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racism exists why would a company want to hire a person with a black name they know that that's trouble y'all know I haven't checked out any um Jesse Lee Peterson in a while this young lady I don't know who this is but um he interviewed her and her name is Amani Wells she's been doing some remarkable numbers over there with Jesse Lee Peterson this right here is the Democratic party doesn't respect black people I'm assuming that they had some some heat behind but between them shout out to Jesse Lee Peterson who have helped our Channel grow tremendously I've noticed and you can come around me man I'm seeing it wrong I know that the Democratic representative the party itself they as I mentioned earlier they don't respect black they think that blacks are not capable enough they're doing to do it for themselves so they offer them affirmative action and reparations and things like that they think that the blacks uh take can't take care of themselves so they're trying they're lowering the standards in order to get into a white University they're now telling the blacks that they don't have have to take the test because they can't pass the white man's test they they think that the black rather than having a father and mother in the home they offered them government they don't believe that the blacks are capable and what I don't understand about that and uh is that you are involved in strategizing for them why what I don't understand why do the black accept themselves being treated that way like they just can't do it they'll ruin the whole even to to get in certain jobs that they they're lowering the standards for the blacks so that they can get it otherwise they won't get it I don't understand why the black put over that there's those type of things are just kind of balancing the scales from things that happen decades before so as you know slavery happened it wasn't that long ago over 150 years ago and my mother not my grandmother my mom went to a segregated school so it's gonna stop that long ago I did too okay so you understand it's not like this is distant but black would better off than they didn't they didn't bear they didn't blame let's see so back in after World War II there was a period in the United States about 20 to 30 years where when people came back from the war they were given home loans that they had no interest or didn't even have to pay back they were given cars they were giving free college education Nation they were given all of these things that purposely excluded black people so there was a time in this country where white people got handouts but we didn't call it that back at the time you know the GI Bill all of those funds we didn't call it a handout we called it an opportunity and when people look back on that time they'd look back on that time a lot of white people as a very happy time because they got a leg up in the country they got a fresh start they got the money and the support that they needed to build the generational wealth that they have today and black people didn't have access to it they were literally purposely excluded because of racism because of Jim Crow because of all of these things that purposely left us out and and did not give us access to the same type of help that white people did where did you get that information from because it's not true where did you get that from the GI bill you should look it up I know black men who went to the military they got a GI Bill too it wasn't just a white I have family members who went to the military they got the GI bill when they got out they were leaving to go to school and they were saying to purchase a home and things like that and they were black right so I'm trying to figure out where you get that information from because it's not true it's just true we can agree to disagree I grew up in Alabama winning difficult law is this and that what you said wasn't true yeah a lot of people were doing better doing the Jim Crow law than they are today because they weren't begging and blaming and the country didn't have to lower the standards to let them understand to let them in it's not lowering the standards it's giving people access we know right now literally recently in Texas there was a job posting that went out where people were sending clone resumes were same exact resume you just put a black name on it a white name on it and the white people were still getting the job or getting called for interviews when the Black name was in like this is 2023. so you know racism exists why would a company want a hire a person with a black name they know that that's trouble why is that trouble because when when the blacks changed their name to black names they'll say it out loud well we hate white folks we're not going to work with them we're not going to get along and so I would never hire anyone with a black name well that's biasing because I know that you're bringing in trouble this person's already want me to get along by white employees and things like that Jesse Lee Peterson man see this is the thing that gets us on the wrong foot sometimes and it actually it shows me that he these parts of his um interviews that make me question whether or not he's being serious you know I mean like is he just sparking something from the other side or what I don't know I don't know what's going on with that like he seems like he's being serious and um by his demeanor but by what he's saying like I don't hire people with black names because I already know that they're gonna cause trouble the heck you talking about I can't hide no Devonte and no uh no Kelvin and no uh no Natasha's because already know already know y'all trouble can't hide no Keisha's dang that nah Y'all Gonna cause trouble well that's internalized racism I wouldn't hire that that's your choice you know what I mean so why would a covenant why would a company want to hire someone that you know are really gonna bring trouble that's not true I haven't I'm not Jerry and I have a Nigerian name Amani on yoha but you grew up in America though you didn't grow up in Nigeria and there's a lot of black people who have ethnic names who grew up in America so what's the difference um but why would the difference is you beautiful lady you is that you're American you're not Nigerian you're American I know you're lineage you can trace them back to to Africa and whatnot but most black people cannot so I get why you will say you're Nigerian because probably your mom who you said went to a segregated school or your dad who went to a segregate I don't know you said it but apparently they grew up here and if they grew up here then you're not Nigerian you're American you were born here raised here you're American company one to her black with a black name why not no imagine I just told you why not because it's trouble why is the trouble black people are troubles when they change their name to abnormal names like black names they're saying they are angry they are uh we don't change or anything but last time I checked I didn't choose my name your mother your folks are from a different country so of course but your father from there right and of course they're right they're going to have a different name I'm talking about the blacks who were Americans and they had American names at one time