Things Go ALL Wrong For This STI

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[Music] [Music] good morning guys and today we're going to be working on marco's white sti in the background here like i've told you guys before if you've seen it in the other videos this thing has come all the way from over on the other side of the country and we are going to be diagnosing what's going on so this thing originally was built by iag and he said it just stopped running one day while he was driving it so i have tried to start it it did not sound very good the noises that i heard it's either going to be something pretty bad failure wise in the heads or the unwanted short block failure so we're going to be diving into this thing today the first step that we're going to start with is we are going to check timing on it because it does seem like it is off time so whether why that happened i'm not too sure maybe a tensioner failed or it skipped time due to a loose belt or a stretch belt it doesn't have very many miles so not exactly too sure before we dive into this today we got the beautiful wife over here and you want to show all youtube your new birthday present can i do a cold start for the boys we gotta do a cold start for the boys so went ahead and since this year and last year i told you guys we were focusing on getting the wife more into racing it's time that gray is going to be her race car and we're going to be working on that soon you guys are going to see that it's going to be turning more into a race car so that means we had to get our daily driver so you guys know we have the hawkeye over there that is actually going to be going for sale um we're just going to have different plans in the future so i really wanted to build it but in the end it is 100 stock sti06 if anyone's interested please go ahead email me down below but you ready to show them your car or what what'd you get i got an audi you didn't even want an audi at first bmws and look at this interior guys [Music] this is a fully optioned 2018 s4 prestige and we gotta do a cold start for the boys ready yep hit it [Music] sounds good what do you think of it so i guess this is definitely not something she was looking for she was actually sending me older bmws like 20 10 and 13 bmws and i decided for her birthday it was time to get her a nice car and this is probably the nicest car we have now only has 11 000 miles guys and look at that cluster yeah she's pretty fancy over here this carbon package inside this thing's focusing away here and then back i'm sure a lot of you know what obviously an audi s4 is the same like i said is a 2018 and we do plan on doing some stuff to it i think the first scene is going to be window tint because she can't do the fishbowl can you just see through windows what is this life so first thing first it's going to get tinted and from there it's going gonna get front lip the rs4 grill because we can't do the chrome girl just no we did want the nardo gray color one she really did but with our time frame of looking around and her birthday coming up we found this one and it was a deal that we couldn't pass up for the miles on it still smells brand new inside and being fully optioned out i think she wanted it anyways i haven't even noticed the red bricks yeah it has pretty large brakes oh they're ugly the red is ugly well then no well take it back i guess you don't want it so something else spread on the car why red that is showing similar stuff you'll see on the channel like i said we always like everything and that is something different for you guys watch because obviously we all know it's going to get tuned whatever there's a hundred wheel torque difference just from a stage one tune and like 50 to 60 horsepower so obviously we're not too nothing but today we're going to be working on this sti i've been needing to diagnose it and yeah as you guys know i hate undershields and this has one of those fancy underplates on it so it's gonna be fun let's get this thing up in the air and see what's going on today get the radiator out drain the coolant system obviously and pull this timing apart and we can see exactly what is going on with this thing i already told them that if it is something like that where jump timing obviously we're going to need to get the heads rebuilt and that means new valves most likely and then see how bad it had hit the piston so let's go ahead jump right into it get this thing apart [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh holy crap there's a bunch of freaking spider webs under here marco if i die it's on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] as you guys can see here we've been making quick process progress of this we have the radiator our way i have the belt off the alt mirror just getting ready to pull the belt off of the ac here and we already hit our first problem because this is not good and uh yeah it's not moving and we're in neutral so not looking good marco um i'm gonna go ahead and see what i can do about getting this off i might have to end up cutting this belt off which i really don't like to do but in the effort of seeing what's going on