They thought Pharah was DOMINATING this game...but was she? | Overwatch 2 Spectating

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all right so today's video we're watching a gold one tank on PC they're going to play some doomfist from atra Diva they say this was an energy draining game we started on attack and steamrolled the other team to the point where they started saying GG which yeah don't do that OverWatch cuz you can definitely get wins on defense however they went Farah and we struggled I switched to ratra and I'm usually better on him but I think I found it tough on this one especially when the Farah obliterates my backline I don't want to blame my teammates cuz I know it's tough going against Farah anyway that was enough to give them momentum to make the game close and I'll let you see the end I'd appreciate any tips to improve my game and how to approach situations when there is a Farah to go against well I will say it's interesting because they ended up fixing the problem where Farah dominates with the with the pocket but then they created a new one where I feel like Farah is just still really good against people and like because you need to be way less accurate and like it feels like you just take so much burst damage and you go well some will be like hey go go diva well it can be very rank dependent but I'll say you this much diva is struggling right now and granted it doesn't mean that D.A is inherently terrible but D.A certainly is struggling way more than Diva's ever struggled in OverWatch 2 because of you know what was what was D.A good at you go D.A against Winston well guess what Winston is now better against D.A and things like that have kind of created this really unique experience so let's see all right so you're UND Doom interesting start by the r the classic Char SP Tak 18 months appreci thank you oh you kicked the field goal there see that's the impressive part is Doom is when you kick the field goal I call it where you just completely miss your right click but it's so impressive that you managed to do that that was one of those moments Doom's all just about solid rotations for players trying to get better at Doom I'll tell you the one thing that made me better at doom and I'm not saying I'm the best Doom but I certainly have gotten better just hit your right clicks and I know that sounds like very generic advice but I think sometimes players focus on so much with doom at least I did that all I realize that everything starts with a with a with a good right click f that's it because if you miss you go right by them right like if you miss them you go right by them you just you just you just miss if you at least hit them whether or not it was like the most successful one at least it stops you in place gives you a little bit of those Shields and you can at least like get out that is the number one thing I've learned with doom is that I that is what gets me rolled the most time what what rank are they gold it's not too a good start I mean they're not really over pushing they're trying to clear space like so far so good I mean I mean the real issue in this game eventually comes down to when the Farah comes into play right we know they're going to be steamrolling for a bit here but we'll watch some of this stuff you know talk about a little bit of the game theory I don't even know I just I just wanted to sound smart so I said game theory that's it I hope that helps um yeah I mean that that's basically it would Doom though right now you just rotate your cool Downs correctly don't over feed hit your right clicks like yep yeah I mean so far so good and I don't really have anything so far that I'm like Oh no you're playing it terribly I think you're doing a good job with you know I think you're doing a good job of just like slowly starting to um you know chip away the team you're not overfeeding cool down usage has been good it most of your right clicks yeah solid start yeah I mean this is the classic like this is how I would play Doom like really good Dooms will probably go up there and make plays I just push the cart because I know that the more that I'm pushing cart not only are we getting the objective it's less time that I'm feeding so I get it I'm not even going to be mad at you on that one you know what I'm saying I they going to be mad at that point and and that's what I mean by the way just just a little side note and I just wanted to pause cuz I haven't paused yet and this extends the video out if you look right there though you notice how like even like a punch like that the difference between if you hit that punch or miss that punch like hitting that punch gives you a little bit of Shield you don't go flying past their team and then get rolled so even like if you're going to have a if you're going for a punch like even if you just hit the orisa there you're you're in a good spot because otherwise you go right past them and you get rolled so good punch there good job in general now you have numbers you can be a bit more aggressive wow good patience I I got to say your doom patience is is is impressive right like right there like that's a good understanding of like how you want to do your punch understanding the projectile like that was [Applause] good you help that good help wow they went flying off the map there you should be okay though you know that you know RIS has all so be careful yeah I got to say I've been pretty happy with the play yeah that was like you didn't know where you wanted to go so you I mean I'll be real with you like so far so good I actually think this is for gold this has been good Doom play Hey if you're if if you were able to play consistently like that on Doom you would climb like You' climb easily and I think you I think you played that fairly well now obviously this wasn't what the video was going to be about though because later on we're going to start to see a little bit more of a struggle when they go Farah which once again Farah is a hero that doesn't rely so heavily on the mercy pocket anymore but let me tell you far has become a bit more meta in top 500 and I it feels like some of the damage is impossible to deal with so you just get chipped down which I guess in tank and generally you