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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MainGoldDragon 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
get conquered son no but seriously you should all go subscribe to ISPs that'll actually have to do the proper artillery challenge and know what I'm about to do also in the description there's a giveaway for a City skylines keyword shot and I will draw like Monday or something enjoying do it again Bombardier Harris that is play this just horrific but I don't know I kind of like the times 10 mod just there's so many things wrong with it and we're gonna make it worse so so much worse so today we are indeed scrapping everything we have in our army and replacing it all with artillery however we're also playing the pure random AI focuses mod we're playing the x 10 mod and give a few other little bits and pieces the most relevant is here we are z mm more variants so we can make our artillery even worse and by worse I mean even better basically I just want to see how much soft attack I can get in a single division in this run and I wonder how that's gonna affect the game cuz I'm thinking two things the first first thoughts I'm having right for a start normally the problem with artillery divisions is not enough organ them none of strength they get just slaughtered immediately right cool except I can be using the super zombie reviving filled hospitals and bloody reviving maintenance companies so we'll never lose gear and we never lose manpower and we'll still more than a hundred percent to the enemies men of gear as well it's a little bit weird much increase their own manpower as well just don't about that so they don't make them stronger but also just the flat increases in Ord says you'll see here a hundred increase in August you know increase in a hunter like it's still a flat increase of a really really big boost you see we've got 50 org so if you look at an empty division real quick alright here we are an artillery piece has no org I believe it's not entirely correct and if we added some support companies and more pieces that should be fine but basically we go from zero to a hundred org which is already more than the infantry start with and sure that's not actually like the infantry will also get 100 percent right sorry the 100 run 100% but what it should come out to his artillery divisions that can survive a fight and I hope by having so much soft attack that any barrel again to get into is instantly ended by a single attack they should have so much that a single dice roll should just wipe the enemy off the map I hope that's how this run is gonna work now it's important to note that it's an artillery only run not just a field cannon only run that means we can use rocket artillery and more than that we can use motorized rocket artillery now the main reason I say that is I've looked the modifiers and they seem to get a 600% plus a hundred and fifty over here so got about 750 percent more damage on top of any normal bonuses that artillery get so overall they actually get a bigger bonus then all the artillery pieces will and you'll note here soft attack of artillery pieces 34 so the lot of latest artillery piece soft attack of a Neville wherfore is 38 and in the soft attack of the Opel of the three rocket blitz rocket I mean blitz is an appropriate word for a rocket truck isn't it it's 36 so with all the modifiers I think the rocket artillery may be the best thing to use in it's called 2mass soft attack oh there is one change I've only just noticed that this mod makes if you select hind oh okay I'm you don't allow myself like a single unit of self-propelled guns cuz I want to see how fast I can make him go okay all right one unit only one division because I want the sonic Division I know why they've just changed this advisor and no one else but I like it I like it a lot wait why the [ __ ] do I all OH oh my [ __ ] god this mod I didn't realize it times 10 Hitler as well I'm gonna impress that I never saw this because of course Hitler got killed in the last time line is as Mussolini is anyone else time soon no I think it was I think it's just Hitler oh no never mind speaking times 10 well it's amazing oh my [ __ ] god yep they also times 10 the German bloody designers boy this is gonna be silly why is it Germany only got this beautiful focused tree and last time the AI was just sorta like now let's get those get the Kaiser back in and then they got rid of the Kaiser and they went for a [ __ ] democracy hey I you could have had all of this power oh I'm almost certain the mod has been updated because you didn't used to be able to do a hundred infrastructure in a state now yeah sure as [ __ ] can all right let's take our armies for a little bit of a test run this is a oh wait yeah I lost my memo Bill's to be honest I'm kind of fine with that let's test out this army now remember we've only gotten the first few texts of here we go of superior firepower no real artillery text just yet as I'm still working my way towards those oh there's so much stuff to get looks just test out these okay these guys are fully equipped yeah let's test it you straight into these guys let's see what happens okay those are some good numbers