Thin Places | Ken Fish & Chris Reed | Advancing in the Prophetic - Session 4

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it's a meaningful picture because the it was the night before I gave the word was when the woman who had if I'm correct me if I'm wrong but she had been in your house several times um and that painting had been there but the night before I gave the word is when she had an open vision and that's when the eagle like came out of the picture the night before I gave the word and then the original part of the word was for the man that was sitting directly behind her and he had had a dream the week before about an eagle coming to his house by the way I didn't share this um but he came up to me afterwards the the man that I saw his dream and called out about the eagle visiting his house and he said I may have the exact the wording of this not right but he said his name meant something is he here today by the way okay what was it you said your name meant Eagle power how incredible Eagle power is what his name means and he is the man that I I said I see somebody here you had a dream about an eagle visiting your house and it was a about the prophetic visiting your house and it had happened like a week ago that was Friday night so one had a vision and one had a dream often a week about an eagle visiting the house and so some dreams some have visions and remember what I told you dreams are Visions while you're asleep and Visions are dreams while you're awake for the most part all right Ken go ahead Ken go ahead all right save me save you well we were going to talk this morning about a short little passage out of first Samuel 19. so my ears perked up when Dwight said opened it's first Samuel 18 I thought maybe we're gonna overlap but in first Samuel 19 David has fled from Saul Saul's hunting him and uh you know it's interesting if you read what's in first Samuel 18. everything Saul did in terms of David marrying into the family was designed to ensnare David and kill him and the scripture even says that Saul expected David to die by the hand of his enemy so he would send him on the most dangerous missions and then when that didn't work and he ultimately ends up with his wife Saul says well she may become a snare to him so Saul had it in for David all along because of his jealousy and his fear of the anointing that was on David you know people who depart from the Lord or are departing from the Lord let me say that again people who have departed from the Lord or who are in the process of departing from the Lord they become afraid of the anointing and that's what's going on with Saul and it says that an evil spirit had come upon him and he sat in his house while David was playing the the liar which is a predecessor to the guitar and uh he sought to pin David to the wall with the spear that's first Samuel 19 verses 8 and 9. thank you so David flees and escapes Verse 18 and he came to Samuel at Rama and told him all that Saul had done to him and he and Samuel went and lived at naiath nayoff is a it's a district in Rama Rama is still there today it's in what today is known politically as the West Bank it's the Arab territory of the land of the Jews and if you're familiar with the political uh factions within Israel the land of Israel this is what they call an a territory it's purely under Palestinian control and it's known today as Ramallah but you can hear the similarity of Rama ramala and you can also hear the word Allah in it this is Allah's Rama now but anyway David Goes to Rama and there's a you know a part of the city part of the Town that's nayoff and that's where Samuel lives and it was told to Saul behold David is at neoff in Rama and then Saul sent Messengers to take David and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying and Samuel standing his head over them the spirit of God Came Upon The Messengers of Saul and they also prophesied now let's be clear these are not just Messengers carrying a message these are hired Killers they're they're out to get David but they get overwhelmed by the spirit of God and instead of carrying out their deed they fall under a prophetic ecstasy and then begin prophesying and when it was told Saul he sent other Messengers and they also prophesied and Saul sent Messengers again the third time and they also prophesied well if you want something done right do it yourself so verse 22 then he himself went to Rama and he came to the great well that is in seku and he asked where Samuel and David and I you know you could read this different ways with the different boys where Samuel and David where are Samuel and David well those mean two different things so I think the first way is more accurate and once said behold they are at naoth in Rama and he went there to nayoth and Rama and the spirit of God Came Upon him also and as he went he prophesied until he came to neoth in Rahman and he too stripped off his clothes and he too prophesied before Samuel and lay naked all that day and all that night and thus it is said is Saul also among the prophets they'd said this of him also in chapter 10 when the spirit of the Lord first came on him after his anointing is Saul numbered among the prophets so was Saul a prophet well no but he came under the influence of the spirit of Prophecy and so Chris and I want to talk about that Dynamic this morning and like the other sessions we did yesterday um it's going to be more of a dialogue than a straight out sermon but we'll try to make it applicable so the first thing I think that we can see in this is sometimes there are specific regions or and it could be a localized place it region sounds like a big area we don't know exactly how big nayoth was but you know in Jerusalem you today you have the Jewish quarter you have the Armenian quarter right you have the uh the Muslim quarter and the Catholic court or the Orthodox Orthodox quarter for Orthodox church so you have these four quarters of the city and they're not particularly large if you you know if you don't have any walking disabilities or something you probably walk all the way across any one of these quarters in under 10 minutes so neoff is probably something like that because Rama's not that big of a town even today it's not that big of a town and so um how big can an area be well as big as it needs to be but one one question that people many times will ask me is can there be as it were holy places or what the Irish like to call them and the English is thin places where it's easier to break through the veil to have Heaven touch Earth we use different language to describe this but there's no doubt that there are thin places and that's what this is describing neoth was such a place and it was probably primarily because Samuel was there or maybe Samuel being a prophet maybe he discerned that naoth was such a place and so he decided to take up residence there and it made it easier for him to commune with God or maybe both are true whichever came first I don't know it's a chicken and egg problem but because Samuel was there the place became thinner and because it was thinner Samuel stayed there and because he stayed there it became thinner and because it was thinner he stayed there and so you know that sort of thing was going on there and David has fled to Samuel I think mainly because the Bible doesn't say this I'm just reading into the text but I suspect you know David we know had a friendship with Samuel and Saul is hunting David and basically David can't get away from Saul and so he thinks well if there's one person that got this Saul will still respect it's going to be Samuel because Samuel anointed him and put him into the office of King and everybody knows he's the prophet of Israel surely he wouldn't do anything with to me while I'm while I'm with Samuel and Saul comes looking for them we don't know what would have happened that he found them but the Lord intervenes and Saul falls into this prophetic ecstasy which renders him unable to do anything really good bad or otherwise and so thin places are places where you can uh you you know you can find God more easily and there are also places where strange and unusual things occur and so with this we see the power of a prophetic anointing or what some would call a prophetic mantle and it says that the company of the prophets were prophesying with Samuel standing at their head so we know about the schools of the prophets and Samuel was the one who founded them they're still going at the time of Elijah