They tried to jump over it...

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today's video is brought to you by current today we're going to look at three places you can't go and people who went there anyways but before we get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious deliberate in story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload one or two times every week so if that's of interest to you the next time the like button has an itch on their back offer to scratch it for them but then continuously misunderstand their directions so you never actually itch the right spot also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories [Music] on january 1st 2015 a family in south yorkshire england gathered at a restaurant for their annual new year's day lunch but one member of this family who said they would be attending didn't show up it was 50 year old stephen winfrey who was an unemployed divorced father of two who in recent years had become quite depressed when they reached out to him on his phone and he didn't pick up the family pretty quickly started to worry that something could have happened to him that you know perhaps he did something to harm himself given his mental state but his sister nadine who was at this lunch she reassured the rest of the family that she had spoken to stephen the night before and he was in great spirits and had told her that his plan was to go rabbit hunting the next day on new year's day before heading over to the restaurant for lunch and because nadine knew that her brother recently had really taken a liking to rabbit hunting it was one of the very few things that actually made him happy she told the family look i bet you anything he just lost track of time and he will get here late or maybe we won't see him at all but at least he's out doing something that makes him happy and so the family was reassured by this and so they sat down at their table they ordered their food and the whole meal everyone's kind of looking over at the front door expecting steven to come strolling in at any minute but when they finished up eating he still had not arrived and so as the family was getting ready to leave the restaurant and head back home they all decided that you know what i'm sure stephen is fine he's doing something he loves i'm sure he did just get carried away and so we'll just wait for him to contact us and so the family they all leave the restaurant and they spend the rest of the day at their respective households and then the following morning they all get in touch with each other and they discover that still no one has seen or heard from stephen and so at this point the family just felt like there was something off about this and so they contacted the police and they reported him missing as the police were getting ready to head out and begin looking for stephen that day they received a call stephen had been found although the exact details of what happened to stephen may never be fully understood this is the best theory that the police have come up with on new year's day january 1st the day stephen was supposed to meet his family for lunch he had gotten up early and headed out to a nearby forested park to do some rabbit hunting just like he told his sister he would be he had gone to the park with his dog and some ferrets the way stephen caught rabbits is he would release these ferrets into various rabbit holes and then he would stand back with his rifle and he would wait for the ferret to run the rabbits out of their holes out into the open and then he would raise his rifle and shoot at the rabbits and then his dog would run over and grab the rabbit and bring it back to him and so all morning long he was doing this with relative success and then something happened to where stephen decided he needed to actually look inside of one of these rabbit holes perhaps one of his ferrets got stuck or one of the rabbits got stuck but either way he wanted to look into the opening of one of these rabbit holes and so he walked over to it and apparently he couldn't quite see whatever it was he wanted to see and so he got down on his hands and knees and stuck his head into this rabbit hole opening now these openings to these rabbit holes are pretty narrow and so once he forced his head inside it got stuck he could not pull it out again and so all around the outside of this hole where his head was stuck there were these deep divots that his hands had obviously dug once he realized he was stuck because he was trying to dig the entrance a little bit wider to get his head out but as he was working really really hard and laboring to kind of dig this hole out he was burning up the very limited amount of oxygen that was inside of this hole and so very quickly as he was trying to save himself he would have started to struggle breathing because there just wasn't enough air in this hole and so when it became clear he was starting to suffocate he abandoned the approach of trying to dig himself out and began trying to contort his body outside of the hole at really extreme angles to try to pop his head out even if it meant breaking his neck in the process but no matter how hard he tried he just could not get his head out the following day january 2nd at 4 pm this is after stephen has been reported missing a person walking through that forested park they found stephen they saw his body poking out of that hole at a really extreme angle and so they called the police the police showed up to the park and they confirmed that stephen was dead he had suffocated his death was not ruled a suicide it was determined to be an accident as for steven's dog and his ferrets they were found near