just get chipped down but like you get chipped down even more because they can play like that mid-range and just do nothing but we'll see we'll see how it goes well I mean that that's the thing is like one being on Doom against the Farah is going to be difficult because like this is where believe it or not and and maybe good play there I think against this comp you need to start being more aggro on their backline cuz I think you mentioned in like the and I think you're doing that right now this is a good way to go about it but you definitely need to be a bit more Agro against what they're doing now because if you don't do that then you're going to get grinded down so the best thing you can do is just be as disruptive to their backline as they're being disruptive to yours and if you end up going into offensive mode you're probably going to get rolled you don't have to do it yet because like your team is still rolling but the moment your team stops rolling because you're so used to that as a team wow nice job uh check mix thanks for the future thank you appreciate it that's where things will start to ship for the pun he said that that MO is having a great time yes they are yeah I so now I know I said to be aggressive under their backline but now you you you can see what's happening I talk about this all the time and this is something I want to kind of want to help players with because it's something that I I even still try to remind myself when I'm playing OverWatch just remember this play the way you've been playing the whole game when you have good positioning it's very easy when you start to win team fights to gravitate away from good positioning now what's happened you started off playing statue you played statue efficiently you made plays when you had numbers and then you did stuff right well you won a team fight you won two team fights and now you're in their spawn and look what's happening now you're at low HP now you've overextended always remind yourself to get into a good position after every team fight because it's really easy to fall away from good position especially when your team's rolling now you're probably going to win a game like this more often than not but it's also very common to lose a game like this if you just keep going in and feeding and not recognizing that you're getting there by having good positioning to begin with that's how you're getting there to begin with is by having good positioning so just remember that you can easily get rolled after that right now they've had to use uh cool Downs on you your team went to go save you and I'm not saying that you you fully got your Moira kill there but you certainly didn't make it easy on your team and especially now where Tank's a bit of a struggle one of the best things that you can do as a tank even though it can be frustrating is minimize how much I'm actually we're going to be working on a video over the next month or so I'm going to do a video called like so you want a tank and it's going to kind of be like both like an entertainment one with some humor but also kind of showcase like what I mean by space creation things like that it's a start of something I want to try doing more consistently my YouTube is like you know we're going to do like a really cool like edited video once a month or so that's my goal it could be two months but uh a lot of what I'm talking about here is like one of the best things you can do as a tank is also help your teammates out by minimizing how much damage you're taking because a lot of what happens is your supports you're going to hear a lot about like and I've been hearing complaint from players a lot recently we'll keep watching this is if supports are saying that supports feels a lot less fun and a lot of what I'm picking up from that is not that supports necessarily got nerfed to the ground if that tanks got worse and now tanks are taking so much more damage that you you get stuck in the heal bot mode a lot the time right I'm getting way more videos now where somebody's like oh I had a heal for 35,000 healing and I'm like yeah it's because your tank is just taking as much damage as possible and there's no timing to do damage even though it's recommended to do that there's no timing your tank just Falls over so anyway oh he went from bronze to Gold let's go congratulations keep it up you got this so far so good though I mean like I said outside of like that you know you're bad position in there but I I still think you need to be wary of that I think like you want to keep reset into a good spot see how you see what you did there though you used your punch in there and then you didn't reposition yourself after now argument there what you might see me doing ranked is you're holding the cart I'll give you that one sometimes it's okay just to hold the cart and get some alts out and retake and that's what you did what about a tank like Reinhardt that isn't mobile um I mean reinhardt's going to be about good position in and honestly like there's two play styles of R now it's the put them to sleep um play style where you just hold your Shield Up Until It Breaks cuz a lot of players won't break the shield right now or it's the charge in hope that you're like you have stickum or like velcro and that you just end up on one of the players um in general that somehow gets suctioned into your charge those are the two play Styles anything in between that you're going to probably make it a lot more difficult everybody how I know that that's what I do right for my try don't mind here I think this allows you to play a little bit more static but I do want you to be wary of one thing the bar is causing a lot of the issue right on your backline so you went from playing a hero that needs to be a little bit more static right now and even though ratra can be aggro if they play mid-range on you you're going to get nothing done um and that's kind of what they're doing you go what do you mean I can shoot like the Doritos at them yeah but you're also trying to shoot Doritos against a Farah a Moira a Winston being mobile with a bubble so you lose a little bit of that value that spam gets right you do gain some good play here I I don't think like I see your mechanics here and