the prophet and that's a couple hundred years later so this is an ongoing thing that gets established in Israel but it seems that whether it's the location or the man or both and the man here is Samuel what's occurring is that the company of the prophets they're prophesying as it were by sharing in some part of what's available there and I can remember years ago when John Wimber was alive people would regularly comment about if they would go on a trip with John they would be operating at a higher level of whatever they you know were doing generally healing sometimes Deliverance sometimes prophecy then they would commonly do at home and um this is without John laying hands on them they were just in their own if you will their own form of naoth they were they were people used to say I'm operating under John's mantle John didn't even like the language of mantle so anyway but we know what we mean when we say it and it's common in uh charismatic vernacular to use the terms so we'll just stay with it but anyway they'd be operating under John's mantle and so their overall effectiveness would increase and a little bit like if you bend a piece of wood with some pressure in Steam it'll take a set and remain bent well when they would return from that they would be operating at a higher level so one of the values of the conference of the kind that we're doing is you're just in an environment or nowadays people say you're in an atmosphere and so you came under an atmosphere or you're still in it really because this is our last session and uh you know whatever there is that is the Overflow of what Chris and I may have to bring I don't really want to focus on us because this is really the Lord's thing but I'm gonna I'm gonna go out on a limb here Dwight and candy I think there's something of this room I believe this is a very small layoff that God is creating and this this specific piece of your building because there's been more of an open Heaven type environment here than in that other room over there because I've ministered in there twice and it wasn't bad just this has been better and I don't know if you guys prayed over it anointed it maybe you did all of it right walk the perimeter you know get the intercessors to call down a ring of fire I don't know but whatever you did so I believe God's establishing a naoth type place here and uh the other thing I just want to say and then I'll let Chris share about this passage is you know David is called a prophet he's a king but he's a prophet and among other things he writes a bunch of Psalms so one way to prophesy is through poetry and music or art Susan um where do you think he got it well he was cultivating it on his own playing his liar over the Sheep when he's out as a Shepherd boy he had that fundamental Devotion to the Lord that practice of of intentionality and piety but when he goes to Samuel it seems that there was something about being in that proximity there in naoth and again is it Samuel or is it naoth I don't know but he caught something and it goes up from there and so my expectation coming off of this weekend is if you lean into this and and Steward it don't just forget about it and say okay another awesome conference and get back to same old same old that in the days and weeks and months ahead of this everybody will be at a higher level in their prophetic experience purely because of this naoth type weekend all right yeah yeah that's good I remember uh Paul Kane many of you probably have heard of him he was one of the Kansas City prophets he had two major times if you open a chicken chain Kane's Fried Chicken pardon it was a joke oh Kane's Fried Chicken Paul King oh yeah I see okay keep going yeah he was one of the Kansas City prophets he kind of had two major surges in his ministry he had what was done was 25 years of Silence the first one was in the voice of healing which is in the late 40s in the early 50s he ministered with as I said William Branham and different people he had one time the largest gospel tent he bought from Jack Cole anybody ever heard of Jack Cole yeah healing evangelist he was Jack Cole was one of the first that had an unconventional way of praying for the sake if he saw a tumor he would punch it you better make sure you're in the Holy Spirit for sure and um but anyway I remember Paul telling this story how that uh he had a Seer gift and and he would oftentimes like in meetings call people out get names by Revelation tell them their sicknesses diseases secret conversations uh you know dreams they've had things that similarly that you've probably seen a little bit of this weekend and I remember he told the story of how that there was a well-known gospel televangelist back I believe it was in the 50s who believed and then two things he believed that a lot of times prophetic gifts often wouldn't um it doesn't mean it has to be this way but can run in families for instance Samuel is I believe it was his son if I'm not mistaken The Seer gift we see examples of a prophet in the Bible with a son so there is something to I do think um to that I don't want to make too much of that because I also believe that there are that you can receive the gifts you know there's a lot of times a question about how much of this is Sovereign versus how much of this is you're seeking God posturing praying fasting I do think there's a mixture of that and each case is unique and different but this gospel Minister was so fascinated and intrigued with Paul and he'd heard that Paul's grandmother um who also had this gift and his mother did as well could put her hand upon someone and when he would put when she would put her hand upon someone if she was having an open Vision right in the middle of the day she would put her hand upon someone and that person would see the open Vision with her and as long as her hand was on them they would see spiritually what she saw this seemed to have passed on and through genealogy and with k with Paul King because there was a situation where this well-known if I said his name gospel Minister was up on the stage and wanted Paul to put his hand on him he's like I think I feel like what happened with your grandmother it'll happen with me put your hand on me and let's see if this works so Paul just stood there and he put his hand on him and the man just came under an awning and he's like um I the woman back there on the fourth row I you know I have a sense that your name is Maryland and um it would be right and then he would tell her disease and then he would call out some you know I have a sense that someone back there your name is um Marianne and this is what you're praying about and it was right and so this went on for a while maybe a dozen people he called down and got every one of them right and Paul was getting tired if you if you knew him he was chronically tired uh he was always about to die in fact the people that knew him best said you know because he was I'm not I'm not making fun of of them whatsoever but I greatly respect Paul Kane but he um he actually this is on video he prayed for me that his mantle would be transferred to me this is online you've seen it a lot of people that was hard for people to believe because Paul said he wouldn't do stuff like that but he actually did but anyway uh he said that that I got tired and I took my hand off you know he's like my arm just got tired so he said the man just kept going and he's like well I got in the flow I got in the groove I called out about 10 or 12 people and he's like the lady back there on the 15th row the second person over I have a notion that your name is Jane and she said no it's not and it's like the anointing failed and so I would say you know you were saying was it the place or was it Samuel I think it can be one or the other I think there are places that are thin places just like as the Kells believe one of those thin places is Moravian Falls North Carolina which my Ministry we have you know over 100 acres of property up there people go up there and commune with God one of the things that we say is we meet people we meet with people in Fort Mill South Carolina which is 15 minutes south of Charlotte we meet with people in Fort Mill and we meet with God in Moravian Falls because the moravians as you know had if you know any of their history um and under count uh Zinzendorf they were the first to do the 100 year long prayer meeting where it was 24 hours a day seven days a week and so they were doing 24 7 prayer before 24 7 prayer was cool there's