you you believe that oh so you think that it's okay that the reason that you are a Democrat and no problem with it you're okay with them lowering the standards for the blacks they're not lowering the standards what would you call it because these people are not qualified if you're not qualified then you won't get the job but if you have the qualifications but the qualified person is the person that can pass the test not the one that can't pass attack there's a lot of black people who have had affirmative action who have passed the test and are very educated they have master's degrees they have high GPA but how would you know that though since you know that they only get in into these schools based on color the standards the Lord some of the blacks to get in so you have to assume that all the blacks are just getting there because yeah not because of qualification but because of affirmative action it's just it's not true that's not true okay um you believe that there are benefits to having a more Progressive leadership you believe that there are benefits to having a more Progressive leadership that is willing to change the law for working-class people such as raising the minimum wage let me tell you all something that is a voluptuous woman right there got the lips the the the hips make sure my wife's not coming are you okay if you hadn't been in your own business would you be okay with the with the uh government telling you your own private business that you have to raise the minimum wage I have my own private business because I'm a partner at this firm so I do own a portion of the firm and we unionized our staff we told them hey y'all should unionize and we did their Union negotiation in two days we gave them good wages they got medical and we are bound by that Union contract and it goes up every year and we have to reaffirm it and we did it and it's fun we business handling your business lady you are handling your bi is Ness without any help from the white man without any help from the government nothing's holding you back you beautiful black lady you I'm sorry you're not black you're a Nigerian she don't claim black she's Nigerian is what she said she's from the land of Nigeria horrible African accent and that might even be a teaspoon races I apologize you wouldn't have done it had not you got a union actually done that yeah we told them to unionize no if they had not gotten a union you would not have paid them for what they were worth I said we were still paying them really well we just wanted just to have that partnership with the Union to help hold us accountable we were already paying them well they already had great wages so when it came down to negotiate we ratified our Union contract in two days it didn't take long because we had already been providing the things that they would have wanted so yeah you say you needed the union to hold you responsible we don't need them to but we're not afraid of it but what you did say you wanted them to hold you responsible well if you're going to do the responsible thing why did you need a union we didn't need it but our staff people wanted like people like to be unionized they like to have the backing of a union so yeah they're just they're here there are Partners in it and it's working out great but I don't quite understand because if you guys are going to do the right thing anyway and the staff knew that why would they want a union because now they have to pay unions now they have to pay union dues they may get a raise but that race going to go toward the union news which benefit the unions to go to the Democratic representative to help support the Democrats to get what they want to get we could be transparent union dues are 0.8 808 something that they wanted to do again they formed the union they voted on it that's what they wanted to do because they wanted that type of protection and we were cool with it it doesn't cost them much it probably cost them twenty dollars a paycheck but you got the whole backing of a huge Union behind you which is great for them and they wanted that and we was cool with it that's amazing um that's ridiculous um being a business owner I don't even know why you would Champion that but that's just me and I'm younger I'm I'm really young in business so maybe I'm off the off my rocker when it comes to that so maybe Union is a is a great thing I don't know I don't see how it benefits the business itself that's just me you want to stop oh you want to stop union busting why why would you Union bless me what's Union Bus if somebody could tell me what's the Union Bus why why do you want to stop you and your best friend because if people want access to better wages Health Care time off sick leave they should be able to have that and busted in the Union at times oftentimes interferes with their ability to have access to those things for instance if the corporation themselves or the company or whoever doesn't want to give you things that you need like sick days basic things we all get sick none of us are perfectly immune then you should be able to have access to those things and don't stand in the way of an entity that's trying to provide those type of protections for workers all of my life I work for different companies before I started my own thing and I never worked for a company where they didn't give you time all vacation time sick time and and if you need to be off they'll let you go and take care of your business where did that idea come from that companies don't do that and you need a union there are some local unions have been here long before either of us yeah so America was again better back then when we had Union strength because a lot of the sneaky things that some corporations or some businesses do like I said I'm a business owner myself so I understand that there are some businesses and corporations who are cool with giving people pay time off you know bereavement all of that but then there are some people who try to skip Corners like we had the big thing with Palestine Ohio and the labor workers they were not given paid sick days like why in 2003 23 are we not giving people pay sick days so there are some industries that don't do the basic things that you grew up on and that I've known most of my jobs to offer some people don't so in those instances where we know that those are basic things that everybody needs then you should be able to fight for those things here's my thing and hopefully I don't come off sound like a tight ass when I say this and I'm I'm I'm being dead serious when I say this I think paid sick leave is a luxury ooh what do you mean it's a luxury we have families to raise and we have bills the pay and all that other stuff well get a better job get another career go another route is it too difficult I mean the same way it's difficult for these foreigners to travel from one country to another to start their life completely over we've become so spoiled by all of the amenities of our country but yet we double talk and act as if the country ain't good enough we act as if we're not offered what was what we're supposed to be offered in order to survive but then we double talk and say well you have some companies that don't even provide you the basic needs like paid sick leave that's a luxury it really is there's a bunch of companies out