Things that cant be unseen

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[Music] things that can't be unseen according to reddit [Music] number 20. this dude one time sent me a photo of his cut up penis just blazing right out the gate he was shaming himself for having a small pp and he took a ruler held it up to his thang then carved lines all on his his pp for every tick on the ruler [Music] i gotta start proofreading these i gotta start proofreading these man number 19 i saw my dad on a gay porn site is this is this the whole list let's hold this huh [Music] this is gonna be the whole list this is gonna be the whole list here's the real funny part all right i'm gonna show you i'm gonna say something real funny because this this entry is a doozy who could have known that such a short entry could pack such a wallop you saw your dad on a gay porn site okay so the immediate two questions are whoa so your dad's gay and then what were you doing on a gay porn site so your dad you know maybe he's bi that's being very generous but your dad i don't know he was doing it with some dudes he gets his stuff out there it's that high profile and now his son as gay as the father is now looking up his stuff online i can probably count on on one hand the amount of times i have accidentally somehow loaded into uh a web uh like a url for a porn site that happened to just be on like gay or trans or whatever and then it was like an immediate filter that you could like snap back to normal i was like what the hell is going on here yeah now but this dude just happened to stumble across his father on a gay porn site i don't think that the odds were i don't know i think he he if he is not gay and ran into his dad on a gay porn site when he's not gay and it just showed up in his face that that's like winning the lottery type odds right there i don't know linda honestly kyle what did you think the entries would be the the list is what can you not unsee so i guess it would be sort of things like walking in on your parents or your relatives [Music] you're walking in on people in the act whether it's a relative whether it's family whether it's like a spouse or something like that so [Music] man it's crazy that pb j says that they're enjoying a baconator because i was this close to trying to get some uh some burger king because they have like a stacker which is basically like a bacon thing it's kind of like their bacon king thank god it's too late for me to do that now so i need to release my fatness at least to another day fly away fatness fatness everdeen yeah that's a joke for all of the the [ __ ] what is it even called uh the hunger games yeah [Music] i'm sure that they can groan with me on that one as we continue up i apologize in advance for these entries number 18 my labrador has a habit of blowing himself in the front yard so there's that [Music] you know this is a christian family friendly channel and you come in here with your dad on the gay pizzle cutting up the pee pizzle doggy blowing himself in the front yizzle come on man number 17 the video of nick berg's death i watched it when i was 24 because i wanted to see if i was desensitized to real life violence who's nick berg again nick berg died via decapitation i thought this was that dude who laid down a tarp and like took a shotgun and i guess i don't need to say anything more than that um you know a person getting decapitated is that the end of the world i should have seen more hardcore [ __ ] when watch people die was floating around and there are a lot of other places online you can still get that kind of [ __ ] done but i can't really talk about them unless unless i'm trying to get banned on youtube or dreams whatever so this dude says he watched the death um when he was 24. because he wanted to see if he was desensitized to violence as the media claimed that people of his generation were well he found out very quickly that he was not desensitized and i had nightmares about it ever since oh no i'm sorry that he went through that i hope none of you face trauma so terrible that you're uh you're having nightmares about it see me i just have stress streams on occasion and i guess when things are going well i dream about the stupid video games that i like to play crazy thank god i've never dreamed about minecraft i think if that happens then you may get stuck in the dream and it's like if you die in the game you die in real life scenario you don't know it because how could scientists figure out what was going on in the brain before they died but trust me people are getting trapped in minecraft games in their dreams right now and if a creeper gets them dude if they fall from a great height that's their life man happy birthday to dr house you did it man you cleared another year's crazy obstacles here's hoping that you can manage to weather another year and that just maybe things get better no plagues come out that need to top the last ones you know people start treating the the the people who are actually working in this country with a little bit of goddamn respect and put