they just gave Lifeline a MASSIVE BUFF..

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wait you changed your badge to a bronze badge your chion no you copied me you got a bronze badge I don't have a bronze badge on dude moose you got a goddamn bronze badge I'm telling you open your menu you got a bronze badge on oh boy what the hell is this you're copying my Swagger dude I'm a bronze guy wait did they just get rid of my PR badge that I earn back in season back in season 13 bro did they just did they just up and get rid of my what an update God that's funny I'm actually going to be pissed Dr en uh how you doing over there boss I'm good I got 50 and I killed him we're all inside the ring good K their way to the top another one I killed this team I got one more on oh yeah if he Peaks I'm going to stick him bro if he Peaks I'm going to stick him I do this I do this I do this going I stuck the G I hit his gun Shield bro oh no the giby actually got stuck I just got stuck what the hell is this I got stuck right we're going to push in the back uses one got another one I got I should say oh my moose what are we doing well you handled those two I mean I was I was just kind of Wilding over here oh my drone went away unfortunately I have another one I mean fortunately fortunately I have another one what a shame that your drone went away it's not like you have another one in your back pocket instantly okay so I've got some good news and I got a little bit of bad news and it's all about Lifeline okay so Lifeline got a bunch of changes this update and I think overall she's even better than she was before let's start with the bad news Okay so Lifeline can no longer call in care package weapons prior to this update with her care package you could select a perk that would Grant you a care package weapon in your care package you were calling in wingman Evas Bo checks even cravers that was pretty strong and some people will even look at this as a good thing like it's a bad thing but some people may even considered a good thing because having that many care package weapons around uh wasn't very healthy for the game for sure so let's get to the good things this is a mouthful I'll put it on screen for you feel free to pause it and read it yourself I'm going to give you a quick lad down in short short if you choose the Tactical cooldown in perk slot number two you will always have your healing drone always if you put your healing drone down it's in play the healing drone can heal you as long as it's in play when it disappears your cool down is up so you always have your healing drone man it is crazy that's why I included the clip at the beginning you can see the Drone slowly fade away it disappears but I got another one we're good that's not the only change though the care package got some changes too obious viously no more care package weapons but this is arguably in a way even better you get gold items which means you have a higher chance of getting a gold knockdown shield and the gold knockdown Shield specifically on a character like Lifeline because of her revives can be stronger than a care package weapon you can almost guarantee yourself to get a gold knockdown it's pretty insane man it it's awesome so we're going to be playing Lifeline today we're playing with my friend moose we had a pretty Sellar game I hope you guys enjoy let's get into the games there's so many people bro I'm I'm not going to land on my side dude I keep land on my side if you want land on my side and if things go bad we can just go down the stairs yeah I think I'm just going to go down the stairs I'm going down the stairs they 50 me uh I twacked a rampart twice r on me I'm coming that lunch was insane come on bro that guy's Lun on you was insane to be the I got nothing bro no why is my why is there c g still I don't know that was crazy myness no I can drop you I can drop you some heals though do you need some cells uh no I got cells from uh those guys kill okay I need there's no way none of those hit you are soloed my friend underneath here I knock one need help or do you got that over there it's all three got a for you I knocked one and I got another one one shot that's a good drill yeah she's going to kn HP thank you that was the stack goodbye goodbye goodbye to all of you fellas we've taken out the Champion's actually one HP l yeah's 1 HP dude I'm going to push through here you you stay on that back side I got the Horizon oh up to us that was the last one that was it dude you're telling me that somebody already has this death box bro the event's been out for an hour there's a new death box in the event yeah dude that's what you get like randomly dude somebody has his death box yeah that thing I'm going to be honest I wouldn't have been even I wouldn't have even been able to see the difference if I was just running past I never would have noticed it Shin's just a little bit brighter nothing crazy but you know Shin's just a little bit brighter minus $300 GG's yeah uh I'm thinking probably Gardens yeah I would say you're 100% right heck yeah dude dude I got a gold Meg re45 and a gold bowl Mastiff thought it's respectable it's a good Maggie load out do you want either the bolt you want the bolt no bro I got I got a I got a gold bolt for my mosy no way dude gold bolt double gold B that wasn't even hot spot we got two gold bolts and a gold light that's kind of nuts whatever what am I looking at here what the hell is this this pfinder is said a gnarly grapple he just got rinsed that team just got Rin right here yeah they're up top bro big damage both are cracked oh there's another magg another magg another magg another mag yeah I see I don't know where the W based I got blasted burning pretty bad on this fuse he's dead oh I'm just getting R yeah I'm going to die bro this way Reach Out you got drone I don't know if you're going to survive to get over here but I didn't have any Shield so I kind of just ran over here I'm push up on me's lit that's a good drill that's a good drill oh it's his drill he's de yeah I don't know what's going on man there's so many maggies I love it though right right what how did that armor right there for you moose I just got SC explode there bro what the hell was that moose I can't believe you just did that to me brother what team are you playing for dude how okay what team are you playing for why you take those hammers yeah cuz my r45 needs a dude bro that's insane do you want to fori you can have forzi no I don't want anymore dude you can have them it's I feel bad you should feel bad but I don't want him anymore nah dude how did my ball explode there why did it what did it hit me bro the ball doesn't double explode on both of us when you're on the same team well technically the ball kept rolling the ball kept rolling it just it just stunned me yeah it stunned me too Bo me backwards I don't know the ball rolling was there was there a dead guy there already no oh right here shot Bell not there anymore I'm underneath I'm going above nine blue 70 blue grades running over to me right now H P's one's dead yeah she's I don't know I don't know where the