Things Not Found In Schools Anymore

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Through The Years schools have evolved with many of the things that we remember about going to school becoming lost to the Past school supplies technology or the lack thereof in the classroom and some of the Simple Pleasures of just being a student are now gone this video revisits some of my older videos compiling them into a longer more comprehensive presentation so please enjoy this compilation of things no longer found in schools [Music] remember the joy you had when you saw a substitute teacher roll in an AV cart with a television stra to the top and a VCR underneath this meant it was movie day in class this is something that students today will never understand because most classrooms are now outfitted with built-in projectors and smartboards connect Ed to computers the old metal carts carrying a boxy television was special and it brought a sweet feeling of relief to classrooms full of kids but within the last decade or so these have almost completely been phased [Music] out while you were at the library you used to have to look up where to find a book and this was done at the card catalog The Dewy Decimal System kept everything nice and organized and it allowed you to find things relatively quickly if you knew how to use it I don't think kids today have even heard of The Dewy Decimal System because students no longer have to sift through tiny drawers to find a particular book computers have replaced the card catalog altogether and everything is available with just a few clicks on a keyboard speaking of the school library do you remember the checkout cards that were attached to the back cover of every library book the card listed all the people who had checked it out before you and it was fun to see if you recognized any names School libraries are generally called media centers now and they have far fewer books in them the checkout card in the back of books has disappeared replaced with a barcode that allows Librarians to scan the book which is tracked through a computer program the experience of checking out books at the library has changed drastically and many of the details that made it special have disappeared honor your past by securing your future recollection Road believes it's important to invest in gold and silver especially now visit RR forg to find out why goldco is a toprated precious metals company that offers a free wealth protection kit explaining how you can Safeguard your savings and protect your retirement visit RR forg to learn more about the benefits of including gold in your Investment Portfolio chalkboards too have been replaced placed now dry erase whiteboards and interactive smartboards are used in place of the iconic chalkboard how many of you remember being called up to write on the chalkboard or maybe you are one of the kids chosen to clean out the erasers by clapping them together chalkboards have still endured as symbols of learning long after they disappeared from schools and many of us will never forget learning how to write in cursive while standing at the chalkboard today you probably won't see students names drawn out in kive on the cover of their notebooks or at the top of a worksheet kersi has become an outdated skill that is rarely taught today with the exception of the legally binding signature few students are taught the proper way to gracefully connect their letters together in third grade like we were taught back in the [Music] day just about everybody brought a metal lunchbox to school which featured their favorite TV show or superhero these metal lunch boxes were status symbols and unlatching it signaled the start of lunch they were so popular over 1 million lunchboxes were sold between 1950 and 1970 with kids begging their parents for a new one each year inside the lunch boox you might have found a matching thermos too these were great for those cold winter days when you needed something to warm you up today lunch is a little less exciting without the rattling handles the and the bits of rust that the old metal lunch boxes would collect before the world was introduced to Google Maps teachers had a set of pul down Maps hanging above their chalkboards during geography and history class the maps would get pulled down so students could see where things took place and learn the location of all the states Now map images can be pulled up quickly on the teacher's computer and displayed on the board through the [Music] projector wall-mounted pencil sharpeners seem to always tear your pencil to shreds but nonetheless these devices were in just about every classroom you attended you either sharpened your pencil unevenly or the metal casing would detach and all the pencil shavings would spill on the floor since then and maybe for the better these manual pencil sharpeners have been replaced by Electric sharpeners that do a better job [Music] overhead projectors that rolled around on a cart used to be a fixture of every classroom to display math problems or vocabulary words so that everyone in the class could see it teachers would use an overhead projector and clear sheets of plastic that could easily be cleaned between lessons now it has become more common for teachers to prepare PowerPoint presentations use YouTube videos or even use use an iPad to work through class problems the smell of ditto machine copies was a highlight for many students as the sometimes damp Pages were passed out the purple duplicating ink gave off a sweet smell that students would inhale and never forget it was also a treat to be the student chosen to go make copies operating the ditto machine and cranking out copies was a fun job job that gave you even more exposure to the smell in the Noto distant past most students sat in identical desks with a wooden top and a ridge that held their pencil the desk portion was attached to the chair and there was usually a spot underneath to keep your books all of the desks in the room were arranged in rows that fa to the front of the classroom making everything look very uniform now more and more schools incorporate different types of seating arrangements with tables and chairs having replaced the individual [Music] desk to wrap up this video let's not forget about the handwritten grade books and handwritten report cards that we used to get the Gradebook was always by the teacher's side and required that every grade be entered and averaged manually once all the grade were in report cards were sent home quarterly and the teachers's handwritten letter grade would be written for each subject students would then take them home for a parent signature much like they still do today the computer printed report cards just lack the style that those handwritten ones once had do you remember the sound of the ringing Bell echoing through the school signaling the end of class or the start of recess The Familiar chime would capture our attention and let us know it it was time to move along to our next class but many schools have switched to digital and automated systems the ringing sound of the Bell is slowly fading away replaced by digital tones or even pre-recorded announcements decades ago getting in trouble at school