I don't necessarily think like you're playing terribly but I do think that like your adjustment to what your position is going to be and how you want to play stuff definitely needs a little bit of work you almost get into that safe play style a little bit which I I I have a tendency to fall into especially when I become the card Pusher or the objective player because as a tank a lot of the times they want you to tank get aggressive play Passive play aggressive push the cart push the objective also create space while pushing the objective um and if you don't do that they're going to get mad at you so like you try to do so much at wants to tank but honestly like you're in to spot with tank right now where you can get stuff done but you still have to wait for other things to be done for you to be a to do yeah altim this honestly I would have aled it even sooner only to try to put the pressure off of your teammates let me let me explain something on this one and then this is not there's no guaranteed to success on this one but the reason why I want to explain this is because it can be helpful if you're in a spot where it takes one team fight for the team to win it's better just to hit your alt button to try to make you become the immediate distraction so what happens is they all in them and then your reaction is to wait a little bit cuz you want to time your ultimates better the problem is that you need you need them to make you the main focus so at this point you just hit your Al button hoping that the voice line alone brings value now there's no guarantee it does right there's there's zero guarantee that it will but it's better than wait as long as possible and then now you're just going to get rolled right you want to at least you want create that opportunity so uh faet thanks to give this up thank you appreciate it thank you uh anything about the meta I I would say depending on your rank it probably won't matter as much it's just going to come down to like how you're playing um yeah I mean okay this is going to sound I don't know if this is correct take by Me was it me or was like the far the least of the issues here and maybe I'm looking at it more from like what I'm seeing on the tank but I I feel like it's just a of of you wanting to do the same thing and you kind of going static which means you're just kind of playing like a statue I I don't know if that was necessarily the phah I do think the Farah was was playing well but I don't think it was like the reason as to why your team lost it kind of felt like your team just gave up the space creation that your team had to begin with and that and and this is like something I want to talk about some players are good against certain play Styles like for example I comps I struggle against I'll tell you right now wreck and ball based comps where they just go into full Deathmatch mode I can struggle as a tank sometimes I don't know what to do so if you're still playing a disruptive team comp against them then the backline is still going to feel pressured and is going to play differently but if you go into a statue mode what you did especially against what they're doing you're basically just giving them free opportunity to make plays right so sometimes you need to think about when you make a hero swamp will this change or make it easier on the other players on the other team and the answer to that was yes because the moment you change up your play style the all their team needs to worry about is just sitting there doing nothing right they don't they don't have to worry about any backline pressure they don't even have to worry about a doomfist being up in their face they just have to look at a ratra who honestly you're now playing into their play style you're you're you're enabling their play Style by going the comp that you're going um so now you switch to D.A now so I'll see how you play D.A right keep in mind they're on Winston which by the way in my opinion diva is way worse against Winston way worse against Winston right now in my opinion I'm letting this happen for now I'm watching okay holding the choke for now all right I I only was concerned about you turning around there remember when you when you counterd a Winston Sometimes the best play you can do is just DM the angles so that way they can't heal the Winston and they do way less damage to you that's why I was a little concerned but I I'll give it to you cuz it worked remember minimize poke damage taken minimize poke damage taken I'm telling you minimize poke damage taken all right in that situation you need to DM your teammate if your teammate gets s in front of you that that that I always say this when you're playing Diva one of the best ways to look at it is pretend that your other teammate is a tank so at that point if if Venture is in front of you and they're getting slapped Venture is now the tank it it's now your also great diva out there it's now your like opportunity and your I guess not your job like you're going to need to sit there and like make your teammate unkillable so they become the tank I always kind of give that advice as Diva and then that's where like you probably could have saved your Venture and you just did L thanks for the free Prim thank you shame thank you good job getting the tire remember you have a teammate now you're now now you're peeling is this the play I I'll let the team fight decide that cuz then that could be then that could be a hindsight Harry and then just act like I was super smart here no real talk though um the reason why you need to look at that play a little bit differently is because the moment they hit you with like the mo Al combo and then jump in like what are you going to be able to do at that point you barely can grind through Winston right now when they don't have any heals so the moment they go into this play you just need to kind of go into backline trades and just try your best to disrupt their backline a lot of the problem here is you actually over peeled I would have normally said that it's okay to peel but with current Diva vers Winston you're almost just better off TR in their backline and putting pressure on their backline even if you go to their backline and feed and the Winston trades out