their money where their mouth is and start paying them an adequate wage [ __ ] crazy it's a shame though it's a shame as we continue ladies and gentlemen we arrive at number 16. a dog eating a man's entire [Music] journal while two men hold his legs apart we've seen that video man that's uh that's old school internet [ __ ] some things are about as basic as two two men well [Music] i i really shouldn't have done that i put that stupid video of the man on the horse back in my my brain and the video i'm thinking about isn't even the one where he died on the spot he died after the fact what an idiot you want it so bad that it's pushing past anywhere where it would even be stimulating and just [ __ ] you up on the inside people are like masochists they're insane you just like the pain like that i don't want this to be a nasty list guys but i think that's what you've signed up for so i'm going to stop apologizing because if you're going past this point you are electing to to really you're signing up for it man you want this so number 15 that video of a dude breaking a glass cup in his [ __ ] and the shards spill out with the bleeding and stuff [Music] youtube i'm sorry i didn't i don't know what i was thinking with this list it's not like it's just words but i know for you youtube that is so hardcore because youtube you've become tame man you used to be cool but now what happened to you don't you remember at the lake number [ __ ] 14. not safe for word posts that i found on reddit expecting porn but found someone's face being thrashed or trashed from a car accident or something i saw a guy's face that got caught in like a bear i'm sorry that's not the way you phrased that i saw a victim or survivor i should say of a mauling by a bear and it really just took a good old-fashioned chunk of their face out man and that face was hanging and just just draping over the muscle of of the remnants of that face man it was something scary happy birthday to you dr house number 13 a woman's face after it had been ripped off by a chimpanzee you know we're just continuing the tradition of ripped off faces number 12 i don't remember the name of the website but it was about how much you can take starting from level one and each page got worse i stopped when i saw a video of a man cutting off his own penis cutting off i actually grabbed mine that's scary no when you can make me phantom afraid that something's coming from mine maybe i haven't been asking the right questions on my stream all these years maybe i should ask if there's somebody in my stream that you know whether it be because of erectile dysfunction or maybe they you know sustained an injury or you know just have some kind of condition where things don't work down there are you situated in life on what you would call the other side of sexual stimulation do you feel that you will no longer be participating in anything sexual in any way with somebody more importantly uh to any people that consider themselves asexual do you not want to be involved in any kind of uh i don't know sexy sex oh damn thank you sile thank you dr house you're the hero bla blaze sorry says i can't unsee a video where there was this girl who started furiously pushing in and out a banana on a guy's pee hole [Music] so what i'm gonna do is continue up this list we need to finish this list it's gonna be a short list or a change guys for a change number 12 minus one didn't really see it per se but the phone call to the police while a chimpanzee started to rip apart her friend's face it will always haunt me [Music] there is an article out there about an arguably worse incident that occurred at a chimp rescue in california you can find the article fairly easily by googling the worst story i ever heard or something similar to that it details a man's run-in with two chimps that were able to escape a fenced area and visit some order of horrific violence upon him the crime has no his crime was bringing his old pet chimp a birthday cake and not sharing it with the other animals apparently chimps have a very firm sense of jealousy and fairness and man did they make him pay for this slight against them oh my god where's my cake i'm sorry it's not funny i got that guy got [ __ ] up dude that really sucks and i apologize for you guys having to know of it hopefully we can learn from this uh from the story going forward bring cakes for everybody okay the animal kingdom is uh is jealous like that jealousy number 10 mentally delirious foster father pointing a gun at me nothing like having a gun pointed at you man and that's the kind of thing that'll follow you into your dreams because you'll never feel safe even with one at your side you always have to sleep you have to sleep simple jimmy crack corn and i don't care just sucks number nine three guys one hammer of course of course of course [ __ ] terrible video and human beings the tragedy of that kind of [ __ ] man is imagine what's going on imagine what's going on somewhere right now and even if it is being recorded we'll simply never see that video that video will just be