They said they carry every game on their back... Is it true? | Overwatch 2 Spectating

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all right so in today's video we're watching a plat four tank on Console I have been having to carry my teams a lot lately and I need your advice I think I'm a decent tank but if you can give me advice I will greatly appreciate it so it sounds like you think you carry your team in a lot of your games or your teammates are throwing so the question here is how are you playing all right you're playing close you're spamming cool Downs you don't have use your go that early remember that I guess if you don't want to get hooked even though you didn't even look at the hog and still got hooked all right so far interesting start you're you're I do this on Arisa sometimes too but remember try not to overheat as much especially when like they're playing okay yes see we okay I'm going to pause you already because you mentioned how like you're carrying and do all this like what can you do your cool down usage isn't good right now you need to stop just spamming your gold to use your gold gold is like an important part of your cool down so like if you use that that's when you become easily sucess and fall over so go okay team's playing very close see that see that gold you're doing there see how you use gold now now you don't have it this is where they can get you now obviously you're probably going to back away but like I I think you're overusing your gold a bit too much and then when you need it you don't have it and then you yeah you're you're cool down spamming I can already tell you right now one thing you want to do is be a little bit smarter with your cool Downs you are absolutely cool down spamming don't overcharge you're overheating you're you're you're oh there we go Javelin spin why not might as well throw a use your gold oh you already used your gold wonderful all right you throw a javelin now ah honestly I would have done the same thing I missed all right oh oh yeah Javelin spin why not all right oh Gold's coming up better got to use it now here goes gold use gold okay that was good cool down usage right there the way you did that was good that was a better play much better oh and there we go again back to using gold randomly all right wonderful mechanically not too bad hitting your shots doing well with javelin cool down usage not good if you keep spamming cool down like that the other team can easily take advantage of you and it will not matter if they're running the dive comp against a widow if if you're going to spam your cool down there we go now you've used all three cool Downs how will this go still might survive it might not no I'm bad and and keep in mind they still would have gotten you there even if they didn't hack you you didn't have Javelin spin up you didn't have gold and that that right there is like it goes back to try to cool down spam less I I know it's fun to hit the buttons and to make plays like that but you have to be a little bit more worry about how you're going about it wa for it okay oh there's there's the gold again all right cool down spam cool down spam let's just hit buttons for fun back to the positive note mechanically I think you're in a good spot mechanics wise I mean obviously you're going to miss your shots so it happens but I think mechanically you're you're you're fairly accurate which is a good thing but look look at your cool downs I'm telling you I was it working cuz they're mechanically they're they're hitting their shots and playing well with that so that's where like that's where like you can kind of get in that mindset like oh I'm like hard carrying because like you're seeing yourself hit shots but there's so much more sometimes to OverWatch and just hitting your shots in front of you right you said their Gold's bound to the W I mean they they didn't use it here that's a good sign and they don't have to use it now either okay that would see by the wait an example I was just going to say an example of good uh cool down use which was happening and then right as I go to say that they use their gold randomly let me just give you let me give you a concept here like if you have your Javelin spin it's okay just to Javelin spin out Javelin spin backwards survive you just you don't need to use your gold your gold is like the most important part of your kit imagine if you played but didn't your sh the whole time and like that was it you using your is like is essentially the same thing because that's so much of where your survivability comes from that you're like you know what heck that cool down I'm just going to use it randomly no matter what and then I'm not going to have it but rank is this plat you said address the overheating I already did I mean I've talked about the overheating a bunch already they they they're they're they're just holding their button down until their gun overheats I mean that that is something that obviously they want to work on but we we talked about that already be careful of wasting your El if they pack it oh nice Javelin and by the way if you you see what's happening here where I mentioned like you're like how is it working you see how like mechanically when we watch this they are hitting shots and that's going to help them win team fights but if they keep doing this as they climb then they're going to start to lose more and more because they're just not giving themselves opportunities to do that like they're just like oh y I got oh here's someone here let me just pop this all right I that's a good Javelin Spin and then you gold Javelin spin was excellent but then you gold no reason to Gold that you could people oh don't want to get knocked back that Winston's not going anywhere wonderful remember they can hack you out of your all that's what I was trying to say earlier great all right and truthfully you didn't even need to use that so they might not understand they don't how to over I mean I can explain it basically you see that bar right there that's going up right now when you hold that button down and you get to the top you basically are on a forced reload so what you want to do as Arisa is you don't want to spam that button all the way to the top because when you do that you can't shoot for a little bit and it's basically like you're reloading if