Pathfinder went you was literally one though I kind of rocked his world I'm Spott Four Lads of goner kill oh they're resing over here bro oh yeah look at that dude I'm not going to lie the r45 is kind of cooking I thought I had my ball back in time I didn't D's going to go up that rope there's two up there moose I think we go around two up there oh God can you make it back uh no definitely not all right I'm going to go up and around I'm going to try to shoot for you I'm in a good spot but not all three are up top now yeah they're they're sending you only one only one only one you got to One V Mir offo I got the Mirage I'm actually the greatest mag of all time I got a guy one shot up here too rechar Shield reloading ene you know sometimes you got to be lucky to be good and good to be lucky oh down I thought I thought she had to drop on me but come and get your birthday present there's another unit flying in over here I don't know I'm just calling in my pack I'm going to see what I get I get a gold gun gold B Evo gold knockdown no Evac do you have an Evac I'm looking no back I did I did see the trail going this way bro yeah I saw them too rings around the corner 10 left dude the r45 is a thousand times better than the R9 now like a thousand times better oh yeah no the R9 is so poop it is the worst gun in the game I don't care what anybody says I'm willing to die on this hill the R9 is by far the worst gun of the game but here's the thing though the r45 is actually good like even if you take the R9 out of the equation like don't compare the r is actually nuts yeah 100% but that's literally the exact same damage and you get a buff with it it was literally like if you have a fully Ked r45 it's the old R9 on steroids yeah like it it just is and it's been like that moose I don't know what's going on this has happened twice to us dud yeah it happened the other game too where we spent like 10 years looking for the last scene a in show your damn self like we're just delaying the inevitable here let's get the fighting boys I got a Evo Harvester thanks dude appreciate that I see him I I can see him through the wall I can see him through the wall I can see him through the wall I think there a team in here are you lying no I'm you see him through what do you me I can see him through the wall boov I craved one what do you mean by that which give me a p on me he's resing right now in this building I'll have you'll have to see it from my perspective they're ratting in here that's so all right let me try to throw my ball through this uh they're in the stairs didn't work balls are too big confirmed my balls are too big to fit through that whole time I'm going to drill right they have Rampart walls I'm not going to lie I'm just going to leave I'm going to leave moose I'm going to leave I'm going to leave okay yeah I mean probably good they this have Rampart walls I don't know how we do this oh my God I should have had her oh is this a full yeah dude I almost kill Rampart I didn't kill Rampart crack rampart's almost one for thirsty do you have a drill right here she was one from being thirsty nice I think we leave now I think we leave we got 40 seconds we got 40 seconds and there's another team I'm looking I'm looking looking looking we got 40 seconds and we have another team still all right let's get out of here let's get out of here give me give me four seconds here like four quick seconds okay let's get out of you all right we can leave now we can leave now get out of you we we can leave we can leave we can leave oh they sent me back I'm looking at it I'm looking at it I'm burning one really bad I'm watching the Evac really bad rings are no there's no way they go up it's in zone yeah they can't take it wait they might die at Zone ah I think that they die to Zone here I think they're going to be scared to walk out that door I think they're I think they're going to die to Zone they're going to think we're still down there I think they're horrified yeah 100% Z yeah they're D in the zone right now that guy's not dying to I the other I saw the guy die yeah through the window dude no now what are the odds we get gate kept here uh not very high dude I can't wait to I can't wait to show you what I saw dude what I you you said it you you saw them through the wall you're hacking it was ridiculous dude he's Destroyer 2009 100% call me Destroyer 2009 all right now do you think this team is sitting in the other building like what's going on here no this is that solo bro I'm telling you man this little little solo guy he's still lurking bro we thought that the first time and then it was a whole three man lurking in there round I don't know what they were doing they were on goober time they were going for the rat attack oh my God if I go in here I'm going to die aren't I no I already I already cleared that oh wait no in there yeah you might die moose there is so many corners and rat spots that they could be in here I'm scared he could be on the other side of this I want to throw that one out there too like he could be over there you hear him I thought so oh JS I see him I see him it's a little guy in a corner it's a little guy in a corner he's right here but I'm pretending not to look at him I'm going to pretend I'm going to pretend I'm going to pretend I just walk past him dude get above him CRA in the Noggin okay I'm going to I'm going to pretend like I don't see him I'm wa wait wait wait wait I can't call on a car there we go present dude I think that he thinks that I'm stupid but I'm really not what this says is he even there he's got to be hey I don't know he's got to be there he might not be here moose oh no what do we do can I Boop him off the map somehow with my ball I don't know try the ring all right okay I have a I have a devious play okay sit Underneath Him you shot him right you shot him yeah I I shot him once oh should I try to punch him off the wall once no no no you sit Underneath Him and when he gets a Boop up you like you crouch punch and try to give him a punch boost all right all right I'm ready all right you ready yeah I'm going to throw it in three two one oh dude you you got booped up it didn't work dude you got booped up higher than him oh my God just kill him just kill him just kill him kill him kill him know the crazy part is if she didn't buy that skin she wouldn't have stuck out so much I wouldn't have seen her dude yeah she like glowed is that magma skin dude so it wasn't that WTH we were talking about that whole time uh no it wasn't it was a random Maggie I don't know how that happened but it it was in fact a random Magie oh dude I got to show you what that looked like on the team right before that that was ridiculous
Channel: BacKoFFmyJanKz
Views: 136,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backoffmyjankz, jankz, apex legends, apex legends tips, apex legends ps5, ps5 apex legends, apex legends new, apex legends update, apex legends console, jankz apex legends, apex legends gameplay, apex legends best
Id: xC3Xf_TEuBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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