for the types of bastards who are keeping slaves and you know sex slaves and it's tragic people got murder in him boy they got evil inside him you have to be very careful number eight it's not as much as me seeing it as it was me hearing it but there's a video of a family driving a brick flies off the back of a dump truck and smashes the woman in the front passenger seat in the face and all you hear are screams from the rest of the family there was no gore in that video just the horrid sounds i remember that video i'm sure somebody can find it easily find the brick falling off the [Music] let's see internet brick falls through windshield kills [Music] well there it is daily mail you better chill boy and it's on live leak this is a bad idea that's a bad idea but if if it's just the audio i'm playing if it's just the audio bro here it is on reddit if it's just the audio pro okay i'm just gonna play the audio you know you can barely hear anything not a big deal okay there's the brick [Applause] [Music] okay there may be more of it than that but i think you guys get the idea listen look i've been on scene for people losing their lives losing family members and you guys will know a lot of people think that they've heard what what's called a blood curdling scream before but you haven't because you'll know when you have you'll know when you've heard that kind of scream you know if you if you ever wanted to compare yourself to spider-man and that you have a spider sense uh there's a type of scream that comes out of men and women where no matter where we are much like the monkeys we are deep down with instinct no matter where we are that'll that'll change our tune real [ __ ] quick the hairs on our [ __ ] bodies will stand right up because that scream is the definition of something wrong my dude wrong it's not the type of scream some hoe is trying to get everybody to pay attention to her with the one id like to unsee is the chechnyan terrorist who captured a russian soldier they sought his head off very slowly he'll never forget the sounds even i'm not sure i've heard that one which is good you saw it off somebody head slowly for i've seen people ripped apart and then like left alive to just bleed it's messed up some people are sadistic and you guys are fairly lucky that hopefully we get to live our lives and not piss off some of these crazy people because they're crazy that's so could i see i just want to be happy and make you guys happy and make you feel free and make you feel like you you can achieve and attain what you set out to even if it takes a little bit of time maybe things suck right now and maybe they're going to continue to suck maybe they're going to get worse before they get better but there is a better even if it isn't as amazing or the best like you want it to be i think it's important to set your own goals be reasonable don't try to jump from one step to another you know what i mean your [ __ ] ass if you saw a staircase right now you wouldn't realistically think oh i could just jump to the top of that staircase [ __ ] of course you can't so why the [ __ ] you trying to do some of that [ __ ] in real life take it a step at a time and don't even work about don't even work on the consistency of making damn sure that every day you [ __ ] take a step and get somewhere dude make your main focus the the the certainty that you're not gonna go back down a considerable amount of steps doesn't matter how consistent you are doesn't matter how much effort you put into one of the things if you don't watch how far you back track [ __ ] you might as well just be starting the same book over and over and over and over you know alonzo this is the third [ __ ] night you come in here on that it's 3am for me [ __ ] we get it you don't live where we do why are you dying to tell us about it how [ __ ] old are you with this i'm gonna repeat the same [ __ ] every [ __ ] time that you come into this group it's weird man because i want you to think about your real-life social situations as something not too dissimilar to a lunch table would you walk up to a lunch table and just spew that hot oh well i like my little pony and you know for me the time is different where i was from but when i'm at home and i take out my action figures this one figure sometimes it moves on its own it's like [ __ ] do you hear yourself do you hear yourself short bursts short bursts gets the point quick no run on let me let me write five what the [ __ ] you're writing five [ __ ] paragraphs for us to read yo would you tune out if somebody did that oh no what did i say earlier somebody was talking about dragon age i don't know if any of y'all know anything about dragon age and i'm not going to go on one of my old man rants about video games for an hour because whether you believe it or not i'm actually fairly self-aware at times dragon age i described to stripes earlier as five nights at freddy's and sonic the hedgehog combined for lonely fat girls and hey if y'all know anything about me um i love that chunk on a woman especially in all the right places but