here i might have to just cut that belt for now but i can't turn this to pull it off obviously i could take this apart and loosen this and it would come off but when i just end up cutting this i'm going to go ahead and loosen the crank pulley bolt or at least try to go the other way and see what happens and we'll see if it moved it did move a little bit at first but now i mean it's hitting something so that's not good all right let's see what happens [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so first initial looks of looking here at this i'm not seeing anything that stands out but i haven't turned the engine over at all taking a look at our tensioner here i don't know how well this is going to focus on it but i definitely do see some fluid on there but it does look like an oem style uh tensioner it is an oem tensioner guys so that's not gonna be why it failed but the tensioner could have failed so let's turn this thing over with you guys on here and i turned it backwards so that's why it's going right now so it's turning i don't know how far i'm going to get here and that stops and then we get hard let's see i don't really want to push too hard here yeah it doesn't go so we are definitely going to be having problems here now looking at the cams they look like they're at the same orientation as each other so they're not off time that bad but let's do what i don't usually do and don't recommend and that's go backwards because the only way i can go right now to get this thing to turn over so let's go backwards to get this thing to line up which i just passed it so at least we're not completely off here so we're trying to line up that center mark there and obviously your boys struggle busting we're trying to hold the camera oh yeah as we jump time so let's go a little bit bam so we can see here obviously we have our top mark and i'm probably have to put my finger there for this thing to focus so if i don't drop my tool so you guys can see our top mark obviously lined up right then we come down to our bottom mark at the same focus come on damn thing obviously it's going to be a pain you can tell we're off by i'd say two teeth which shouldn't make it do this but obviously if you're in power and it happens like this side see if i can get this camera down in here a little bit focusing i don't know guys ah son of a well there goes the tool dang it so this mark is lined up and i know you guys aren't gonna be able to see this i'll try my best for you but you can see here we're not far off guys i mean we're pretty much lined up on that side hmm so the plot thickens let's go ahead what i'm gonna do is take this apart here i'm gonna line up the cams re-time it put it on time and then try to turn it over and see what happens if it turns over smooth then i will go ahead and hook up power and we will start the scene and see what it sounds like i'm sure obviously with it hitting right now that regardless there's probably going to be bent valves there is going to be bad baths so that's good that's a better sign and obviously a short block depending on how hard we hit the piston so let's go ahead take this thing apart get that tensioner back up and tight to where i can put the pin in it and re-time this thing i'm just going to do it to use belt that's on here i think there's still marks on it which is nice but you don't need them so i'm going to switch out the battery get that re-timed and we'll see where we're at [Music] so now that we have obviously our belt off i can move our cams here is our free floating and all of them are free floating so that's a good sign but now let's turn over to crank obviously it should be able to turn over now so we are going to turn this over all the way and obviously we should be fine now as long as there's nothing inside of the cylinder oh man that's not good boys there's something in the cylinder oh that means probably catastrophic guys like pretty bad because this thing won't even it hits a brick wall well that's the end of that i'm gonna call marco and see what he wants to do because if it's hitting a brick wall like that there's about a good really good chance that the piston is pretty hurt so not the news he's going to want to hear he's going to tell me to pull it out obviously and pull the head off and see and maybe it's just a bent valve that's that bent i don't know i don't feel very comfortable about it now i was hoping it was just going to be jump timing which it was but i do know that he told me he was at high rpm when this happened if it hit that valve hard enough it could break it off and that means it would be pretty catastrophic failure so let's go ahead i'm going to get these pictures over to them i'm going to let him know what's going on let him give me the okay for the next step because there's about a 50 50 chance here i mean it's a pretty good chance it's probably going to need a short walk too so well let's go ahead reach him and i will update you guys how today ends up going oh i'm sure bob's gonna love this look guys we got kellen's car now that it's nice out he's back out and she's for sale check us out pnw boys on instagram pnw.boyz check