am before it gets dark that's okay see you around bacon hair all right fair enough where are you she's right where you at uh why were you in a tree that's a long story tell us you ever heard of a guest before oh no how come i'll tell you on the way back come on we need to get home before curfew yeah she lost dude she spent the whole day looking for him all right so now curfew oh okay dad oh what is a guest where did you hear that kid it's evil satan said he saw one when we were playing in the forest earlier you were playing outside the wall again wait yes what kenzie i don't want you ever going back there again wait but the legends are true why would he and these guests really do exist then you and satan are incredibly lucky to be alive but this is bad news it's bad news your friend truly did see a guest then we are in grave danger but you won't speak of this to anyone and you have to promise me kenzie to not go back there ever again so he's evil obviously rise and shine outside i believe it's somebody's birthday today okay happy birthday son no way you got me oppressed how i know i could barely afford much but i've spent weeks hand making this for you i know you miss her a lot i this is the best birthday present ever thanks dad what i know i said i couldn't get you much but i have one more surprise for you later are we going back and forth in time okay we're nearly there you can open your eyes now no way pizza pizza real pizza pizza yes it's your favorite how did you afford this i haven't seen a real pizza in years okay but you have to help me eat this i would have just eaten it all myself man well i mean you know your dad got a you i guess you can give him one piece oh feeling sick eat too much yeah oh no no no no guys guys gotta go i don't realize curfew curfews curfew they shouldn't be it's not past curfew why are they outside so you didn't get behind the counter get behind the counter now why don't you both get behind the counter you can't reason with the streets oh my satan everything's going to be okay [Music] oh he saw it they got him but he's not dead he's probably just you know they're gonna take him down and you know and then it's not curfew and then they'll let him out right like who who is the who is the person who controls this right like it's there yeah they put the boot on him scratching his face up but like obviously somebody has to be in control of this and like they would realize it wasn't past curfew wait oh he's homeless now why just go home buddy i mean i know you missed your dad but like he's gonna go find you at home you know really maybe he didn't have keys [Music] wait he literally hasn't moved it's been like three days you didn't have to pee or any i mean oh i didn't know you had that with him what's that you got there little man it's the last thing my father gave me [Music] before he was before his i'm sorry for your loss son i guess you now know the truth about the curfew bots what what's the truth what is it what's the truth i don't know i don't know what is it you best be careful could you explain the curfew bots come out to play when the skies start to rumble they say the thunder hides the screams of those being executed by the curfew bots he was executed wait hold on i thought that they didn't die i thought he was just being like take a prisoner because like they they zap him and they grab him like when they just leave him where were they taking him oh man i feel bad for making jokes his dad's dead people living in their warm safe homes while the rest of us have to fight for our lives every night on the streets don't bother trying to tell you no one will believe you i can't remember how many times i've tried to warn people of the curfew but they just think i'm a crazy old man maybe i am son you best be going the storm is getting worse the curfew bots will be upon us shortly but where i mean he could have gone no it's too late they're already here but you know they were out with the pizza place and it wasn't even raining or or lightning lightning oh dude there's three of them run so wait did they after they get what they're doing why aren't you running he's tired my race has come to an end please my boy run while you still have the chance wow so once they catch someone then they let everybody else go no they didn't even warn [Music] [Music] oh they're not messing around pizza oh dude oh dude they got so many [Music] [Applause] they've got whoa which is that one has blue eyes dude instead of red oh wait that's the one his dad made that's the one his dad made i know it i know it he had it in in the kitchen it saved him why didn't it save his dad though how did it kill the other two there's like baymax you know like it isn't isn't that isn't that what it was isn't that big hero 6 is like wasn't it like it was sort of like programmed by someone who died and then it kept them safe i think it was right yeah oh thanks yum wait how'd it so why did you save me the robot knew how to get him out too i can't go home can i why won't i respond do you at least have a name well you kind of look like a guest so i'll call you guest wait i'll play that game my name is nice to meet you actually um you're meant to shake my hand technically if you guys remember wait wait careful careful careful okay in in gusty the last guess is in there isn't it i think something's missing though well no guess 666 is in there isn't it i think it's in gusty that's funny much better what'd you do danger humanoid detected no no it's primrose it's just primrose oh primrose hi zayden does your friend always introduce himself like that yeah pretty much this is my friend gusty wait where's the food he ate it all we should have shared with him kind of scary he's cool i i think he's kind of cute ah that's creepy that's creepy that's not cute nice to meet you guys wanna be friends okay friends forever yeah friends forever friends forever do you have to charge that robot like i feel like what's this power source oh wait