dragon age seems to really have honed in on a niche category dude and i tried to like it but i don't know it was no mass effect i have to say that i have to say that it was no mass effect first of all let me thank dr house and pauly frog properly i apologize for just going off oh man i don't even really have a problem with caps guys as long as you're not spamming too often um what the rep saying the same thing what that that [ __ ] you know what kind of remind me of imagine like you say a joke or or what you regard as a joke maybe it's a reference maybe it's like just a bit of word play you know that's not really too funny that was never really meant for anything more than a chuckle but when you say it you don't get a reaction out of anybody so you say it again [Music] and what do you do when you don't get a reaction that time you say it again that's what some people live by chad are like i'm not saying that's you alonso i'm just like whoa i really miss those days though man sometimes people come in here and just reinvent the whole game they would just reinvent what it is to be insane listen an old man tripped in front of a bus when his wife tried to help him she tripped over him and went under the tire of the bus and the bus driver didn't see her and then kept driving the whole body pop [Music] old man survived and saw everything i seen that dude [Music] imagine living your whole lives and just walking together and then one day a trip one of you trips and lands under the wheel of a truck i remember this dude and the fact that we can't share the link anymore that's what sucks about reddit we need a new one [Music] wife falls under the wheel of a truck old lady falls under wheel of truck 91 year old woman keeps on trucking [Music] you know i'd go on duck duck go right now but let's not and say we did rusty shackleford says mass effect trilogy is the lord of the rings trilogy of gaming whoa don't you ever disrespect the lord of the rings like that mass effect 3 ended very ridiculously poorly if i may say so mass effect 3 succumb to the very thing that uh you know you don't want a lot of things to mass effect trilogy is the lord of the rings trilogy of gaming yeah um mass effect 3 basically got a bunch of money and um confused what it was meant to be i remember was it the walking dead that they were running promos for for mass effect during i was like god damn i got a budget now [Music] huh mass effect 2 is truly one of my favorite gaming experiences though just all came together it all paid off in a big way it's a fun little game [Music] okay um i feel like this is turning into less of uh although things you wish you could unsee and more like what's the gnarliest injury or death you've seen and the one that always uh sticks with me is like this dude was walking with his son right and like imagine like the sun is kind of like playing by holding on to the dad's hands and walking like really closely behind him okay bruh like so imagine just like a little kid that's maybe no taller than you know the back or like the ass of the father he's just walking very closely behind him and i think he likes steps on something that is not it's not properly like i want i want you to think of like maybe there's like a a piece of tile over a hollow portion on the floor and if you're not touching it it looks normal but once you step on it it dips down you know i imagine he kind of stepped on some unsure footing like that going into a store and it's all on camera the dude falls back onto the kid and it's like the quickest thing quicker than you can imagine and as he's turning around he's realizing this kid's not moving that's that kid's neck that gets done and it happened that fast it's [ __ ] up [Music] i think i just heard a robot talking to me did i um sorry can't think of a good username says i can't unsee the look in my man's face when i saw her after her stroke [Music] nan i'm so sorry [ __ ] that i was like did he come out of the stroke a new gender i know what my identity is now covergirl i apologize for your loss can't think of a good username you can't unsee the look in your grandmother's face when i saw her after she had the stroke and she looked at me and cried because she thought she'd never see me again that's scary yeah i'll ever just lay back on your bed and be like motionless and think of like oh man if i were to die and like people came and found me like this look at my gross ass they wouldn't even want to look not that it would matter my cold dead ass is going in a box if that i want to be burned and i don't even care about where my ashes go i'll be too jaded by the fact that i literally don't exist anymore [ __ ] owned those libs by dying mr knight says batman's sure to damn into nami why what is wrong with that batman is being respectful and i like to think that all girls should want to and be allowed to shake it that hard if them titties are gonna bounce and flop like that and that we as men should all have the restraint and respect to you know stay a social distant you know maybe he's a little bit closer than social