there that don't provide that as long as they pay you for your time worked then you should probably do the responsible thing and save um invest and if you can't if you don't have enough money to save and invest then get you another either get you another job or start your own business because those opportunities are loved it um are out there and I know you're considering what about health those type of things if it's a health thing then I really don't have any answers for that but for us to demand something from a company who are hiring you to work for them they're the ones that can do the demanding not the employees like we can I just think we're spoiled as hell that's just me I think we're becoming softer and softer and soft about a day and we're wondering why things are getting all screwed up things are getting all messed up everybody's for everything now I support this I support that I support you you you and them no matter if it's good or not I'm for everything you cannot be for everything you can't possibly be for everything try raising children and being for everything it's not possible you gotta you gotta take a stance somewhere and then you got to run your race but I speak I speak on everything most things anyway as a father and a husband husband and just someone who just I'm a I'm a family guy that's what I'm good at just being a family guy and I'm probably not even that great at that to be honest with you I might not even be that great at that but I will say this there's crazy amounts of opportunities out there and as long as we strive out there and we strive for the best we can go get it period there are people right now complaining that they have to go into work now because they've been spoiled from the whole situation of us getting sick and having to stay home for I don't even want to say the word that's crazy but from all of that and they would much rather work from home rather than going into the office and hey look I'll stand here and complain with you but you know you can do something about it right just saying complaining about about the job situation not showing up for work on time or not coming to work a lot and get them to help get you into the company so you convinced to other employees to join the union and it's not that the union care about the people the union care about the money and they'll live at Highlander Hall why the employees are paying that paying their salary and paying their by William Union dude it's not like they care about them they just care about the money and the perceived power that they're getting do you think that unions care about you times no they don't yeah I feel you this can be right at the same time you ever heard that phrase what's that two things can be right at the same time there are some people who are in unions for the power in the money and then at the same time there are some employees who need protection and better wages two things could be true at the same time but the ones that say they need are the ones that should be firing anyway sometimes you know what I mean amazing and so amazing I haven't heard that in a while man y'all know I haven't checked out a Jesse Lee Peterson video in a minute amazing so yeah I think she's young young in business she's I'm not gonna say she's not seasoned enough to run her business and do her thing I think she's doing an amazing job she got employees that's being looked out for being washed after um they have a union that she decided her and her crew decided to add on um to their whole system I suppose but at the end of the day we try our best to find find a way to make things so palatable for people when work is supposed to be work but we make this most people who go to work don't even work a lot and businesses are losing money by simply having them on the books and businesses do go out of their way to hire people so they can have a well-run machine so that they can you know have write-offs obviously so they can look out for families we would demand everything from a company but won't even consider going out there and starting our own or not even starting our own but linking up with somebody who has a skill set and joining with them to start a company or Jordan with a few people to do it and contract out our services because after working for 10 20 30 years we we adapt skill we we learn skills that that can be profitable if we package it the right way but we decide to take the easy way and let somebody else do that work and let them dictate when we can come in how long we come in when we shall leave when we should have lunch when we should have a break when we should when we can take off work and that's cool I'm not saying everybody's a business owner everybody is not a business owner but we put a lot on business owners in thinking that they owe us something and as soon as we get that arrogant type of that smug type of mentality they can let us go just like that as a matter of fact they do and then what we only do we only push our skills and our gifts and our talents and abilities to the limit when we when we're in dire need and that's all we got how about while we have a job we're pushing out skills and abilities and and everything to the limits um and gifts to the limits um on the side so that we can build something for ourselves and eventually not even need that job that's just my two opinions the Union in the olden days I think they may have met well but sarcasm is definitely a skill bit Craig the unions today are no good they're just one-sided Union for the Democratic party and then you can care less about the people I'm not for the union especially since I worked for them and I know the thinking of the unions and they go out and they they convince the people you need more money you need this and you need that and when the people think that they're going to get more therefore but they end up getting nothing in the union it's the union that does it the young lady some of you say that she's not very smart um that's subjective I'm not in a position to call anybody smart or not smart I'm not going to judge some of the I can I can give you my take on some of the things that she may say or some of the positions she take but I didn't finish college I'm a College Dropout you know I mean I didn't even do that well in high school because I checked out I was all about girls and and fun you know I mean it was all about girls and fun in high school before then I was smart as a mo helpful but I checked out so I'm not I feel like I'm not in a position to um say if someone's intelligent or not but y'all feel free to comment how y'all comment man love y'all I appreciate y'all hanging with me
Views: 42,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lfr family, reaction, lfr family reactions, van hall, reaction video, reactions, lfr family reaction, THEY DON'T RESPECT BLACK PEOPLE!, the fallen state, Jesse lee peterso, JLP, JLP debate, debate, black people, black owner, Jesse lee peterson interview, Jesse lee peterosn reaction, the fallen state reaction, Jesse lee peterson debate, black community, democrat, affirmative action, black america, government, Jesse lee peterson black woman, Amani Wells-Onyioha, politics, reacting, lfr
Id: 5YygaM8s_Vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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