They didn't expect this insane firepower! - Kintaro - German Mechgineering #993 - Mechwarrior Online

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would you believe me if I said this Mech right here has the same Firepower as an atlas RS hi friends I'm ttb welcome back to German mineing today we're playing the canaro 20 in a all large xost laser configuration together with the insanely strong quirks and some modifications to the mech we can actually achieve extremely high DPS numbers well beyond 20 damage per second with our just triple large expulse lasers I've got two matches coming up for you guys two times over a th000 damage really good watches so make sure to watch them and if you watch both of them you just type canaro Madness into the comment section let's go H and I have the same speed but I might actually go past him here and the reason why I'm going past him is because I am utilizing the exact same movement I've been utilizing during Counter Strike Pro times you're always going from the shortest point to the shortest point that makes it so that if you're running over a whole map you'll arrive there a couple of seconds earlier than the other guy back in the day I was known as one of the fastest rushers in the whole Community just because I employed these techniques direct and quick Target acquired let's see if we can shoot oh there's a guy there he's gone already though uh that's potentially problematic ah here we go little bit of beam laser that's fine Target spotted I got it yeah I'm going to shoot your cockpit mate override shut down okay maybe maybe I shouldn't override into uh cooking myself that was a little bit too much Target spotted a little bit overzealous for me still standing there Target acquired Target spotted heat level critical huh I mean he's not doing much damage to me I don't know how much damage I'm doing to him but I can keep this up if I want to if I have to new Target acquired back for spe that's a missile hunch back is he still going to be there nope it's moved all right time to fall back a little bit prepare for fighting around this corner right here let's hug it a little bit tight all right target spotted good enough for me Target spotted Target spotted War but he's got Thunderbolts he's actually got Thunderbolts all right TGT Target spotted yeah you've got Thunderbolts I've got a wall I also have enemies pushing me right now Target spotted new Target acquired I wasn't very accurate the B man go new Target acquired heat level critical over time to cool down once again this runs very hard Qui oh careful careful careful careful new Target acquired spotted Target spotted and my friend's back UAV activated I have is anybody going to see this assassin what do you think guys the answer is of Spott everybody up top about aband ow it's not it's nice that these guys are all like giving me backup in the sense of they're standing behind me and utilizing my armor thank you very much for that Team all right hey let's keep going on this guyet spotted my friend from before also more friends incoming Target spotted can I stay another one or should I have do I have to leave I wonder this F is around the corner right now this is going to hurt okay it's going to hurt spotted new Target acquired heat level to go my armor my armor says goodbye spotted my armor says good day to you sir uh we're slowly but surely losing this match unfortunately might have to do something with uh a lot of fresh boys not sharing their armor cuz they're German okay that's a whiff Target spot R see is a problem but I might be able to up maneuver it and his friends just got to keep going fast okay we might have something on chif up top very soon I'm going to go over here in this corner see if we can get some good shots in from low ground and the answer is yes new Target acquired oh this guy again I was the wrong side chice I just pop but that's okay critical override shut down don't cook yourself ttb stop cooking I was always that one shot too many Target Spott the C barbecue it's a thing new Target to see he's a brawler build thanks we can keep him away from us it's fine all right he's might be following my teammate to the ramp here so let's go counter Target Spott prepared for that potential push but he's a brawler he wants to get in close right and there he is sp unfortunately he's not going the way I want him to go so we fall back a little bit a he's going this way Spott and he just realized that I have DPS there's also somebody over here now tar aced Another One Bites the Dust third one more friends oh he's got no legs he's got no leg leg to stand on and he come the Thunder coock Target spotted oh that's the hunch P from before okay we can get him I'm reasonably confident we can get him all over this guy though come on give me an a give me an angle Target spotted I need an angle and the grinder right there's F theable boy come on give me that side it pop off there we go all right this one sh CT cool down a little bit Target destroyed there we go inom missile and me boy little me boy little L me boy ah oh that's uh somebody learing our friend here good little ly boy learing our friend okay there's still one uncounted for though um also that guy has rocket launchers but he's going to be dead so this is fine blood ass is pushing him right now thankfully the blood ass is pushing now so he toast which leaves one guy oh flaming what are you doing didn't we teach you better not run builds like this disappointing disgusting ow shot from behind Shy Tosh PPC that hurt I shouldn't be looking for a guy with ppcs with my open City but oh well could have also from down here too bad we don't have a UAV left need assistance you getting shot there just something move over there or am I getting crazy I might be getting crazy is there stealer there is St secur the low ground bra all right well let's cut him off over here why not because my teammate is going the same way so much for that there he is quick quick he's getting away Target spotted stop it oh he's stuck now I can see his his smoke Trail torso I got something from him and I'm also almost one shot here spot Dage you die there we go thankfully he shoots my left torso than my right torso he's spreading his damage so we're fine that was a good round I might [Music] say four killing blows two solo kills six kill most damage dealt 1226 Damage Done 46 damage taken 13 components destroyed casual 800 match scorer the kintaro [Laughter] let not go there warning incoming wow really okay sorry Target spotted Target acquired new Target acquired uh-oh that's good that's make for Target spotted oh God we're doing Thea rotat on the low ground okay rip me now we go SP Target aced Target spotted Target spotted don't pick this anymore got get cover go for l f Target acquired fell down for [ __ ] sake let's Pi up again is this thing growing and the spotted Target spotted think OverWatch Echo just [ __ ] me from the side here the f taret I would love to deal with the head [ __ ] over there but need assistance need to get higher new Target acquired need assistance much fire my way maybe we can push around now these guys should be all damaged there a side up Target AC destroyed New Target acquired heat level critical Target spotted new Target acquired heat level critical one shot new Target acquired taret override shut down need to cool down here