something about that making the two Realms get closer and closer and closer together so I do believe that there are places on the earth one of them being Jerusalem also there are places on the earth just like this place that Samuel went that are thin places meaning it's easier to tap into the supernatural to see Visions dreams have God encounters encounter the Lord and so there are some places you might call it this some places are like portals from one dimension to another sometimes places are portals and sometimes people are portals what I mean by that is if the place is the portal you go there and when you're there more happens and sometimes if you go where the person's going that person carries it most of the time just about wherever they go and this is a case where Saul even though you know his heart wasn't right you throw in javelins by the way if you've ever prayed for the heart of David or to worship like David or have uh you know to be anointed like David anytime God raises up at David he'll put a soul in your life um and sometimes you'll identify who your soul is but but regardless I believe Samuel was the portal and the place now also was pronunciation is the portal as well so that's why Saul could prophesy so sometimes in a meeting where the prophetic or healing or or Deliverance is strong you tap into that because you're around it it's like it rubs off on you uh and you saturate it saturated it like a sponge and by the way I want to retract something I said last night because it was incorrect at the end as you all know that we're here in the meeting it was when this place packed wow it's a great crowd here today too but but I know at the meeting last night just like the three previous sessions I think there was an expectation for me to give personal Ministry but the Lord specifically told me before the service he said um do not do personal Ministry because you're going to get in trouble if you allow too much undue adulation of the people come towards you know it was something I'd urge somebody else say before and the Lord brought it to my attention so that's why last night if you heard the message the title of the message was you know the handwriting on the wall and I had you write a word each of you write a word and then you thought it was for somebody very significant a world changer a mover and a Shaker right somebody was going to make a difference impact of the world and once you because you didn't think it was you you could actually hear the voice of God to believe for exceeding abundantly above but if I told you write yourself a prophetic word I guarantee you you would have never wrote the things you wrote but the point that I'm making is you interpreted the handwriting on the wall yourself you became Daniel The Interpreter instead of belshazzar who needed The Interpreter or to be the one to receive the word and the Lord emphasized that to me last night do not do personal ministering I didn't say that today he did not say that today but he did say that last night because you know what happened every person in this room got a word and listen I've made too many mistakes to get this wrong there have been times before where I've gave into that pressure okay because you get known for something you know enough high level leaders in the body of Christ you know you always have one or two critics it doesn't matter who you are you'll never Escape that but if you get enough high level respectable people that say this is real there's this is genuine then you sort of get known for something and and people expect it to happen and it usually does but if the Lord says no and you try anyways and succumb to that pressure then you can try to force it to happen and and then you just get into this and I've tried to force it to happen before okay and and I did at times I've pressed in because I found after functioning in this gifting for a number of years that if I press in I can pretty much see something but I pay for it because if the Grace isn't there to cover you then there can be retaliation from the enemy and it can be torture in the night because you know if the Lord sends you someplace he'll give you Grace for that but if you step out just say well I I want to cave in to the expectations of the pressures of the people they're wanting me to give the word they've heard about it the place is packed right and and so they want me to to do this and if I just step out and try to to press into it and give 10 12 15 words then really what's happened is I've just done what I always do I suffer from it and you don't really grow in anything whereas last night the overwhelming I would say 95 percent of the people stood when you wrote the word for the important man or woman you said that it fit you so here's the beauty of it because the Lord told me no I had to obey him because if this conference is about advancing in the prophetic you know what happened last night I didn't give a 10 or 12 or 15 words and can give 10 or 12 15 words everybody prophesied last night that you all may prophesy and that is what this conference I believe is about is advancing and so that's how you develop it me giving you words you might get an impartation and by the way let me just say this tag on one last thing you remember the story in John chapter 1 when Jesus Philip finds Jesus and Philip goes to Nathanael and says to Nathanael I found the one this is in Saint John chapter one I found the one he's he's the Messiah the the king of Israel and and he's from Nazareth remember what Nathanael said he was doubting Nathan or I mean doubting not doubting Thomas doubting Nathanael he said can anything good come from Nazareth and then Jesus shows up and he says I saw in a different location I was Miles Away in a different location and I saw you from a different location in a vision you sitting under a fig tree and he calls him by name so Jesus gets his name of Revelation and he sees him uh sitting under a fig tree by Revelation and if you remember Nathanael went from being a skeptic and a Critic and even bashing Jesus's hometown right and Jesus doesn't retaliate carnally though ain't nobody going to talk about my hometown like that no he doesn't do that the criticism comes you know can anything good come from Nazareth and then he tells him a secret of the heart I saw you in a vision when I wasn't physically there this happened and your name is such and such he went from saying can anything good come from Nazareth to one sentence all this Jesus had to say I saw you Nathanael under the Fig Tree he went from saying can anything good from good come from Nazareth to you're the Messiah the king of Israel I mean that's a wide swing after one sentence that's how powerful the prophetic is but that prophetic word by him telling him that remember what Jesus said he said just because I told you I saw you sitting in the Fig Tree don't be impressed by this he said but you will see that angels of God ascending and descending upon you so even though last night um you re you gave a prophetic word to yourself even though you thought it was someone else and guess what as I said everybody in this room is going to know who this person is or you knew who you were didn't you um so I didn't miss I didn't mislead you but there there can be an impartation by receiving a word because when Jesus told Nathaniel I saw you sitting into the Fig Tree and your name's Nathanael he said this is just the start you'll see greater things than this because the heavens will open and the latter will connect to your heaven or God's heaven with your Earth and Angels bringing down that ladder descending things from Heaven to your Earth and taking your prayers your concerns your needs up that ladder into heaven so because Nathanael received a prophetic word it got an open Heaven over his life yeah an impartation an open heaven and Jacob's Ladder descended upon him so if you've received a prophetic word in this conference that can be an actual impartation even if you don't have hands laid on you one more just 60 seconds example is remember after Saul was struck blind on the road to Damascus and he went into the City and God visits ananias remember you know I've heard people say there's no scripture in the Bible for prophets in the New Testament to call out names and addresses and all that stuff that's not biblical tell ananias that God comes to ananias and says I want you to go and I'm paraphrasing acts 9 I want you to go and pray for a man named Saul and he's at this house