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so do you really have to eat that so loudly well i mean it's popcorn i can't really help it yes you can you can eat quieter and with your mouth closed honestly but why are you so uptight it's literally popular there's no one around us except the kids you just call me out tight i'm sorry um okay whatever my mom calm down don't tell me calm down you're literally a child stay out of it uh okay don't get angry at the kids let's just watch the movie as a family and just all relax okay fine uh i'll be right back how are you off today oh blair where are you coming what is that sound it's like i know wait that's creepy that's so creepy are you going maria uh to my bedroom why are you here anyway i want to hang out with them alone tell them fine come with me but be quiet you're up to nothing go away are you acting all secretive i'm just um gonna do something do what nothing okay fine i'll tell you but you cannot tell mom or dad um do you think i would tell them they're nuts okay fine so basically i got invited to a party there's no way they're gonna let you go uh of course i know that so i'm just gonna sneak out can i come take me with you please uh are you mad crazy or something of course not my reputation is gonna fall apart please pretty please will you let me come i don't wanna stay home alone with them no i'm not going to let you go with me please i said no no no then i guess i'll tell them oh no you're not going to do that then let me come i'm not going to let you come i'm good okay then you're fine you can come but when we get there you don't even know me like i'm not your sister nobody can know i'm your sister and please um don't tell anyone we know each other or be related because like yeah sure how are you planning on sneaking out um going without letting them know how are you gonna do that uh i don't know i just do it because they're watching the movie so they'll be buzzy they'll be i'm watching the movie so they won't notice we need to have a plan though because if they catch us we're going to be grounded forever i mean i don't think dad will care that much to be honest mom will okay well but mom is sort of dumb so she don't she won't notice because are you crazy mom is so strict she'll definitely catch us she won't okay fine we can have a plan or something whatever well what's the plan then i don't know maybe we could blind them are you crazy no i don't know but we're probably gonna have to wait until after dinner because she gets really mad when we don't have family dinners oh true well we can do that we can just like sneak out after dinner okay they're probably gonna be doing something like watching a movie so we can do it after dinner then okay you know what all i'm saying is that if you were a little nicer to the kids and less like uptight they would actually like you please and my kids they like me they're my kids too and they like me more than you that's that's not fair i'm their mother they like me more trust me but she yell at them for the smallest things all the time just like the whole popcorn thing you yelled at them and they yelled at me in front of them like how embarrassing is that that's not embarrassing they're used to it by now uh like i said maybe just try being nice to the kids more i am nice i have to discipline them though jayden what do you expect me to be or nicely nice to let them get away with everything no look at your face right now you're already getting angry over this why did i marry you [Laughter] for your money no i'm joking don't you dare tell me how to parent thank you very much jayden well you know what i'm just going to go ahead and check on the kids like my good parents yeah you do that you do that because you're such a great parent letting them get away with absolutely everything i do that you know what bye bye where do you like this one or that one better hey girls dinner is almost ready are you guys ready oh hi dad um what are all these dresses for uh we're just trying them on for fun because claire asked for it so oh it sounds like you two are up to something is that true oh no okay well i have my eyes on you so get ready for dinner okay that was a close one i know but honestly i don't think he knows that we're up to something so don't worry oh my gosh oh my gosh please don't tell me i've burned the ribs you probably did you burn everything excuse me i'll have you know the kids actually really like my dinner my food is amazing top quality who went to cooking school here oh yeah me so leave up to the expo you dropped that after two weeks you anyways no wonder the kids get more excited when i cook dinner the kids hate your cooking they love my cooking trust me right well let's see kids dinner's ready calm down now please before it gets cold why aren't they down here already i thought you said you went up to tell them dinner was ready let's go you just you just called for dinner given like five seconds no but you see they're here right now they're here right now hi kids please sit down at the table okay kids so for dinner today we have your mom's burnt ribs and in my corn and they have corn please of course you can't see i told you doesn't mean they don't want my ribs okay that just sounds weird oh please would anyone like some ribs no no thank you mom um excuse me i worked hard cooking you guys dinner you will be eating these ribs um on second thought maybe i'm not that hungry same you two will be eating this and you will not be getting down from the table until your plate is cleared are you making us eat these do you want us to get fat exactly think about the kids health girls do you want me to make something different yes please all right what do you guys want um what do you want there i don't mind all right i'll make you some chicken nuggets uh no jayden you'll not be making them chicken nuggets i just spend hours cooking these ribs both of you you will be eating them now jaden why are you in the fridge i said no to chicken nuggets if you really care about their health you'll not be cooking them that rubbish do you see the burnt rib is that's even more unhealthy for them