we're still hitting a - was it 40% from terrain yeah but those are some good numbers okay oh hey drain his Holly ruin his a strength as well I recall this thing someone wrote one time where they were explaining about how the best way to sort of did you just namely invade me you say no to that no thanks you have been denied you've been shut down that's a no get out of here did you get did you tour twice get the [ __ ] out of it what's my Navy even doing I made a good Navy use it brilliant well it's being tested a little bit and we found it not necessarily wanting even though all my guys are now half strength again but it wasn't amazing we could certainly do better and I think that involves mostly getting more soft attack the less they're able to hit me the better I feel so I'm just trying to see if we get to Anschluss 10 times Austria which would I guess just mean annexing the austro-hungarian Empire I'm down for that oh no you can build a hundred of every building a whole and 15 tier oh no this mod wait how much how many forts still only ten I like how they're like no no we're gonna go insane but not that insane oh god the Hindenburg disaster it crashed to the ground claiming 350 lives now comes a little bit more of an interesting choice now I would of course normally say that line artillery for this run is gonna be better for the soft attack bonus however the one thing I'm considering is that if you go for integrated support that means that applies to the rocket support companies and the really call it the line support companies as well but I still think overall that a flat 100 cent boost to the normal artillery units is probably gonna be better yeah I'm not sure this is gonna boost my rocket artillery however I doubt it we'll see we'll all see I like how I can just feel the will to live be just sapped from me as I play this mod and just I know how bad it's gonna get the lag is gonna be awful this is why I gotta kill you Italy and then France and then on to the net what is what is Japan doing I saw your hand what were you doing get out of Italy don't you be touching him now that's the Pope's job I'm sorry wet not this one this one this one [Music] I'm have to go east aren't I Stalin yeah you're kind of in my way oh god they're here Oh what they actually have a model in the game oh [ __ ] I mean no one's gonna use motorized rocket artillery but at least they've got a model would you look at that that's just that's just 60 military factories that is it's okay I'm not gonna do it instead I'm gonna Angeles Austria a much better choice oh well tickle me pink and call me Suzy it didn't actually give me max infrastructure it only added 10 that's interesting that means that the focuses only actually add 10 they don't max the infrastructure number alrighty well I'm still gonna max infrastructure and brennenburg cuz that's just what I'm doing cuz I want to see that get out of here inferior nan barrel having peasants holy [ __ ] Oscar had 95 divisions by the time I untrust them that's a bit [ __ ] scary you're also tronic he's trying to kill Jacques what we have we have to stop him now get out of here Italy okay so we're getting some nice numbers but most of this is [ __ ] up by the terrain the fact that it's night right now where did that tank go I'm gonna use it for a little bit encirclement oh my god the the animation for the rocket artillery firing I've never seen this before that looks amazing so look we've already lost like four is that I think six divisions a lot yeah lovely brilliant this watches their strengths vanishes and then they suddenly die it's it's pretty horrible oh god Russia getting pushed back here what's gonna say as nice as it is to kill the Italians this is not doing amazingly well we need to we need to get those numbers up this soft tack is not high enough Oh Oh God what is it that's killing me though I need to know like I think it's mainly the fact that the terrain is rough for my earth my guns but hold on yes he attacked me on planes we get beautifully high soft attack and we just melt the enemy divisions but I think my divisions are just dying in the defense which means the best way to use this and I'm gonna hate myself for doing what about do it's just a massive [ __ ] line of probably like a thousand artillery divisions if I could pull this off I'm gonna hate myself but I think it will work but now we can actually equip our guys with field hospitals and maintenance companies and we may survive this so basically from now on my guys yeah we should be doing a little bit better oh my god these numbers the decryption advantage as well oh Jesus but my guys shouldn't actually take any more casualties we should start to now get negative casualties over time as they attack us if the yeah there we go casualties are going down okay all right so negative categories and we're now not losing any gear the question is can i push apparently apparently we have luck the Italians they're not looking too happy they're all half org do we try it or do we wait for like the 50 you know I'm just gonna deploy these and we'll go all right let's do this - 25 % doesn't matter that much when we're gonna be this [ __ ] strong all right here we go you're doing a little bit better but