on Straight Street at the house of someone named Judas there's his house number they didn't have house numbers that but they had house names it was judas's house and I want you to pray for his healing so the prophetic partnered with healing I want you to pray for him to receive the baptism of the holy spirit so the prophetic will help bring you into a greater encounter with the Lord and also the prophetic I want you to speak over his life he'll be an apostle to the Gentiles and I'll show him many things he must suffer for my name's sake and he'll be a light so the prophetic will partner with Divine Healing it will partner with bringing you into a greater encounter with the Lord you receiving the baptism of the spirit or it can also the prophetic can help you find your calling purpose or Ministry in the body of Christ so ananias became the portal and Nathaniel did too because the heavens opened over him once he received prophetic Ministry amen um I want to go on with this conversation but this keeps sticking with me so I'm gonna I'm just going to switch for a moment before I go on with the conversation I think there's someone sitting in this piece of this section and I think it might be you with the blonde hair and the multi-colored top and you've got a man with white hair and a beard on your right side he might be your husband or maybe you don't know him at all yeah I just wanna I'm because so often when you when you point people out they're looking around going like that and I just I think it may be you I could be off it could be somebody right in that area but when Chris made the comment about if you've prayed for David's anointing there will be a Saul in your life and oftentimes people ask the question why is this person my persecutor why are they constantly after me why can I not shake this person off what is going on do you have such a person in your life oh there we go I was off just a little in my aim okay the woman with the dark hair who's are you in the same row or are you one row back one row back and two people over okay like I said that zone I wasn't completely sure if it was her um you bet you've asked the Lord about why does this not stop Chris gave you the answer he wasn't calling you out to give you the answer so I called you out and gave you the answer but Chris gave it to you in the instruction or teaching that he was giving and you should take this on board the Lord told her to write it down wow okay so you were you were right with it and so let's use that as our uh teachable moment that leads us to what I was going to share open your Bibles to both Psalm 24 and Psalm 87 both Psalm 24 and Psalm 87 . so Chris was saying that with Nathaniel he initially is pretty dismissive Nazareth can anything good come out of Nazareth and he's clearly implying no until Jesus says I saw you under the Fig Tree and then as Chris said the whole context shifts and then Jesus says he actually says more than that he says Rabbi you are the king of Israel You're the son of God and then Jesus says well Nathaniel you're kind of a pushover first you're putting on the tough guy demeanor but we got through that pretty quickly but now you're going to see the heaven opened and Angels ascending and descending on the son of man so what's happening is Nathanael is moving from one level of revelation to another Nathaniel's moving from one revelation or level of revelation to another because initially he's dismissive then he makes a confession which Jesus had said or would say later excuse me to Peter Well Flesh and Blood didn't reveal to you who I am but my Father in Heaven that's how Nathanael got that Revelation but now that he has that Revelation he's going to get more Revelation in quantity and there's going to be maybe a different different flavor to it the entry Revelation is you are the son of God but the uh the growth in the Revelation is tied to the first one so if you want to say it this way there are levels of Revelation or portals of Revelation or um whatever however you're going to articulate that so let's look now at Psalm 24. lift up your heads of gates and be lifted up o ancient doors that the king of glory may come in okay well let's be clear there this is a historical passage and David of all people is writing this we already said that David was a prophet and he's speaking specifically of a geography geographic location and he's referring to Jerusalem and he's saying if you lift up your heads oh Gates and these would be literal swinging Gates on the one hand but hold on and if you are lifted up the ancient doors then the king of glory comes in so that's historical it's true but David wouldn't have called himself the king of glory so he's he's giving us some sort of a it's a prophetic riddle remember when Chris was saying last night about how Daniel understood riddles and enigmas so this is this is a riddle or an enigma embedded in the Psalms who is the king of glory Again David wasn't saying this for himself he is the Lord the strong and mighty the Lord Mighty in battle so lift up your heads or Gates and lift them up in ancient doors in order that the king of glory may come in who is the king of glory the lord of hosts he is the king of glory now we could we could take this to mean well this is when David brought the ark back to Jerusalem and okay might be true historically but it has a prophetic application for us and so let's look at Psalm 87 which uses this identical language in verse 2. I went to 85 of course um Psalm 87 verse 1 on the Holy Mountain stands the city he founded so we're talking about Jerusalem the lord loves the gates of Sion more than all of The Dwelling Places of Jacob lift up your heads O Gates the lord loves the gates more than all the Dwelling Places of Sion so what are the gates for you the gates are your eyes they are your ears they are your nose they are your mouth they are your sense of touch it may even be just that sense of the Holy that sense that God is in this place and I knew it not as Jacob said all The Dwelling Places of Jacob as Jacob said when he was at Bethel and he awoke from having seen the very thing Jesus prophesied over Nathanael that you will see Angels ascending and descending is that not exactly what Jacob saw at Bethel so if you will lift them up which means to consecrate hold them up to the Lord as as it were as an offering Lord I offer you my eyes no more pornography no more unclean movies that may not be strictly pornographic but are somehow defiling to my eyes job said I've made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustly on a young maiden or young Maiden lustly on a young man because this is an equal opportunity situation not to listen to things that might defile me a lot of talk radio a lot of the shock jock content that you might listen to when you're commuting to work I'm going to lift up my Gates of my hearing and I'm going to lift up the gates of my sense of touch by not perhaps indulging in things that draw me in a particular direction we'll just leave that ill-defined and you can think about it and even my sense of smell and taste to offer them over to the Lord I remember when Bob Jones first started talking about Heavenly smells and I was like what in the world but these days I'd say I get it half the time I said God I want Heavenly smells and so I lifted up the Gateway of my nose and oftentimes I smell things in the spirit so if you will lift up your heads oh Gates lift up the entrances of the gates to your perception unto the Lord as an act of consecration yeah then the king of glory will come in and you will start to experience greater Avenues of Revelation now you know Paul the Apostle actually picks up this idea in a less I'm being very pointed about it but in a more broad spectrum way he says in Romans 12 1-2 he says dedicate your bodies which would include everything in your body but especially these five gateways dedicate your bodies as a Living Sacrifice unto the Lord this is Holy not holy as in entire but holy as in dedicated and pure and consecrated worship unto the Lord so there is worship like we did this morning which by the way was amazing and then there's worship where we offer our bodies and the various parts of our bodies unto the Lord with the objective that they become the gateways and if we will do it it doesn't say the king of glory may come in that the king of glory will come in so this is again a way that we advance in the prophetic and it involves our partnering with the idea of the Holy it