his body and they were unhurt before we get into our next story i want to talk about today's sponsor current nowadays virtually everything we do in our lives is done either exclusively online or there is an option to do it online and i think we can all agree that that represents progress i know that i opt for the online option virtually every single time but there is one area of our lives that seems slow to evolve and that is banking it's shocking to me that in 2021 many banks still require us to actually go into their physical location to handle certain aspects of our account and i don't know about you but i don't like the idea of sitting in front of a bank rep and making major financial decisions while someone is literally waiting for me that's so stressful after signing up with current which is a mobile banking app they send you your very own custom debit card here's mine and then after that everything is done online they have a great rewards program they have a great savings program called savings pods no more pressure no more inconvenience just money management done exclusively online the way it should be also current and i are going to be giving away ten thousand dollars to you all the way it works is you go download current using the code mr ballin and then you could be one of 20 people that receives 500 bucks from this promotion okay back to the stories [Music] brian joplin was born in 1972 and was raised in this tiny town in oklahoma called hugo he was a big guy so growing up he was always encouraged to play football and he did but his real passion had always been working on cars it was something he loved to do and he was extremely good at doing after he graduated high school he stuck around in hugo doing some auto body work but he got this feeling that he should do something bigger with his life and so in 1992 he decided to enlist in the united states navy this was something his family was extremely proud of him for doing especially his grandfather who had flown bomber planes during world war ii following brian's initial military training better known as boot camp he was sent to aviation machinist mate school which is a military school for military members that teaches you how to be a mechanic for all things that fly and so after brian breathed through the school because he was already a very skilled mechanic and so it came to him naturally he was sent to his first duty station out in california and so he joins his california unit and immediately he excels and he becomes one of the very best mechanics at his unit despite being one of the most junior and while he was in california he also met his wife belinda and so over the next several years that he was in california and then he moved around to texas and a couple other places he just continued to shine at work and at home he and his wife began building a family they had two daughters and so by and large everything in brian's life was going exactly to plan until brian made a terrible mistake fast forward to october 4th 2005 and brian who was 32 at the time was deployed with his unit to bahrain which is a country in the persian gulf that particular day brian along with two other mechanics from his unit and two pilots from his unit had been tasked with flying from bahrain north to kuwait which is another country in the persian gulf this was a routine flight about an hour long it was one they had made several times during this deployment brian was not really looking forward to doing it and neither were the other people that were on this particular flight but brian decided the way he would make this trip less monotonous and boring is he would perform the stunt so brian and the other two mechanics they load in the back of this helicopter in the cargo area so the passenger area of this helo and the two pilots they load into the cockpit and within a couple of minutes they were 125 feet off the ground careening forward out over the persian gulf at over 120 miles an hour brian and the other two mechanics in the back of this craft had elected to keep the back loading ramp that folds up and down to allow people to come in and out of this helicopter they had decided to keep it down for this flight so basically they had this huge opening that just looked straight down to the earth but this is a very common thing in the military lots of helicopters when they're flying around have either a side door open or the back ramp down because it provides an incredible view and more importantly it provides this amazing breeze inside of the cabin a few minutes later when the helicopter is way out over the persian gulf brian decides now is a good time to do this stunt and so he looks across at the other side of the helicopter and kind of signals at the other two mechanics it's super loud inside of the back of a helo and so there's no way they could have spoken to each other besides with the headset and they were not about to speak about the stunt over the headset because they didn't want the pilots to know and so brian signaled to the other two because they were totally in on his stunt he was about to do and so they grinned and one of them pulled out a camera to be ready for what he was gonna do and then brian disconnected his helo lanyard so inside of a military helicopter you'll find all these metal eyelets these little rings all over the floor the walls the ceiling and these are there in order to attach cargo or strap things down or to attach yourself a person inside of the helicopter and so the way you do that is by using your helo lanyard it's this belt you wear that has this special strap that comes off the front of it and at the end of this one or two foot long strap is