They called this tank too "passive", we found the REAL problem... | Spectating Overwatch 2

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you have a ratra in front of you you see the ratra wow I forgot to make this larger this is great I'm just going to stay like this this is perfect hi everybody this is me apparently I have the smallest webcam size set up here I forgot I did this bit last time but now we're committed to it all right so in today's video we are watching a silver one Diva also plays a little bit of a RIS and ratra but mainly Diva this is a good one and the reason why I like this one is is this this is kind of what some tanks are dealing with right now and is why I'm actually looking forward to seeing how this one is basically they say their entire team blame them especially their positioning they were told they should be more in front essentially be more aggro more aggressive um but the the tank were going to be watch and believe they couldn't have pushed up anymore without straight up feeding and that's become a thing now tanks have to do this thing where you play aggro but then you have to stop behind a wall wait till you get fully healed and then go back in a lot of players are expecting their tank to get to 50% HP and then go back in and it just doesn't work it just doesn't because they'll never catch up when heals you'll constantly be on 20% less healing on your tank and then they just fall over they want to know who was right were the main reason for the loss and what could they have done different to win this game I I'm very curious to see kind of like where where the mindset is with where people want tanks to be in their games because in reality tank's in a very unique spot right now so we'll see remember this is silver they'll be switching off to Diva at some point we'll see what happens and I I I'll be straight like I mean I'll be like like straight up honest with them like if they are not playing well we'll we'll we'll figure it out so everything's fine I'm not worried about this right here they're playing a little bit too aggro you're taking time behind walls uh use your gold when you need to use your gold don't use your gold to use your gold just so you know as Arisa that's the one of the that is how you get rolled as Arisa cuz when you just Spam your buttons if you find that as Aisa you're on all your coold Downs with no time left like when you have like a 5 sixc window of not being able to use an ability you have spammed your coold downs and it's not going to go well patience with the javelin I do that all the time too once you once you launch it just be in the general area you'll get somebody that thing's like the size of a Reinhard Shield I do the same thing by the way where I move it away you're hitting your buttons again see your buttons how you're just hitting your buttons for no reason got the Alm that's good yeah so what this is not this isn't like talking about or agreeing with what your team said but you at no point really cared about taking map control underneath bottom right you just kind of went on your own solo Mission and did whatever so like as a tank your space creation just comes with basically making the other team have to react to you if you're just going up here doing one V ones against a Genji the whole time it's going to be to your team whether or not you're getting value or not it's going to be very apparent you're not with them and working with them now sometimes this works sometimes it doesn't you're playing Arisa so you have a little bit less of that Mo like that High Ground Mobility so like that was you decided you were going to do your own thing and play Deathmatch then you got lost in the room you ran in circles and now you're going into [Music] the well that was an interesting um way to go about that yeah that was that was something I mean obviously you want to make a hero swap I'm just surprised you took the scenic rout to do that be wonderful okay so now you're on Diva change of pace here how you're going to play a little bit different don't have to be in front of the team as much by the way if you're playing D.A and your teammates want you to play like you're playing Reinhardt and thank you Chad um then you're you're not going to be playing that correctly at that point like Diva right now especially and where I'm finding a lot of value in D.A I think like said a lot of like the champion you know High GM lobbies right now like when I play Diva I'm at like a 60 7% win rate but I have to learn to play Above and around them more than right in front of them so like because like and you can play this way but you need to also understand that your if your team wants you to play like Reinhardt that's not going to happen it just will not happen Okay I'm going to teach you something here in a second let's see how this goes okay okay so that I won't green screen this one when you're playing actually I'm going to Green Screen this one all right so there reason I wanted to talk about this exact situation is because this happens so much on tank right you have a ratra in front of you you see the ratra wow I forgot to make this larger this is great I'm just going to stay like this this is perfect hi everybody this is me apparently I have the smallest webcam size set up here I forgot I did this bit last time but now we're committed to it all right so I want you to look up here all right you're in this situation right now right and you see this you have a ratra in front of you either the ratra runs this way to your team and you have an option you as diva chase the ratra this is what happens and and I see this a lot and players are always talking about oh when do you go into the tank why are you shooting the tank Etc the ratra is not only Alton they're Nano ratra ultimate this giant alt right here maximum amount of time is 20 seconds see 20 seconds I you're going to remember that right that's what it is it's 20 seconds so what you do in this situation most of the time is rather than chase the ratra to your team you you go into the back line and try to trade the back line now what does this mean this