you time it correctly you'll never like see that right there now you have to like reload but that's just waiting on your cool now so you don't want to do that is thanks for the um for Isa thank you for the fre Prim thank you appreciate it and um Sean thank you for the gifted YouTube membership thank you don't stand still don't stand there don't oh oh that floor didn't see it coming let's use gold back here wonderful all right this is yeah there you go Javelin spin there yep wonderful this is move up here Mo turn be careful of turning your back sometimes to their team because I also this shows you the survivability Arisa has because there is no way you should still be alive here in this backs side here like there's just no way and now you're out of cool Downs again wonderful you see that like you're just spamming cool Downs hitting buttons like there's no Rhyme or Reason like I said your mechanics can get you to a certain rank but after a certain point if you have bad positioning your cool down management isn't good Etc that's where you start to get like rolled a lot right no this is this isn't the this isn't the where are they now the next one is I will say like as a I'm not upset with that ultimate I feel like you kind of had to as much as I want to sit there and like kind of continue on with like cool down usage I feel like you had to use that ultimate right there's going to be times where you just have to give up your ultimate to force out an ultimate on their team um obviously people want to use their ultimate to always get a Limbs and kind of get guaranteed like followup Etc and sometimes although it sucks that you have to do that to get like an ability like suzu out sometimes you just have to do that to kind of guarantee you can win that right did you'll be the best plat ball the world has ever seen heck yeah okay so it looks like they're on Aisa but I'll give you time I know got he said you wait you would have been mad if your teammate like got their ultimate stopped like by somb no and I only say that because like listen coming from a tank player like you have to it's a lot easier to get your ultimate like prevented as a tank player if it's if it's like interruptible because you're just like you're you're you're like the front and center of the game like you see that right now and tank beenu and like it is not uncommon even in top 500 games for a really good orisa if there's a somra to get their hack their ultimate hack cuz you can't what can you do they just they will literally stand there right they will literally stand there and do nothing and then you'll do nothing and that's going to be a win for them so like at that point like you just need to do something and sometimes just using your ultimate to get an EMP out is is fine or getting the Som rder position like it just there's a lot there so like I don't I kind of expect that oh you would oh you're saying you would have been upset if they stopped your ultimate okay that's fair cool down spamming cool down spamming I I love the brg trying to block the orisa Al by the way you can't block rol would break goes through Shield right click Randy nice job for the bubble usage can be better I'm going to give them a little bit of leeway cuz you're playing against an Arisa um but yeah there's been a couple misusage of bubbles but I'm going to give them a little bit more leeway cuz I feel like sometimes you almost have to like Panic bubble cuz you just like think you're going to fall over which I feel like you know it's kind of thinking of it now isn't it like such an interesting concept now that is a tank player sometimes you have to use like a ter like a cool down terribly because like you just expect yourself to get absolutely rolled all right you have Winston here now remember with winon you can be a little bit patient uh preferably go for their backline um and yeah that's that said watching this how are they in flat they're they're in flat 100% you got to remember I I brought it up a few times they're mechanics their aim even like their movement at times is is allowing for them to play well in games but like there's a certain point where they're going to get stuck if their cooldown management is how it is and that's why like when I when I'm when I'm talking about this and showcasing that it's like even their positioning has been okay I I wouldn't say it's perfect but it's been like okay I you know why hey first of all why how come every time I go to talk about something good that you're doing you go and do that uh pm3 thanks for the 12 months that here one thank you appreciate it also I want to point out you mentioned like your Widow never swapped Etc I I wouldn't really pinpoint this on your Widow right now I know they're full dive now and that could change in a second like next thing I know your widow's getting rolled but so far I wouldn't [Music] okay I don't mind this all I don't I don't mind this all why not right oh the somra fell off the map my guess is they were just trying to go go away and they just went on the map now we're watching bubbly yeah I I think your cool down usage is a little bit off I mean I say a little bit your cool down usage is needs work it's it's I think that's the most apparent part to me um and like believe it or not like you mentioned like oh you feel like get the carry every game Etc believe it or not bad cooldown usage as a tank can actually lead to like you not having the best games for your teammates cuz you have to remember that like my mindset as a tank is that if I enable my teammates to pop off then I will also pop off right and as a tank player that's great um how do you do that though it it requires getting space it requires uh surviving as tank for more than half of a second which is why tank has been struggling cuz like if you survive for a half a second you could argue that you're too tanky at that point right um so I I think like when you have bad cool down usage it does a lot of stuff that you don't like realize it's happening like let's say that you use a really bad cool down on orisa and now your now your support is forced to use now you're by the way great great play here now your now your support is forced to use suzu on you or two armor packs because you're taking too much damage now when your teammates need that during a dive during a tracer