Things To Do in Zakynthos, Greece - Our Top Picks

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what's up guys welcome to another episode of goat Life TV we show you a little bit of our digital Nomad lives we're in grece this is our second time here in the country but this time around we're exploring zakintos we had never heard about this little island before apparently it's pretty popular with people from the UK and from Europe but Us North Americans had no idea about it we just saw a cheap flight from London to here online so we took it and we're glad we did the weather here is warmer there's beautiful beaches like this delicious Greek food awesome Greek people and we're staying in a really cool little apartment we've rented a car for the duration of our stay here which will be for 1 week and we're going to explore the island let's do [Applause] [Music] [Music] it [Music] we're in the capital of zakintos this is zanti town it's the biggest town in the entire Island and it's where most of the local people live and there's also a lot of like tour shops and stuff here we're just going to have a walk along the water and have a look at zanti [Music] Town [Music] this is another spot near our apartment it's a leakas beach it's in the Northeast part of the island beautiful beach today's a little bit wavy uh but it's still gorgeous and it's a really nice restaurant here right on the [Music] sand [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're heading up to the Northwest part of the island today to go check out Shipwreck Beach which is like the most famous beach in possibly all of Greece and this is the drive we're doing right now check out these [Music] views [Music] guys we're here we're at shipwreck Cove this is incredible the most photographed site in all of Greece and we can see why just look at the color of that water it's insane I've never seen water like that it literally looks neon like something is lighting it up there's only a couple of boats down there right now the sand is amazing it's so white it's gorgeous it's gorgeous we're here right now it's about 11:15 it's the perfect time of day cuz the sun is beaming down on the sand and the water just brilliant so so cool we're literally right on a cliff it's pretty sketchy but is worth it yeah behind us guys it's straight down and scary but we're being very careful up here look at this site this is Shipwreck Beach in zakinthos [Music] Greece [Music] we just left Shipwreck Beach and came straight here this is Porto limonis and it has a breathtaking view these right here are like a bunch of sunbeds we're at a little Tavern right now there's lots of places to rest and to sunbath and stuff and also you can swim right off the Rocks into this amazingly clear water I think we're going to stop and maybe have a couple drinks and perhaps lunch perhaps lunch looks like a nice [Music] spot [Music] we've drove around the beautiful island of zakinthos for quite a while now seen a lot of it by land and by driving around in the car but now we want to go see it from the coast today we're hopping on a boat with luxury Island events and we're going to be ripping around all day seeing the entire Island in some of the major popular sites let's go explore this island is that Kino from the sea [Music] we've been ripping around the island in this boat now for about an hour and just looking at these beautiful caverns and these arcways reminds us of goo in Malta a little bit but this water here is like the perfect turquoise blue totally Mediterranean are you going swimming I can't help but a jump jump in oh my [Music] God okay we just parked the boat on this beach it's called Turtle Beach because Turtles come up here and lay their eggs we're so happy that we have such beautiful weather today it's gorgeous the color of the sea is just incredible this is the Mediterranean we're loving this boat trip and I think we got another couple hours just driving around the island and hanging out on different beaches [Music] oh all right we are back on land that was pretty cool going out and seeing the islands and the other islands around it from the sea getting out on the water was really nice and now we've got a few more days left on this island here as a Kinto so we're going to drive around and explore some [Music] more I really really need you H hey girl it's another beautiful day here in zakintos and check out this beach behind us guys this is Urus Beach and it's on the very southern end of the island we got ourselves some paddle ball we're going to spend the day here now we've officially seen all four corners of this island and all the way around it through the middle crisscross everything we're really happy we got to see it all and now we're going to go find one of these chairs and relax for the [Music] afternoon I you I you that's it guys our nine days here in zakinthos has come to an end it was an amazing little island we really didn't know what to expect before we got here but we're really glad that we showed up and decided to choose this island cuz there's so much to see and do we went up to ship Breet Cove we drove our car literally to all four corners of the island went to different restaurants and bars almost every night explored different beaches and even got to take a boat around on the outside along the coast of this island and other Islands nearby so now it's time to move on though we're taking this fairy boat behind us we're heading to the nearby island of keonia and it's around an hour and a half by boat I hope you guys like this video if you did please give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below and if you're new to this Channel Please Subscribe that's the episode of goat live TV see you next week bye [Music] guys [Music] that
Channel: Goats On The Road
Views: 468,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zakynthos, navagio beach, best beaches, best time to photograph shipwreck cove, shipwreck cove, Goats On The Road, travel, backpacking, adventure, goatlife tv, digital nomad, travel forever, rental car, Greece
Id: -JCSieyq3bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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