means that if you get the olym the ratra doesn't have the heels and can get rolled in your backline if you don't get the oims the ratra is either forced to to go back or because you're in their backline on the supports this ratra right here can't be healed and your team has better results if you follow the ratra you stay in their ultimate giv them the maximum value your teammates get no help and more than likely the other team wins and I've learned this a lot recently sometimes I didn't have the tendency to want to go and trade their backline but when you're in this situation that's where you trade the backline that's where you just go heck it I ain't going to be able to do anything against this from matro backline no guarantees of a dub that's how you do that sorry you you go in there and distract the team I accident hit the the mic the mic button twice you go in there and just distract the team and then if if your team's call for you to go for the ratra I mean and everybody's committed to the ratra you do that then you just DM the heals de right then you would just switch to DM in the heels so it it's I'm just showcasing you like in those situations where if you get the Anna there that that team already has to play back and a lot of time they won't play back they'll just stay there 4v5 your team wins and then it results in a good play I I actually like this play by you here I'm going to explain why against the ratra you're not going to be able to do much much so like right now your team is probably like why aren't you in front you don't want to be in front although I would say you probably want to go kill the recognize that but but anyway this is still good oh that was actually a really good M wall by your teammates that was really [Music] good neutralizing projectile this is silver you with your team don't be afraid to Al this after you see your monra [Music] Shield I'm going I'm going to give that one to you I like the idea you just didn't check to see if they were still there I am fine with that play I I like I I am fine with that you have the right idea so so far you're doing fine I I mean I explained one of the plays that you could have made better but like so far you're Neal I just want to remind like people when you have a diva as your tank diva is not Reinhardt Diva will not sit in front of your team the whole time if you have your Diva and get mad that your D.A is not standing in front of you like they're playing Reinhardt then your diva is probably going to feed more they're going to do anything else and you and you shouldn't rely on the diva to be in the front line just standing there because the diva has a different play style than what you're going to expect especially in 5v5 in comparison to a Reinhardt game plan you want to be with your team but like you also need to give that D.A opportunity think of D.A as like I I always say like when you play Diva or like wreck and ball especially in these type of metas sometimes think of like Diva as like Tracer but as a tank I guess see this is where like I I wish I knew like what the actual complaint was by your team because so far you're playing okay as de getting the lamp not getting dxed I mean so far so good so far so good Isola in the cast to the left you don't have to be with your team for usual this is a totally fine play only issue I have is I was going to say make sure you you get the limp as in like don't leave the cast what in the world is this this is a dual and a half okay no one saw that this good ultimate that will get one come here actually he didn't get one but it did get the Pyon now you commit to ratra ratra is fine here you don't have to trade nice nice uh good attack I'm I'm still really confused as to where your teammates are getting mad at you because like you play that very efficiently now granted there's a lot of time left in this game but so far I'm I'm I'm fairly happy with that we'll continue on though and see where it goes cuz that could easily change ATT in that's what I'm saying we'll see what happens but your support line for Moira so you're going to take a little bit more damage now okay you you're going to take a little bit more damage with your support line like they won't be able to keep up with you on heals okay your mercy just got rolled that's not on you yeah so that was just a team effort y'all y'all were just in a not a good spot that was a team effort I got I got there's like strategically like all of that was scuffed straight up that was just that was just scuffed like it just SC that's that's remember the reason why you play back and here on this map okay you see this right here is because you create angles and it makes it harder for their team if you play here you give yourself one team fight that's it you can't face tank that as your team obviously your mercy went in and got rolled too like your your team just in general there you just misplayed that first point that that was that was literally what happened that was a team effort on nobody but your your whole team watching Zenyatta to the left Zenyatta is the play you want to go for the Zen zatta is your target left side zatta Zenyatta this is where you need to recognize target folks the Zenyatta okay you recognize it but a little bit too late you can Boop him nice good job nothing Neti Target Focus there's a Zenyatta by themselves in the backline you're not going to shoot the ratra YouTube yeah it'll be be live in a bit yeah I know come together okay this is this is just a team effort I'll show you in a minute so basically it you need to look for what your easy target will all right sometimes you just feeling it all right the point uh yeah that was something I I think it would have been a tough retake but you didn't even give yourself an opportunity all right but now now things are okay basically the syat just just kind of give you like an idea this is not your teammate the Zenyatta has been walking around your team the whole time the Zenyatta has been walking around your team the whole time right here and you have ignored this Zen keep in mind this is now the nerfed Zen again where the HP is