in your backline during an ultimate they don't have that because you are going in and feeding you see what I'm saying all right you're on Diva now this is an interesting swap after a good round but I'll give it to you I think this can work need to work on mixing in the melee and win yeah I mean that that part comes with time I mean even I probably don't do it as much as I could no our team didn't our team actually played really well in the in the qualifiers but we were like just outside of the uh the top 16 which honestly I was super happy with that I think for I think for like just team OverWatch having fun kind of doing what we're doing streaming everything like I was super happy with that I mean we almost had the we almost did it so and we'll keep getting better with the new league coming up so I'm excited on that we're watching all right yeah you're all over the place Target priority so right there it goes back to what I've talked about you're using your cool down in you're not giving your teammates opportunity and then you're not even get on the right target you're just not giving yourself opportunity to make plays by making plays like that you have to play it a lot smarter now remember they do have a they do have a Bastion and you have now swapped Winston I'm not saying that this will go terribly for you but I'm not saying it will go well either and there you go again you went into the team and now you're in overtime spawns just to reiterate I bring this up every single time we get into an overtime game overtime spawns are longer spawns that's why you always see teams get to like 5 to Three 6 to three because you get longer spawns which minimizes the team fights that you have seems like your team might be winning this though so maybe there's a chance thank you oh they res the Bastion be careful of diving in now cuz they did they did res the Bastion you're going to have treea oh wow that was very nice of your life Weaver we'll see I'm I'm I'm I don't know yet that might I I don't know good bubble by the way that bubble that was an example of a good bubble and a good jump out like that's good usage right there yeah you see how you basically had one team fight on second that's what overtime spawns do and you use the bubble now you don't have Bubble for 10 seconds right now now you're now the retake is a lot harder for your teammates yeah they're wi and use bubble you don't have to counter a bubble though you don't you don't have to like and I think sometimes there's this like mindset of like oh they use this cool down it's my turn like if they use a bad bubble your reaction doesn't have to be oh let me use a bad bubble now also like you just back away save your bubble now you have a 10-second advantage on your own bubble like you got to be careful with that and EMP time there it is yep EMP is too good whereever EMP is first there probably wins that if it's an even fight or even like a 4v5 off the map they go nice job I mean I yeah I think your biggest problem is I'm not it's not has nothing to do with mechanics it's just it's straight up your cool down usage it's like it's it's very apparent and obvious to me that your your cool down usage just needs a lot of work you see where your Reaper is why aren't you right there right now see where your Reaper is why are you still there when you take map control you take it like corner by corner you should have been up there with your Reaper because then you can like set up your Reaper a lot better for a play this is actually not a bad charge SC but don't mind that get the damage ruction crossing over be ready to use your cardiac overdrive now good I have no problems with any of that right there could have argued tried to stop the res but I'm okay with this still okay not bad okay your widows about to get rolled they have one HP no one's healed them yet oh wait maybe not ah yep they survived it nice all right remember you want to get the C going as soon as possible gives you more team fights here don't mind that charge mer one nice job good usage of the weapons there will you left click to set them on fire or you right click to get crits if you have an Asher team and they Dynamite them that counts my concern is like your Reaper has Al and you're playing really far back so I'm a little bit confused to like what your plan is here you're kind of stuck in between I can understand if like your teammates are on cart and you're like your teammates aren't on cart and you're stuck pushing the cart but I feel like in that situation yeah you just kind of I don't know it feels like you just you didn't know what you wanted to do there so you just sat there waited for something to happen and then you end up getting en rolled anyway good job let's put that you know to the carrying part like to be honest I think they've been playing really well though from a mechanical point of view I think that's why they win a lot of their games like mechanically I I actually believe their mechanics are pretty good and that's how they win a lot of their games good job winning that one in my opinion mechanically I felt like you played that well but like you're it's your cool down usage you you feel like you're carrying because mechanically you're doing well but then you're losing team fights and you're confused but it's because you're just spamming all your cool downs and you don't have anything so your teammates there's no way your teammates are going to be able to keep you alive I think if you work on that you'll be in a good spot if you like this video make sure to hit the like button subscribe to all three YouTubes if you haven't leave a comment all of that helps you want to submit your own spectat and look in the description below you'll see my Discord that is where you can do that uh we also record these live on stream stop by we have a lot of fun here with that being said hope you have an amazing day SL night [Music]
Channel: emongg
Views: 37,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emongg, emong, emon, emmong, emongg overwatch, overwatch emongg, overwatch, overwatch 2, overwatch streamer, overwatch highlights, dva, flats, spectating, spectate, spectates, overwatch funny moments, funny overwatch moments
Id: zxmCKgqDiNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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