They Made a Futurama PS2 Game?

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hey guys time ago yeah today were playing some Futurama on the PlayStation 2 I don't know why I did the intro like that okay we're playing future I'm on the ps2 it's not on the ps2 it's an emulator ladies and gentlemen we got him I found out that there was a Futurama game on the PlayStation 2 and I don't know anything about it so I thought why not check this out it could be interesting I wanna I just wanna see what it is selects a language I mean I could do this in French you know she'll go from sit yep you've fallen petit peu for Sameer cinnapup off it but I'll speak in English for the sake of you know the world here so let's go to English let's see what we can do here yeah you know I like about using emulators the fact that like even though the games super old like the resolution is 1080p just cuz my monitors to Navy I mean that's pretty cool hey Emily is on illegal rowdy this could be all right you know I how have I never heard of this thing before the lake no one talks about this advan Express [Music] good news everyone I've sold Planet Express - mom are you off your net professor how could you sell the company - mom I'm good me at the ad Mandy money all right can I do I get camera control okay I do I do yeah yeah do I jump is that jump jump of circle white why the hell do you jump of circle high I mean it looks interesting Fry's head in the frickin top left is freaking me out a little bit though I have to say okay I'm just looting the whole place basically do you buy wait why are you in there what's he looking at for a bender benda let me know that I wasn't paying attention I don't know what I'm supposed to do right now but I might just explore and we'll find out I mean somebody tells me single and well when I was a game over I was the first happen automatically make an exact duplicate of you based on your x-rays a DNA sample and some scrapings from the inside of your tennis shoes Wow where did you invent it about a week ago and I've been trying all right excuse a hammer press square to use the charge hammer attack is that his charge Hey look at this I mean you can swing it harder than that I'm just saying man can I open this door I must need a keycard dude didn't tell me where the key card is wait I can open these oh crap okay what sweet bug Zoidberg why yes your boy got the key card I just want to see what's in wow you got freaking ah look what his name what's this dude's name I'm after set job I'm sorry people I'm sorry people I need to figure out what his name is some like cute pet name three eyed monster okay that's not alien in Futurama that doesn't help me either stupid job job isn't it no no dammit that's the simpsons nibbler that's it nibbler took too long to pick it out cool I got that key card we're gonna go through here we're gonna get out of here let's go okay how many items so I have to get I didn't even check really look at that lovely with rendering over new New York over there I love it got that like that no oh oh my god but I just would I get blown off will they lose help they go over those things extra life okay okay I like it yeah it's just a platformer game alright hey I can I can gel with this I don't mind this alright how many tools how many more stupid head you're fried chill bro why you being so rude that's your professor okay I'm looking for five more tools in the black gun yeah it's a bit a bit late for that information thank you for yo it's that freakin that dude I wish I remembered that name it's not that I never knew them I just don't remember them okay I just don't remember them not as camera yeah hi this was like one of the West things about ps2 games the camera just did not it just they just weren't good they just wasn't good at all you see is anything here that I can break that I haven't done yet well is there really nothing here that I can break I might need to get her means this key card yeah I find there's nothing here so okay I was apparently supposed to save nibbler I understand that now I was not aware before oh okay there's one in there lovely there you go it's gotta be something in here this is a kitchen right yep so like what am I supposed to do like where is the other stuff you know did I jump up here before yo wait what if you just stayed to the edge they won't damage you look at this game design oh okay alright never mind never mind let me uh let me relax so quick no how long has my recording been out oh my god yo if man if I look back on this and it turns out I've been like offline for freaking 15 minutes I'm gonna be so mad I swear like I use this to see myself I'm moving this here okay I'm moving it here baby you ain't you can't even see what I'm moving it I don't know I'm telling you okay so we have 1 2 3 more items oh crap wait no I your that coke you know that Brown coke I didn't realize that I actually found that because it looks like one of the great items okay there are two more items to find two more I feel like this game I would have been really into as a kid and I don't know why I never even heard of this thing like I never even heard of this game like what is that my neighbors like what the hammering dude like I know I'm hammering too but I don't get what they're doing I'm not trying to go for a fricking to look at a damn tutorial for the future well my ps2 game like come on man oh crap wait what what is this oh it's just cameras of the different rooms oh you so freaking Hermes no does he have one of the things I need he just has money and he's got brainslug than him right now so he's like you know incapacitated my hand smashing the door down