that's so bad for them these ribs are actually a family recipe i've been literally eating them for years ever since i was younger and look at me i turned out fine obviously right just eat them stop being so ungrateful you should be grateful that i was even in this kitchen for hours cooking you girls food not that you deserve it that took like one hour don't over exaggerate i'll make your chicken nuggets some people can't even afford to eat so you two should be grateful for what i cook for you but mom if there's two different meals the chicken nuggets and the ribs i would prefer the chicken nuggets yeah but your father will not be making chicken nuggets will you jaiden i mean daddy please did you just go against what i told you to do yep i just told you not to get them chicken nuggets because i just spent hours cooking them their dinner and what do you go ahead and do you go ahead and do it anyway do you ever listen to me yes no you don't take them chicken nuggets out of the oven and put them in the bin now ah fine sorry girls maybe next time no there will not be next time now eat the ribs that i've given you ew uh do we have to yes and i expect you to finish every last bit off of your plate oh well look at that the corn is clear there is no corn left and i see a whole rack of ribs jaden i do not need your input okay uh i'm gonna go to the bathroom mom bye i have to pee um i think there's something downstairs i need to check so bye hate this family [Music] hey blair i'm done i think i look good maria it's kind of tight yeah you look fine oh my god what are you laughing about uh nothing um uh we were i know we were dressing for fun remember earlier um right yeah oh my sleigh are you going to your first party don't lie to me you're already dressed up you're going to your first party aren't you uh okay again we are okay so i'm not going to tell your mom about this because we all know how she's going to act but you both look absolute gorgeous whose party is it uh it's gabriela's party from school oh her dad is kind of well never mind but well you guys have fun at your party let me know if you meet any cute boys or anything and tell me all about it when you're home oh and tell me especially about the boys because i want to know all about it okay tell me every single detail this i want to feel like i was just there especially with the boys anyways have fun be safe and all that bye bye bye i don't know where your mom is um let's watch a movie so let's chat um yes i see them i think the coast is clear so let's go i think now it's the perfect time to go okay hurry up okay we need to be really quiet yeah you know what i'm kind of thirsty so let me go ahead and get a drink are you ready uh what are you doing here where is the mom oh she's up she's watching the movie so don't worry anyways good luck girls and stay safe if you have any questions just call me okay can you give us a ride um i don't know that's a little too risky your mom will know i was out please okay yeah maybe i'll do that fine um sophie yes i had to pop out to the pharmacy to get uh a refill on my vitamin but we literally got a refill like last week have you run already uh i just need a refill stay out of my business excuse me anyways bye hmm something's off i can tell when he's lying is everyone buckled up yes alright let's no oh my gosh i'm so excited all right it looks like this is the house oh oh it the gate opens for us i think i can just drop you off here okay all right girls remember to call me if you need anything okay hey bye have fun bye yeah let's go uh blair is somebody yeah you look great can we just go to the party now okay let's go i'm back hmm so where are your vitamins then uh i ate them underway you ate all 30 vitamins on the way uh yes yeah gotta stay healthy why are you lying to me oh what are you talking about i know for a fact you did not just go to the pharmacy because it's a sunday and the pharmacy is closed uh well there's another pharmacy that you don't know about that is open 24 hours wait wait look me in the eye did you go to the pharmacy just now uh yes i went to the front your eye trembled you're lying to me i know when you are lying to me don't worry you did not just go to the pharmacy it's shut it's sunday and your eyes trembling and your eye always trembles when you lie why are you paying attention to my eyes i went to the party what's the point the point is that you lied to me where were you actually jayden are you okay are you pleasing to me i do not cut me off woman anyways what makes you think i am lying because the pharmacy is shy and also you don't need any more vitamins you literally got some last week okay then what would i be lying about a number of things jaden honestly a number of things listen you could have been going off to see your other woman right or other man oh for goodness sake drop the axe jaden never mind just why can't you be honest with me where were you because we all know here that you're lying to me i went to get gas oh yeah you randomly went to get gas at 9 00 pm on a sunday evening yes because i just remembered like i forgot to pump the gas when i was driving home from work okay well then prove it to me uh how let me go over to your car and see if the tank is full uh no no no there's no need to do that why not unless you're lying to me i am not lying to you i swear okay then let me check the tank in your car no hmm [Music] you know what no no i wrecked the car you know i wrecked the car on the way home you don't need to go check it it's in the repair shop no no no oh is that your car over there jayden it looks pretty good condition to me ah no i saw it it's right see do you see that scratch there's barely any gas in this car jayden wow hang on a second hmm hang on hang on a second where are you going hmm it's awfully quiet around here i must say blair maria the kids are asleep i went to cut them in at 9pm are you joking yes where are the children where are the children jayden what have you done with the children where are they i am not allowed to tell you any information further so that's where you were you went to drop them off somewhere where did you drop them off a boy's house oh a boy's house did you drop them off at a boy's house you and i both know they're not allowed boyfriends until they're at least 18. 