They Send Me a Cease and Desist Letter (St Armand's Circle)

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oh hi one person who watches all my videos it's me one person who makes all the videos that you are watching i received a cease and desist letter now who sent me a cease and desist letter a saint armand circle association what is saint armand circle association well the correct question would be what is saint armand's insane armaments is a place in sarasota florida where during the lockdown and right after it i went to play on the street for no one than for one person and then for one person who watches all of these videos you and then very many people allegedly showed interest to see me play there and you know 150 million views later it sort of became a thing there's even a google maps place made by someone on google maps that says david is the musician and it's on st armand circle and uh saint armand circular association send me a cease and desist it's very scary it's very threatening it's very legal language and uh they're like no no no so i'm gonna read it the whole thing in its entirety for you one person who watches all my videos and then i'm gonna break it down section by section by section we're going to dissect it because a lot of stuff that they said in it i read through it and i'm like wait a minute that's not what happened it was the day of christmas eve santa was preparing his sleigh and rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was polishing his shiny nose and st armin circle association and the lawyers sent this letter on the day of christmas eve [Music] all right i'm gonna blur out some names for privacy reasons obviously but some other stuff will be left unblurred so you can see the sheer amazingness of this carefully crafted letter that had one two three four five six seven eight nine ten people participating ten people got together probably wearing business suits during work hours they probably even set the alarms to get up early let's jump into it i will read it in its entirety and then we're going to break it down piece by piece because i have screenshots and evidence and stuff cease and desist davidos machinskis harassment dear mr moshinskis this law firm has the privilege of representing the saint armand circle association with regard to your continued harassment of the association persuading to florida statute 784.048 in september 2021 you were permitted to participate in the songs on the circle event along with numerous other artists however you were the only artist who deliberately failed to follow the rules as laid out prior to your performance for example you exceeded the allowed decibel level and refused to cease playing at the pre-planned cut-off time these actions resulted in numerous complaints from merchants and as a result you have not been invited to return we'll get back to that later i have stuff showing otherwise since that time you have taken it upon yourself to continuously harass the association in an effort to promote yourself at the association's expense your course of conduct which includes having your social media followers bombard the association's facebook page and deluge them with emails is causing substantial emotional distress to the employees of the association while individuals are generally responsible for their own actions your encouragement and request to your followers to continue to berate and belittle the association for electronic mail and electronic communications constitutes harassment and cyber stalking on your part really are you sure about that you had 10 people who claim to be lawyers write this be advised that this conduct will no longer be tolerated please find this correspondence as formal notice and demand that you are ceased to cease and desist from all further conduct adverse to my client or you will be subject to a civil complaint for injunctive relief and any other available legal remedies that's a mouthful that's a very legal sentence you really tried hard on that one didn't you finally the association does not promote coordinate shows concerns for the visual performance as it appears to be your desire to put together a showcase of your talent to which the association has no objection you simply need to obtain the proper permits and permissions for the showcase from the proper governing of authorities that's not quite true as well we'll get back to that later and then in all caps at the end govern yourselves accordingly is this a legitimate concern or is a law firm trying to cash in is this an accusation of a legitimate crime or just people in suits and office buildings are trying to bully a street musician that lives in florida jungle let's find out so the first paragraph your continued harassment of the association pursuant to florida's 784048 i'm gonna overlay and you let me know if it applies here it is on the screen okay so this is definitely a mouthful to read and you can pause the screen and check it out for yourselves but everything that is mentioned is mentioned about a person a person online the thing with st armin circle association it is the official facebook page that is publicly visible and has a message capability to message to the page as well as the st army circle association website that has a contact form never have i ever ever told my followers to harass berate belittle or bombard i just said hey if you want to know i'm going to be playing you should ask them because they do events second paragraph in september 2021 you were permitted to participate in the songs in the circle event along with numerous other artists however you were the only artist who deliberately failed to follow the rules as laid out prior to your performance for example you exceeded the allowed decibel level and refused to cease playing at the pre-planned cut-off time these actions resulted in numerous complaints from merchants and as a result you have not been invited to return so for channel members of this youtube channel and members of the patreon i make full unedited videos of my performances available in their entirety such as two hour three hour segments just like the whole thing watch it and it's only for channel members or patrons on