us out look at that the merch drop of my [ __ ] no we'll check out vader build [ __ ] too we're gonna help him sell it here's good old girl back and unfortunately they have some more business plans so that means this thing is gonna be getting sold so to one lucky one of you guys could have the key to a 700 wheel both seven sti i don't want to get rid of it either this thing is fast was that you that just ripped off oh was it everybody three baby i just told the wife i was like sounds like a k-series honda i'm not gonna lie i did do 170 plus on the way out here on the freeway so beware the cops are looking for this car so how many years is like two and a half years old now two and a half almost three years it's got like 6600 miles on it ripping on her i mean you know you know first like whatever six grand of it was on pump it's only been on e for a couple hundred so i'm gonna be cleaning this thing up guys and show you guys for those that don't know and i will take the video that we did in this thing right over here but there she is like i said it's gonna be listed for sale here soon if you are interested in a bill sti and especially being an 07 this would be the one for you because honestly the price point of this car where it's going to be at is what you would pay for a stock sti yeah so don't miss out this guy's 700 wheel build usually that's right around 35 grand is when that starts plus obviously the cost of the car so being able to buy the car for what it originally cost with the build you can't really go wrong no you can't so just come get it because i got other stuff going on before you change your mind i don't want to sell it bro on the way out i was like i'm just going to ask josh how we can not sell the car so if you see why it doesn't go up for sale you know why because he just yelled at me to keep it no it'll be back and forth i'll be back and forth so we're gonna grab some lunch i'm still waiting to hear back on marco's car anyways so we're gonna catch up as soon as i hear back i'll update you guys on further on how the day is gonna go so checking in we did check in with marco and marco did give us approval to pull this engine out of the car so we can further see what's going on and get this thing torn out and see how bad that damage is we do have some music on next door so unfortunately i haven't been able to record too much but like i said guys this car was assembled by iag it has a three inch fp turbo inlet on it and we can see how bad the fitment is if you look down here so obviously it's not something that we're doing as you guys thought but this thing is completely squished in here and i'm sure collapsing so further shows you guys this was like i said directly assembled at iig so it gives you a good idea we're getting the same torn apart as you can tell i've already started right now i'm going to get this intake manifold off get the downpipe off and then this thing's pretty much ready to get out of here we got travis in the background working away hopefully i was hoping that he'd have his off the engine stand today so we could have an engine stand but i was really hoping too but i'm trying good news i got i got life problems the other one's taken up by va bait so hers is still on here uh i did pull the oil pan off and this will probably be something that no one ever shows you got a thousand plus wheel and i don't know how well the camera will pick it up but there is literally nothing in the oil 100 clean do an inspection on it and we're going to be making some changes to keep on growing we're going to be running another test head gasket on the car so if we do have an issue with it failing again just know that we're testing guys i'm trying to figure out something new that this should work and we shouldn't have the problems that we're having obviously you guys remember wasn't sealing by this ring here so we're gonna do a whole new design and go through it and change it and we're gonna test it so stay tuned for how well that works in the meantime we're gonna be getting this thing out and he's gonna be working away so like i was telling you guys i'm just working away through here i have the intake manifold now off of the car and i didn't want to bore you guys with a time-lapse because this thing is taking a bit more time since it was put together pretty oddly but we'll go ahead and we'll resolve that getting further into the scene we got big problems guys because we come over here and i doubt it's going to let me even focus down in here because you know you guys love this camera so i'm going to try but it's just gonna be a black hole if you look down in here normally you're gonna see valves well that one's gone so it's there the stem's there but the end of it is gone so that's not good so it's either bent over to the side and we might be able to salvage the head might or it's completely effed and it needs a new head and these are stage five cnc ported iug heads so that's obviously not as easy as just buying another head and this is gonna be fun so you can tell here it's pretty much ready to get out of here now i do need to take the downpipe off and since this thing's been