a carabiner a clip and you clip that onto any of those eyelets and so that keeps you from flying out of the helicopter if the pilots need to maneuver suddenly or if you lose altitude anything can happen inside and so brian removes his helo lanyard and then grabs the stretch of nylon rope it was like a crudely built safety harness that kind of functioned like a helo lanyard in the sense that there was a carabiner on one end and on the other there was a way to attach it to yourself but unlike it being this belt and kind of high-tech system that attached to him it was really just kind of a slip knot on one end of this ten foot long line and so brian most likely had built this ten foot long safety harness for this particular stunt or someone else had but either way he picks this up after detaching his helo lanyard and he puts the loop end of this ten foot line the slipknot end over his head down to his waist and then cinched it tight and then he very carefully stood up and walked towards the back of the helo and then he clipped the end of this 10-foot line with the carabiner into one of the eyelets on the ground right where the back ramp begins to go down and so once that was in place he turned and looked at the other two mechanics and gave them one more thumbs up and then he got down on his hands and knees and he begins crawling backwards down the ramp and so once he gets to the very edge of this ramp so literally right behind him is just the open air at that point he grabs with his left hand one of those metal rings that are on the actual ramp itself he gets a firm grip with one hand and then with his right hand he grabs the side of the ramp or some metal framing there and so once he had a good grip and he felt confident in it he kind of slowly lowered his lower half until it slipped off of the ramp and as soon as it did the winds outside the helicopter the 120 mile an hour plus winds they immediately swept his legs up and kind of held them in the air horizontal like he was flying so he's holding on to the back of the ramp but his arms are kind of tucked up near his chest but once he feels his legs up in the air he slowly extends himself and finally when they were fully extended he was officially doing the superman stunt this was called supermanning what he was doing and as soon as he was in this position the other crew members inside of the helicopter they knew this was it let's take some pictures and so one of them got their camera out and took some pictures of him and brian knows he's getting pictures taken he's holding on as tight as he can and then after the pictures were taken and brian looked up and kind of got the thumbs up that he was good he began trying to pull himself back into the helicopter but he lost his grip and as soon as he lost his grip those 120 mile an hour plus wins they whipped him backwards and the safety harness that he had strapped around his waist that's the only thing that caught him from flying away from the helicopter and so brian attempts to try to grab the ramp but it's too far away and as he's getting pulled by the wind away from the helicopter that harness that was around his waist it rides up until it stops right around his chest and so at that point he keeps his arms pinned by his side because he doesn't want the harness to slip up over his shoulders because then he will fall to his death but because this harness was self-tightening as he was whipping in the winds the wind was pulling him so hard away from the helicopter that it was tightening that loop around his chest and so his chest got so tightly squeezed that it caused him to pass out and as soon as that happened his arms that were holding that harness in place well his arms went limp and then the wind whipped his arms over his head and the harness immediately slipped up over his shoulders off his head off his arms and he went flying 125 feet all the way down to the water below where he died there were at least eight people that were punished for this incident including the two crew members in the back of the helicopter taking pictures because they were totally in on this but the details of the punishments were never made public [Music] in the late 1860s a group of rugged american explorers came out of the wilderness and went straight to a newspaper to tell them about this otherworldly place they had found and so the newspaper sat down they got their notepad out and these explorers start describing this place and they say okay well it's this huge expanse of wilderness and in the middle of it there are all these boiling lakes that are either neon green or yellow or red or all of those and they're shooting boiling water into the sky and there are these breathtaking waterfalls and snow-capped mountains and there are bison and elk and wolves and bears just free-roaming the whole area and so the newspaper they take all this down and at the end of it they say okay guys well unfortunately we don't publish fiction but these explorers weren't lying they were describing an area that we now know as yellowstone national park which is this massive expanse of wilderness in wyoming that sits on top of a volcano and those boiling neon green red and yellow lakes really do exist those are hot springs and they are the result of water passing by and making contact with underground magma chambers today yellowstone is so popular that every year millions of people go to the park and so as a result the park employs hundreds of people year round to keep up with tourism many of these employees are young people like college students and in addition to being paid for their work the park also offers them the ability to live in employee housing which