distancing right now but uh but you know he is not moving any part of him that we can see and um he is just silently appreciating he could have left you know how many nights this has been here and he could have left at any point but that kind of respect you know there's a there's a bit of kyle in that batman that's what i'll say what i'll say [Music] as we continue this list and literally put a bow on this puppy it's just turning into funny hosted a picture way back in the day of a guy without a helmet who had fallen off of his motorcycle face first everything from his nose down was gone his tongue was just kind of hanging there lower mandible was totally destroyed he was very much alive conscious and looking directly at the camera his eyes were the worst part the genuine terror expressed in those eyes is something i will never forget yep when uh when a person comes off of a vehicle going at a high speed and they meet that asphalt boy you know it's a fine pace you're gonna be looking at on the um on the street i heard something go off in the discord but i don't know if it was my discord and i don't know if it was um i don't know a message directly to me who knows alonzo says if only all men show respect to women and all women show respect to men yeah i guess we'd be living in some sort of utopia if that were the case maybe someday we'll be able to manage it until then everybody can just i don't know settle into either living alone or pairing up with somebody who is probably much worse than they seem much worse than they seem g van arsdale says do you know of the game ancestors the human odyssey is that the one with the [ __ ] monkeys and if i'm wrong i'm wrong but if i'm right ancestors the human odyssey ancestors the human odyssey be hurting my monkey game you are a monkey and now you're a monkey swinging cause you're a monkey look at that oh my god it's too much noise okay if i i get it i'm a monkey okay i think this game's too ambitious and doesn't know what it wants to be i think a lot of games like that fall apart because they don't know what they want to be am i getting dehydrated [Music] dia i know you're listening dia dia do you go there do you bring me the water dia i know it dia please dia please [Music] please i hope she knocks before she comes in [Music] she's not gonna knock hey dia thank you how did you know wow [Laughter] she's in the living room i mean in the kitchen [Music] okay that one swig of water ought to keep me from dehydrating right that's how it works we're good love you thank you all thank you to dia for bringing me some water and um here we go [ __ ] number five my mother was dying of brain cancer in a hospital bed pro tip people gasp as they die loudly it's about the worst thing you'll ever hear don't skimp on heavy doses of morphine when it starts oh god number four my toe was hanging off my foot by a bloody oh vein what a mental image this made me noticeably shudder nurturably ah come on man come on number three this [ __ ] comment section yeah i bet you wish you could unsee that it's too late [ __ ] do you hear this loud ass duck outside yeah as soon as i [ __ ] mute it he stops making noise you hear it hold up hold up what kind of duck wait until what sorry i was trying not to be too loud when i had the mic so sensitive i was going to kind of talk i'm like i'm saying what makes a duck so pompous that he at 10 30 at night that's time for him to get out and get wow and linda says are you sure it ain't a bullfrog i guess you're right i don't know that it's not a bullfrog but what am i gonna do go out there with a flashlight and won't you shut up when i go out there and won't i be attacked by all manner of florida creatures that thrive upon the darkness and not i am human darkness i'd be a playland a playland a playground a wonderland my body'd be a wonderland if they could find it in the darkness i remember when i was playing kingdom hearts and i was like oh man this game's cool but then it was racist because all of the enemies were the darkness [Music] ladies and gentlemen number two my brother passed away at the beginning of the year and his dog was trapped inside the house for three days there was blood everywhere it was like a viscera cleanup but worse i can't drink that [ __ ] away i took care of the job so our parents would not see the details i don't wish that scene upon anyone my brother passed away and his dog was trapped in the house for three [Music] days doggies gotta eat baby our dogs usually love us man when we die they gotta understand that we're gone and that sucks but does part of them still understand that this was our container you know do they eat us so that we'll be a part of them forever number one on this list the facebook post from my ex proclaiming how wonderful her third year anniversary dinner was with her fiance oh the official mark of the beginning of their relationship apparently predates the day she dumped me from our seven year relationship by 2.5 weeks so they started their relationship in the midst of yours before it was over well you just dealing