18. well where are they then if they're not at a boy's house they're at school huh yep they're at school they wanted to study at night though one it's sunday and second of all it's the summer holidays uh what can i say our little girls are so smart i'm not buying it i'm not buying it if you don't tell me where they are right now i swear jayden i swear you swear what why are you acting like this anyways like you actually care about them are you joking me they're my children and i don't know where they are i'm gonna be worried of course tell me where they are jayden fine they're at a party gabriella's girls gabriel are you joking that girl was trouble oh how is she in trouble her and her family disgrace honestly i know right have you seen her father oh never mind anyways jaden i never said they could go to a party do you know the kind of things that children their age do at parties they're like seven or how old are they great you don't even know the ages of your children that's not the point you help them sneak out well they did sneak out because i didn't know about it okay that sounds like an issue you and not a ish me how can you be so cool with all of this you know what goes down at parties remember when we used to go to them when we were younger that was like when we're like 18. exactly and they're not 18. they're children they should not be going to parties if it's gonna be this much of a hassle let's go pick them up then no you know what i have a better idea let's wait in their bedrooms until they get back and we'll catch them sneaking through their window and then you'll see the looks on their faces you're so evil uh i'm not evil i'm teaching them a lesson it's a good pairing thing it was so much fun and all right that was so fun yeah but what are we gonna do to get home i mean we can call dad that's risky so i think we should just walk okay you're right wait how are we gonna get in because mom's probably sleeping by now and the doors would be locked oh we can just sneak through the window or something that sounds really dangerous um blair is enough it's not the first time i do it so don't worry it's safe fine if that's the only way um blair would you rather run the doorbell and get grounded for like life fine okay let's go through the window then let's go okay we're finally here now i'll teach you how to get through the window what are you doing um what does it look like i'm doing climbing up the trees to get to the window maybe gonna fall i'm not i've done this like multiple times okay well fine i'm gonna go to a different tree okay the window is right there oh my god wait do you see that mom and dad are in their bedroom you know i'm crazy they are not um wait what is dad doing in there wasn't he north side mom probably got to him yeah but how do we get in just i don't know we could just say we went for a walk a late night walk yeah but what about our clothes should we what should we do because we can't just like give up well it looks like they already know so let's just go in okay well well well look who it is where have you been girls we were worried sick about you uh what are you talking about i am so sorry i swear she got to me i'll make you chicken nuggets to make you up for you anyways i am so disappointed with you i know you're gonna get grounded but i'll let you watch tv you are grounded in your life what have you two been uh we went out for a walk yeah in them clothes uh yeah because you know that's definitely appropriate walk attire yeah two little party dresses listen listen so we were playing dress up and then we wanted to go for a walk exactly that's funny because your dad told me a completely different story april 4th it was a prank i'm not buying it your father since you were at gabriella's party is that correct no uh no why are you both lying okay fine maybe you weren't at gabriella's party but i mean i'm sure it won't cause any harm if i you know just called up her mum just to like ask if that bread was having a party this evening uh no you don't have to do that and why is that because what no we didn't go to a party i'm sure you wouldn't mind that if i just call up gabriella's mother no that's not very sick darling there's no need to do that what if the kids are going to be lying to me but you're overreacting they're home safe mom you're going to embarrass me so badly and i own up to where you were and i won't call her mom that's all you have to do either way you're grounded so you might as well just own up to her we didn't if you lied to me one more time you'll just be grounded for longer okay fine party yeah just like not even that many people went to the party like it wasn't like that big and we didn't do anything naughty naughty that's not the point it's not funny it's not funny that's not the point girls the point is that you snuck out the house without even asking you or letting me know i was worried sick um mom you weren't gonna let us anyway so we just decided to go ourselves do you ever think that maybe there's a reason why i don't let you go to these parties uh because you're strict jaden i'm sorry did you say something no no no no no that's what i thought well for sneaking out and lying to me over and over again you both are grounded for two weeks meaning no god no seeing your friends no tv no phones no ipads no nothing just time by yourselves in your room to think about what you've done mom yeah we're literally like not like a little kid don't talk about me otherwise you'll be grounded for even longer okay fine now get your room change out them awful hideous dresses and get into your pajamas and get some sleep it's 1am okay okay fine night girls oh my gosh blair we actually got caught that's so sad oh it's not that bad and remember what dad said we can still watch tv that's right
Channel: axabella
Views: 238,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X0XNYiwEZqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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