are basically dormitories spaced all across the park to make it easier to just be on site and do their job and these dormitories are either free or very low cost and so these young people typically take up that offer and will stay inside of these dormitories for as long as they're working at the park and so in 2000 a 20 year old summer employee named sarah hulfers she was staying in one of these dormitories in the park and she was in her room when a group of other young employees that were staying in this dorm came down the hall and they knocked her door and they asked her if she wanted to come with them to go swimming and so sarah she had a day off and she wasn't doing anything and so she said sure i'll come with you guys and so after they all got their bathing suits on and got their towels and snacks packed they left the dormitories and got into a couple of cars and then they drove over to this dirt lot that was right up against this huge forest and so they parked they got out and they make their way over to this trailhead that begins in the parking lot and goes straight into this forest and so they walk down this trail until the trail goes right out of the forest and brings them to the edge of this river and this river was called the fire hole river it was called that because the surface of this river steamed and it gave the impression that this river was on fire the reason this happened is some of the water flowing through this river would pass by those underground magma chambers warming it up and so this is a lot like the hot springs except on a much smaller level the hot springs are boiling whereas this river was just slightly warmer to the point where it would steam so totally safe to swim in so sarah and the rest of this group they come out of that trailhead and they're standing on the edge of this beautiful river and they walk down to the edge and they all jump in and they have this great day they're swimming around they're playing games and they were only expecting to be there for a couple of hours but they were having so much fun that before long the sun had gone down and they were still in the river and so when it was dark out they finally climbed out of the river and they toweled off and then they realized they had a bit of a problem because they did not expect to be there for as long as they were no one had brought flashlights and the way back to the parking lot would be going along that trail through the forest but that was a pretty far trail and it's totally pitch black out there's no ambient light and realistically there's some pretty big animals that live inside of that forest and so some people in this group were a little bit nervous about walking through this forest but ultimately about half of the group said you know what whatever let's just run through the forest and get back to our cars as fast as we can i'm sure nothing will happen to us and the other half decided they would look for an alternative route that would skirt the forest and allow the moonlight to be their guide along the way that second group was made up of sarah along with two eighteen-year-old boys named lance buchi and tyler montague so sarah and these two boys they're standing there and they're watching the first group go into the forest and disappear and then she along with these two guys they turn right and they begin skirting the river and walking around the forest and so they walk downstream with the river on one side and the forest on their left and they're walking for a while until they see up ahead on their left it looks like the forest is starting to thin out maybe a little bit and so they took that as an opportunity to cut left and basically begin kind of going straight towards the parking lot which was generally off to their left and so they make that turn they start walking and the terrain is relatively open it's this big open field with a couple of trees here and there it was pretty easy to navigate and they felt like hey we found a great alternative route the moonlight's still shining through we got great visibility and so they're walking along happy as can be and then they see there's a couple of streams up ahead they get to the first stream and it's not that big so they jump across it they get to the next stream it's still not that big they jump across that one and then they get to this third stream and they realize you know it's still pretty small but it's significantly bigger than the last two and so if we mistime it we could fall into it now this was not some huge deal they were already wet from having gone swimming but they didn't want to jump in this stream and so they considered walking off to the right and trying to find an area that was more narrow they could jump across more easily but they figured they were probably within maybe one or two hundred feet of the parking lot they couldn't see it but they knew they were close and they really didn't want to go farther and farther away to only have to just jump over this thing anyways and so they decide you know what let's just jump across it let's just do it if we fall in we fall in and so the three of them backed up from the stream to give themselves some running room and then they grabbed hands and at the same time all three of them ran forward and leapt across the stream and they cleared it they landed on the other side but the ground they landed on was kind of loose and soft and so it kind of crumbled underneath them and they all fell backwards into the stream in the darkness this stream had looked like the other two streams they had seen albeit a little bit larger and so they were not thinking this could be potentially hazardous if they fell into