with a dirty [ __ ] and you should be lucky that you're done with her and here's something that i think everybody needs to do stop trying to have a relationship with your ex especially if you still give a [ __ ] even if you don't maybe it's healthy to keep these people at bay what are they rich y'all benefiting from each other's existence outside of like intimacy now that you're both done [ __ ] and being [ __ ] by one another it's unnatural it's not a healthy relationship that you should just be able to have you know a lot of people believe and i am of the belief that men and women can't be friends we could be close we could be acquaintances bro but one of us especially the men is going to catch some [ __ ] in the way of feelings [Music] so q anon conspiracy kicked off twitter as the platform bans thousands of accounts uh they gonna come for us torpedo titties look at how shredded this [ __ ] chimp looks yeah i think chimps are a game [ __ ] keep telling you they ripping people's faces off a chimp is like worse than a cracked out man y'all know that this is this is a bald chimp he suffers from alopecia it's a bald chimp right here and like yeah bears are big scary and they got some [ __ ] might you know a bear doesn't have strength that has might my dude and i don't know how to describe might other than the just just describe the torque involved you know i like to think like say say you and i had to break down a door you know what i mean and the way that we were going to do it is probably going to be to involve some goddamn momentum we were gonna back up from this door and maybe batter this door you know what i'm talking about because if we were standing right up against the door we really wouldn't be able to put enough force into making anything happen we'd need to back up and then give it a little bit of something but a bear bear don't need to back up guess what bow dude is some one punch man [ __ ] going on in this bear if i were gonna make an anime it'd just be about a bear okay he's that strong and people would get into the ring with him and it'd just be stupid it'd be foolishness you know it'd just be a red mist anyway chimps man you take your most meth out florida crackhead you know and i'm sure he could skin a man in under three minutes but next to a chimp boy chimp strong you see i'm saying chimp is strong this has been a kyle chimp appreciation portion of this stream you know catastrophic failure nice catastrophic failure it says december 2019 in detroit a large amount of chromium-6 that doesn't sound good that sounds like some movie [ __ ] right there hey i haven't seen one of these stupid-ass things in the stream in a while but i also don't even know what it says so i guess it wasn't worth it come on man you gotta you gotta make something better than that that people will immediately be able to see whether some titties or a big schlong you wasted it man i almost want to unhide you and give you another chance but that's not how it works man that's not how it works oh boy somebody said why does that monkey look like my grandma what the [ __ ] chromium-6 leaked into the ground um from a chemical storage facility that contained it improperly it was only found out when it leaked onto a nearby highway pardon me do you have any chromium-6 explanations what is chromium-6 [Music] for anyone who thinks this story sounds familiar that's the same type of chromium that was leaked into the ground in the case of erin brockovich oh my god oh my god [Music] hmm oh [ __ ] [Music] this the boat broke [Music] the boat broke in half oh my god all of those materials what must it be like to be so rich that you have a lot of [ __ ] riding on these dumbass like gigantic barges coming in from overseas and naturally when [ __ ] gets real on the seas when the submerged aliens and the the somalian pirates when people who are just trying to suppress their crotch funk and were banished to the seas and who sailed the seven seas on a giant land mass of garbage and they live as hippies live how you deal with this stench my dude how do you deal with that what are you eating out there you you catching and eating fish y'all got fishing rods if there was a giant landmass of garbage floating around the sea out there would you go live there the answer's got to be no dude not only do you not have access to you know the internet as we know it you um you're kind of susceptible to the elements i like to think if things get properly crazy out there on the sea you [ __ ] and what about the sea monsters i'm not joking what about the hot gigantic squid kraken [ __ ] sea monster to your [ __ ] that's out there that could decide you know [ __ ] that i'ma split that [ __ ] in half on the surface it wouldn't take him anything wow [Music] you all flooded in a beach hut sparked a large fire pretty [ __ ] up ladies and gentlemen sorry i'm getting into this catastrophic failure thing holy crap october 23rd 2004 marks the sole derailment of a shinkansen train the jutsu shinkansen derailed between uraza and nagaoka nigata prefecture after being close to the