involves our partnering with the idea of making our lives living sacrifices which may mean turning away from things that are otherwise pleasurable Pleasant desirable but it's with the objective that we increase with more Singularity our focus on the Lord and I found this to be a very effective way of moving forward so with that you you can become the portal and carry the portal with you and just a story about how this can work Valerie went with me to Israel I mentioned this I think on Friday she went with me not alone we had a team but Valerie went with me to Israel in was it October we went last October yeah and uh anyway so we're there and we walked into this one church and there was an angel standing at the front down by the altar and I said to the team that had walked in with me I said does any of you see that angel up there at the front and I think two people raised their hand was it two I think it was two it was a low number and I said none of you sees the angel huh so this is back on what Chris was saying and so I said all right everybody put your hand on each other or hold hands but make sure everybody's touching somebody and make sure it's an unbroken chain so everybody's connected to everybody through however we're doing this so everybody does that and then I just put my hands on the shoulders of the two people nearest me and there was nothing special about who I picked it was just who's convenient nearby and so I said Lord let them see what I see and they and about half of them fell out but they all saw the angel so this is these things we're describing these are not phantasmagorical where'd that come from that's one of the one of the movies I can't remember anyway this isn't just make believe stuff this really does work if you understand what's there in front of you in scripture but you may not always read the scripture with the right eyes so I'm trying to help you do that sorry oh yeah so we had another experience there's a cave just below the top of the Mount of Olives called The Cave of the prophets and it's actually on private property of an error a group of three Arab families own this piece of land it's not very big it might be half an acre all up but there's three homes there and right in the middle of the kind of Courtyard between the three homes is this cave that goes into the Mount of Olives and by by Legend and reputation it's where a number of the prophets were buried including Zephaniah Zechariah Malachi and haggai I don't know about all the others but but there's quite a few little alcoves and things that are consistent with the burial practices of kind of the period of restoration after the Babylonian exile and I've been in there a few times and we often have unusual experiences so I uh I took the group in there and our tour guide wasn't very happy because he didn't really want to go in there and I said no no this is important these guys are pilgrims they're not just here to see history they are here at HC history but they heard you encounter God so anyway I handed him my camera and I said or my phone and I said be sure you take some video of this so anyway we walk around this cave it's not particularly large but you do want a little bit of light because it's a cave and you see these various alcoves where supposedly this one was buried and that one was buried and so anyway we get back by the entrance there's kind of a larger open area as you come down the steps so I had everybody gather there and I had them all join hands and I said all right well this is the burial place of many prophets and of course everyone knows what happened when they threw a dead man's body into the tomb of Elisha right so there was still power in his bones and he came back to life I said well let's just see what will happen I didn't even get half a prayer out of my mouth I mean literally hadn't finished praying the first sentence and this wave of power just hit the whole group and they just went down like a sack of rocks and they're all lying under this prophetic ecstasy and the the tour guide he was a non-messianic Jew and a non-believing Jew and he's taking the Vic picture what is happening what is happening I don't understand what is happening so I'm telling you these stories because again there are these thin places and then there are those who sort of carry something that they seem to be the portal themselves by the way my new upcoming courses on the kingdom of God that are launching on Tuesday are called carriers of the Kingdom on purpose so you can be a carrier of the kingdom and if you will be a portal portal isn't really mentioned in the bible so I use that language less but the idea I think is quite robust so anyway these are a couple of relatively current stories one from last autumn uh and then actually both of them I guess from last Autumn and the the angel story occurred at the top of Mount Carmel where Elijah called down the fire and the other one occurred at the top of the uh Mount of Olives I'll say one other thing it's it just kind of wraps up the concept this isn't biblical but do you know why people who are into the new age love to go trekking in Nepal and in Northern India because those are the highest mountains in the world there is something to these high places I'm not saying you should worship at the high places and go get into Pagan stuff but all the new agers have figured it out and that's why if you even I bet if you go up here to Lookout Mountain I've never done it but I bet if you go out here to look out mountain and you climb to the top you will find Little Rock the technical word is Cairns Cai RNs Little Rock Cairns at the top and what's happening is the new agers are going up there and they're building altars to their gods and they're trying to contact the their gods because it's easier to do in high places it's just part of the way it works well this is why the Cave the prophets it's at the top of the Mount of Olives not right at the summit but close and then this church that we were in where this Angel was standing by the altar that's right at the top where the fire fell on Elijah's sacrifice so there's something about this um that seems to be understood pretty well throughout the world across cultures it can be twisted and evil things can come of it but that doesn't mean the fundamental concept isn't right okay over to you yeah so I would say the closest place in the Bible that references the concept of a portal is in Revelation 4 and 1 and this is when John was on the island of Patmos which seems to have been a thin Place either that was a thin Placer John was a thin Place John was the one that laid his head upon the chest of Jesus tonight before Jesus's crucifixion so I suppose if you have your head that close to the heart be to the Son of God you might be in tune with what heaven's saying but Revelation 4 and 1 after this I looked and behold the door was open in heaven and the voice which I heard was of a trumpet talk with me saying come up here and I will show you things which must be here which must be here after in the media I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne the word door there in Revelation 4 verse 1 and after this I looked and behold a door that word door is thura in Greek and it means portal if you look it up in the Strong's Concordance it is g2374 um yeah that's what I'm I'm reading it first he's documenting it a portal or entrance the opening literally or figuratively a door or a gate but I thought that was interesting because he said it you know I looked and a door was open so how did he get from off of Patmos into this into the future on the Lord's Day in the millennial Kingdom and you know the the seventh thousand Millennium how does he get there in the spirit um and enter into the throne room well a portal was opened it's called a door in the King James but but that but you also are a door or a gate and you can be a portal to good or evil and this is another verse that I looked up and I think you might find this to be interesting but you all know this verse proverbs um chapter 23 and verse 7. for as a man thinks in his heart so is he you become your thoughts right your thoughts don't have to control you you are told to take every thought captive sometimes you have to think about what you're thinking about you ever caught yourself letting your mind just roam or Idol or autopilot you're thinking about things that in the past hurtful things or cons you know conspiracy theories or suspicions or all these things you got