patreon i'm gonna make an exception for this i'm going to link in the description the whole thing of the saint armand show and you can see how there's no complaints no one's telling me to turn it down furthermore they used photos from uh my show of that day to run official saint armand circle association instagram ads official saint armand circle association facebook ads to promote st armand's circle and how successful their event was and they didn't tag me either but they used all the photos of the crowd of one person who came to see me play and me playing and also they responded to my instagram story few days after the show after they were tagged in the story saying that they're a big fan you know stuff like that very positive there was nothing negative non-negative feedback sponsored sponsored look at our wonderful event there were five other musicians but no we only used pictures of this one so we debunked the second paragraph too what else do they have since that time you have taken it upon yourself to continuously harass the association in an effort to promote yourself at the association's expense no no no no saint armand circle association uh used my images to promote themselves at my expense i could make an argument like that but i'm not going to your course of conduct which includes having your social media followers bombard i mean colorful language like bombard attack this is what they do in the news to divide people this is very deliberate choice of words to paint a very dark picture bombard the association's facebook page and deludge them with emails is causing substantial emotional distress to the employees of the association while individuals are generally responsible for their own actions your encouragement and request to your followers to continue to berate and belittle the association through electronic email and electronic communication constitutes harassment and cyber bullying on your part the cyber bullying argument does not stand up let's say if it was peggy the volunteer of saint armand circular association personal facebook profile and she's getting harassed and bombarded and belittled and insulted yes but this is the official page where people are asking of someone in particular because we see him play right when is he going to be there again be advised that this conduct will no longer be tolerated please find this correspondence as formal notice and demand that you are cease and desist from all further conduct adverse to my client or you will be subject to a civil complaint for injunctive relief and any other available legal remedies so check this out i play in videos they see colombia restaurant they see vanessa on the other side they see the neptune statue and sometimes i'm like oh thank you for coming everybody to stay in arm and circle people find out on their own that this is saint armand circle and that this jungle homeless street musician is playing on st armand circle so there's extremely large substantial percentage of a pizza chart of people who contact st armand circle asking about this particular musician that were not instructed by me i didn't tell them to do that the sheer existence of saint armand circle association and the events that take place there invites people to contact such association for more information through the website contact form link in the description down below or facebook messaging from their official armored circle association facebook page also description down below to think that every communication that comes in in regards to that is harassment bullying and bombarding and and cyber stalking dude you should hire someone younger to run your social media who can explain to you what actually is going on help me help you i would have loved to be in your social media music ambassador to the world finally the association does not promote or coordinate shows or concerts for individual performers as it appears to be your desire to put together a showcase of your talents to which the association has no objection you simply need to obtain the proper permits and permissions from the showcase from the proper governing authorities that's half true because other artists have been promoted and other events have taken place where they like well this is our thing so we're not going to charge them thousands of dollars to get a permit because this is our thing and last but not least and absolutely my favorite all caps govern yourselves accordingly it's a beautiful piece of tragical comedy that involves 10 adults in business suits very serious we're going to destroy this street musician it's like kevin bacon in that movie where they were not allowed to dance okay and uh i invite you to join me in this quest for truth and this quest for justice i will be kevin bacon and i need your support are you a lawyer please email me please my email link in the description down below all and any support is greatly appreciated and last but not least if you run events in your city in america if you part of some association in your city in america if you are an events coordinator in your town city or village contact me i would love to come and play to your city in downtown square it's going to cost you nothing i'm just going to show up but just let me plug in my electricity and let me play loud music for people's enjoyment i will promote your city your town your downtown square on my youtube channel for the world to see and then people from out of state people from other towns and people hopefully from out of country will come to your uh city we'll come to your town and uh uh your downtown square and we'll increase the tourism profits okay let's do it together thank you so much for watching this this has been the most hilarious and tragic video i've ever had to make but there's probably more coming because there's other developments because as you can see i am in a different jungle also videographers uh there's there's a vacancy you may apply thank you govern yourselves accordingly
Channel: DØVYDAS
Views: 526,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dovydas, music, guitar
Id: 1-YW2o68SxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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