Things I Wish I knew Before Coming to Korea

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hello friends and family this is mega boat a Charla me good sad I mean I'm so many of you guys have been asking me the question these days what thing so I wish I had known before I came to Korea so I thought of some I hope that they're helpful I don't know anyway let's get into it okay the first thing I wish I had known was it's kind of random and maybe to TMI for some people but there's really you can't get bongs around here and I wish I hadn't known that because when you go to the store the panty stores are usually run by Ozma and I didn't catch on at first but I would go there and be like in Korean song is called T panty so I'm like oh she's pinchy Easter and then she'd be like yeah hon panty also like that I put yeah yeah huh it's not even like sexy panty I guess to us in America because we wear them so often but I guess in Korea they're seen as a bit sexual and every place I went to they're like no we don't have those yeah hon panties and I was like what are they judging me because I would like to have songs I mean really what does this look of disapproval so then finally I asked the lady I was like look when I wear a dress you see the panty line she's like no no no no you don't need that T panting we have these like flat panties that like have the thin around the sides she's like see I'm wearing them now and I'm wearing these pants and see you can't see my panty line and I was like all right front give me one of those I mean they're okay but you can still see like the line of it sometimes like under your butt line because it goes like this you can see a line and then your butt line you just can't win so you go on Gmarket and you order the thongs and speaking of that I just wish there are some other things that I knew that you can't buy there which were things like shoes and massage like I don't think I knew that the severity of the fact that there weren't going to be shoes in my size it has been terrible but it probably saved me a lot of money so instead I focus on my outfits and then the shoes I just get online from fly Jane I love fly giant I'm gonna you need to check out fly chain and actually nowadays at H&M and forever 21 in Korea you can get bigger shoe sizes but they literally only order like one or two of the new shoe so you got to get there when the new line comes out right on the first day that you come so you can get the size because all of us one is we just be patting over to choose now and other things like certain hair products but I mean you can usually order them online you know and you know like stuff like deodorant and stuff like that nowadays you can see the odor it might not be the brand you want but if you run out you can definitely go to a convenience store and find like some Nivea deodorant or something so you don't have to worry much about that but it is really expensive so still I would have somebody either you know in the military base who can provide you goods or you can you know order it online the next one is I wish I had known that asking people to eat stuff and asking people why there aren't eating is a form of people caring about you and okay I'll give you an example um when I used to be a public school elementary school teacher in Korea whenever we had our teachers lounge time she would never eat any other like junk food and stuff but she always brought like tomatoes or something she's just really health-conscious every single day twice a day we had our you know snack times together all the teachers in the teachers lounge they would ask her and I also didn't really like all of those snacks so I wouldn't eat either but they keep asking me hey Megan why aren't you eating the snacks here eat this eat that and I'm like no and they're like eat this like no and I'm like I told you guys I don't like this but you keep offering it to me every day even though you know I don't like this by now because it's been a year and I've been telling you every day that I don't like the snack but you keep giving it to me and so I get a little bit frustrated like why do they keep asking me so I wish I had known before that that just shows that they're caring about you so now my obviously now I've changed and now if somebody doesn't ask why I'm not eating I feel like hey you don't care about me so even if they keep asking you and offering you stuff that you they know you don't like just know that they're just trying to show that they care about you and also when people eat in Korea they don't like eating alone a lot all the time so let's say I brought a snack and all the teachers are there and I was eating by myself it would be really rude of me to do that and in general if you're going to go somewhere you should bring enough snacks where other people are going to be if they're your co-workers and stuff like that cuz they'll feel like you're selfish and rude if you only eat by yourself a lot of the time and yeah so well alright the next one is the trash if you talk to many expats who didn't live in like some big apartment they will tell you that Korean trash is the most confusing thing in the vitals so how it works is instead of paying okay in America when you live in the neighborhood you know you pay a service you know monthly and you get the big trash bin out and then you bring it out on the day and they come and pick it up and throw it away and you pretty much throw every trash in there except for the recyclables which you can optionally put to the sack you know and in Korea instead of buying that kind of service to pick up your trash you just buy trash bags and the city sells different types of trash bags there's usually two there's the regular trash and the imaging where sadeghi which is the food trash and they come in different sizes like how many liters you want and they're different costs based on liters and now that I've adjusted to it I think it's a great idea because like you know if you by the monthly trash subscription let's say you're out of town half the month you still have to pay the same amount of money for the people to come and pick up your trash but in Korea it's just by liter so you're paying for the amount of liters of food you're going to be tossing away but when you come at first it's so confusing we're like what the heck especially if you don't really know Korean you don't know where to buy said trash bags and you don't know what days they go out on cuz every city or not even every city every group so within Seoul like every group there's different colors of trash bag no it goes by don't see I don't even know to this day and I've been here almost three and a half years so if I was to just go like you know like I don't know a couple miles away a couple kilometers away to a different like area then if I buy a trash bag there and try and throw it away in my area that's not gonna fly so I wish I had known about that cuz honestly I was just like forget this like all the food trash just went in the regular trash trash bag and I just threw it away and anything and I mean anything that could be flushed down the toilet went down the toilet because anybody got time to be dealing with this trash and the next one I think I mentioned a couple times before or about with like dating sometimes there are a lot of people who message you a lot right away but I know everybody doesn't watch every video so I'm just going to briefly mention it here if you want to know more about dating then just click on the dating video that I made which will be somewhere and it's just that when you first get someone's phone number to know that you're interested you message a lot right away and I'm not the type to message a lot because I have a lot of stuff to do and I was like bro I'm busy here do you not have a life I mean you got a job so first of all why you messaging me why are you working huh you don't have hobbies you don't have friends huh so I would always get like turned off and then I would just like stop messaging them but that's how you tell that you're interested so maybe for like the first week or two you message a lot a lot a lot and then after that you can get back to your normal routine man not thinking back on it there were so many like really good dudes and I was like man I just turned everyone away because I thought they were too desperate and things like that but yeah learn something new every day yeah that's that's I think that's about it I'm sure there are thousand other things that I wish I had known before but I can't think of it I feel like the longer you're in Korea the less sensitive you are to ways that you used to be because especially depending on how you live your life you usually adjust and adapt to your new environment and you also change with the culture you know being a part of that culture so I can't even remember like stuff that I wish I hadn't known these are the only ones I could remember so I'm sorry I hope it helps you a little bit though and thanks for watching the video so if you like this video like to see more videos please subscribe to my youtube page which is down below don't forget follow me on Instagram Twitter snapchat like me on Facebook and I will see ya
Channel: Megan Bowen
Views: 524,282
Rating: 4.9655805 out of 5
Keywords: South Korea (Country)
Id: 3rl0GJhkuYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2015
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