to take thought captive but it's interesting for as he thinks in his heart so is he that word think in the Hebrew is are and it means to split open as a gatekeeper that's the literal meaning of the Hebrew word for in the transliteration in our English Bibles as a man thinks so is he so your thoughts are your Gatekeepers that's a hope you let that your thoughts determine what has access so open yd Gates over open wide you Everlasting doors let the king of glory come in if you think and meditate upon the Lord continually you are opening a portal for a visitation from God or an angel or a third heaven encounter that's why your thoughts need to be taken captive you can't just think about every little thing you can't think about you know even all that's going on in the world the news I mean I get you know I I can only watch about 10 or 15 minutes of the news in the night then I have to shut it off because I get so mad I mean seriously I get mad I get fighting mad you know some of the nonsense that is just happening right now that I mean so anyway without getting into all that and actually violating what I'm asking you not to do uh I'll proceed and just say that your thoughts are your Gatekeepers so if you want the king of glory to come in you've got to open the gate well what is the gate thinking upon the Lord how do you position position or posture yourself for a vision or word of knowledge or Word of Wisdom anybody interested in growing in the prophetic right that's why you're here that's why we come this weekend that's where I drove three hours to get here that's why Ken flew here it can be narrowed down to this be intentional and have the discipline of when you here's an example how you can think about the Lord if your thoughts are your Gatekeepers so you're opening up your uh mind to the Lord and angels and the Angelic realm and the throne room realities are made available to you how does the king of glory come in how do you open your gates to Supernatural realities Throne Room realities I'll tell you how read a little bit of the Bible think about it process it like a cow that chews its could that's right chew it and chew it some more chewed some more so you get everything out of it thank the Lord for what he gives you then read another verse don't just say well I got through my three chapters today so I can read the Bible in a whole year right if you take in your intention about setting aside a little bit of time you're reading the word and the word is God I don't mean the Bible is God but but everything that God is is put in print in this Bible and so as you think upon and meditate upon his law both day and night you shall be like a tree planted by the river's water who will bear fruit in its season and it and your Leaf will not whether so that's how you can have visions dreams if all you're thinking about soap operas and rated R movies don't be surprised that you're having rated R nightmares seriously and there are some things you can think about that are probably arguably neutral but they aren't necessarily spiritually enriching for example some of you might need to turn off the Braves or the Falcons you just might need to because you're too obsessed with sports or maybe you're too obsessed with hunting and fishing or you're too obsessed with knitting if you're a woman or you know whatever I mean I'm not trying to call anyone out here but it's that kind of stuff you just need to monitor what what am I letting in the gates and have I consecrated them for these higher purposes balance yeah I wish I had what they call that where it's like you can set it up there in the little bubble is right in the middle a level thank you I had a total uh brain lapse there but you can see it but you couldn't say it yeah exactly that's what I do for a living but anyway um a level is what I mean you can put it and if something is out of balance you know that bubble will go to the right of the line or the left of the line you got to have balance in your life nothing wrong with hobbies and interests or or sports or things like that but when you become fanatical over it it can overtake you and your thoughts literally shut out the supernatural the more you think about God and his word the more you are opening yourself up to throne room Heavenly realities let me say this so as Ken was talking just a minute ago remember I was talking last night about reading the handwriting on the wall and how the Lord can speak to you through songs or lyrics or favorite movie lines or favorite movies or things that you know I just I heard clearly from the Lord and it was a song that you all know and I believe it's for this woman right here on the second row one two three four five in the gray I don't know what is about gray shirts this weekend but if you weren't how many of you remember the story Friday night um I put a Time stamped note in my phone I saw the man in the back standing from the platform the back far right corner the gray shirt white hair with heart condition and the Lord wanted to heal him and it was before I even got here so I saw where he was sitting the color of his shirt the color of his hair and his health condition ahead of time that's a predictive word of knowledge um I even showed you guys the time stamp the pastors Dwight and Candy but but I just want to speak to you anybody you remember this song Frosty the Snowman you're thinking what the heck this is crazy so I'm gonna sing the word well I'm not going to sing um [Laughter] come on some of you need to smile some of you look like you're frustrated or constipated or something um anyway Frosty the Snowman it's the Lord singing this over you and the lyrics will be relative for you so Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy soul with a corn cob pipe your last name's what come with a corn cob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal I can't see your eyes from here but it's like a vision it's like I see they look darker to me from here I don't know what color they are it doesn't matter but but to me that you know that's so anyway Frosty the Snowman is a fairy tale they say he was made of snow but the children know he came to life one day I think you're going to come to life God is breathing spirit and life over you and you're going to be that Jolly happy soul there must have been some magic in oh God have mercy I want to get people upset with me that old Silk hat they found for when they placed it on his head he began to dance around I think the joy of the Lord is coming to you you're going to get your dance back any Spirit of heaviness or undue burden or just Melancholy I just you're going to be free freed of that the joy of the Lord is your strength oh Frosty this snowman was alive as he could be he's come that you might have life and have it more abundantly and the children say he could laugh and play just the same as you and me you're going to get that childlike Faith back that playfulness that that enjoying life okay back just thumpity Thump Thump I'm not sure about that part um I'm trying to read the handwriting on the wall I don't know if life stumped you or you're a bible thumper maybe but but I feel like life is thumpity Thump Thump thumpity Thump Thump this is the craziest prophetic word you've ever heard look at Frosty go but have you been thumped repeatedly constantly okay so this isn't just made up um thumpity Thump Thump thumpity Thump Thump look at Frosty go then again thumpity Thump Thump I'm reading the lyrics thumpity Thump Thump look at over the hills of snow now I know it doesn't snow pretty much down here but um Frosty the Snowman knew the sun was hot that day well that that's applicable here in Georgia and so he said let's run we'll have some fun before I Melt Away and I felt like the Heat's been turned up you've been baked and thumped okay the temperature it's like the oven of affliction and you felt like maybe sometimes you've run out of time for certain things to to happen or certain prayers to be answered or it's like it's like that power of delay breaking that power of delay it's like um before I melt away before I want you know it's like my my my checklist my uh um what do they call that something box bucket bucket list I I feel like the Lord has a lot more for you to life to to live life and experience that you shortchanged yourself of the possibilities he has for you he's redeeming your time making up for the Lost Years amen okay listen to this down to down to the village with a broomstick in his hand