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hey everyone just rolled up here and thank goodness it's winter time come on but look at that we've got some douros some potato skins and I see some Hostess stuff back there see oh my gosh look at the little Santa basket he's so cute and that one the handle's just off the handle oh we got some ornaments I have a huge stack of those broken treay okay let's check the other and all that was on the other side I pulled out this cute [Music] frame wow check that out so we're going to the blessings box here tomorrow look it it's filled oh I'm so excited we've got some pizzas and some some chips oh some marshmallows oh they're hard oo but I will take this I love brown sugar [Music] oatmeal get the bag out of my car a minute all right let's go get the bag okay guys just going to take these These are gross they they're like these are hard oh uh-oh what do we got here wow almonds what wow kind clusters this one is opened wow you guys I think there's another bag down there look at that we got gluten Oreos sweet sunflower seeds all this out of my way wow I cannot believe all these are in here we're definitely going to head over to the blessings box this weekend and I'll bring you guys with me wow the birthday k c those are those are so good if you haven't tried those can't believe all these sunflower seeds that's going to be ripping That's Heavy oh bunch of beans I think I just saw Starbucks that nice man Sai chips a hoy Salita there's another coffee in here too look at more Starbucks mixed fruit December 1st that should be be still okay that's nothing there another coffee Bam Bam Bam Bam I'm actually going to uh oh is that Chick-fil-A sauce oh how funny that sauce is really good um I have a friend that lives right around the corner here well I shouldn't say that a couple miles up but I'm going to let her know to come down here um and grab whatever else she wants because I think I just saw another one coffee thing is those aren't too bad these were hard I think yeah oh my goodness you guys bubble tea kits what oh my gosh my daughter and I are obsessed look how many look at how many oh wow and some uh salted caramel mering wow this is awesome all right guys what's that back there let's get this bag wow this is so guys just filled up over here and seen dry shampoo mousse curls more down here this thing for that some more hairspray I think that's it on that one look at this they just dumped all this could have been donated holiday pack all Temptations that's for kitty cats yeah that's open so I ain't going to mess with that light specks some razors Gillette ear wax cleaners I'm over here by Five Below and I just found this I don't see anything knows I keep finding this this liquid death it's water I don't know I'm going to have to to check that out okay let's move these out of here normally they dump all this stuff out which looks like they did but just for fun let me just show you oh we've got Lindor oh they did they pour out a lot of it I can see it on the bottom here but they didn't do anything to the Lindor what nice awesome oh they didn't even open all these either the slim gems see what else is in here guys oh these are so good that was nice of them not to dump it all out a little pop toy more lender [Music] crazy awesome all right you guys so here is well actually this isn't even everything as you saw we scored a ton of coffee which I've already given away um there was tons of Oreos I've been already giving some of that away I also have a big cookie jar and it holds five pack packages of Oreos and so I can tell you five of them are in that cookie jar there were a ton of these oh my God these are so good these are really really good if you haven't tried these um definitely if you like the kind bars you're going to love these clusters um this is my our one of our favorites there was only one of those of the birthday one um here was the little chips aoy some of those little bars some of the grandma's cookies Belle and look at that there were pickled flavored sunflower seeds we love dill pickle flavored anything but yeah a lot of these Sriracha 3D bunch of those there was one bag of barbecue and then there was a ton of the oatmeal and again that stuff um we've already boxed up to give away um and then so whatever we majority of this is getting donated to the blessings box um so I'm calling them to schedule a porch pickup um because obviously I'm not going to fill it with all chips um I give it to them and then they micromanage the blessings box which makes it a lot easier for um everyone I know people are like oh you shouldn't give snacks to the blessings box well you guys just so you know um this isn't meant for a breakfast lunch and dinner um this is for people who I have they've said this that they can only afford the bare minimum they can't afford snacks and stuff for their children and every kid should be allowed to have a cookie or to have some chips so that's where I come in because the blessings box people have told me they get a lot of all the other nutritional things donated she said I am the snack person that helps um fill in those extra things for those families and so you guys yeah every everyone deserves a snack here and there so yeah so hopefully you guys like this video if you did please give it a thumbs up really helps the channel out if you're not already subscribed please do and if you are new welcome everyone thanks so much for watching this video and be on the lookout I have tons more videos to bring you that are just like this and if you haven't go watch my past videos I'm telling you you guys won't believe how much stuff we are saving from the landfill have a great rest of your day love all of you
Channel: Heather's Hauls
Views: 15,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster divers, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving, dumpster dive haul, trash picking, DUMPSTER DIVING, FREE, HAUL, FREE STUFF, DONATING, free stuff, YOUTUBER, VIRAL, FOLLOW, MICHAELS, CRAFTS, DECOR, DONATE, diver, DONATION, FUN, SNACKS, PARTY CITY, CANDY, youtuber, ebay reseller, treasure hunting, dumpster diving 2023, dumpster diving 2023 latest, candles, bath & body works, frugal living, oddly satisfying, bye summer, party city, how to save money, BURLINGTON, betsey johnson
Id: g9XYAvAd5I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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