epicenter of a magnitude 6.6 earthquake despite the speed of the crash there were zero injuries or deaths very cool that's good everybody lived i'm surprised linda only timed that guy out instead of hiding him as i always say man you can be unfunny and you can be like what you'll pretend is like unfunny in a groaner type way for the sake of the lulls you can pretend that right but when you're so unfunny it's almost offensive and it kind of calls everything that you've set into question you know you're really making some enemies out here man you better leave us all out of that note that you're [ __ ] writing you understand we don't want to hear it we don't want you crying about the length of your or the lack of length in your in your pants man just get on the internet give some lady some money and pretend that you're her man in your dream [Music] hit you with those sevens jeff close the new stream boss y'all let him have it and jeff go boy does he deserve it thank you jeffco you're a saint i like those lucky number sevens i feel like i hit the jackpot seeing all three and what i do love is you becoming the new stream boss wow jeff choose a new gift to destroy the stream you deserve it my man i want to thank all of you for being here thank you for liking the video if you haven't already then what are you waiting for i just want you to know that you're special you matter you're everything i don't know i'll be here when you need me again oh boy wait a minute credo says i don't see anything wrong with what he said what did he say again i hate it when i accidentally trip and i end up in some kindergartens gardener's privates hahahahaha it's a really funny joke that he told right so this guy says i just hate it when i spill the chloroform and we both pass out so that's the second kind of unfunny joke right there back to back you remember what i said earlier about some [ __ ] boy you know waddling up to a a lunch table uninvited nobody nobody knows you nobody asks you to come over here and sit here or stand there and start talking and you just keep saying the same [ __ ] over and over do i even want to scroll up and look for more of his fool's [ __ ] comments do you get what i'm saying doggies gotta [ __ ] too probably in response to the story about the dog that got trapped in the house and i said dog has to eat i mean it's habitual house always wins well i guess the house always wins here you're right wait a minute you're saying your name is house and that you always ridden you son of a [ __ ] i wasn't paying attention enough to i'm like i'm up there guys i am um i have i tried to tether myself here much like a balloon with a string but i'm a bull i'm a benevolent king here i'm gonna allow this guy the opportunity to embarrass himself again and i'll let my ladies do the thing that they do with them titties swing them and ban people a lot of banning titty bands in here dr house thank you and i appreciate you my man jeff you are the stream boss man what did you say earlier where's jeff i know i saw he says i don't know man you pick man do i even have any gifts to give [Music] do i have any gifts to give let's take a look [Music] see what i really don't like is that my folder does this thing where it groups everything based on um [Music] well if i get this one it's kind of like a cutie little pepe and he's like in the little chair and he's like kicking in the chair he's kicking see now that other thing's in the way can i move it over and then it's taking up like the whole bottom of the screen i think i should just get rid of it i think i should yeah i'm not sure i need a watermark on this you know i'm not sure i do [Music] you're important but i don't think you're needed oh boy ladies and gentlemen you will be seeing me tomorrow around noon for me which is eastern standard time noon uh or you know 12 p.m uh i think it is 9 00 a.m [Music] i don't remember the uh the other area not area code it's like a time zone i don't remember the other time so [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it ninja with a pencil nice to see you and to everybody that i didn't get to i love you and um you'll catch me again soon i've been playing something called rogue company but to say that i'm even in the mood to play right now maybe i'm trying to run around and get some footage but there's gonna be a lot of death involved wait until i get back onto fortnite and i will be able to run over people with my car which is everything that i've been dreaming of but they need to put the cars in the game and then i can really i can be who i want to be you know love you talk to you soon stay out of trouble go watch something else on the channel go put something else on this channel on and then let it just play through the whole channel while you go to sleepies did i say that i think
Channel: undefined
Views: 803
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mkGqOcPS4Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 22sec (3202 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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