running here and there all around the square saying catch me if you can he led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop and only pause the moment when he heard him holler stop ping and pausing for reflection you know there were some of you the pastor Dwight was talking about warning about driving 45 miles an hour you're going to get stopped by the cop and any of you was that I know somewhere here last night any of you been stopped by the cop lately yeah [Laughter] uh well you're going to hear him haul or stop but anyway for Frosty the Snowman had to hurry on his way but he waved goodbye saying don't you cry I'll be back again someday your comeback starts today your comeback you are an overcomer not less than a Survivor you're the head and not the tail I see a comeback and I see the Lord healing some even chemistry in your body some even hormonal imbalance the Lord's fixing I see that happening does this make sense to you I think this is for you some things are out of balance and I just see that balance again I even just see like the Lord balancing um your body so it doesn't get out of alignment and so in the name of Jesus may the Lord sing his song over you today it's Miss Cobb right is it Renee okay yeah just pick that up so you may think that's crazy but I just related to you how God can speak through A Christmas Carol her name's in it and the song describes her comeback Redeeming the time before she melts away being you know thumpity Thump Thump getting the joy of the Lord back getting that playfulness that spirit in life back the joy of the Lord is your strengths I just bless you in the name of Jesus and while we're talking about it December is significant I see the month of December for you this year will be significant so watch for it I just speak and declare God encounters and God days and special moments over you for the month of December since that's the month that Christmas Falls in so God bless you in Jesus name [Applause] so we're going to close here just one more hold on all right um I do also I think I've got two uh I want to speak to the brother over here yeah and I know they've alluded to you this weekend we I don't think we've spoken other than saying hi but I I saw a vision of you this morning as I was sitting here during worship and I was just looking around the room you know just surveying what the Lord might say and I watch for that amber light to come over someone and then a vision opens and I know they said that you went to India is that correct are you from there or just did you go there you're from there but you live here okay um so it's interesting I know that you're not African-American I'm so I'm not so nobody get their defenses up but it's clear that you um have dark brown skin and I and I and I saw I looked at you and I saw a picture of Harriet Tubman I just did I saw Harriet Tubman and I actually looked up Harriet Tubman and I think that is significant because she led the Underground Railroad which we talked about last night liberating people and there was something about 70 um people uh let me just let me pull up what it says about Harriet Tubman uh because let me just prophesy to you from Wikipedia I'm serious I mean you just gotta once you get in the vein sometimes anyway she was um born in March died in March was an American abolitionist abolitionist a social activist after escaping slavery Tubman Tubman made some 13 missions to rescue approximately 70 enslaved people including her family and friends using the network of anti-slavery activists and safe houses known collectively as the Underground Railroad during the American Civil War she served as an armed Scout and spy for the Union Army in her later years Tubman was an activist in the movement for women's suffrage there's a picture over here Tubman in 1895. can you can see this um it's interesting because I was looking down other names minty and Moses um and here's so she was known for guiding enslaved people to Freedom and her spouse his name was John Tubman Benjamin John okay okay Harriet Johnson is meeting this weekend pardon a lot of John words in this weekend's meeting you see it though the first one yeah right there yep and that's her last name that she got her last name from her husband John Tubman so your name's Benjamin John and so the Lord is going to use you in missions uh even more to bring people to freedom and it's going to tie into this whole Underground Railroad narrative and it's going to be significant because it's not going to just be people of of color it's going to be all different types of people that you're going to lead to Freedom I mean through the gospel through the preaching of the cross the power of the blood and and I I saw here she lived says aged 90 or 91. I don't know how old you are I'm not saying you're that old you don't look that old at all but I think you should expect it so I Proclaim over you long life amen longevity amen and the Harriet Tubman Grace and anointing for a revolutionary of bringing people out of captivity just like Luke 4 18 bringing Liberty to the captives recovery of sight to the blind proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord receive it in Jesus name Benjamin I want to add to what Chris just gave you because you were up here at the end of the worship service doing I wasn't sure what now he was over here doing some putting a guitar away or moving a chair or something I wasn't paying too much attention to what you were doing but you might have been over here but I noticed you here by that Electronics console um anyway and when I looked at you now I know you so it's a little harder because this thing of prophetic crossover sometimes natural knowledge can let me put it this way a lot of times when I have natural knowledge I won't prophesy lest I appear to be mingling natural knowledge with revelation but anyway the thought came to me his next trip to India is going to be unlike any others that he has taken and not only that you're going to see a dramatic increase in your Evangelistic Effectiveness and I saw a line of people did you say Harriet Tubman LED 70 people out of captivity I saw I would saw it I would have guesstimated because I didn't stop and count them but I could see a line of people and I would have guesstimated without counting it was in the neighborhood of 70 people many of them young so possibly children or teenagers that you were leading out of some kind of captivity slavery maybe sex slaves I don't know but this would be part and parcel of your Evangelistic Ministry we often say well the true freedom is getting people saved and theologically and spiritually that's correct but for those who are in captivity and captive as slaves they want literal physical Freedom also and and I saw you with this line of people that again let me be clear I didn't count them but I guesstimated around 70. I didn't know Chris was going to say any of this we didn't collaborate we didn't discuss it at all but I would expect that you'll somehow as part of this trip there'll be 70 of them that get free in the literal Earthly sense in addition to this big upsurge in your Evangelistic increase and I feel like you've been in this period where you've been plowing the ground trying to break through and be honest and uh Earnest about the what the Lord has given you as a Ministry and a calling and you've sought to be faithful in all of that but you haven't seen the Breakthrough you haven't seen that place and it's like you're you're coming into that time now where that's going to happen and suddenly you're going to be operating on the anointing like Eagle's Wings if you want to say it that way they will Mount up with wings like eagles we've had a lot of Eagle themes this weekend and uh it may be that the other things that you have going on to sustain yourself those will fall away because the the sustenance and provision of the Lord will now be around you with the idea that you become more and more known as a premier evangelist and Harvester in the fields of the Lord does all this make sense okay there you go [Applause] so I'm having a vision of a a house I think it's somebody's house and I've never been to this house and this person would know that but and I don't know this person but I see the house it's it's brick like mud brown brick and grayish roof shingles and black Shutters on the other windows outside on the brown brick and I'm seeing white pillars on the front porch is that person here right there on the aisle yeah that's you