Things to Consider Before You Play A Campaign Board Game // I Wish I knew these sooner Game Brigade

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hello and welcome to gam Brigade my name is Brian if you're new here thank you for joining me today on the show we're going to be talking about Campaign games but more specifically we're going be talking about things to consider when starting a campaign game or thinking about beginning one uh this video is inspired by a comment that I received on my last video that we did for our keeper cell Series where someone thought about basically said you know Brian I don't know if you like Campaign games as much as you think you do and it it and maybe that's true I don't know but it did Inspire this video so thank you for that I'll have your comment I hopefully I was smart enough to remember to put your comment up here for the people but effectively uh Campaign games I've talked about this relatively a lot on the videos uh they're very difficult to table for multiple reasons and I think a lot of people love the idea of campaigns but they're hard to actually get to the table so I want to make sure I did a video for someone who is Maybe new to the series or new to board gaming or for someone who um is thinking about starting to get into Campaign games things to consider before you start before we get to the video though I want to make sure you guys know that we are going to be doing a special giveaway with details at the end of this video so stay tuned for that if you're looking to get some free games the first thing I want to make sure I hammer down and I think it's one of the most important things to consider are the mechanics or the gameplay Loop of the game so every single game here that we have has a different type of core mechanic that you're going to be doing it's going to be the F the foundation of the enjoyment level of The game everyone has a different type of thing that they enjoy and then you're going to be doing this for sometimes upwards to 200 300 400 hours so you want to make sure that that's something that you're going to want to do what is the progression like what are the core mechanics going to be like so before you purchase one of these games which are huge uh look into the game play mechanics what do they do are you playing cards from your hand are they deck builders are they area control is it a Boss B how does that work and is it going to be playing well within your group specifically so that's the first one I would make sure to take a look at the mechanics and the gameplay Loop the next thing is kind of piggybacking on top of the mechanics the gameplay Loop option is understanding the length of the game I've made a video about this where I said that Campaign games are getting outrageous because every game I was covering was over 200 hours of content and that's a lot of gameplay there's that's that's that's a ton of time and when you think about that when you actually break that down in terms of the amount of sessions you're going to be doing when you're playing these games it can be some times upwards of a year of playing just this one game for your game night sessions is that something you want to do is that something you are willing to commit to they're not always doable and while it's almost like that adverb where your your eyes are bigger than your stomach sometimes we'll see something and you get the desire and this is probably where the comment came from originally talking to me where you get the desire of playing this epic cool story but the the reality is of getting this to the table and finishing it is difficult and that takes me to my third point which is temper your expectations for your player group many of these games generally not always generally though require at least a partner to play with for the max enjoyment level of the game now you can solo some of these games that is totally doable if that is your thing so this point will not be really considered for that but if you are playing with a player group make sure you temper your expectations let's say you go in you get your Chronicles adenor game here and you decide that you're going to buy everything so you buy your Chronicles Jore we got more Chronicles Jore we got more Chronicles Jore we got more Chronicles Jore we got more Chronicles Jore we got all the Chron of Jore and you're excited to play this game with your player group but are they going to be as excited to play that game with you see they didn't drop $400 to purchase that game with you and they might not be as excited uh after 15 or 20 hours of gameplay to continue this and as an owner of the game you need to understand that it's okay to sometimes get a quarter of the way through the campaign and be done with it a lot of times I've seen that where your player group will just kind of naturally lose interest with the game because they've played it they've gotten an idea of the mechanics they've they've enjoyed the level up system but there's sometimes not enough there to continue pulling them to it they don't have that monetari investment like you do so just temper your expectations know that you might be able to jump into it but you might not be able to play all of it and that's the final point that I want to talk about not kind of the final point but the final one is the content bloat you saw how much I brought out for just the Age of Apocalypse this is the uh newest expansion for or the newest uh set for car Jore I don't if I actually yeah I have the original Chronicles jle right here and this one I bought all in for this one and I played about half words of the campaign but before I finished that campaign I went all in on the next set because I thought this game is so good I want to keep going but as I said I only played about halfway through this campaign and now I've got all this other stuff it just takes up so much room the reality is a majority of gamers are not going to be able to enjoy all of the content that is available in a campaign your eyes are going to want them you're going to want all the different types of characters or the other dungeons or the Side Stories ISS Vanguard there's several other campaigns that you can get other than just the base campaign but a lot of times the Bas campaign is is just good enough and so that that is my next recommendation obviously is just be aware of content blow a lot of the content that is added into these campaigns that are available to you are done so as a way to drive more sales and the majority of the time you're not going to get to them so my final thought though is how do you decide on a game what factors do you look at when you're going to choose a campaign for your next game night do you vote amongst your player group or do you do a round robin where you know for this campaign it's going to be my play my my game the next time we're going to play your game do you just draw it out of the hat or whatever is most exciting at the time I would love to know what you guys do specifically what do I do well I'm a little different because obviously I run a channel here at the gamergate studios so we have to look at camp games a little differently a lot of times it's you know for me based on content creation size is there anything that I need to get to the table or is there anything that um specifically is exciting me right now so it's a lot of it by the gut you know is there something that uh really really is pushing me forward so mine's a little different so I want to hear what your guys's thoughts are what makes you drive to a campaign game let me know in the comment section down below so that's going to wrap up the uh discussion here for campaign games again uh leave me a comment down below but before we get there let's talk about our giveaway so as I talked about at the beginning of this video we're going to be doing a giveaway for uh the channel here cuz as a thank you to our subscribers so what do I have going on well we are going to be giving away a Super Deluxe copy of fractured sky this is uh no entry no no no money is required to enter into the to the giveaway all you're going to have to do is leave a comment Down Below on this video or any of my videos going forward until the giveaway has ended fractured Sky will be having a reprint campaign on April 30th and we'll be giving the uh this away uh the final week of that campaign so if you are you know potentially backing that game uh you will know if you'd won this prior to that to be entered in this game though you must be a subscriber of my channel and you must comment and like the video I appreciate you guys for that but there's more to that I want to be able to give more to my audience I want to say thank you guys so if we reach 9,000 subscribers by the time we are doing the giveaway for fractured Sky I am also going to be giving away a copy of Mythic Mischief not just Mythic Mischief though you're also going to be getting a copy of the witches expansion a copy of the trolls expansion and a copy of the ghost expansion so these will be given away if we reach 9,000 subscribers by the time we're doing the fractur sky remember no entries required and I will be covering shipping for us-based uh winners but there's more I love I want to say that so bad if we reach 9500 subscribers by the end of the campaign for this one where we're doing the giveaway for that I'm also going to be giving away a copy of moon rakers but not just Moon rakers we'll be doing a copy of the three expansions we have binding ties I've got Nomad and I've got overload so you're going to be getting you know three people are going to be getting it one person's going to copy of fractured Sky one person's going a copy of our Mythic mischief and one person is going to get a copy of moon rakers remember all you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment on this video uh let's do #f fractured sky for this one we'll come up with more interesting ways uh for entries going forward in my other videos but remember you must leave a comment on the video every comment will be a entry and we're going to be doing remember we're doing three videos until uh a week until this launches so that's it thank you guys for watching thank you guys for supporting the channel my name is Brian and I will talk to you very soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Game Brigade
Views: 1,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tabletop games, game brigade, board game collection, kickstarter board games, channel update, kickstarter board games newest, board game channel, upcomming kickstarter board games, board game channel update, game collection, board game board game, board game review channel, best board game channels, board games 2024, board games for family, board games for couples, board games for kids, board games, Campaign board games, wish i knew sooner
Id: TrcYQIc4gdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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