was a little more intimidating some schools used wooden paddles for disciplinary measures the mere sight of those paddles with their precisely drilled holes served as a Stern warning and a reminder to always follow the rules progress Ive ideas on new discipline methods have now become the new Norm with schools focusing more on positive reinforcement and less on painful consequences time was once told by the ticking hands of an analog clock hanging on the wall those trusty time pieces guided us through the school day their rhythmic movements marking the passage of class time clocks were once meant to be read by students deciphering where the hands were in relation to the tick marks was something children learned early on many schools today have transition to digital clocks that provide the precise and easy to read time while these are convenient you can't help but miss the charm of those classic analog clocks and the fact that kids knew how to tell the time by looking at them remember lugging around those heavy backpacks filled with textbooks the weight on our shoulders was a testament to the knowledge we carried however with the rapid advancement of Technology many schools have shifted to digital textbooks or online resources now students have access to a vast array of information with just a few clicks on their school issued laptop lightening the load but removing an important part of school that so many of us [Music] remember ah the annual ritual of wrapping textbooks in covers to protect them from the wear and tear of the Year some schools handed out pre-printed covers while others allowed students to wrap them in brown paper bags either way carefully securing the cover s around the books was both practical and added a personal touch the paper was a canvas for Doodles notes and memories that were collected over the school year but because of physical textbooks disappearing the need for book covers has also become a thing of the past while it's undoubtedly more convenient there's something Unforgettable about the experience of wrapping our textbooks at the beginning of each and every school year the library a quiet Haven for Book Lovers was once a sanctuary of knowledge rows upon rows of book books each holding their own checkout card could be found within every school across the country while School libraries still exist in different ways many have been reduced to shells of their former self the books have been slowly whittel away while computers have been added in their place and some libraries have even been renamed to Media centers to address this change but let's not forget the charm of meeting friends in the school library and flipping through the pages of a real book while breathing in the scent of those well-worn pages do you remember the friendly lunch ladies who served up the questionable meals in the cafeteria at one point The Lunch Ladies actually cook the food to serve to the entire School each week the menu would be released and kids would check to see what day was square pizza day this made lunchtime a cherish part of the school day today lunch ladies just heat up pre-made food Which is less than desirable students may even use a self-service kiosk or vending machine instead of pulling out their lunch card and picking up a tray as they wait in the lunch line to pick up their food for the day raise your hand if you used to carry a Trapper Keeper from class to class these velcro binders were all the rage in the 1980s allowing many of us to stay organized but cool at the same time the vibrant designs and clever compartments were a must-have for any middle schooler the designs showcased brightly colored art cute pets fast cars and much more and allowed you to pick your favorite for the school year there was simply no better way to organize your notes in assignments than by using the colorful folders of a Trapper [Music] Keeper remember those matching PE uniforms you wore at a gym class they were a symbol of school spirit and camaraderie and allowed you to get sweaty without ruining your school clothes this also meant that you had to get comfortable changing in front of your classmates in a locker room the tradition of dressing out for has slowly been phased out along with many of the activities we used to perform during gym class instead of climbing ropes running and playing kickball students are more likely to be found just walking around the track in their school clothes dodgeball was one of those quintessential PE games that incorporated speed strategy and sometimes a little friendly competition but with concerns about inclusivity and safety the game has been banned from many schools the spinning globe was once an essential tool for geography lessons transporting us to different continents and expanding our understanding of the world it allowed us to visualize the Earth's vastness and the interconnectedness of Nations as interactive online maps have become more available Globes have become less common in classrooms and in some cases are relegated to just a decorative prop while the digital era offers a wealth of information at our fingertips the charm of a physical globe and the tactile experience of exploring its surface was Irreplaceable can you believe that there used to be designated smoking areas for teachers and schools the Teachers Lounge was often filled with smoke as Educators took a break between classes and socialized schools eventually recognized that a smokefree environment was better for both students and staff promoting healthier habits and creating a more conducive space to learn but for many of us the the thought of the Smoky Teachers Lounge transports us back to roaming the halls of our high school lastly let's remember the days when teachers used chalk and more specifically chalk holders to write on the Blackboard these devices allow teachers to efficiently draw straight lines across the board in a uniform manner these lines could be used for practicing handwriting or in many music classes they were used for musical notes there's no doubt that the sound of chalk against the board or the cloud of dust that came from smacking the erasers together are two things that take you back to your school days because those things that we remember most are all but disappearing as the times change let me know in the comments if I missed anything and maybe even consider supporting the channel over on patreon if you enjoyed this video consider watching the other videos in this series while you're at it hit subscribe and share recollection road with someone you know as always thank you so much for watching
Channel: Recollection Road
Views: 229,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Recollection Road, nostalgia, memories, photos, history, closed, forgotten, business, past, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, memory, yesteryear, golden age, photo album, oldies, fifties, sixties, abandoned, 20th century, retro, vintage, america, usa, school, chalk board, book covers, av cart, cursive, ditto, mimeograph, maps, overhead projector, classroom, teacher, student, pupil, clock, bell
Id: CoChUdWOsmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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