new Target acquired Lev destroyed okay he h my cockpit Target acquired there we go he's out of the fight critical new Target tar aced heat level critical he leged Target destroyed heat level critical trying to cool down here it's not easy out of bounds what why am I out of bounds what are you guys smoking Target spot new Target acquire no he's in cover sniper set up he's too still let's focus on the sniper new Target acquir Target [Music] Spott Echo 5 I think it's just those snipers in Echo 5 yeah yep Target acquired Target spotted level critical new Target acquired can you please engage this dude cuz he's [ __ ] annoying UAV activated new Target acquired Target destroyed told you I knew who the sniper was Target spotted could tell you immediately when I just joined the game that his leg level critical rip not a bad round I could have done more I missed a couple of shots a lot of shots actually but you know what two solo kills two killing blows three KDs 1,60 damage done and 11 components 725 match score in the freaking kintaro yep not bad ggs well I would say those were two pretty convincing matches here is the build on screen guys as you can see it is a super simple XL 275 engine we've got two large expulse lasers in the right arm one L expulse laser in the center torso slot we are using Endo steel structure and double heat sinks the engine gets double heat SN the right torso gets three double heat sinks the left too two double heat sinks and the right arm gets another double heat syn unfortunately we don't have space here for a TC Mark 1 that would give us another 4% beam range but there are the crooks so let's have a look at the crooks Loadout let's see what we get 20% Miss velocity we are not using that of course 10% heat remember how I always say that any good in sphere expulse is a build needs to have at least 10% heat Quirk because otherwise the weapons are just way too hot to use well thankfully this me does have the minus 10% heat Quirk so that makes all of this possible we also get 10% extra range on a large exposes which puts the range with the skill tree to about 562 M optimal range that is kind of nice to have but here is the big kicker laser duration minus 40% plus some extra armor throughout the magnas laser duration minus 40% mean if you already know that you can skip ahead a couple of seconds for everybody else I'm going to explain that if you go to any energy weapon in the game you will have if it's a beam weapon of course you will have a cool down and a duration the duration is the time that the laser is burning so a heavy large laser will have I don't know 1.1 seconds or so of duration you press your shooting button and then the laser Burns for a second or so that's the duration the cool down is after the laser has burned how long it's going to take for the laser to be able to fire again so both values are important now the thing is you can impact cool down and duration with Crooks and of course with the skill tree but duration can be impacted the most with the skill tree just four skill points right here will take away uh let's just go to the skill tree real quick and confirm this exactly four skill points right here will take away scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll 15% laser duration so we've got 40% from the quirks plus another 15% on top that's 55% laser duration and then of course you could go ahead and mess around with the cool down three but uh you just don't have enough skill points you're going to save those for uh heat efficiency of course unfortunately we won't be able to do anything there but it's okay it's fine because we are getting the most bang forb right there so the coold down will still be at 25 minus almost 01 seconds so 24ish maybe that's not the kicker the kicker is that we are taking our duration and we are more than having that 55% off the duration which means if you're aiming at something it's basically just one or two server ticks worth of lasers on that component which means that if you're aiming at something you're hitting it even if the mech's moving which is really really nice and of course it also increases the DPS of our weapons so all in all I would say this Mech is definitely well over 20 damage per second which is in the same area if not above the atlas RS with the four large exp pulses now of course we don't have this say sustain in terms of dishing out damage I mean this is just the mech is half as heavy which means it has half the cooling right but the sheer amount of damage this thing turns out is impressive the only Mech that has more DPS and is probably the awesome that you can run with large Expos because it has similar Crooks to this canaro but of course less tankiness and less tonnage than the atlas so overall I was very surprised on how well this canaro performed it is one of those sleeper Mech that lot people lot of people are aware of also performs very well with binary laser cannons for example definitely worth a try in my opinion armor up front as I've shown you from the load out right there uh you got your CT Mount right here you got your arm right here you can take down uavs no problem um you won't be twisting very much unless you get hot and of course if you get hot you twist away and try maybe even aim up a little bit so you can use that arm to Shield your torso but ideally speaking don't get shot too much guys it is a after all you're Exile and that thing so play it as safe as possible but try and be as aggressive aggressive as possible to get that damage in it is a fine line to walk it's a big challenge but it can be very rewarding and you will just look insanely cool when you dish out extreme numbers of damage in a freaking canaro can you imagine all those other guys there in their shiny Clan ma eating themselves up with envy and they just got outclassed by an inner sphere medium Mech yeah that's what it's all about about guys try the build let me know it goes for you you know I have to confess it's been a while since we had a kintaro and I am so happy I was able to show you guys this build and we're going to do more of these in the future more brawling karos as well just because we can and because it's a lot of fun to try out new mix in this game and have some variety never forget that at this point I would like to say thank you so much to all my amazing supporters guys I L I couldn't do this without you and if you're right there or you or you I don't support yet and you would like to say thanks for the videos then please have a look at the video description you will find links to my patreon to my merch store to all the harbard I'm currently using that you can get on Amazon or of course you can become a channel member or send a super thanks right here on YouTube thank you
Channel: TTB
Views: 4,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mechwarrior, mechwarrior online, mechwarrior online review, mechwarrior online tutorial, mwo, mwo guide, mwo tutorial, ttb, ttb mwo, battletech, mechwarrior online gameplay, mwo brawler, mechwarrior online 2022, mwo 2022, mechwarrior online guide, mechwarrior online beginner guide, mechwarrior online tactics, best mwo build, german mechgineering, mechwarrior 5, mw5, mwo mad cat, mechwarrior 5 gameplay, mechwarrior 5 review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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