the water but it would turn out this stream was extremely hazardous it was nothing like the other two streams they had encountered this one was run off from a nearby hot spring and so the temperature inside of this stream was 178 degrees fahrenheit so it was practically boiling water and it looked like it was shallow but in fact this stream was 10 feet deep and so when this trio fell into these scalding waters they let out blood curdling streams and the other group that had ran down the forest path they had got to the parking lot and were waiting for them and so they hear the scream and they just take off running in the direction of the screams they cut right through the forest and they come out to that field and they find lance and tyler are on the edge of the stream desperately trying to pull sarah out of the water and so the parking lot crew they run over and they grab sarah they pull her out they don't really know what's happened they don't know this is some boiling stream but it very quickly dawns on them when lance and tyler and sarah just continue to scream outside of the water that something is horribly wrong and so one of the people in the parking lot crew they take off running they go into one of their cars and they drive and they get help and not that long after a helicopter would arrive and it would take sarah lance and tyler to a nearby hospital it would turn out lance and tyler when they fell into this water they only submerged up to their necks and as soon as they hit the water they immediately turned and got themselves out again so they were only in the water for maybe a second or two and these things ultimately saved their lives although they did still have burns over almost their entire bodies they had to go through dozens and dozens of surgeries and years of rehab and they had to pay all this money for medical bills so it was not a smooth course after they got pulled out but they lived as for sarah she was not as lucky when she fell into the water she completely submerged her head her body all of it went under the water and then she just could not get herself out again and so she stayed in the water much longer than the guys did when she was admitted to the hospital despite the fact she was talking and conscious the doctors very quickly realized they had a big problem with her a third degree burn or a full thickness burn is when the outer layer of skin gets destroyed and also the inner deeper tissues of the skin also gets destroyed including these cells that are responsible for reproducing skin and so if you get a third degree burn that part of your body will not heal on its own you literally have to get a skin graft and a skin graft is effectively a skin transplant they will take other sections of skin from your body that are unburned and they will place them over that site where you have the third degree burn but when sarah was wheeled into the operating room it was determined that she had third degree burns on 100 of her body so there was no unburned skin to use for a skin graft her whole body was ruined and so despite their best efforts sarah would pass away 15 hours after arriving at the hospital a year later lance's family would sue the national park service for not having put up a sign near that particular stream to warn people of its dangers but that lawsuit was tossed out because it was determined that the trio sarah tyler and lance had chosen to walk off trail in a known thermal area and so they were being negligent not the park so that's going to do it guys if you found the secret in today's episode let us know in the comments section what it is and where you found it so give us the time stamp and if you're the first to do that we'll pin you at the top of the comments section if you got something out of today's video and you haven't done this already the next time the like button has an itch on their back offer to scratch it for them but then continuously misunderstand their directions so you never actually itch the right spot also please subscribe to our channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly one or two video uploads we are now selling merchandise like flannels and hats and sweatshirts and all sorts of stuff if you're interested go to if you want to learn about upcoming deals and promotions for our shop go to our shop's instagram page the username is shopmrballen if you want to get in touch with me you can direct message me on instagram or on twitter my username is mr ballin i also have a ton of content over on tiktok where my username is also mr ballen we have a second youtube channel just called mr ball and shorts where we post random short videos and lost episodes we also have a facebook page just called mr ballin where we post condensed versions of the longer episodes you see on youtube if you have a story suggestion please submit it to our subreddit just called mr ballen it's linked in the description below so whether i see you on twitter instagram ticktalk reddit youtube facebook or some combination just know that i really appreciate your support and until next time that's going to do it see ya
Channel: MrBallen
Views: 2,689,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, unsolved mystery, solved mystery, true crime, rabbit, rabbit hole, rabbiting, ferret, ferreting, hunting, hunter, South Yorkshire, England, uk, new year, New Years day, navy, helicopter, mh53, superman, stunt, accident, tragic, tragedy, Darwin Award, Persian gulf, Bahrain, Kuwait, military, Yellowstone, hot springs, volcano, red river, boiling water, burned, forest, horror
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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