even lower than before Target priority okay this isn't even about you not going into like the backline or playing like they want you to play Etc this is you not recognizing the targets that you need to go for targets that will be tough to get unless you DM their heels and you have Target Focus ratra Reaper Heroes you can go for that will be easy to get zenyata if theana isn't healing you can DM the heals you can burst damage him down and then Anna maybe maybe the Genji if the Genji uses their cool down okay Target Target Focus get away from that ratra okay let's just yeah use your all through the top that was actually a good Vortex the point let's head to that point here in a second just just go in Al up that's the play over for the best you might actually get someone there I was going to say free pick on theana now you get on ratra ratra has no heals or Nemesis form that's your target Focus for a second target focus is going to win you this if you lose this it's not it's CU of Target focus arra should have been dead a while ago Reaper has Al be careful I mean I you're going to be fine there's no way that Reaper Al at good job did you feel like in silver such gold games it's either roll or get rolled I mean I feel like that's in a lot of ranks I I I think that's more along the lines of like where your team play style is at and I think sometimes it just your team play style doesn't match up that or is just a DPS that's popping off I mean right now this is clearly a season that if one team has a DPS that's popping off and one team doesn't it generally will go in favor of the DPS that's popping off just because of like there's a little bit less playmaking ability on some of the roles oh heck yeah do hey you have your all who's your target Z is one shot but you're standing on the cart now they're full HP Target priority Target priority Anna's your target priority Anna now Zen don't worry about the ratra kill Zen patience with the AIM okay good job good job youve had a lot of close games so yeah just probably just based off everybody it's going to be different experiences based off of that okay so now you know they have Reaper Al okay you know they have Reaper Al you know they use blade so they're going to probably Nano Rader or Nano Reaper so the one thing that you would do in this situation for anybody wondering if you know you're like not an El advantage get an ultimate out who's the who's the one person that will get an ultimate out the Zenyatta how do you do this you go for the Zen why do you do that you're going to have your ultimate if you overcommit and then you maybe get an opportunity to make a play but you have to make a play if you play due defensive you will lose this team fight this is where ult Tren comes into a play I know it's in silver but if you at least know they haven't used an ultimate in a while prepare for that there's Zen all but you're playing this is where you're playing too passive that all going to kind of maybe get two not bad fly around well before that but by the way for anybody playing like like diva in these situations I want to see you use your flight more and what I mean by that is use that Mobility to make it difficult for them to get you don't just sit there and try to face tank a reaper now you'll see me face tank a Reaper sometimes generally it's because I know I have like the the cool down advantage and I can just burst their their HP down but don't face tank a Reaper like don't just sit there in front of them and and then just give them opportunity run fly around make a play that I will say you play that very passive towards the end there you you need to look for opportunities to make some type of play or play an angle don't give them that much map control play an angle on the side where the health back is like don't just sit there and do nothing is what basically what I'm saying it's time are we [Music] ready m's on a bad swap here as long as you play correctly spam on a lot of damage don't use Nemesis form too early use it when you need to that is certainly a selection of using it that you did all right now you won't have it you're overcommit to the reaper without your cool Downs good luck to you and there we go yeah so there this is what happened your team told you you weren't playing aggressive you took you you go okay I'll play aggressive you played aggressive and then you got rolled it's a timing of your aggression not just playing aggressive to play aggressive chasing a Reaper there when you're not going to have Nemesis form you're going to fall over you will legitimately fall over and that's exactly what just happened to you I feel like you're in in a situation where you just need to work on your target priority and like you're your timeing of when you play aggro because like you went for a Reaper and then just trying to Nemesis form them and that was it that was it hey you know what I mean like we will put them in the ground yeah your team's first point has also been awful it's not been good for your team which is it feels bad because I feel like everywhere else your team's been playing okay but like your first point is giving you no time are we watching okay what your play your Tunnel Vision on the Genji we'll see how this goes all right why what was it about the what was it about the Genji that made you want to overcommit everything else rather than like Farm three people remember you can punch multiple people at once with ratra you decided to just hard focus a Genji who was going to have to back up to begin with that's your opportunity to win a team [ __ ] wanted the kill oh I see that but the point I'm making is is like yeah first of all that Genji just gave you a free Lim is that like ratra has this this capability of making like actually I like this playay in the on by the way good job um has this capability of of doing a lot of AOE damage so when you when you give up that opportunity yeah Target Focus there's a Reaper on you in the back the mercy was across the map and they were going to survive that because they were in B you're going to get the mercy now probably but do you see like where your target