I think I'm okay with that right that goes in like any game uh where like sometimes you just have to trade and it's not it's not going to feel sometimes trading out doesn't feel good right because you want to actually go and do something but unfortunately sometimes this tank you you have to do that even more so now where like the playmaking ability of a tank is less than it was before so like sometimes you just have to go and make a play like that and that's it and the best thing you can do is just is just hope for the best right and it it sucks to have to have to play do do that play style sometimes but you're you're going in you're going into their all like you're almost like imagine like the equivalent of that Moira like Al in their Winson in and you chasing them is the equivalent of like you see a grab and you go let me fly into this it's not the same like you're not having the same response to it but like it's still not going to be ideal right back to ratra which which once again I didn't feel like their Farah at the time was really causing the issues and now they don't have a Farah like I think I think it's one of those things where you felt like the Pharaoh was like the Difference Maker and in reality that wasn't that it's just your play style shift it's kind of happened again like you're you're playing into like what makes the they want to play this like death B like spam type of comp and now you're playing into it now I don't mind ratra here I I think what you probably could go here and and and you could agree or disagree cuz I mean I don't try to give hero suggestions too much I think Sigma would actually work really well here because if you look at the way they're playing they play very stacked and when a team doesn't want to like move around the map and they want to play more death Bley this is where Sigma gets a lot of value right because you can kind of just Spam in and even if you're being a little bit inaccurate um and I just made up a word inaccurate with like your left clicks you're still going to hit a lot of your shots because it's Splash damage right which means you're going to do random amounts of damage so if you find yourself stuck here against this comp and they don't have like a Lucio or anything like that the reason why is they can't be too aggro on your Sigma you can play corners and be fine doesn't mean ratra is bad either I'm just saying like it's okay to play Sigma there yeah just hold that good job that was the correct play by the way whether or not they get you that's the correct play they went for you with a tire you just have to go into like defensive mode there I'm okay with that you played that right you played that right oh that was good oh huge Vortex nice nice Vortex good job now you definitely don't lose that right yeah okay I was going to say it's an orisa versus a kico and a Reaper you win that just just just they don't lose that if you said it was a KIRO in a 1 V one I think you win that go would venture work with Rush coms oh yeah Venture is has slowly started to get into the meta um you saw a lot of venture being played they they're a very good hero they're a very good hero uh I do think it's like in that skill Gap type of play where you need to like really put the time in a venture because I think there's a difference between a good Venture and like a bad Venture which people are like oh that's obvious if you say something's good or bad yeah but like there's a there's like a floor to that right like a floor of a hero the way that if you play him bad like actually for example like like a I play D.A right the floor of D.A defense maner brings a lot of a lot of value but the sealment of D.A can be really high right so like you can see the difference between a really good Diva or a really bad Diva Venture runs into that issue too where like you definitely need to put the practice in there so all right here we go let's see how your attack goes here y you have plenty of time zarya this is okay for you remember hey good right clicks yeah your your doom right clicks are very accurate they're actually more accurate than my Doom right CL so that that that's good I mean granted I not setting the highest bar there for uh doomfist gameplay but you're definitely good with your right clicks which is step one now remember what is the problem you're running into right now what are you doing wrong here that I there you go there you go much better reaction and the reason why you're doing this is disrupt their backline I'm listen you got rolled there it also was timing right half your team died during that play if your teammates don't die during that you probably have a much better interaction right and then you switch off toat play their play we see how this goes once again I I I think you have the right idea I I I think you just ended up want you're playing static now you're playing very statue I think statue is a way to put it like you just this is good though you're being aggro okay you got map control now spam them out spam them wait 3 seconds then go in three two and throw a Vortex back left okay I do want to point one thing out about your Vortex the reason why you want to throw it back left is so that when they they're pressured in even more you throw it like right there they're not going to be go anywhere always think about like where they're going to go with Vortex not where they are that's not bad right there I like that one just remember that with Vortex it's not necessarily about where they are it's where they can go right and a lot of the time they're going to back away which means they're going to back into it so you start with the back and guess what if they run into it right if they run into it then they're going to be slowed anyway so it's a win-win if you get a good Vortex lot Happening Here I do think that you're you're backing up a little bit too much but now you're fine put a shield up that grab did not go where I thought that was going I I actually am surprised by that grab the mercy got the junkrat and you should just win this team fight now non-stop charge and zarya I you know I I am I'm going to pause for a second because I I I I I I do want to talk about this remember an out of position zarya is going