that'll melt your oh wait hold on wait what happened to his friend though the other banking like it's become like winter spring fall they're out running them now [Music] i mean they're turning into jungle people right oh i was gonna say they didn't build a house yet all right there you go it's okay oh dude x's win baby wait wait what hold on x already won there what do you mean exit already won x had already won why are you so upset oh a budding romance [Music] um he's big watch his eyes turn red bruh no no he cool oh he loves them can he close his eyes maybe danger humanoid detected what who would be out here that's the girl the president the who who why aren't we running it's too late but the guests will have us surrounded by now what we can't escape tree climb no gusty but what about you gusty protect friends satan we need to go now so wait if they're in the city the bots get them if they're out from the bacons and if they're out of the city then the guests army gets them or i mean it is not a very nice world here oh what are they using to come down like that oh my goodness this is like the matrix these are all like agent smiths dude look at them all [Music] they got the same hair maybe i don't they don't those ones don't have guns well those don't have guns anymore either wait why is the president due to a ghost don't know he's just completely white well well isn't this just fascinating what is one of my creations doing out here all alone in the forum could it possibly be because you're not here alone i'm impressed the bacon hair managed to rewire one of my i recognized the voice from last guest i didn't think their species had the intellect to do that so wow the bots are going to tell them from the guests no how do you know she i'll give you one more cheese how do you know oh cause they know that tell me where primrose is no protect friends very well then agents take him down well i thought they had guns yo come on you kidding me he's a robot here man he's trained for this come on yeah yeah get the president too man just do it let's go [Music] where is the president he's like disappeared this is all my fault if i let them take me no no no no guess you got this dude [Music] you can't go what are they going to do to you don't worry about me ah dude it's cool he's going to shock him look i wish he had just body slammed that dude but guess he won't be able to hold him off no i can't you have to promise me please i'm going to miss you primrose oh dude just give it up i'm going to miss you more friends friends forever friends forever friends forever yeah friends forever man oh oh dude no no no no put the gun away oh dude dude they should have probably thought of that before oh wait oh oh no dude they punched his lights out like literally they didn't even need the gun wait what what are those oh those are like grappling hop if you let him go i'll come with you very well then agents release him i don't expect that faulty piece of junk to wake up anytime soon now primrose please tell me a little more about your friend i don't know what you're talking about the bacon hair i know you've been seeing him how do they know all this oh dude they're both agents go up there and grab it yeah him you said him before now you say it oh good life dude they got him too i never imagined i would get to see a bacon hair in person i do apologize for what i'm about to do it's nothing personal but then if you put those finding out about this in there and i'm afraid you know too much what oh protect let's go yeah dude agent after him [Music] dodging bullets go come on dude oh dude he's blocking wait don't put him on the shoulders i'm gonna shoot him up on top of you you're blocking him with your back you should just kept it that way just like put him in front you know carry him like a like a like a like a kangaroo in your pouch oh dude wait oh i thought she got away too all right she's definitely where where does she even live this is and it seems like the guests have never seen them [Music] oh what's that what's the orange thing this is just a tree it's just a tree okay wait they're not chasing him or or he's just too quick for them to catch oh are they going it's the wall are they going back in are they back in they are they're inside right they must have gotten oh no dude he's failing [Music] gusty are you okay human noise yeah well i mean this is where we this is like the last where we were before when when they all came [Music] i think all the uh yeah no these are oh no it's a terrorist dude that's probably not good [Music] kind of surrounding well fellas look what we have here oh okay that's why there's a part two all right here we go all right oh wait who's that is that zeta oh dude he's back need that all right what's gonna come out of there it's gonna come out of there something all right there we go chapter two veil available uh now prime video link in the description two out next week on youtube well in like an hour from what i'm recording this but if you guys enjoyed the video please go check it out on oblivious hd's channel i will leave a link in the description because check out the original video without all of my interruptions and terrible commentary but if you enjoyed my interruptions a terrible commentary do you want to see me do it the same on chapter 2 with you guys and react to that as well click the like button and subscribe and i'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 440,615
Rating: 4.926651 out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, imnothinknoodles, roblox, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, no cursing, funny, commentary, playthrough, gaming, video games, lets play, hilarious, funny moments, game, walkthrough, roblox online game, roblocks, roblox channel, robux, roblox games, roblox gameplay, The Bacon Hair, Bacon Hair Movie, bacon hair reaction
Id: Fidc-kpl7-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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