sitting for quite a while those things are super rusty so i'm sure i'm gonna be fighting this for a bit so i'm not going to put it on a time lapse i'm just going to get the scene out of here and once we get it out we'll start going through it together and getting this thing solved for what's wrong well we didn't update yesterday at the end of the day we were just finishing up and we had some plans we got to go to you can see i got the motor out on the interstand car is back over there plus i got travis over here working away in the background and we got chibi they're working away on this car some sad news this is gonna be in the same video for you guys of me saying that the o6 is for sale though six just sold well like minutes after we posted it up for sale it sold cash in hand this is true but he said send over a down payment so i'm sure it is bam she's so nice and clean though maybe one day we'll come back to that project but today we're going to continue on with marcos probably still can't see inside what's going on with this valve for you but this thing is hammered so time to get this head off let's see how bad this damage is before we end out the video so you guys can actually see some progress and you guys favorite thing is just coming in we got another wind advisory so i'm pretty sure that we live in the windiest part of the whole country right now with how many wind advisories we've been having what do you think new mexico new mexico [Music] well you heard it we live in mexico new mexico and hard there bud well probably shot the camera rolling or taking this thing off because oh my god when you hear pieces start falling out of your uh motor when you take the valve core off we know it ain't good so if you look down here yeah um you see that's what's left of a retainer and there's a bunch of there's a bucket piece there and um well the cam's a bit bit dickered and there is no more bucket it's weird we keep seeing this more and more don't you put that evil on me ricky bobby well now let's get this cam out and see how bad is bad oh it just continues um don't think you're supposed to be able to do that oh no there's a there's some issues and these are stuck down most likely because that valve's out and not allowing these valves to come back but this thing will focus here you can see there's a bunch of metal there that's what's left of a bucket and retainer i mean it's been hammering this thing for a hot minute so how quick did you shut this thing down marco we'll find out as soon as we get this head off because this ain't looking good well i figured we might as well set up this camera for uh you guys may hear some wind but we are ready to get this head off here and uh well this that's gonna be some fun oh there we go probably get stuck on this clamp over here come here bud ouch all right oh yeah she [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh no we got lots of pieces going everywhere here you just stay there oh no that's the valve did it just fall out so now we got mr digging through his bolts over here oh no oh no i don't believe your valve's supposed to be upside down oh no look at this you got oh geez it's so bad oh so bad oh there's no more spark plug [Music] welp that tells us this oh no there's some nice deans in that we now know what has happened to it and uh well the valve said catch me outside how about that how about that how about that sorry marco rest in peace you you did some you did well you took out the whole damn block that's how i'm well yeah at least you didn't do that yeah i don't know well i get to deliver some bad news you guys got to see some pretty messed up stuff and uh for those of you that are kind of kind of wrap your head around what happens it does appear that we have lost a bucket and uh when the bucket disintegrated it obviously was still turning the camshaft that obviously hit the retainer and it would probably not knock those little keys out of there for the retainer and that's what dropped the valve and obviously who knows what rpm this was at it broke it off sent it through the motor and it's all pretty much news from there nothing good from that guys that sucks well i'm gonna go ahead and give him a call that's gonna wrap up today's video but that's all you need this guy's making good progress over here yeah it's almost a long block almost a completely long block so i'll catch you guys in the next video [Music] i've been working [Music] living life [Music] living life in the past
Channel: _BaderBuiltRacing
Views: 21,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1400whp sti, 1300whp sti, 1200whp sti, 1100whp sti, 1000whp sti, 900whp sti, 800whp sti, 700whp sti, 600whp sti, 500whp sti, 400whp sti, 300whp sti, 1000whp evo, 900whp evo, 800whp evo, 700whp evo, 600whp evo, 500whp evo, 400whp evo, 300whp evo, evo 8, evo 9, evo x, jrtuned, baderbuilt, wrx, sti, 8685 sti, 7685 sti, 6870 sti, 7675 sti, 6466 sti, 6870 evo, 6466 evo, 7 sec sti, 8 sec sti, 9 sec sti, 10 sec sti, 9 sec evo, 10 sec evo, boosted boiz, cleetus
Id: g1N2MP7nicc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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