like every tick we lose a lot of strength oh we have like how do we only have a few org I'll know ah no it's cuz no that's why we're losing because this only gives leg infantry dammit we actually need to go from mobile warfare to get the all infantry no but then we lose the massive soft attack bonus please tell me there's some more org somewhere there has to be a way to get org wait wait we could go back and we could go give the support companies will give plus a hundred org which means that our units will have all my gun reset the clock we're going for support companies if this if this works I'll be so impressed hang on we've just changed it up but it looks like at least wait your fan Oh God our guys will do how much all do I guys have now 57 I'll think god it's a little bit they have some oh my god right okay maybe with some good time we may be able to actually push through I didn't realize I had so little org Oh God because artillery do counters infantry but not as leggy infantry is the I believe the difference there yeah just based on the messiness of these divisions I think I'm just gonna put everyone into one template sorry into one army just keep refilling it cuz to refill individual armies every time I take losses is gonna be so bad so let's just start by putting all the ordinary country into one large there we go okay I think I guys are all done up and the Italians are mostly dealed we're gonna give up I hope we will push let's unpause and see what happens oh my god I see green oh my god I see green and I see a lot of soft TAC that's not enough soft tech though because I've seen 12,000 before though these are rookie numbers we've got to pump these numbers up alright okay we need to we need to get better like a reinforced as well oh Jesus oh god the way these come back to work it's so oh my god we've lost half our divisions oh no oh this is so [ __ ] cancerous it's just so bad [Music] [ __ ] right I need to I need to find a way to fix this and I have a very silly idea if this works I'm just gonna be unhappy with myself oh my god this this is gonna work isn't it I actually hate myself for doing this but it it it [ __ ] works oh no that's still 300 soft attack as well okay I'm gonna test I'm gonna test it with like four and we'll see how well it does it do ya how well it does ah this is just I genuinely feel ill with what I'm doing here this is not nice it's just very bad this is not in the spirit of things oh god but I have also like lost all my units and the italians about wait what are you guys doing get on the [ __ ] line alright let's just do a quick test of these guys against some Italians right so we'll march em up let's see what happens okay so here's the thing is they're still dealing way more soft attack but they actually have org in fact almost as much or as the enemies and honestly that's not too bad to think okay no there's a problem still is strength it's because they're HP's too low isn't it isn't yeah the HP's 9.6 versus like an infantryman's Oh base of 34 right how the hell do we boost the HP of our units without not doing artillery oh we need to find the perfect because artillery does actually boost HP ha what do we do what do we do okay so as long as they're not in combat for too long this whole HP problem doesn't matter but oh god I need to find a way to fix it oh I don't want to use like all these Panzers I guess would somewhat avoid it they get more HP and they get less damage but this still got the old problem ah this is a problem this is a very big problem okay so here's how I think we have to do this this is my best idea on how to deal with the whole HP problem so HP so the second problem is we have on one side we have organ in the side we have HP so what I think we do is we have tiny divisions with all the org that can push and then massive divisions with no org but a lot of HP that can like at least last and like not die immediately because it like they'll retreat but they won't die when the smaller divisions do so you can get to like 22 HP which is still nothing compared to a single infantry of 46 god damn it uh this is horrible this all the other idea is literally just massed artillery just so much artillery that there is no way that we won't break through just the Soviet tactics basically except instead of men its guns we're just throwing artillery pieces at them we don't even reload them these days we just bring in a whole new piece like at the [ __ ] printer I'm still sort of confused as to who's gonna push and who's gonna hold I guess actually the small guys are gonna be the ones to hold because they have the orb to not retreat Oh get out of here Bulgaria whereas the the big guys are the ones gonna have to push because they've got the HP not to get destroyed in a push I think is maybe he'll what's gonna happen oh she's gonna be bad oh yeah by the way Brenda Burke has a hundred out of a hundred infrastructure which means how much oh my [ __ ] god that supply that's a that's a lot of ration packs I won fifty fence points and 50 small Boyd's make the fat boys look fatter and then maybe we might try and push into Italy okay this should do let's see how this goes remember we started with three hundred and seventy nine divisions we have a