'They Did This': YNW SakChaser's Aunt Breaks Silence on YNW Melly Double Murder Case

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he didn't come to the funeral he came in after like he was sitting down eating came in dancing happy dancing as the jury and the ynw Melly double murder trial deliberated we sat down with one of the victim's aunts to discuss her thoughts on the case and her nephew welcome to law and crime's sidebar podcast I'm Anjanette Levy the jury in ynw melly's double murder trial spent much of the day Friday in verdict Watch melly's Fate is now in the hands of that jury most of the attention on this case has obviously been focused on Mellie but regardless of whether he's found guilty or not we can't forget that the lives of two young men were taken back on October 26 of 2018. Anthony Williams who went by ynw sack Chaser and Christopher Thomas also known by ynw juvie they were both shot to death we spoke with Anthony Williams Aunt Rena McNeil and learned about how she feels about the trial she also told us a little bit about who Anthony was how are you feeling right now um just right now it's a you're in a waiting game you know it's you're just waiting to see when the jury comes back is we all nervous you know just been praying you know having faith hope everything goes right and get Justice that's all we want we've heard so much about evidence in this case we've heard text messages we've seen all of these things but you know we really haven't heard about Anthony you know we know that he loved music obviously loved his friends so tell me about Anthony he was a good kid you know he was he was lying to try to get everybody in so everybody could eat a lot of them boys that was coming from Guilford Tech was bringing them there so they all put benefit from you know the group you know he was scared of trouble you know he loved his friends family you know he was a good kid quiet you know he kept to himself he had his only few select that he hung with so what do you think his ultimate dream was he said he liked to do his um YouTube videos and produce music did he it sounds like they all had really big dreams yep they did that's all they want to do very well that's all he wanted to do and he was gonna take off you know he's gonna change the game a lot of people like his music I like it I still listen to it to this day say it wasn't a bully that they think he was he was a good kid like he wanted all his friends to come up in the industry and eat you know tell you what Tay Withers whatever his name is he's our set family but not technically he was down there for Seth Zach brought him there you know so they could all try to come up you know and be positive and be successful so it's crazy it's crazy where I live in Rena then discussed that the ynw brand was all Anthony's idea how big of a part of the whole ynw you know music organization was he um you know we saw in one of the text messages he said you know I'm the CEO so did you feel he was like a driving force behind the organization I think he was because when they started their group Mellie was thinking jail and I used to see him have his little notes and I didn't even know he was rapping until they end up passing away I started listening to his music but he's always have his little notes way before they blew up so he used to draw the little logo and everything so he came up with everything oh he came up with the ynw logo at the time of this recording a verdict had not yet been reached in the ynw Melly double murder trial but Rena McNeil believes that Mellie and Cortland Henry are responsible for sack Chaser and juvie's deaths she expressed how shocking it was for someone so close to them to betray her nephew what's it been like to sit in this trial and and obviously you've had to look at some things that are horrible that no family should ever have to look at it was kind of hard because we took this but we all grew up was close you know my sister helped raise my kids I helped raise her kids you know so it was kind of we all close family you know so it kind of hit us hard it's like the closest death you don't really have enough family like hit us like this especially as far as like a murderer all this stuff gonna happen it's crazy because he was real close to these boys like you just go visit mainly when he was in jail type you know loyalty I also asked Rina about when she found out that Anthony and Christopher had been murdered she mentioned that she actually found out about it on social media she then went on to discuss her feelings about who she believed did it it was so long ago it was like the day after the fact we ended up getting calls or whatever we thought it was like wasn't true so we ended up going to the source and they confirmed it it was true so yeah we found out on Facebook stuff like that you found out that he had died on Facebook yeah did you all ever have any conversations with Meli or Jamie after Anthony and Chris Jamie came to my mom house and track came over the manager they came and tried to show ecodones or whatever I knew from day one because he wasn't no trouble kid you know what I'm saying and he didn't have a lot of people around him he wanted to type person have a lot of company around him no I knew from day one so when you say you knew from day one you felt that Mellie and Portland had something to