to be way easier to kill than never shooting at the zarya bubbles so sometimes you have to charge zarya to be able to get the zarya out of position so if the zarya is in the middle of the point with no way to back up easily and they burst two of their bubbles the zarya is going to probably get rolled right it's it's not going to go well for the zarya if you sit there and let the zarya get away with everything they're eventually going to end up at full charge and they're going to have two bubbles out of position but they're still going to be able to make that play if you're just never shoot their bubble there's there's a balance between that but like if that zarya is just sit in the middle of the point and they're out of position you can kill that zarya it just that's that's how you kill zarya and then the reason why zarya can be frustrated to play against sometimes cuz players are so in the mindset of never shoot at zarya because of that that the zarya just runs into your backline and you're like how's this happen it's because no one's shooting at the zarya you're just letting aarya run at you for free imagine if you were playing City and then nobody shot at you the whole time and you just running at them that's what you're doing the equivalent of sometimes with zarya they too focused on those zarya there yeah I mean you you could argue they can go to the back line but at the same time like they're not running speed so if their teammate their team which we've talked about their team playing very static static but very like they play back and they they play together you can get rolled that way too right there's a there's a there's a style you have to kind of look at when that's happening it's not as like simple as like oh just go for the backline every time because if they're playing 7,000 M back and you don't have a speed boost how you going to get to it you just aren't yeah you take away a little bit of the map control but like sometimes you're going to get rolled doesn't mean it's a bad play like I I think you'll you'll probably have this is going to be a really aggro and you're going to fall over yeah want know how I know that I fall into that exact same trap when I'm playing Racha where I think I'm going to be able to make a play and then that happens I've actually learned that I can't even use ratal the way that I want to anymore because every time I use it I just fall over like that use it more of as like a zone out an area alt now then just like run into their backline El if you have speed boost it's a different story though yeah you have the right idea here by the way you have the right idea also look at the Arisa when you do the block I think that's how you would do that right you look at the orisa don't like turn around cuz like you if you're blocking as Doom it will still do the the maximum damage to you if it's from behind I think you need to I I could be wrong I think you need to maybe not I don't know it didn't it didn't look like you took damage ruction on that one is what I'm saying so that's why I think you have to do it the other way huh um the good right click I mean you have a katun but you're not you're not using the katun so you're probably going to get roll yeah so like I'm going I'm going to be honest with you and uh with this game here for you is like it felt like you almost overreacted to them having a phah it it almost feels like you kind of like took yourself out of this game and what I mean by that is you overreacted so heavily to what what comp they had that because you did that it ended up just giving them like you let them you let them play the way that they wanted to play and the way that you started off was like you were disrupting their backline you were going back to the objective when you needed to you were making plays then you went into like okay we were just rup in their backline we were making all these plays now we're going to play it safe and you said it yourself you your your teammates were losing their backline but so were they right so like even if you lose your backline a lot of the time the trades will go in your favor especially in these games and you're just you didn't you just went you went into statue mode and I think you worried so much about so many different things that all you needed to do is stick to what was working and make those adjustments and I think that's really what made the difference here I don't even know if it was necessarily the Farah that changed it I think it was you saw a Farah when uhoh that's clearly where we're losing at and then you stop playing the way that you were playing let them dictate the pace and then that's why you lost the game now it's not completely on you right you got to remember it's a a team effort so like everybody in your team is involved in how they're going to play this but like one thing that you can do is recognize the play style that's working for you what the other team struggles against and go from there and I think you being a little bit more aggro in their backline especially when they engage would have went a lot better than just standing there and letting them kind of dictate the pace and I think that's where you would make those adjustments um good doomfist play though I will say that I think your doom play was actually really really solid for what for being in Gold especially so keep that up I think you'll be able to climb if you like this video make sure to hit the like button subscribe to all three YouTubes if you haven't you want to subit your own spectating look in the description below you'll see my Discord that's where you would do that leave a comment all of that helps we also record these live on stream look below the the webcamera right there you can see the twitch chat we have a lot of fun here stop by if you haven't and with that being said I hope you have an amazing day SL night [Music] all [Music]
Channel: emongg
Views: 26,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emongg, emong, emon, emmong, overwatch, overwatch 2, flats, spectating, spectate, spectates, overwatch funny moments, funny overwatch moments
Id: OgUZgWcPg78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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