superiority we have a load of weight hand let's make sure our bloody clothes air sports here as well yep okay it's nice and ready they're ready and fightin let's push and just see what happens cuz I'm imagining it's gonna be really bad go okay mix of greens and reds let's slow it down and see what happens right so we've got to start with loads of damage this is attacking into mountains as well cool look look toughened I don't think you are but okay okay looks like some good victories we're hearing the Rockets go off some some of the bloody rocket here boys okay how's the air support going air support is doing a lot okay I imagine a lot of this has to do with the air support funnily enough and not with you know the ground guys but okay okay we're doing pretty good here oh my [ __ ] god my divisions are melting let's just let's just speed this [ __ ] up let's see what happens oh no our manpower is going up however thanks to all the casualties were taking but not really where we're anti taking we're undertaking you might say we are pushing at least that is a true fact that may or may not be thanks to like the piles of dead guns we're leaving behind us ah this is so brutal they're just getting sorted if I can beat like one country with this horrible challenge I thought it was gonna be like silly but not this bad the HP problems just make this horrendous I imagine it's just the fat boys left and the only reason the fat bugs are winning is because they damage is so high but I'm interested to see how many fat bollocks and how many small bikes we have at the end currently it's 70s 67 Fatboy x2 111 small blokes yeah it's a small blokes oh no couple of fat blokes just died I don't know god I'm so I just I hate this so much I love it how fast are these trucks they a little bit are cut there everything's so slow why is everything so slow Oh probably because the deep snows and the Oh in the infrastructure right I forgot I like the numbers around here that was just two thousand or my four thousand nice Oh God Oh might that was a lot overrun saying no overruns we just over on a bunch of guys with artillery I should we just ran them over with the carriage wheels and again this whole time might wait Japan where the [ __ ] is Japan not on a world map I mean like in a literal sense but also in a world map please help I'm terrible with geography I'm drew after all how bad do you have to be to let people pushing artillery carriages actually encircle you this is just a great Italy oh no oh no here they go wait what do you mean these aren't Soviets you don't understand the Soviet is the one in the encirclement but that is a notable appropriate very obscure [ __ ] reference there okay so as far as I can see a land battle an airline battle will boost my org but advanced fiveaces won't which means that this side is the better choice but it's only a very small boost or like a booster for organization I still have the HP problems but I think overall it's still the better choice anyway artillery support in line see that's nice that's the really shocking or is an amazing one this one as well no centralized fire control but I guess we go on this one and the combined arms will just sort of be useless Oh God okay what I I'm sorry what Italy just a clever ones in the UK of course they did cuz wait hang on how is Bulgaria in your fact I'll go [ __ ] yourself why am I even at war with China ah this is just Churchill back off he's mine wait is Churchill even around yet Chamberlain [ __ ] off go give a speech elsewhere Oh God we're just flooding in come on come on bisect the italians let's do this oh this is horrible but we might actually do it the blinds the planes are everywhere like we have we have ships don't we do we have any level three [ __ ] yes we do all right send in the ship who we've got all the NATO right the Brits are here of course so that's cool with the bloody ship supports if that doesn't help game what to start with they don't have a commander and apparently someone's Shore Bombardier it's not me I'm gonna move down here and do it though but why aren't any of my divisions in the battle wait they they're not actually bigger than the battle sighs oh they have bigger fat points there's 75 the battles 80 surely we can fit some worker there we go 14,000 that's not even my final form a side effect of the mod changing everything to what do you call a hundred infrastructure it means that all of your units are always one speed because the infrastructure is always way too low from the max see look here they have 20 because they have way higher because the infrastructure but if you step over to this province which has 33 infrastructure and we check their speed it goes down to 4 because now it's minus 95 uh now they're on the move it's minus 95 there we go two down to one that's actually a serious problem this mod it means that unless you have a hundred in low I think it'd be 91 and up infrastructure I presume at 91 is when it stops being a problem because it assumes oh look there's you know it's 9 less than the max just like in normal infrastructure here we go we're herding them all in you might even say we might be concentrating them ah this is a lot of divisions oh that's the biggest it's still going