focus is not ideal this team fight could have already been over instead you try to get a you try to get a mercy across the map in Valk rather than the person on the point and then you couldn't get them on the point and now you have a team fight that more than likely your team will win but why is it this close to begin with you see what I'm saying like you win the team fight but that should have been over many seconds ago yeah your issue by the way isn't what your teammates were saying it's not that you're not playing aggro it's that your target focus and Target priority is so off that you kind of almost get lost in team fights so what you need to do now is when you look back at this and you see this video of you playing you need to just understand your timings and like your target priority that's it you'll be fine otherwise okay so the hanzo's typing to you you're typeing back to the Hanzo and I I could tell because they you both W AFK it was very important to do that when the game started 10 seconds in rather than beforehand so okay Target on the other team Mercy's Z if Mercy doesn't have orb on him kill the mercy if Zenyatta doesn't have a mercy on him kill the kill the Zenyatta and now you go for the mercy nice teammate should commit to that too all right yep and and this is the problem where this is kind of the problem that that happens when your teammates are telling you that you need to play more aggro is that now you've like you have taken that like very literal and you're going in and now you're playing way too aggro to try to make a play and yeah exactly overcommit all because your teammates are telling you how to go and play tank even though there's things that you can certainly work on but like when your teammates want you to play aggressive it's more just about space creation not overextended to their team and make it difficult for you like like right look at this look what you're doing you're turning your back to a Zen you're looking for like thing you're going to get a mercy probably but like do you see what you're doing like you've gotten so much like you're you're so worried about now playing that super aggro play style that your teammates expect you to play that now you've just do I need a heal I don't care do I need to do I need to hide behind the wall yeah whatever I got to play Agro like when your teammates want you to play aggressive the best thing I find in that situation it just means I need to time my my plays a little bit better it doesn't mean go run into their backline and hard te and if your teammates expect that then at that point that's on your team Al over the top all right you made it the point at least that's good now Zen probably has Al actually no do Zen use Al okay I was going to say going to Boop the mercy res I mean maybe yeah I every time I try to Boop the res I'll Boop him sick 6,000 ft away they res anytime I'm getting resed they they they like barely like slightly push them one inch and itops the rest so that's my experience all right yeah number one thing you need to work on is your target priority and Target focus is your teammates right in telling you that you need to just go in and play aggro and run at them no that's not the way to do that tanking is a little bit more the way you want to play tank now is a little bit more of like aggressive to a certain point stop it healed up go in unless you're committed to an all-in strategy you spent most of this game just trying to chase people in 1 v5s because your teammates told you to play aggro that's not the way to play that if your teammates are telling you you need to just dive in on them over and over again then at that point you need to kind of find that balance of like okay I I play a lot of tank I know what I want to do here I understand you want me to play more aggro I'm going to play more aggro but if you expect me to go in and hard feed over and over again and they get mad that I hard fed then there's got to be a balance here that was clearly not happening so take map control by being aggressive and then slowing down your pace if like you're not winning the team fight right away that's what I do it works a lot especially on diva especially in ranked different in matches obviously if you're all in committed but like that right there is is is this is for you it's just Target priority and Target Focus you just you didn't know who you want to get on you spent half the time trying to go for targets you shouldn't have and and then when you ended up did playing too passive it was because you were just waiting for something to happen sometimes you can play Diva like Tracer and that's when you start to get into that mindset it becomes a lot easier and you can understand those times but yeah if your teammates are telling you just to dive into their team and get rolled I mean look at what happens when that happens you get rolled even more so than you did before Target priority Target Focus each time look at the other team as as a good like strategy for this look at the other team see what they have decide who you think is a target priority is just a basis easier to understand and then you can make that decision of like okay Genji may not be your target priority but then you see Genji user deflect guess who your target priority start with the basics of that and you'll be fine if you like this video make sure to hit the like button subscribe to all three YouTubes if you haven't if you want to submit your own spectate and look in the description below you'll see my Discord that's where you can submit that we also record these live on stream so look below the webcam you can see the twitch chat right there we have a lot of fun here so stop by if you haven't with that being said hope you have an amazing day SL [Music] night
Channel: emongg
Views: 82,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, overwatch emongg, emongg highlights, emongg ranked, emongg competitive, emongg, emong, emmong, emoong, top 500, top500, grandmaster, grand master
Id: p7ktgkdihOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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