key card from web bender I mean Houma I mean Fri right key card from West you guys not even gonna see me being lost like this I'm gonna edit it so I just I just look like a genius and I find of all the key cards immediately you won't even know I'm lost wait I can break these boxes this whole time I said I've been trying to break these things one of them might have the key card yes let's go this whole time I thought I was trying to break them okay whatever yeah we in there we in there let's go let's go hell yeah wait I can't break the Greens look so right now I'm just committing assault right now okay so I've got a bunch of cash but I'm not any closer to the actual thing I need so I why did I come here then oh-ho oh is that calculator all right sweet one more thing I just need one more thing come on help me out here Hermes Hermes please get that slug off you and let's figure out something here I need one more item I'm lost please damn it no that means is one more thing I need to find and I have no clue where it is I hope you saw what I did Spock yes just as I was saying it we got it but I'm gonna edit this to make it look like I did it immediately so instead I'll say oh wait we did it in no time it feels super quick super quick all my tools are back in place even the ones I didn't need once you didn't need you look to feel angry debt free will I agree then you'll have to take the sewers what about the suits I gave you a gun what do you want a flower dress now stop being a wussy and get going oh thank kills zero to zero play a deficit zero level time 27 oh damn it they're exposing me I was gonna make it look like I did this in five minutes and they're exposing me damn it no no I got all the collectibles I got all the money I got frickin one sniffler what Oh what are you talking about man I stood next up I want to see where this goes yeah that's it try curious all right sure let me just write that number down real quick then your business okay that's nine eight to one no okay Oh - to switch weapons all want to lock on and then square to shoot I mean that's what it said okay and then I can oh my God look at my hole Jesus Christ okay whoa whoa whoa whoa you think you you think you're about to do that to me not today turn the camera around turn the camera around I'm about to die like it's about to be a wrap for me look I'm gonna drop in the sewage right me I didn't do that on purpose boy I press X to jump and then I remembered it was circle to jump oh my god mate why are you turning it shoot the monster what are you doing the freaking auto-lock on the camera just turned him around like what is that look on the one right in front of you how about that how about that's a nothing like a decent wife it missing his shots how are you missing your shots when there's look on mechanics okay turn the camera around lock on to the enemy not some random box the enemy okay this round dude China and my life right now that could be taken massively out of context welcome to this tip no no switch of the gun switch to the gun if I oh you can't do anything look at you look at you you can't even do anything this dude's like what let it go where do I go what what my supposed to do it's just going the floor look at this shot you hear that beeping let's go oh look at this dude he's gonna do the same thing whoa whoa whoa who's doing that you bit get out of here man no no no no I'm not playing games no more work forget firing foodists everyone's catching this smoke right now you come closer you got it you got it bye all right let's go if you want it come get it okay I'm giving these out for free now come on come on come along bye all right cool let's go you want it to bye all right oh crap oh crap it's not dead okay my house is looking a bit precarious now I don't like hit but we gonna make it through okay we go make it through jump there you can get it nope welcome to the right enemy please allow me [Music] smells like oh crap flippin hell man oh my dude shoot him oh it's where it's circled having eggs dude I'm not used to that man this is sad it's just getting sad now like it's sad and I'm the one playing it you know drinking eggs okay so cool to jump X to shoot Jesus it's not that hard to remember yo I have no more lives I bet on die right now come on it's like the it's like the first level right oh [Music] no no no okay okay I guess losing isn't that bad I can just restart from like the Ray from like where I was cuz I saved it okay so I have a memory card maybe I'll return to this game let me know if you want me to play more of it I just I saw the game I was like I wanna check this out I want to see what it's like it's actually like I I would have 100% likes to play this game when I was younger so I'm just like why did I never even know even know about the existence of this thing like did you guys know that that was a if you're gonna interrupt me again is they really gonna interrupt me again nah just come one let me know did you know that there was a future ARMA games I'd no idea no clue anyway people hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching I've got much linked in the description oh god and yeah I guess that'll be it for this video so until next time I'll see you in the next one peace you
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 249,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, gameshow, game, show, futurama, the game, playstation 2, ps2, xbox, original, gamecube, gameplay, commentary, playing, plays, nostalgia, nostalgic, Simi, Adeshina, Simi Adeshina
Id: ETs4erls68s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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