would you could you stand up just so I can see you get a good look at you all right pardon reddish brown does it um is there like a right a white railing I don't know I'm seeing some kind of like white railing okay he's going to show me something I'll take a picture of a house yeah that's definitely uh the scribes that I'm seeing flowers my gosh it's all doesn't your house have a black door and a silverish roof Dwight and Candy Heyman I'm talking to you oh you don't have any brick on the front facade facing the street so what so this dear lady is standing this is and then you um I'm seeing something white that I can't quite tell what it is but what's what about flowers is our flowers I have a lot of flowers you have the white pillars on the porch wow so there's two people um you live on White Oak Drive okay I saw something white and I but it looked like I couldn't tell if it was a road or rails it was white okay that's crazy um you have a picture of the house I this is crazy there's like three people um that this is matching for I'm seeing flowers though like colorful flowers yeah I I even see it's like something blooming like even even in the name I don't know I it's it's Unique um well I'm from Morningstar and morning glorier uh connected but I'll not make that connection it's not what I'm I'm trying to make here I think it's interesting though that there's three at least I think I know too for sure that the details are matching um is there someone else attempt I described it but it's a town home okay what about you sure keep standing wipe oh so wow that's interesting well here's the word of the Lord to each of you there's one more in here that put up their hand and then sat down again yeah you should stand up too is that relevant for you as well all like the just pardon okay wow five I I can't tell that the fission's done left I don't know it the vision's done left I I so there's five of you one two three four five everybody see that I see two fives two fives 55 two fives I don't know if the two fives is relevant to any one of you yeah don't tell that well just trust your social security number okay yeah yeah I I don't say it out loud that's good enough I'll accept totally accept but five there's something else five five I can't quite put my finger on it but father here's what I want to pray I see with the house I describe the house with the flowers the color of the brick the color of the roof the color of the shutters the color of the pillars that's that's not vague okay he says nobody walk away from that and there's five of you standing and So my answer the one brother started to anyway uh I saw a angel with a flaming sword standing in front of that house and I believe it applies to every person that stands for protection thank you for healing to guard your property from things being stolen or damaged one of you had something stolen I see somebody stealing or taking something from your property and the Lord says Because you responded in a right Spirit he's going to restore it uh double fold and I don't I can't tell what that object is but something was taken from the property that shouldn't have been taken yeah you okay pardon well you know it could be anything but if you know that that's pretty significant somebody stole fruit from one of the trees if that's not a prophetic message in and of itself stolen fruit he had a lemon tree and it died overnight this is bizarre wow wow wow wow Satan's trying to steal your daughter goodness well so for each of you for all five of you with a gray roof brownish brick shutters white pillars an angel and I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit saying the thief has been exposed wow praise God and he that came to steal kill and destroy the thief has been exposed and the thief can steal no more he can't steal your children he can't steal your inheritance he can't steal your fruit he can't steal your health and I just speak life over each one of you and that the fullness of the revelation of God will come and that the Lord will visit you and your household and that he would fight for each of your families every single day in Jesus Christ amen amen amen God bless you I think I'm done all right before we go I'm sure the children are restless I want to do a it'll be quick but I want to do a prophetic impartation everybody touch everybody else like we did in Israel so join hands join Hands Across the aisles but everybody needs to be connected to everybody somehow nobody should be unconnected to the whole mass of the group and Chris and I will come up and we'll lay hands on somebody convenient and pray that what what we do and see you will do and see just like what happened in Israel but it's a quick impartation because I've got to catch a plane you've got to get kids and we've got to pack our tables before any of them yeah us can lead so somebody might want to get on video what happens when I lay my hands on the first person in the chain and Ken does because the prophetic and deliverance and healing I just saw the light of God swirling around there's a swirl in here this I'm I'm not exaggerating one bit get ready because somebody wants to get to you want to have this on camera I believe there's going to be a supernatural surge go through these the room and the people in this room you're at neoff you're at nail this is a new naoth right here in this room I'll go over here you can take this side if you like so everybody's touching somebody and everybody's interconnected right because we need this to be like a closed electrical circuit Hallelujah all right here we go everybody's connected it's gonna flow through just like an electric current and increase an impartation of the prophetic and it's just beginning in Jesus name are you ready to receive it count the three one two three in the name of Jesus we release the prophetic Grace through the room right now let it flow like an electric current just respond to it as it flows through the room from person to person like dominoes like dominoes are just and different people respond different ways but there's a release coming now in Jesus name through the room we release in addition to prophecy healing and deliverance Grace let it flow through you now a lot of you are starting to feel tingling and numbness in your lips and it's for some it's flowing up into your nose it's like when you get novocaine at the dentist this is the Lord making those two gateways remember he loves the gateways more than all the Dwelling Places of Zion this is the Lord cleansing gateways and making them receptors of Revelation [Music] now Lord let it spread to the eyes and the hands and the ears let the spirit of the Lord come on you yield yield yield means get out of the way let him take the predominance praise God praise God the spirit of the Lord is falling on people even as we're waiting again yield let it happen if you fall on the floor like Valerie did or you fall into a chair the power of the Lord is being released into this room now in Jesus name I feel an electric current literally in the room Jesus name named his name take more take more be like a sponge soak it up take more Lord we bless the gateways of Zion even Above The Dwelling Places of Jacob we bless life gate amen in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name more more more more more more as you wait upon the Lord let him renew you let him renew you let him renew you your mouth is numb like that bless the numb mouths Lord and the numb noses and the numb ears and the twitching eyes Miss Cobb you have twitching eyes right there yeah and her friend too and it's going to be like coal eyes meaning they're going to be a blaze set of Fire amen two eyes made out of coal from the altar may they see [Laughter] release release in Jesus name thank you Lord thank you Jesus all right well we we're going to go pack our tables you can linger here as long as you choose to don't forget your kids and especially the Sunday School teachers that have them uh and remember to keep your gateways clean remember to keep your gateways clean amen foreign if you were settled from Brewster to hear that the shuttles will pull up to the front door to start taking people back to Brewster foreign
Channel: Ken Fish
Views: 4,228
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Id: AWYkwSChGjo
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Length: 97min 16sec (5836 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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