do with this yes ma'am so me and said we had a very spiritual life it's not blood like that's why I say satin a lot of stuff was going on going to happen that night well before weeks before he knew something was going on so it was just like we got that instinct in our family like we see field stuff and see stuff for it happen so so he kind of knew what was going on he just probably didn't think they'll do him like that you know are you talking about like the text messages where he he said to Mellie something to the effect of something tells me you you all are up to something and yeah and he really he were the little boys and it's kind of sad that they did it to him Rina explained to me that she's been talking to her sister Anthony's mother throughout the course of the trial she told me how she's been following the case she touched on the fact that Anthony's mother looked out for all the boys since they were kids have you spoken to her about how she's feeling and we speak all the time she's just in High Spirits you know she's trying to keep her head up you know it's kind of hard losing your oldest son you know especially to a double homicide you know she took care of these boys they came in our house you know spent the night ate her food you know they all took care of these boys like they was their own and you see how she was talking to melon in her text she was so hurt like I don't know what to do and you talking to the person that killed your son she didn't know what to do at this point nobody didn't believe that they'll do that you know I asked Rina what punishment she would like for melee to receive if he's found guilty she also went on to discuss cell phone evidence that it's a crucial part of the evidence in the case and the fact that she believes no one actually shares a cell phone what punishment if if Mellie is convicted of first-degree murder you know the punishment is either life in prison or the death penalty is there one you prefer over the other me um I'm not being on a distance because I feel like God should have to you know judge me on somebody but life in prison definitely you know but you got your laws and you got your rules so it's sad these boys don't lost their lives it ain't just second juvy medley bortley they think they saw the game it's real life they laughing all on Facebook and all that like this is serious y'all life is about to be thrown away so I definitely picked life without possibly a pro because I feel like if he get off on this he'll try to do it again because it'll laid out so much evidence you teaching people how to get away with murder I learned a lot from this case like a lot what have you learned just like how science works you know in murder cases like you don't need a weapon you don't need DNA you know I watch a lot of first 48s I already know it's cell phone do some damage to you yeah I always I always say you know you you can ask someone how they're doing but you look in their cell phone you find out exactly what's going on in their lives it's like an open book it's like a diary nobody leaves their cell phone nobody my cell phone always in my hand I don't I better let my friends or my phone like no don't swipe left don't swear why you might see something you don't want to see so I'm very particular about to touch my phone sex was like that too like don't touch my phone you know everybody like that about their phone nobody share a phone these days who shares phones especially somebody that's famous you know it's all it's all the case that you just gotta use common sense and put it all together finally I asked Rina about whether or not Mellie attended Anthony's funeral this is what she said I had talked to people who said um that Mellie did not go to the funerals of Anthony and Chris he went to Seth you know he didn't come to the funeral he came at the like and was sitting down eating came in dancing happy dancing then show his respects nobody I remember that day he came in dancing you said that he it was a dinner it was just after the funeral or before you sit down after the funeral everybody go sit down and eat and stuff that's how that's how we do it like we had a funeral everybody go down and eat the food or whatever so he didn't really attend a funeral he came after when he came in he was dancing it was a little dance so he came in dancing did he say anything or he dropped some shirts off that they made little boys or whatever Mason's shirts for racing t-shirts or whatever dropped them off I mean love he has security guards and stuff with him it was probably there probably like five ten minutes didn't say nothing to my sister and come give her a hug say you know nothing again at the time of this recording a verdict had not been reached in the ynw Melly double murder trial stay tuned to law and crime for continuing coverage of the case that's it for this edition of Law and crime's sidebar podcast you can listen to and download sidebar on Apple Spotify Google and wherever else you get your podcasts and of course you can always watch it on Lawton crimes YouTube channel I'm Anjanette Levy we will see you next time thank you
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 437,258
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: 3cJEGydHN4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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