there's the end of the overruns it's important remember by the way we've apparently lost 5 million men power in this war when in fact we've most negative 73,000 yep if you don't know how [ __ ] this game is in the last month of fighting the Italians they lost three thousand seven hundred and eighty eight pieces of equipment we scavenged 14,000 i I don't know where we're getting these rations from but we should probably stop calling them Soylent Green the numbers Mason it's Oliver Oh be still it's beautiful Bruin the Italians now live on an island and are democratic Libya has been made Ethiopia's been liberated I have a little bit of everything and I got Bulgaria as well this was actually torturous so in order to make up for all the horrible things I've just done I'm gonna kill Poland and then after that I'm gonna go after the big boy [ __ ] looks like killing Poland involves involves declaring war Romania who is allied with Yugoslavia I think everything's ready out god I just the whole way this is being designed so many terrible what not [ __ ] it's not even Japanese unit that's men ship aruna in it yep what the [ __ ] dude guy [ __ ] damn it what does a break through these guys but I haven't check that you oh my god that's that's a lot that's a lotta damage the breakthrough is a thousand which still isn't enough it's not even close to enough oh my god this stuff that's all like a few thousand three thousand four three thousand on the normal boys waist so I bought some Fat Boys I don't those any knows being deployed okay let's let's deploy some fat men sorry that's that's the name I had for him quick go phantomon go I want to see these guys in combat oh my god there's no one on this border what's happening here they're just not trying are they alright well okay follow me Poland seems to be the real threat let's pull half the guys off this border and apollon instead oh this is horrible I have more troops than tile oh god there's so many troops oh this is horrible okay I want to see how well do they fight that is 20,000 soft attack my sweet Jesus they're both gonna die in a second but that's 20,000 soft attack oh my god finally they just not factored into the number there I guess not they just sort of in the area but not actually being useful no their factored in what the [ __ ] how are they fighting me all right I think we've come to a standstill right there's nothing more I can really do here but there is something I can do and I'm gonna show it off this is like the best way to do this basically okay so the poles are holding instance I imagine with time and probably a flatline I would eventually win but honestly not too sure on this one I keep like every time I guys gets a friend they die so let's try something a little different so in every single division I've added one infantry like replacements I've got a motorized or an infantryman or whatever and look at this the difference that a single infantry division makes for a from a complete just a horrible route into an actual stable line so I'm gonna let these guys then you guys have just built spread out and we'll see if we can attack like still this isn't much of a difference this is just like double the HP but I think it should overall make a massive difference in a staying power of my army okay so remember they are now entrenched but I have also gotten my score which is only a small amount actually ironically the Germans would love Koran battle plan because of their 250% bonus if I could get down there so you'd get like a massive massive playing bonus but let's give this a quick shot look at the entrenchment on the Polish there hopefully after a bit we'll start to bust through in fact you can oh yeah oh no I was gonna say let's use this but no of course we need 1600 command power to do that well on the defense it's okay if we look here let's see how much damage we're doing seven thousand seven it's not too bad now those just others are small trucks but man oh man on the attack we are still dying tearing those guys up there but ya know go die I think you just need a little bit more a little bit more HP and you can survive it I think this had actually been easier in the vanilla game cuz we're Slyke more soft attack matters where isn't this I think it's the movement that screws you the most in this you can't follow up on breakthroughs at all so uh yeah that's being thick high for everyone I hate myself the game is utterly [ __ ] dying and I have 20,000 political power yep good luck is be hey I wish you the best do this in villanelle in vanilla please cuz this is this is a poor choice to try and [ __ ] do this in ten times I thought it would be hilarious to get like talking I mean I got 20,000 soft attack and that was amazing but [ __ ] me have I paid to that sin [Music]
Channel: Rimmy - Downunder Gaming
Views: 176,164
Rating: 4.9182544 out of 5
Keywords: Satire, Gaming, Rimmy, Downunder, Aussie, Auzzie, English, Australia, Australian, Grand, Strategy, Hearts of Iron 4, Hearts of Iron, HOI, HOI4, Paradox, Artillery, Artillery Only, Mod, x10 Mod, THICC, Everything times 10, Arty Only, Challenge, ISP, Good luck
Id: r0C8Z4wDp2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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